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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4028211 No.4028211 [Reply] [Original]

Is he that scared that his shitty oil is worth nothing in 10-20 years?

>> No.4028220

noone cares what some old farts have to say about current technology

>> No.4028228

1 Bitcoin = 1 Barrel

>> No.4028235

Whenever i hear people say shit like this, I just assume that they're coinlets who are mad because they didn't get in before btc was massive

>> No.4028236

they could make it fail by buying the entire circulating supply right now and then not selling it ever, exchange volume goes to 0, BTC becomes worthless instantly

>> No.4028251

The dopey prince?

>> No.4028254

fuck him, his country, his kingdom, his family

singlehandedly destabilizing the middle east with wahhabi bullshit

he's worried something threatens his petrodollar empire

fuck him, I hope we see the house of saud burn to the ground in our lifetime

>> No.4028261

yeah you think that would actually happen

Saudia Arabia is like 200 years behind on the rest of the world, why would I expect him to understand the potential of Bitcoin?

>> No.4028265

A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world, but the world left them behind long ago

>> No.4028281
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear hear.

I'm a Muslim but I hate wahabism with passion.

That fucking sick ideology ruins Islam and its believers.

>> No.4028298

We are the future.

>> No.4028305

>It doesn't make sense. This thing is not regulated. It's not under control. It's not under the supervision [of] any federal – elect – United States Federal Reserve or any other central bank. I don't believe in this whole thing at all. I think it's going to implode.

Such deep input, I've just sold 100k

>> No.4028309


>> No.4028316

sandniggers are one wrong move away from getting nuked to orbit by every western nation, including russia. who gives a fuck what they think, really?

>> No.4028325
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are literally desert lizard eaters who fuck their own cousins...

they weren't shit for hundreds of years, nomadic tribes in the sand dunes, using their fermented feces to make fires, while they chanted their satanic war cries

who cares what they think?

>> No.4028379

Hey don't talk about your mother like that.

>> No.4028399

yeh and they would lose money. alot of money. because the more they buy the more the price goes. until all thats left is someones 0.000000000000001BTC for $999999999999999999999999999999

>> No.4028403

Stop it guys, he's not some backward mudshit treating every one like property.
He gave the women the right to drive ! That proves he's for freedom.

>> No.4028420

slowly edging into /pol/ territory check your shitpost privilege