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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 2048x1152, The Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4026103 No.4026103 [Reply] [Original]

building a vape shop and I can't really think of a final name. We've got "Strange Vape" cause we couldn't think of any that isn't MEH like the one we picked.

>> No.4026114

go with vape nation. Have Ethan Klein there to sponsor your grand opening.

>> No.4026115

"Vape Nation"

>> No.4026119

Crypto Vape

get some local viral advertisement that you accept crypto as payment. nobody will unironically give you any instead of just using fiat but might be worth it.

>> No.4026122


>> No.4026123

Convicted Vapists

>> No.4026126

Fuck, you had exactly what was in my mind

>> No.4026128
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Jewtubers, really?

and OP, really?

>> No.4026131

> inb4 u get sued by ethan (((klein))) for using vape nation name

>> No.4026136

Ape Vape
Tape Vape
Cape Vape
Late Vape
State Vape
Rate Vape
Link Vape
Blink Vape
Hint Vape
Tint Vape

>> No.4026137

lol I was looking at your comment, thinking... ayyyyy ;)

make your store a literal meme and people will come.

>> No.4026139

Statutory Vape

>> No.4026145

>Opening a "fad" shop
>In 2017
>Vape shop in 2017

Lmao @ your business plan bro. Say bye bye to your cash

>> No.4026149

"Statutory Vape"

>> No.4026157

Serial Vapists

>> No.4026158
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chainlink vape
link vape
chain vape

>> No.4026160

Smoke n juices
Vape juice every day
Date vape
Darth Vaper
2big E cigs

>> No.4026161

Statutory Vape.

Just like Mom's B-B-Q spareribs and Vape shoppe.

>> No.4026165


>> No.4026167

Vape shop in 2017... I see you hate money.

>> No.4026168

I'm a cunt

>> No.4026169

Oy vape!

>> No.4026175

Vapor I Hardly Know Her

>> No.4026176

Gay Nigger Vapers

>> No.4026177

Serial Vapists

>> No.4026178


V A P 0 R

Vape Ave.

Nigger Vape

Vape Plushie

Vape Ackbar

Allah Vape

>> No.4026181



>> No.4026184

Cloud 9
Vapes on (street name)
(name)'s Vapes

>> No.4026190

Vape Shill

>> No.4026194

this goy gets it

>> No.4026200

The Vapors:


>> No.4026211


>Hot Air
>Stretchy Lungs

>> No.4026212

The vapecunt rape city one isn't half bad.

>> No.4026218

Hitler's choice vapes

>> No.4026222

"Whites Only"

>> No.4026228

I'm dying over some of these names XD

>> No.4026241

Apartheid vApes

>> No.4026246

Planet of the Vapes

>> No.4026253

kek. fucking love it.

>> No.4026256

Blue Lives Matter

>> No.4026259

A Bathing Vape
Running On Fumes
Lord Vaper

>> No.4026266


>> No.4026269

Niggers Out

>> No.4026271

How about Vaporwave?

>> No.4026274

Vape the e-Juice

>> No.4026275

>A Bathing Vape


>> No.4026280

1488 Vapours

>> No.4026281

Vapes of Wrath

>> No.4026285

It's not vape if they enjoy it

>> No.4026294


My sides

>> No.4026310

moist vape

>> No.4026311


Lol this.

Vape shops are so 2015.

It's illegal in most countries and Vapers are starting to be on the same level as "Sk8ters" in terms of faggotry.

You're too late to the party bro, try to find another novel idea for your business.

Might I suggest something like 3D printing services for people.

>> No.4026314

I hope you get vaped by a pack of n*ggers

>> No.4026331


Professor Vape

>> No.4026333

Neon Vapor Shop
Urban Vapes
Underground Vapes
Alien Vapes
Raptor Vapor
Fancy Vapes
Deluxe Vapor
Pure Vapor
Vape Zone
Vape City
Vape Central
Illusion Vapes


>> No.4026352

Why do all vape shops have to look fancy as fuck ? It's so fucking retarded. You guys put vape machine in crystal balls like if it was diamond jewelry.

