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File: 91 KB, 1024x831, F7B15B41-A5AB-4C51-B384-B5F6C1DE8A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4015288 No.4015288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are women bad ROI?

>> No.4015296


>> No.4015311

monetarily yes but there are other goals

if you get a woman to shit out ten kids for you youve gotten a lot

>> No.4015317

Only if you are a beta cuck

>> No.4015322

the spicy meatball game?

>> No.4015328
File: 256 KB, 1800x1348, Therapist whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For there to be a "bad" ROI, there has to be an ROI to begin with. They are shitcoins pre-mined and pumped and dumped by Chad, and they want you to be bag holder.

Fuck em' and chuck 'em.

>> No.4015329

Only if she doesn't make her own income that is comparable to your own or more and wants kids. Kids are the worst investment.

>> No.4015375

Terrible, especially if you fall for the monogamy ponzi scheme. Just learn how to scam them back with tinder day trading techniques and never get emotionally involved.

>> No.4015392
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Women are what makes it all worthwhile

>> No.4015406

Long term, yes. Only invest in women short term.

>> No.4015409
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>> No.4015429

lol just token swap yourself into master race trap and stake it, with this protocol I don't need a partner and keep all my gains for myself.

>> No.4015436


A parasitic organism that offers only her hole and requires you to support her, protect her, compete with other men for her and can ruin you at any time?

Are you unironically a nigger? The day we truly invent artificial wombs and sex bots women willlose ALL value

>> No.4015614

Women are luxury goods. Like lambos.

>> No.4015620
File: 9 KB, 150x150, IMG_20170930_145156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think this was shitposting, but my god i'm realizing you shitstains are actually serious.
Are all men equal? Haven't you fuckbrains coined yourselves the term "chad" to describe an unlikeable stereotype of men? If not, then why should all women be the same? Did all those pussiless years of bullying turbocuck your brain into being able to psychotically doublethink that hard? Jesus christ. Stop being bitter manchildren and there might yet be time to save your soul. When you're 45 and barely think about sex, your parents are dead and all your friends and siblings busy with their own families, only 1% of you will have careers and hobbies interesting, fulfilling and time-consuming enough to keep the loneliness at bay. The rest of you will be the pathetic uncles daddy uses as a counterexample when teaching his kids about people that had great prospects and made the absolutely worst decisions and ended up hollow souls chasing ephemeral pleasured of a decaying body

>> No.4015629

Yes somehow u will pay for dat hose dip even if u are an alfacuk

>> No.4015656

the one on the right has a stinky pussy

>> No.4015665
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sauce ?

>> No.4015666
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I‘m glad that I rejected every cunt who wanted me, this gave me time to accumulate enough money to invest into my Lamboticket.
With a cunt on my side I would have never managed to get that far.

but yea woman are a luxury good, you gotta need wealth to afford a decent one.

>> No.4015675

Said like a true neckbreard living in his mom's basement.

All those things you said, protecting her, caring for her, providing for her are what makes you feel a man,in the end of the day.
Unless you're shut in autist who owns q body pillow and thinks that "all womyn are evil and just want to steal my shit hurr durr mgtow"

>> No.4015711

Roastie defense force in the thread early, I see.

Listen man, women are broken. It isn't their fault, but we're in the end times of Western society and trying to sweep it all under the rug and say that men just need to man up isn't going to work on people that aren't sleepwalking through life.

I'm not saying there aren't great women out there that would be good mothers and good, loyal wives but they are becoming harder and harder to find. You don't need to take my word for it though, just look at the divorce statistics and look at how hostile mainstream culture is to the traditional nuclear family.

>> No.4015734
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>> No.4015748
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cute ais will make women obsolete anyway

>> No.4015757

>being a slave a walking gash that brings nothing else to the table is what makes me feelz like a man
>proceeds to call everyone else neckbeards


>> No.4015805

>ITT betacucks who have never had sex and who hate women because they enjoy getting fucked by chad

no amount of crypto money will make you desirable you fat, greasy, pathetic nerds

>> No.4015812


But thats true man

>> No.4015815
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T. women (probably not pretty)

>> No.4015823

I'm on some dating sites and every woman on there says "I looking for a man who can be my best friend." I don't want to be your best friend you roastie whore. You're shallow and your intellect is not advanced enough to be my best friend. Cook, clean, fuck and be nice. That will give you some worth in my eyes.

