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4016256 No.4016256 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best altcoins to invest in. Low marketcap, good tech solving real world problems and huge overall potential.

>21m market cap
>PoS 3.0
>trustless contracting
>decentralized peer to peer private/public marketplaces
>top notch security

>116m market cap
>Decentralized exchange
>blockchains inter communications

>> No.4016438
File: 525 KB, 1040x1217, bitbayroadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currenly investing COSS and also BitBay

COSS is great because of the freaking gains, and BitBay because the roadmap for november looks perfect

>> No.4016459

civic and salt
but i don't think they cross 10 dollar, but still big margins

>> No.4016521
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I heard good things about COSS too, what does it do exactly again?

Truly a no brainer. This project is literally an hidden gem. Product is functional and released and brings game changing features to the crypto world for doing trustless commerce and contracts. Also the roadmap is damn good as you said.
It is nice that it is getting a bit of attention lately. The Merkle just did an article on it.


Why tho?

>> No.4016532

because those 2 technologies are one of a kind (at least right now).
most chances are that nothing happens, but there is also a small chance of them mooning hard

>> No.4016555

Shhh I need time to buy more Coss before everyone else gets in.

>> No.4016581

LTC will most likely break triple digits following the fork. Not because it's good but because it's the easiest coin to transfer funds from one exchange to another and the like. When money flows back into "alts" they take the "ltc" expressway

>> No.4016628

REQ, easy money

>> No.4016630

My strategy is to create a short term position, ~2x it, and exit. Rinse and repeat for a few months a month.

My roadmap for the next few months:
- EBST (I know, lol). Watch for their keynote at 3:15pm (pacific time zone) on Wednesday.
- Cindicator (expecting a continued dip until a big positive movement just before or on November 11th)
- IOC around a similar time
- Will check on Blackmoon once their buyback reserves have completed.

>> No.4016679

Too bad they are ETH tokens. I liked the idea of civ.
Ethereum is a ticking bomb. It uses PoW like Bitcoin so it has the same problems than it (centralization, slow af tx processing, waste of ressources) but the worst is that it is fucking bloated to death.
Look: https://etherscan.io/chart/chaindatasizefull
Right now a full node is fucking 350gb and its growth rate keeps getting faster.
This will lead to two options: either it will crash at some point, or either it will get centralized.
Also regarding civ, couldn't it be done by Factom alread?

Personally I only invest in coins that have their own independent blockchains. It is far safer.

>> No.4016778
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It could definitely work out if you are sur these will pump short term. Although careful if these are icos. Many icos are scammy these days. Things like >>4007610 happens for real.
You should also have at least one mid/long term invest to ensure you are just not gambling long term wise.
Personally I would adise to check out Bitbay as it is a reliable project with fantastic tech. It has enormous mid/long term potential. It will be the first crypto to have a decentralized peg ever to eliminate unnecessary volatility that prevents crypto adoption. It also has many good things that you can read there >>4016521.
Pic related how the decentralized peg works.

>> No.4016803

holy fuck. does it mean etheruem will begin to reject companies?

>> No.4016980
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Don't know but it is gonna be a fucking shitfest. If nobody can host full nodes except AAA entreprises, then it is already getting centralized. Barely no users is gonna host the current 350 gb host on their computer right now. Who the fuck has the place, time and internet conenction for that? Especially normies.
I don't even know if "rejecting companies" is possible as that would already mean that the project is under centralized authority.
Regardless, they can't unbloat the current bloat and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Either it will centralized, either it will crash.
To give you an example of comparison, Bitcoin's network is multiple times bigger than the ETH's network (Bitcoin is far older and is almost 100 billions market cap), yet a Bitcoin's full node is only around 110 gb, while Ethereum is fucking 350 gb and its growth rate keeps getting FASTER. It is gonna explode or centralize.

Btw invest in Bitbay, it is a good project with a low cap that will moon by early 2018.