>> No.4026370

We also own an LED lighting company and we're whats on the "night life" area of where I live so it matches the theme of the area so far, a lot is going to change but this is it so far.

>> No.4026380


The place I live has very little vape shops and a high demand for more. We'd be the only one in a major tourist area. It was hard to get the land for the shop but we made it happen, we did months of research before we decided to start building and A LOT of people would like one closer to the area and not 20-30 miles off in another town.

>> No.4026523

Cloud 9 is kino if you can get trademarks and shit

Vicarious Vapor
The Steam Room
The Hot Box
Coil Kings
The Tank Bank

>> No.4026554


It's not like Vapes are something that someone buys regularly. Once they buy one they wont need to buy another one till years later.

Also, most of these Vape products can be bought online nowadays and they offer a much better price as compared to your retail store.

Geographically you seem to be far from most areas, I really think most people will just think of going online and buying one there.

>> No.4026560

Underrated post

>> No.4026589

Vape Escape

>> No.4026590

are you retarded? You need to buy the liquid regularly. That's how these shops make money. Do you think e-cigs run on air?

>> No.4026610

Mysterious Vapes > Strange Vape

>> No.4026615

VaporWave, thank me later.

>> No.4026632

"The Serial Vapists"

>> No.4026637

Couldn't be more wrong. Capers go through mods a lot quicker than "every few years". Try months.
Not to mention people love to try out mods before they buy, as well as juices. Most of the vape shops are becoming vape cafes anyways to try out flavours etc
People like to try before they buy

>> No.4026652

uhh... people can order 120ml of liquid online for much cheaper on the internet than they can in b&m stores. that's what I do. And people stock up when they realize they'll be running out. Nobody fucking buys regularly at a b&m, that's a meme, I refuse to believe it. It's so fucking expensive compared to online.

>> No.4026658


I mean most online retailers offer cheaper prices and bundles of these vape products online. OP may have a few customers in the beginning that are curious about these products and after trying out a few brands they'll start to develop loyalties to these brands and subsequently they will find cheaper prices online.

That's where OP will need for find some kind of niche to survive as a business, since it's basically impossible to compete against these online retailers.


I think OP shouldn't just make it a retail store, he should also turn his store into a lounge where people can hang out, maybe offer some coffee or tea or something.

I don't know. There needs to be a reason for these customers to stay in his store.

>> No.4026666

Go visit one and you will be suprised.

>> No.4026734

Pretty easy famalam. Anyone who vapes is extremely vapid, so you should name your shop the Vapid Vaper. Your mascott could be an extreme downs kid in a superman cistume wirh a fedora, named The Caped Vapid Vaper Vapor. Now you all know how stupid the rest of us think you look with a steaming poodle penis hanging out of your mouth.

>> No.4026747

you're a burger right? In EU they fucked us over and banned all liquid bottles larger than 10ml.

Don't know where OP is from, but if he's from EU he will still make money. The online prices are not that much different from retail here. Sure I could order 20 bottles of 10ml juice online but since the price difference is not that huge, often times I just grab 1-2 bottles when I go to the mall.

>> No.4026765

Vape me up before you gogo

>> No.4026778

Degenerates making money off degenerates.

Enjoy the Hell fire.

>> No.4026797

Oy Vape

>> No.4026820

Anal Vape

>> No.4026984

"Vape Culture'


>> No.4026995

Vape Squad

>> No.4026999
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Salty much? cool down m8, have a vape

>> No.4027001

Gayculture (100% real gay dolls in our store)

>> No.4027039

This is the best. It's both funny (punny) and actually makes sense in the context of a shop that has everything vape related

>> No.4027055

make this man the ceo

>> No.4027063

vapurr- worlds first vape shop cat cafe.