>> No.4015839
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I dont care, thanks to crypto I've made so much money I literally dont care what she spends
Feels good to have someone to cuddle in your bed, someone to ask how your day went, if you're feeling good or not. Feels good to have sex with her, feels good dining out and going to see a movie with her. Feels good when she praises me for every little thing I do. Feels good to feel accomplished and have a soulmate.

What do you feel beside an empty bed and jacking off to naked japanese cartoon people?

>> No.4015843

Ah. Another low IQ pol thread

Go back to your echo chamber woth the other mouthbreathers

>> No.4015846


Listen, I don't know if you are new to this site but this is shitposting, you can see them in all boards trying very hard to get a reaction out of people (mostly weak baits), you just have to learn and have fun with them, it's so funny seeing them try so hard and get so angry when one person doesn't agree, it's redditoddler tier.

You can always choose to ignore it or make them angrier and have a laugh, it's hilarious.

>> No.4015849

join this crypto P&D and be richhhh nice weekly income $$$$ https://discord.gg/tUZVSCv

>> No.4015852

From a financial standpoint, marrying a woman is buying at the ATH and holding. Not to mention she can dash with half your shit without being obliged to provide any reason whatsoever.

What's a man to do?

>> No.4015854

this to be honest. i have nothing against women but statistically speaking they are shallow and dumb. it's way better making male friends instead of wasting your life on educating a dumb roastie who may or may not cuck you anyway later

>> No.4015874

That's what alpha males do
It's ok though, you don't have to be an alpha to live, you can be one of the omegas and just eat the rests

>> No.4015876

Funny story. I thought I found a gem about 6 months ago. She had only been with 3 other guys. After 4 months of dating, we took a little break. During that time she fucked 3 more guys. Now she wants to get back together and I'm like nooooo, fucking whore.

>> No.4015930

maybe you're really bad at fucking?

>> No.4015940

>I dont care, thanks to crypto I've made so much money I literally dont care what she spends


>> No.4015947


>A parasitic basement dweller that thinks women only have one hole

No wonder you feel like you're not getting a return on your investment, stupid!

>> No.4015949


You'll never reach your ROI, you'll constantly be investing more money

>> No.4015974

I heard something like this that seems true:

Women arent nessisarly dumber they just lack variety. they are all mostly the same average intelligence with very rare cases of high intelligence

with men, their is much greater variety, you have many complete retards as well as many geniuses

>> No.4016015

Women are like ICO

Most are shit but with sheer luck or a lot of research you can find a good one that is a good ROI

>> No.4016070
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Not an argument
My dick's thicker than your tiny wrists, faggot
Of course the best women are hard to find, anon. That's what makes them "best". They're x deviations ahead of the curve. Right now your complaint is that the average woman is ungrateful, disloyal and entitled. You gotta understand that 100 years ago men turned to whores because their wives were bad at sex and poor housewives. Different generations, different problems. But the perception that most women aren't worth the effort is always there, because the bell curve is always there. You gotta take responsibility and place yourself ahead of the men's curve so that you can pick ahead of the curve yourself. You can't give up, or your genes will literally be wiped out. You are the male counterpart to the postmodern feminist: doomed to cease to exist out of your own stupid choices.

>> No.4016080

how does it feel knowing that she is probably cucking you right now?

>> No.4016098

It's a very simple concept:

If they didn't have vaginas, 99% of women would be single, because men would have no real reason to interact with them.

We don't seek them out and interact with them because we enjoy their personalities.

>> No.4016102

That's true, but If you hit top percentage intelligence, which isn't that high, basically no women are smarter than you. It's frustrating. About 1 in 200 people are smarter than me (in countries with mean 100 iq) but those people are basically never female.

>> No.4016107

Massimo Bottura is a world class Italian chef who currently runs one of the top 3 restaurants in the world. He was a no-name cook and pretty much an uncultured italian macho until he met his wife while working in new york. She introduced him to arts and helped him organise the dozens of ideas he had every day, the restaurant he opened first was a complete disaster until his wife took care of management. The restaurant is now regularly on the top 5 of the world's best and has been given three michelin stars. He is now worth around 15 Million Euro, which for a non-french or english speaking chef (the Ramsay, Jamie Oliver types) is fucking huge.

so yeah, for him it was worth it.

