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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4028723 No.4028723 [Reply] [Original]

How am I supposed to ever succeed in the working world when I'm an ugly autist that has failed over 30 graduate interview processes? It's near impossible for me to pass interviews due to not being a posh and extroverted normie.

It's fucking demoralising looking at LinkedIn and seeing all these normies who are more successful than me solely due to their normieness.

It seems like being a normie, and going to a top 5 university is all that matters. And the only career paths that are worth anything are high finance, management consulting, and software at one of those huge companies.

Meanwhile at my current job, I became the ugly loser nobody talks to after one day. I used to be demoralised when seeing the calendar events filled with social events but I don't care anymore. Living in my tiny flat in London, not being able to save anything, was novel for some months but if I'm live this at the age of 30 I may as well kill myself

>> No.4028753

what's your job ?

>> No.4028783


A dead end public sector job with inflated job title so it doesn't look like I am completely wasting my time on my CV but really I am

>> No.4028793

>he fell for the go to college and become a wage slave meme

>> No.4028806

Did you act awkward and weird? Because no matter what you look like people will still converse with you.

>> No.4028840

you seem conflicted like you're pining for a normal life but somehow also accepting that you're not a normie...

The word "normie" is self explanatory, it defines NORMAL people. Most corporations, managers, coworkers want to interact with NORMAL people in a NORMAL way. That shouldn't be surprising. Weird people make for awkward and often unpredictable interactions, and people don't like awkwardness or unpredictability.

If your goals revolve around securing gainful employment, making money, participating in social activities, and ultimately changing your life before you're 30, why not take action and do something about it?

You'll never get somewhere new if you don't change your approach. Cut back on some of your current hobbies (stuff like browsing 4chan, watching movies, playing video games, or whatever the fuck you do) and start going outside more, or go to the gym, try to find some new normie hobbies, or call up an old normie friend or relative (cousin or something) that you haven't talked to in awhile and see if you can hang out with them. Find ways to throttle back your autism.

Also if you think you're really ugly that sucks and you can't do much to change your face but you can dress more stylishly, get in better physical shape, get better hairstyle, and try to behave more normally and it will go a long way.

>> No.4028947

Most of these "normies" in the corporate world aren't real normies. They just act like that. They are all fucking psychos with a 3-digit IQ that just act like "normies" and "dumb" you underestimate them. This is all psycho terrorism. You need to learn to adapt. At work act like you are the biggest "normie" in the world, but once you head home you can safely get out of your "shell" and become the autist that you are.

>> No.4028974
File: 179 KB, 375x375, 33F131EF-C809-46AB-9961-193F872252FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop giving a fuck
>invest in crypto
>turn into millionaire
>fuck all the hot bitches like you on the fast lane
>spit some wagecuck in his face while speeding past him in your Lambo

>> No.4028982

do they not have gyms in london?

>> No.4028987

>tfw dont even get interviews

Kill me already

>> No.4028992

Just keep trying! Hang in there!

>> No.4029006
File: 31 KB, 300x221, BBA769AE-A628-4FC4-88DA-A02BDCCE0B4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy

>> No.4029008

true, but tireing

>> No.4029047

I dont know how bad it is but:

Shower and wash you hair, take at least 30 seconds for each smelly part of your body.

Get a well dressed girl to help you dress up, it helps if you say she can have something too when she helps you.

Let the girl choose your haircut.

When you apply for a job and the interviewer is asking questions to find out how skilled you are look into his eyes dead serious and say: Don't worry, im good.

Don't say more than whats absolutly necessary shut up as often as you can.

>> No.4029052

youre losing all of those interviews because 3/4 of the people in them are taking drugs
you have a degree, its not something youre doing wrong. people just have unfair advantages in life.

>> No.4029057


Yes, it might be tiring but this is how the corporate world works. Everyone is a snake in a suit. You just need to act like a normie in order to make. The only other way is if you own the business, then you can literally act just like you want and people won't care because they are depended on you. Zuckerberg literally went with flip-flops to the Facebook office and barely spoke with anyone in the first couple of year. Jobs was literally an asshole JUST because he could. You need to understand, that unless you own the place, you will need to adapt in order to survive.

>> No.4029071

Mention successes. Things you have accomplished privatly. You must look capable and like someone who has goals in life.

>> No.4029077

What drugs do they take and what advantages does it give them?

>> No.4029108

>I made 1k on Bitbeans
"Bid Beans?"

>> No.4029178

"In my freetime i'm a succsessfull crypto currency trader. I taught myself how to manage portfolios of large distributed financial digital assets."

>> No.4029413

Thanks I'll keep that in mind