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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4016442 No.4016442 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tesla Motors going to recover? I bought at 350

>> No.4016458

After the fork

>> No.4016463

tesla motors? which coin is that? is there an ICO?

>> No.4016481

yeah but the main dev is a turbo autist

>> No.4016482

Stay in your designated thread boomer we need more room for crypto

>> No.4016504
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Don't buy Tesla if you are not ready to baghold for a year or more. Once Model 3 gets rolling 500k/year the shares will easily double from now.

>> No.4016506

you fell for the lies of a charlatan, a con man, a genuine scammer running on government funds

next time you'll hopefully know better

>> No.4016516

Hello and goodbye.

>> No.4016542
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>> No.4016584

They said in the whitepaper it could well become 2019. Also teh ICO was such a jew scam.

>> No.4016592

I despise that board but im not fond of charlatans either

the cult of personality has to stop, his model and planning is NOT sustainable

>> No.4016699

People have been saying he won't succeed for how long, 15 years? You clearly don't know him at all. I, on the other hand, am willing to bet my money on a genius, billionaire, physicist and an entrepreneur with an actual vision, all in one. Remember our conversation, we'll see which one of us will feel stupid in a few years.

>> No.4016723

no faggot I dont hold stocks I buy on margin

it dipped pretty hard but then it dipped again

>> No.4016745

Elon musk is a fraud. his inventions arent even possible

Terraform mars? impossible. Hyper speed tube? Impossible. yet its getting funded

>> No.4016853

>Terraform mars? impossible.
>Hyper speed tube? Impossible.
Also wrong.

Next time you try to pick low hanging fruit at least get your facts straight, you brainlet.

>> No.4017022

youre the brainlet. /sci/ picked it apart a long time ago