>> No.4016125

>You gotta take responsibility and place yourself ahead of the men's curve so that you can pick ahead of the curve yourself.
100 years ago, a man could easily find a virginal 18 year old ready to be faithful and start a family. Today, a woman who is "ahead of the curve" is a used up roastie whore who has absolutely nothing of value to offer other than the gash between her legs.

>> No.4016133

go back to b tard

>> No.4016134
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I'm not new at all, i first started browsing /fit/ some five years ago. As much as /fit/ complained about stacies they always had the very firm idea that "we're all gonna make it" and "find a qt3.14 traditional asian gf". It was narrowminded, but at least it was something. They hadn't given in to nihilism, they were actively trying to better themselves and their goal only made their resolution clearer

>> No.4016142
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Is anything you enjoy a good ROI? You can't measure things like happiness and sexual satisfaction in dollars, so it's really just up to you. Is a good steak worth the money? Or a nice whiskey?

In my opinion no, I've picked up whore mongering since I made bank in crypto and haven't looked back since. I made 700k this year and have fucked over 100 whores in 6 countries so far. It is the best.

Stick with expensive asians or whites, no blacks or hispanics because they are dirty and have the highest chance of STIs. Don't skimp out when it comes to hooker, usually the more you pay the better/safer.

>> No.4016160
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>I play video games all day
>when I'm not playing video games I am 'arguing' with people online
>oh, but I also have other passive hobbies such as watching ecelebs on youtube or stream
>my life mostly resolves around consuming pop culture, of which I'm actually not aware of
>god, modern western women are so shallow compared to men

>> No.4016164

he sold his soul to marry a reptilian jewess and now he's successful, shocking.

>> No.4016181

Sounds like he married a gold digger that cashed in on his chef skillz. By the way, just because he's got lots of money, doesn't mean his wife isn't making him absolutely miserable. He's probably banging qts on the side.

>> No.4016205


well she is the one who made his work talent valuavle through management and organisational skills.

No use in being a genius that can think of 10 different new recipes each day if you can't even write them down.

>> No.4016215



>gold digger
>marrying a COOK who happens to be an immigrant

sure thing faggot, this makes complete sense

>> No.4016227


>> No.4016237

what do you earn from making babies? hint: nothing

>> No.4016243
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You incompetent, basement-dwelling, cheeto-munching donkey. I actually know what your fucking problem is now. You are a loser, and because of that don't have access to decent women. I've met hard-working, morally impeccable, smart women more beautiful than any stacy you come across in those cheap bars you find yourself in. But do you know why you don't see them? Because they're not out clubbing, imbecile. They're doing charity somewhere. They're taking cooking classes or dancing lessons. They're looking for smart people to join their study group when the finals are right around the corner. They're out of the house doing something worthwhile, whilst your sorry ass sits in your mom's basement listening to a polynesian scuba-diving discussion club.

>> No.4016257

yes indeed i recommend anyone who is still young to first take care of themselves save and see the bigger picture, these blood sucking gold diggers are ever where but there are good ones out there that can better your life

>> No.4016266
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These hoes be ROI the shit out of my money

>> No.4016286

Wow man, I'm with you but don't diss El Paco's top ten breathing masks for snorkeling. That shits legit.

>> No.4016290

>They're looking for smart people to join their study group when the finals are right around the corner.
Bitch, I don't want a college educated woman. What the fuck good does a degree do when her job is to cook, clean, fuck and squeeze out some kids?

>> No.4016313

I agree with you OP my brother is filing for divorce he says that office is full to the max, there are still some good partners out there but most of them will suck your money and soul out of you the risk is much muc higher then reward i have seen many men almost go homeless because the fucking cunt took the kids house cars everything, Roastie tell us what is better to know that you had it all and lost it because of a cunt or just be happy and have a good life still banging sluts but the smart way

>> No.4016356
File: 141 KB, 902x1128, 21980917_1131559603641131_4192539099153825792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the /r9k/;/pol/ hivemind mongoloid fedora tippers are at their peak.
Please sincerely fuck off from /biz/
Here we appreciate the finer things in life, including women.
Have fun cuddling those bodypillows and close your door on the way out.

