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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 799x597, PEPEWojakiexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4026606 No.4026606 [Reply] [Original]

This project has literally everything green-lighted:

- the team technical background is better than rock solid, they are literally scientists who published and developed real softwares during the last 20 years on the topic
- they are delivering on time
- the concept has real and concrete applications on two booming markets (cloud computing and blockchain)
- it provides to an immediate need which is processing power for Dapps and can expand to already established market after that
- the first version of the product will be delivered in one week, presented during a keynote at the Devcon 3 (so basically in front of the entire microcosm of Ethereum developers) in one week
- the token distribution is fair and it will be used as a payment method and staking solution
- they are already in partnership with french and chinese institutions. I googled what is the CNRS and if I understand correctly it's basically the entire network of public research in France which is pretty big), the Chinese Academy of Science is pretty self explanatory
- they have offices in both countries
- they are member of the EEA (+++++ for networking)
- website is great
- partnerships will be announced soon and apparently they are on their way to begin seriously marketing once it's live (if I believe the Slack)
- present on an okay amount of exchanges (Bittrex, Liqui, HitBTC) even if an asian one (Binance) would be great since afaik they have no awareness about iexec there
- they will make an AmA the 8th October

Why aren't you in anon? This shit will be a top 20 crypto by december when partnership with other Dapps and real companies will begin to flow.

>> No.4026642

golem bagholders are going to get so cucked

>> No.4026799

A partnership with CNRS ?
So they are surported by the French gouvernement or it's independant ?

>> No.4026875

Sold my dgb and bought 97k rlc. I'm shocked that this coin is as low as it is. They are keynote speaking at devcon in a week and their product launches next month. I'm expecting this coin to double but it wouldn't surprise me if it surpasses golem soon. The team is THAT good.

>> No.4026891

It's a public institution funded by the state, so yeah they are pretty much supported by the french and chinese state, especially in France where they do a lot of public private partnership.

>> No.4026899

first been bagholding, then watching this project. all I can say is it has been in free fall ever since summer. it either is the perfect time to get in or this project is just pure shit no one actually needs.

>> No.4026903

If they are working with CNRS they are "supported" in the sense that almost all scientific research is government funded, but they don't have much more to do with it than that, usually.

>> No.4026905

>they will make an AmA the 8th October
what did he mean by this?

>> No.4026909

Because it's not a P1D you moron, DELET THIS don't ruin it.

>> No.4026937

U'd be literally getting in near the bottom right now. So much is happening in the next two weeks that's it all reward no risk. The price won't go any lower

>> No.4026939

>pure shit no one actually needs.
Bingo. As with most ICO's it is inherently a worthless token and the creators are most likely slow dumping on you. They got paid, you did not - mission complete.

Even a 32mil market cap is an overvaluation.

>> No.4026972

They have no product (yet), but again many tokens that are so called to be "worth millions in a few months" have no product or are vaporwares.
Of course this can only go down, biz hype isn't enough to sustain constant pumps, look at ChainLink, until they have something concrete like a product you will be bagholding, unless you get in now at the bottom.

>> No.4027002

Not selling any of my RLC until it reaches 100$

>> No.4027010


Weak FUD, the token will be obligatory to pay and used for staking: https://medium.com/iex-ec/about-trust-and-agents-incentives-4651c138974c

>> No.4027038
File: 65 KB, 475x634, 1505579312017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4027050

It will be obligatory to pay with an ERC20 token in a marketplace platform which does not yet exist with a token that server/node providers do not want.

Good stuff.

>> No.4027054

It would not shock me one bit if poloniex added rlc soon.

>> No.4027117

I hope RLC refuses to be added on poloshit.

>> No.4027159

I hope it stays under /biz radar until it is too late to buy in cheap. Getting shilled here is making your coin get a disease like a parasite, which you don't get rid off for a while and everything you do suffers and will be delayed.

>> No.4027200

0 fucks given. I'm gonna be holding comfortably for a while.

>> No.4027239
File: 77 KB, 1042x389, ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be obligatory to pay with an ERC20 token in a marketplace platform which does not yet exist with a token that server/node providers do not want.

It's funny because it was exactly the same argument against Ethereum few months ago: "dur dur noone will hold this shitcoin, they will just trade it instantly against BTC or dollars when they will use the Dapp", literally the exact same FUD by bitcoin maximalists.
And now here we are with an ETH at 300$.

RLC will take value because:
1) there is a limited supply and the real supply will decrease over time because the attrition of tokens (people losing them just like they lose ETH or BTC by losing the private key/sending it to a bad adress, etc...) while the demand will augment because it's a booming market
2) buying/selling in bulk is a better strategy than buying/selling every minutes because of fees and the the token will be used for staking which de facto reduces money velocity and incentive to hold
3) there is no technology to to reach high money velocity right now, they are all in development (Plasma and oracles)
4) human psychology is designed in a such a way that people tend to hold what they associate with something valuable, saying that this is"a token that server/node providers do not want" is literally just your opinion. Also iexec aims at letting everyone rent his processing power from Ryan and his gaming computer in Colorado to Chang and his server farm in China, if the first one will probably sell at regular interval some of his stacks there is no reason the second wouldn't be tempted to hold and accumulate considering the growth of both cryptos and cloud computing.

>> No.4027471
File: 286 KB, 840x432, golemshitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027542


What a team

>> No.4027635
File: 147 KB, 1222x369, iexecmasterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]