>> No.4027067

No Smoking

>> No.4028098

anal vape

p.s your 5 years too late with your store

>> No.4028117

Crepe n' Vape

You would have to start selling crepes though

>> No.4028118

ya because rape jokes bring the best publicity for a local business. you'll have SJW femnazis lined up outside your store talking shit, don't be retarded

>> No.4028140

ye then the fedor tipper gamer gating pol tards who use vapes will be lining up to buy

>> No.4028143
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>> No.4028154


>> No.4028158

why do any b&m stores exist then retard? sure, you'd think most people these days would just buy everything they possibly could online, but that's not reality, plenty of people (including the younger generations) still buy almost exclusively at b&m stores even tho there are better options; don't ask me why, could be upbringing, not knowing any better, some just like being able to physically look at or hold something before buying it.

there's still huge profit to be made with b&m stores. thinking otherwise is just being ignorant to reality

>> No.4028162

Magic Swamp

>> No.4028171

any news is good news anon

in fact, it's the only way his shitty and generic business idea can get a lot of attention fast

>> No.4028177

The Master Vape
The Final Solution to the E-Cig Question

>> No.4028189

any news can be better than no news, but that doesn't mean all news is equal.

Bad publicity can do more damage than good, whereas a softer approach might end up generating more business.

There's a couple generic vape stores in my city, I think "Vape Avenue" or "Vape Street" or something, and they do very well

>> No.4028214

Shaman Vape or Vape Shaman.

>> No.4028234

bathing vape

>> No.4028241

vape whistle?
rape is funny in this specific context

>> No.4028249

Law & Order: Special Vaping Unit

>> No.4028263

Ye Olde Vape Shoppe

>> No.4028268
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subtle logo

>> No.4028276
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looks good anon good luck

>> No.4028297

We get it. You vape.

>> No.4028326

First off you need to lose the Neon, that shit looks like something out of a weed or homegrown aquaponics shop. Your main customer base will be Ex-smokers. Call it something like Breath easy or Smoke-less. Something to subliminally get them thinking that's the place I need to be to quit smoking and get my lungs feeling better. You need a more grown-up aesthetic to the shop, maybe a coffee pot on the go and small area to sit down in, even if it is a sofa and coffee table. If you need extra cash then buy a coffee machine and sell lates and muffins then get some outdoor seating.

>Breath Easy
>Cool Breeze
>pure wind

Some shit like that. You are not selling to the 420 crowd despite what you may think and even if you are in a college/uni town. Coffee and snack to go with a small sit down area, ex-smoker based aesthetics and branding.

>> No.4028338


>> No.4028361
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also hide a device in your sleeve that sprays a micro mist of nicotine every time you offer them a high-five

>> No.4028366


If you can get a liquor license and you are in a country where smoking is banned indoors then you are golden.

I have been thinking about that anyway. What is the technicalities about the smoking indoors law? How many walls and how much roof does a room need to be classed as indoors/outdoors. A pub set up with an 'outdoor' room but with the warmth and comfort of an indoor one would be a gold mine in the UK right now for smokers and vapers alike. Nothing better than sitting down with a pint and something to suck on. #GayJokes One pub near me has a rooftop beer garden with astroturf and covered seating, it's great and always packed with smokers, gets a bit shit in the winter though.

>> No.4028382

LOL ffs. You put the nicotine in the coffee mate (not the milk powder I am calling you mate!) ;)

>> No.4029502


Kek. You could have fixed your sentence with a comma, mate.

>> No.4029526


Tips with your guaranteed profits here, your electronic cancer sticks / doucheflutes are still blowing up, figuratively and literally.



>> No.4029873


>> No.4029931

"It's Not Vape if You Yell Surprise"

>> No.4029943

Whee do you live anon? I've been in the vape industry since 2009. I own a pretty popular juice company. Contact me and I'll give you a good deal. 123throwawayy at geemail

>> No.4029972


>> No.4030040

Serial Vapists

>> No.4030104

Vaping Hole

>> No.4030109


^imagine that in a logo type etiquette.