>> No.4016408

I have no problem viewing women as usable commodities with the specific purpose of offering sexual pleasure. Beyond that, they really have no value.

>> No.4016426

>any woman pre-menopause
>morally impeccable
hoo boy

>> No.4016430
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dating women is the reason I no longer date women.

>> No.4016443

This thread is the reason why when I have 21btc, I'm buying a 10 year old loli bride.

>> No.4016476

Women are like corporations. The good ones are too expensive for you to afford voting rights and nearly all of the rest are money pits that turn into shit companies when someone buys all of their shares.

>> No.4016492
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>hurr durr women are objects

>> No.4016496
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>> No.4016524

Loaded question,
And no.

>> No.4016529

I am only making money so I can support a future family.

Why would I need money for anything else? Status? Toys? It is all pointless. I could retire with my money right now if I didn't want a family and I'm 25.

>> No.4016539

That last paragraph. Damn does that sum up american women to a fucking T.

>> No.4016545


Ya why is /biz/ overrun with incels? Can't get laid, must mean women are shit.

>> No.4016547

Marrying is like buying DGB or LINK. Bagholding a forever depreciating asset.

>> No.4016577

Femanon here, and did you ever stop and just meet a woman?
Just take the time to get to know a female human?
Please do sometime.

Would you say such a thing about your mother?
On second thought, maybe you would makes you nearly as terrible as the woman portrayed in that screencap.

>> No.4016583


Found the guy who's never had his dick touched.

>> No.4016594

>Haven't you fuckbrains coined yourselves the term "chad" to describe an unlikeable stereotype of men?
Chad is a deity. He's practically a demigod that serves as an archtype for the perfect, hi-test, male specimen

>> No.4016599
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>> No.4016601

I get laid. I even have a gf. Women are shit. I mean, it's nice to have a warm body around the house, but it's not like she serves any real purpose in my life. She doesn't add anything substantial because she's a woman, she can't.

>> No.4016603


>> No.4016609
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>> No.4016614

Only the weak and trashy women do this, for the love of God, find yourself a good woman

>> No.4016616

HOLY FUCK BROOOS Talking about this topic i am at work right now i see one of the managers from a different department looks depressed as fuck, ask him everything ok, he says one of his best friends killed himself because the wife cuck him hard, would even send him pics of her sucking dick in bed with people he knows, leaves behind a kid wtf fuck that whore i would have blocked her f number

>> No.4016625
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>identifies wholesome women make 0.000001% of female population with 99.99999% antithesis on feminist/cuckold applauded gold digging nigger fucking gender-dysphoric whores from age 12
>welp try harder cheeto-muncher
Kek. You emasculated white-knight chode-bearing faggot nerds are the reason the west is in this irreversible state of total degeneracy right now.

>> No.4016627


Ah, so you're an in the closet fag. Gotcha.

>> No.4016632

I think you're right. Paying for things to improve your health and for people to do stupid shit for you is also worthwhile, but that costs a fraction of a toy.

>> No.4016634


>> No.4016635

>find yourself a good woman!
Nah. I've dated enough women to know what they are like.

>> No.4016644

>Is anything you enjoy a good ROI?
Literally this.

>> No.4016656
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>> No.4016657

People who despise women are the same cucks that had their lives filled with rejection

Absolutely pathetic beta males

>> No.4016669

see >>4016599
>m-m-muh beta male virgin!

>> No.4016674


Yup. This whole thread. These faggots trying to act macho spend their nights alone in the dark stewing about the fact that nobody has ever wanted to, or will ever want to touch their dick.


>> No.4016693
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Pic related is my end game

>> No.4016712

Not at all. I just don't apply unwarranted value to women as they are merely cum buckets that occasionally cook and clean.

>> No.4016716


>arguing with holes

>> No.4016721
File: 66 KB, 960x540, LE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see someone else liked my pics of LE, for uncensored go here https://imgur.com/a/YlL9Z

>> No.4016732


> arguing with incels

grats on being a bitter lonely sad sack of shit

>> No.4016733


>> No.4016746
File: 19 KB, 495x362, ahhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i clicked on that link and now all my sperms are gone!!!

>> No.4016758


Your mom is the only cum bucket I know. No wonder you still need mommy in your life to keep you alive. Pathetic worthless faggot.

