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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4018424 No.4018424 [Reply] [Original]

>Going RVing
>"Getting pussy"

>> No.4018460

Everybody thinks about getting pussy, bro. Except gays.

>> No.4018471

Poorfag spotted

>> No.4018486

and poor people

>> No.4018492
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Things Rich people think about:

>investment gains
>where to invest next

>> No.4018496

Here's a newsflash for you OP: Getting pussy is 100% free if you're not an autistic neet.

>> No.4018508

If you've ever had a boner you're thinking about pussy
Nothing in this world is free
I think it's funny that you think poor people are the main ones with alcohol and drug problems

>> No.4018545

tracking rich people and chopping them up for relief and revenge in the woods with chainsaws. op where do you live?

>> No.4018547


>> No.4018559

>Nothing in this world is free

True, you would have to spend a couple of hours that you otherwise could spend shitposting on /biz/.

>> No.4018568


>If you've ever had a boner you're thinking about pussy

billionaires get boners from their bank full of bones, poor boi

>> No.4018572

You can find me chilling with your mom and sister in your bed

>> No.4018587

Give me a situation how you get free pussy.
How do you know so much about billionaires boners?

>> No.4018606

Ordering a girl fresh direct to my apartment off tinder or pof

>> No.4018611

or maybe you will be hunted and no one will find you

>> No.4018626

spooky i'm scared now

>> No.4018628

Fell for the smoking meme, now addicted and can't stop. I doesn't even give you a nice high, only the cravings go away.

>> No.4018633

>is a /pol/tard
>has no friends
>doesn't go out
>thinks having sex with women is a waste of time

surprise surprise

>> No.4018653


Please convince me you actually can straight up go to a bar sober and get a girl back to your apartment by not having to spend money on a single thing

fuck off

>> No.4018678

Going out to a bar/nightclub and talking to women, like yesterday

> Be there early before they charge cover
> Drink water


>> No.4018698

>Give me a situation how you get free pussy.
ask friend if they want to fuck (only if you're sure they want to) then you fuck
I've done it multiple times.
Other methods can include tinder thots and just hooking up to fuck in general, you don't have to pay to fuck, anon.

>> No.4018703
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Please, smoke more. Remove yourself from the gene pool, coz if you are retarded enough to smoke you should not be allowed to breed. Ow8, all your sperm are fucking retarded coz of it anyway, but please still kys

>> No.4018709
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Just Bought shit ton of OP

>> No.4018723

I literally did this yesterday. I've had sex with women without spending anything, sometimes I'll pay for a cab but mostly walk to my place or theirs.

If you want to learn, there's tons of material on the internet on how to get good with women. I was a virgin for a long time so learned this stuff manually

>> No.4018783


>> No.4018833

I've read many things on it, but I have that terrible inability to go up to women as I continually overthink my cringiest failed attempts and replay them over and over in my head for long afterward

>> No.4018850

First three all all drugs. Why did you seperate them? If you drink alcohol or use tobacco products you are a drug user.

>> No.4018851

just take out your blockfolio and tell them you have over 100,000 digibytes with a value of 1 cent a piece

easiest anal of my life

>> No.4018855

This is called approach anxiety and everyone feels this way. Look it up on youtube for some good tips my man

>> No.4018867
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/biz/ confirmed LOW TEST

>> No.4018887

Things biz posters do

>be NEET or min wage or student with no money
>own <5k worth of crypto
>always refer to gains and losses in %
If referred to in actual fiat value, no one would care that you lost $100 lmao

>> No.4018888

sup fellow /fit/izen

>> No.4018903


if you can't make restaurant quality food at home then your'e a brainlet

>> No.4018934

insecurity is strong in this post.
The only thing sex gives you over masturbation is confidence which people like me don't need

>> No.4018954
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>The only thing sex gives you over masturbation is confidence which people like me don't need

>> No.4018979
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>> No.4018994

tell me what it gives that isn't psychological stuff like a sense of achievement for duping a stupid female into giving her your body?

>> No.4019003
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>everyone who isn't obsessed with getting laid is a fedora

>> No.4019043
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If you don't live in Eastern Europe where pic related costs $20, you're a brainlet.

>> No.4019055

Only correct answer itt

>> No.4019064

>ground up dog intestines and beats is cheap

I'll stick with burgers made of 100% jew goo

>> No.4019089

Things OP think about:
>sucking dicks
>how to be a faggot 24/7

>> No.4019090
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I can't explain the neurochemistry of the body and dopamine releases to someone who does not have any sex drive.

If you prefer fapping to pixels over a real woman or man, thats okay. But thinking that only poor people have a high sex drive is fucking retarded.

>> No.4019107
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I get laid regularly but still jack off more than I have sex. Am I fucked?

>> No.4019111

>muh pussy
>obsesses over pictures of roid riddled frauds

Bet you're not even a natty

>> No.4019124
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>2 pictures

>> No.4019159

>I only have two pictures of roid-dick

Lemme see your folder then homo

>> No.4019192
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>> No.4019354

looks getting laid is doing nothing for you. I bet you fap more than me even though you get laid

>> No.4019382

tinder isn't free
>go to bar
not free
>ask friend if they want to fuck (only if you're sure they want to) then you fuck
never going to happen for free

>> No.4019423

>crypto """currency""""
>"""""starting"""""a business
>stock """"""market"""""
Successful people have currency, a business and own the stocks.

>> No.4019585

>The rest of the world is keeping me down, not my own shitty decisions
>All investments are frauds and no one makes money except wall street bankers
>Sweet! I made $1000 this month, better spend it all
>Life would be so much better with UBI
>I deeeseeerve more money for my zero skill job
>What is the price?

>> No.4019601

Bars are free moron.

>> No.4019961


>> No.4020046

hahahahaha fucking pansy

>> No.4020274
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>ridiculously overweight
>"I can't afford to eat healthy and gym memberships are too expensive!!"
>total cost of """healthy""" groceries: $50 for two weeks, total cost of gym for one month: $30
>total cost they spend on meals at restaurants twice a day: $90

>> No.4020335
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>Sweet! I made $1000 this month, better spend it all
>I deeeseeerve more money for my zero skill job

Fucking lol'd. I have no sympathy for these cretins.

>> No.4020450

I spend my investment gains to act poor

>> No.4020499

Poor people are obsessed with cigarettes and tattoos. What's up with that?

>> No.4020814
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Free pussy

>> No.4021124

you're triggering a lot of people, tells me who's who.
bunch of middle-class faggots in here.

You're right though, I don't know about the "RVing" though.

>> No.4021530

unironically this

>> No.4021548


>> No.4021648

They didn't always, you fucking retard. Most "successful" people with those things were born with a silver spoon in their ass. Those that weren't had to start from scratch.

>> No.4021711

this guy is so fucking gross
his teeth are so fake it's disgusting

>> No.4021729

>I need to take out loans to go to college
>I need to go to college to get a job
>I need to take out loans to get a car to get to my job
>I need to take out loans to get a house I can sleep at when I'm not at my job
>I'm going to have kids
>I'm going to make my kids do the exact same thing I did

>> No.4021750
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>> No.4021772

>Things rich people say

>> No.4021825

Great interview with Viktor Kramnik, previous world chess champion about what he spends his time at the board thinking about. The interviewer expected him to say something like "60% tactics, 40% positioning" or some bs

Instead he said "50% what I'll have for lunch, 40% women, and 10% chess"

>> No.4021845

chess got btfo by shitty 80's computers fuck off with your dead profession mystics