>> No.4030115

Anal Vape

>> No.4030138

I see AVAIL Vapor all the time around town.

>Brain sees ANAL Vapor everytime.

>> No.4030149
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A good friend of mine works in a biomedical lab, I wouldn't invest in vaping if I were you.

I won't mention the reason here (because it is secret), but it will come out soon that vaping causes irreversible damage to the myelin sheath in your brain which will cause brain diseases like Alzheimer's and parkinsons to emerge rapidly in vapers after about 10-15 years of vaping only.

It is very dangerous stuff and I do not recommend it. You are better off quitting or smoking cigs on occasion. PR teams are already working with companies in attempt to mitigate the upcoming disaster.

>> No.4030156
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> millenial detected
> millenial bout to get rekt'ed

Call it

"Insufferable Faggots"
"Nazi Punch Vape Bunch"
"Le Epic Vapez"

Don't do any witty associations with Ethan Klein because he's a vile jew and he'll come after you. Think about the fact that he's a childless 40 year old jew with skeleton hoe that looks EXACTLY like his evil-eye mother, which further solidifies the jew incest dementia "allegations".

Just kiddin, he's a funny guy, met the love of his life in a hololol museum, and now he makes funny lel youtub vids makin fun of teens hehehe epic cringe brooo

>> No.4030166

Dank vape

>> No.4030175

vape naysh

>> No.4030182

deluded vapist

>> No.4030218
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The Vape Chamber

>> No.4030222



Could do some sick stuff with lights inside the place, play synth wave all day erry day.

>> No.4030270


>> No.4030281

>won't mention the reason here (because it is secret),
>vaping causes irreversible damage to the myelin sheath in your brain

Pick one

>> No.4030295

Are you really starting a business based on solely a fad? A dying fad even.

>> No.4030317

Vapers aren't pot heads or trendy hipsters as a majority. Most sales will come from ex-smokers and mostly of the adult variety. The hipster vaper does exist but just because OP is one and that is how the media portrays them does not mean that is where the sales will come from. OP is building a shop for the wrong target consumer.

>> No.4030327

t. guy who has never lived near a college campus

>> No.4030337

It is a fad for hipsters. His target consumer should be ex-smokers or people wanting to quit. So yes, OP is. Neon fucking lights... the place looks like it should sell bongs and aquaponics kits.

>> No.4030340
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>> No.4030406

I realise this, they are not going to be the long-term users. Students do not know what they want in general, never target a group who will grow out of something in a few years and where the next generation most likely will not pick up the last gens fad. The business will die in 4-5 years if that is the case unless the fuckers end up working in the same area and don't drop the habit, which most will. You need a steady sup0plky, like the people quitting smoking, plenty fo them to work through and pot creates more all the time. To be fair a lot of the pot smokers might be at uni too but that has nothing to do with the uni thing, the same would be true in most places people take up smoking either pot or tobacco.

>> No.4030416

Or you could know the effect but not the cause. Can I pick that one?

>> No.4030483

Gang Vape

>> No.4030730

"I Bought LINK"

>> No.4031261

No, because the cause is still vaping. The flavorings, nicotine content and PG to VG ratios are the only random factors involved unless you also take into account wattage, coils and liquid burn.

The only one here that really stands out is the flavorings, perhaps the coils/wicks too. Anything else then hardcore clubbers and DJs would have been developing Alzheimers and things for decades now.

>> No.4031351

"Big Ape's Vape" and make your logo look like Donkey Kong

>> No.4031374


>> No.4031406

Gang Vape Dungeon

>> No.4031435



>> No.4031453


This is the clear winner

>> No.4031476

Serial Vapist
Vape me daddy
Vape me in the mouth
Shutup or you'll get Vaped
Vape hard