>> No.4016767

Delude yourself however you want. I bet you already fell into the trap that is marriage and now you are trying to cope.

>> No.4016768

Who is she? Does she have an instagram?

>> No.4016772

someone is triggered. jimmies rustled. bitch, know your place.

>> No.4016783
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I see you're a man of culture as well.

>> No.4016796


Nah, I just despise beta faggots, and that's all this thread is. A bunch of sad sack incels hurr durring about womenz while acting like a bunch of whiney bitches themselves.

>> No.4016812

Read your posts. You're the whiny bitch. And you've learned how to become that way because you spend too much time around women.

>> No.4016816

>no pussy pics

roastie confirmed

>> No.4016828

Yeah I want a daughter. I feel like I'd be a good dad.

Please don't tell me you meant something else by that picture.

>> No.4016829
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who needs women eh

like a wise anon once said : marriage is buying an asset at ATH and bagholding forever

I guess there are long term benefits such as sex and companionship
pump and dumps will burn you out
but you also miss out if you never invest
there's no way to win

>> No.4016838

It's very funny retards not buying appreciating but buying depreciating in masses.

>> No.4016840

retard this is the nigger mentality, thinking that just pumping out 12 retards and not raising them correctly will end in one of them getting rich
news flash: your kids are going to be a financial burden until well into their 20s and you wont turn a profit on them until youre in your 40s and you cant just openly demand money, they'll just pay for your 200k heart surgery


>> No.4016860


Well I'm glad to hear you enjoy spending so much time with men. There's a word for that. Its called a faggot. I bet the gym locker room is your favorite time of day isn't it?

>> No.4016876

You're salty as fuck. Really makes one think why.

>> No.4016903

holy shit I just went through all her pics. Never before have I seen such a beautiful girl with such fertile curves. I literally want to impregnate her.

>> No.4016929

Well, this may surprise you, but there is a life to be had outside your female dominated social circles. When men get together, things are accomplished on a wide scale. When women get together, drama and confusion is accomplished. Men push each other to excellence. Iron sharpens iron. Women push each other to feuding and nonsense.

>> No.4016935


Because I've heard all this garbage a million times and its boring af. I have friends who rant and rave with all the same boring af arguments. And you know what. Without fail everyone I've met who uses them is the biggest fucking loser ever, hiding behind recycled redpill talking points. It comes from people who's sex comes only ever occasionally, and who under the surface fucking hates themselves.

You're lying to yourself you incel beta fucks. You don't have a problem with women. You have a problem accepting that you're the whiney, bitter, worthless bitch yourself.

>> No.4016945


You don't do shit and you know it you fucking loser. You're on fucking 4chan. You've accomplished nothing with your life you deluded fuck.

>> No.4016958
File: 78 KB, 493x640, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laura Earnesty. Found a bigger album pic unrelated

>> No.4016959

I'd invest in her assest if you know what I mean

>> No.4016979

Well, unlike you, I'm not unhappy. The reason for this is because I haven't been taken, hook line and sinker, by feminist ideology. I'm sorry you don't approve of your friends. Perhaps you should get more female friends.

>> No.4016992

Now this is a man with a head on his shoulders.

>> No.4017003

fuck, i'm hungry now

>> No.4017009

2D women aren't

>> No.4017018

Why are you projecting so hard? Why are you so triggered? You sound very frustrated. Probably cognitive dissonance happening from all the liberal, feminist programming you've been subjected to.

>> No.4017024

holy shit how true is this?

Ive seen it everywhere.. women just pretend to be interested in stuff to appease to men.

Sports, videogames, politics, you name it.
Same as women going to college, they are there just for the college men, to get a future well paid husband.

>> No.4017053


lulz. so being able to speak to women, to befriend women, to fuck women, and to respect women is being taken in by feminist ideology? well then lets look at your ideology.

women don't respect you, they don't enjoy you, and they sure as fuck don't want to fuck you. so you masturbate with your tears and put your brave face on by dehumanizing them, saying they're the problem, that they're worthless, that they're a depreciating asset. all the while you fail to accomplish anything in life, you bitch and moan and need an ego boost and re-assurance from all your incel friends that you're alpha. you take on all the same "womanly" traits you claim to despise. you're a beta acting alpha from your safe space because you can't accept that beta is all you'll ever be so further down the rabbit hole you fall, and the more repugnant you are to women.

enjoy your forced celibacy and comradery in the change room faggot.

>> No.4017072

My sister and her husband are a prime example of how this can go bad. He's sort of a beta that wanted his wife to be his best friend. So he expects her to love all the things he loves. He bought her a new road bike, mountain bike, climbing shoes, kayak, etc. But my sister was raised by a real man who taught her what a women is supposed to be. So she doesn't go do all his hobbies with him and gets really upset. She just wants to sit around, play in her garden and chat with her girlfriends. Her hubby is going to have to actually go and and make real, male friends.

>> No.4017133

yeah its the same with my brother. But his GF does everything he does, probably cause she cant afford to lose him.

>> No.4017165
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[woman detected]

>> No.4017173

The only beta cuck here is you, defending pussy like a mad dog white knight like they have conditioned you to do

>b-b-but reeee virgin beta male alpha bitch

Your only argument is sex, and extrapolating assumptions and "facts" from your own whiny ass

>> No.4017180

and an ugly one for sure

>> No.4017202

The funny thing is that beta cucks who defend women are NEVER the ones getting pussy, ever

All the virgin feminists get dumped for the Chad misogynist

>> No.4017211

as someone who has had sex with married women, this strikes me as true

>> No.4017221


lulz. its not just about sex. its about knowing the exact kind of person who spouts redpill garbage. you're a fucking caricature. you were the losers in highschool, and you remain the losers in life. the self loathing is palpable.

keep telling yourself you're alpha. you'll die lonely and bitter and your worthless bloodline can be culled from the planet.

>> No.4017242

Man, you're so wrong. Don't be a cunt, it pays off!

>> No.4017252

Imagine being this much of a beta

all men shit talk on women, you would know this if you have ever had friends

>> No.4017277

It won't be long until robots make relationships completely obsolete for me, so I don't make it a point to try to deal with women anymore. Just saying this really seems to bother a lot of people for some reason. Technology has replaced everything else but no way it could ever replace a person!

>> No.4017301

Spouting platitudes to justify the worst emotional and financial decision a man could make.

LMAO I'll be the one fucking your wife while you're working overtime.

Most of the people who need a woman in their lives for emotional fulfillment have bad relationships with their families. This is why low class peasants get married so early.

>> No.4017327


There's a difference between your average jokes and the cult of redpill. Circle jerks are for faggots you faggot.

>> No.4017350

same, its mindblowing when people are like "hurr durr virgin" i've banged and dated plenty of women, they are all the same, but morons think they gonna find some special snowflake.

>> No.4017410

Youre trying to tell me whats a joke and what isnt? Men think women are retarded

maybe you are a woman, thats why you dont know

>> No.4017792
File: 56 KB, 700x700, 59d4959bd4a9a_YQVjrQ1__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married male here, just curious if the MGOTW meme a cleverly disguised gay pride movement? I mean, how do you betas find balance in your life? Feminine and masculine energy is the yin and yang - how do you find balance when you're busy sword fighting all day?

>> No.4017903


I see a lot of trash talk and ad homs against anonymous people (ad homs don't work that way, son) but no arguments.

Go bitch at businesses to come back to the U.S without changing draconian regulations. Tell the workers in the Soviet factory to work harder and faster even though they'll be paid the same as they ever were. How far will you get?

You'll get nowhere. The Government has intervened in sex, marriage, childhood, etc, and women want it that way. The incentive structures are fucked in relationships similar to the way they are in business. Men are responding to women the way business responded to regulation: re-allocation of resources away from the U.S, re-allocation of resources away from women.

I don't like it anymore than you men.

>> No.4017934

>crypto rich
>fuck escorts when you need feminine energy

>> No.4017953

>It's a very simple concept:
>If they didn't have vaginas, 99% of women would be single, because men would have no real reason to interact with them.
>We don't seek them out and interact with them because we enjoy their personalities.

Underrated post

>> No.4017981

>Sword fighting
You just whack it once or twice a day and forget women exist entirely.
For most guys it is impossible to get someone that will like them for them.
There aren't enough good women to go around so someone has to end up with nothing.
Women can get by with just whoring around and getting a divorce for money.

>> No.4018009
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>lol mgtows are gay virgins
gee, haven't heard that one before

>> No.4018023


>women are innately good

Dude, do you live in the 1950's? Are you a fucking trad-con? That is not what young women in aggregate are like, at all, whatsoever.

You don't give women the basic respect to admit they're pieces of shit like most people. You idolize them, venerate them. You make them higher than human, all because you want your pee pee touched.

Holy god damn fuck, this is some kind of confabulation, right? And more ad homs against complete strangers.

>> No.4018039
File: 103 KB, 853x612, femIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would someone avoid women?

>> No.4018060

>Married male here, just curious if the MGOTW meme a cleverly disguised gay pride movement? I mean, how do you betas find balance in your life? Feminine and masculine energy is the yin and yang - how do you find balance when you're busy sword fighting all day?

You don't marry her, you just keep fucking her until she falls in love with you................. and then after that............. you just keep fucking her............. at no point in the process is marriage required or necessary.

Marriage is something women and feminine men want. They get it from fictional tv and movies that they take as examples of how to be.

>> No.4018065


Women are people. Put them on a pedestal, they will only fall, and you will destroy yourself in the process.

As for me, I bought ETH at under $2, XMR at under $9, and ZEN at just under $4.

Suck my cock and open your veins.

>> No.4018079

WOMEN coin has 1000% apr, pretty excellent staking rate, what's all this bad ROI talk?

>> No.4018081
File: 106 KB, 1014x817, pajeetRoastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4018082

Women are a depreciating asset.

>> No.4018108


You came in here and ruined everything. Just ruined the whole fucking thing. This post you're getting will be worth it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.4018119
File: 855 KB, 946x4399, dgup9bphxgkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4018199
File: 32 KB, 1880x310, No Women is No Excuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's not much feminine energy to find.

I'm not labeling myself MGTOW for the same reason I don't label myself straight edge for not drinking or doing drugs, which is that most labels are for fags.

>> No.4018232


>I want to work with Chad: The Post

>> No.4018236

>What do you feel beside an empty bed and jacking off to naked japanese cartoon people?
Not annoyed, like I am now with my current gf and every gf I've ever had. But then when I'm single I want a relationship. never ending cycle man

>> No.4018335

So MGOTW is a anti-marriage movement then? I suppose I got lucky with my wife who started her own business and pays her own bills. We file separately and don't plan on having kids - so we don't fit the normal married couple theme. She's a one of a kind, and I know that I can rely on her at any moment. I suppose we're both a dying breed born on the cusp of GenX and Millennials

>> No.4018375

>knuth, dijkstra, hamilton....
Just skimming over these guys life bios.... they sound like stereotypical nerds

>> No.4018450

>don't plan on having kids
She will get one form Tyrone whether you like it or not. this is why the white race is dying

>> No.4018490

>plot twist
She doesn't want them either - the world is going to hell in a handbasket, why procreate?

>> No.4018511

The very fact you have the empathy to not want to bring somenoe into what you've realized is a doomed world is what makes your genetics so much more precious than that of the concrete jungle nigger and the mezito mongoloid.

>> No.4018520

How about we don't generalize half of our population lmao

There are a ton of shitty women and some great ones. I think the most important thing is to find a woman that doesn't always depend on you and has her own life and interests. Needy women with nothing going on can ruin a man's life.

>> No.4018536

to expand, this is indicative of a deeper type of critical thinking which is requisite to what we call civilization builders and/or maintainers. which is why the jew has tried so hard to incentivize the birthrate from the opposite end of the spectrum.

>> No.4018546

dont worry, your cuck genes will die and niggers and spics will continue on having 5+ kids, they dont care if there is 10 billion of them.

>> No.4018575

haha go back to /pol/
I know it's hard to feel any sense of self-worth because you most likely have achieved very little, but clinging onto feelings of superiority from things out of your control is just super pathetic to me.

>> No.4018593
File: 46 KB, 752x331, XwonxLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4018596

I would give you a serious response but

>There are a ton of shitty women and some great ones

>only some are bad and some are good

Is intellectually dishonest and shows your mind is already poisoned by egalitarianism.

>clinging onto feelings of superiority from things out of your control is just super pathetic to me

Much as clinging onto feeling of inferiority for reasons you attribute to evil white males which did not have any major hand in the things you see oppressing you today.

>> No.4018644
File: 38 KB, 749x552, 12524159_10201645129567886_2668252395062804193_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your cuck genes will die and niggers and spics will continue on having 5+ kids, they dont care if there is 10 billion of them
I'm fully aware and I grapple with this issue regularly. It's almost as if having a child would be simply an offering to the meat grinder. I know my genes are important, but it all feels hopeless to try.

Also, not a cuck
>Combat veteran
>Blu eyes, born blonde
>Always able to get the women I want

>> No.4018650


>How about we don't generalize half of our population lmao

This post stinks of reddit

>> No.4018669

Who cares if my genes are passed on? This world will end and none of it matters. Get it? This world won't last much longer.

>> No.4018680

should have killed the bitch.
could have gotten rid of two of them

>> No.4018687
File: 61 KB, 512x512, 1508209887871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're good looking enough the women will pay you not the other way around

>> No.4018695
File: 1.50 MB, 867x2193, roastie doesn't know bf is loadedSaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4018713

Women are predisposed to be boring, average and cunty, combine this with a degenerate and vile society and you have a recipe for disaster.

There MUST be good women out there, as it's a statistical fact, just like some niggers are smart. But you'll only be able to get one if you're willing to work on yourself, and that largely includes being able to detect red flags and having a high emotional intelligence.

If you can't even detect when a woman is shittesting you, you're fucked

>> No.4018735
File: 69 KB, 395x450, 1508034547448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4018776

yes it will be your fault if we go back to the dark ages for another 10000 years full of niggers, arabs and spics as you will be all out breed and once we realize whites run the planet, not apes, it will be too late, selfish twats

>> No.4018814

and you guys wonder why no women come here. most of you are bitter because your ugly and no woman has shown you any attention

not all of us are out to get you guys. get it through your thick heads.

if a guy respects himself and treats us with respect we’ll give him that in return. It’s very simple. The day he stops respecting us and just drags us through his daily life without caring for our needs, then it’s over. However most guys just focus on that without thinking about all the days when men just let themselves.

Anyways there is no point to argue with you ugly bitter virgins.

I like to make my own money and expect my man to do the same.

>> No.4018816

When the West falls then East Asians will rule the world

Mass numbers of whites are then going to flock to Asia, creating a hapa/whitish ethnic group

The world won't fall to darkness, but future chinese kids will get a harsh history lesson of what europe did to themselves

>> No.4018832


>> No.4018834

>why no women come here
we surely dont need them in cryptos bitch

>> No.4018896


>dude not all X are like that

>> No.4018922

i hope the chinks grind up and eat every non-white and non-asian on earth (also the british are fucked)

>> No.4018933

No one wants women to come here, mr. room-temp IQ

>> No.4018940

I love how you can identify the exact type of person >>4016496 mentions just by a simple string of text.

And you probably dont even realise how you manage to pull it off

>> No.4018970

Yup Western men let their women get too out of hand without putting them in their place.

>> No.4018983

holy shit. The mental gymnastics

The last post she says her relationship was ended 'abruptly' by her ex.
The first post she clearly says it was her decision.

Wtf man I'm glad I got a good gf

>> No.4018991

>without caring for our needs

>> No.4019021

>>>4018060 (You)
>So MGOTW is a anti-marriage movement then? I suppose I got lucky with my wife who started her own business and pays her own bills. We file separately and don't plan on having kids - so we don't fit the normal married couple theme. She's a one of a kind, and I know that I can rely on her at any moment. I suppose we're both a dying breed born on the cusp of GenX and Millennials

Yes, you are both special snowflakes, and the statistics don't apply to you.


>> No.4019120

> The day he stops respecting us and just drags us through his daily life without caring for our needs, then it’s over.

It's not his job to care for your needs. You're a grown adult, you're supposed to be able to care for your own needs already.

He doesn't exist to help or please you. You're supposed to be whole already (at least by the time your 18). If not, your parents fucked up somewhere along the way.

>> No.4019349

that is when you just answer "yes" and go back to 2D

>> No.4020097

god fucking damn

>> No.4020299

There is no solution to these broken cucks. It is true, a majority of the shitstains here are mentally damaged.

>> No.4020541
