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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4011749 No.4011749 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better?

>> No.4011762

hope they merge into one coin so i don't have to choose

>> No.4012060
File: 88 KB, 450x410, Cossy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kucoin has bigger volume and better UI/UX right now but the way their fee split is distributed clearly makes it a security which basically translates to "illegal" in most of the civilized countries, also China/Hong Kong. They also promise 90% of the fee split but this is shady as (1) they can change this any time; (2) part of that 90% is from affiliates (I guess likr 40%?) and (3) IIRC this 90% is only for a limited time to promote the exchange. Correct me if I'm wrong.

COSS on the other hand have DAO for split distribution, the 50% split is hardcoded in smart contract, and the way DAO handles it makes it NOT a security. That was also the reason why they had a delay with the distribution system - their lawyers decided that the original way they planned to do that had a chance to mark the COSS token as a security so they took additional time to make sure it's all following the rules of law.

Their UI/UX and exchange speed is worse than Kucoin but they just hired new team to focus solely on that matters. What's coming soon is new trading view, they'll also probably redesign the whole layout but that may take a few weeks/months. They are also very much aware of slow connection issues and they're also working on that, so that the order book won't hung etc.

What's also important is that COSS is not just an exchange, they also have POS mechant in works with already 600 mechanges enrolled for further testing. And the split fee from POS is also included in token base split fee distribution.

Also, I can't say a word about Kucoin but COSS team is every day active on their Slack, answering all questions and being absolutely transparent about what's going on atm.

As always, DYOR. It's also clear I'm heavily in COSS, but this is for reasons stated above. For me, it's the most comfy hold ever.

>> No.4012095

Can someone explain why a DAO is not a security when the end result is exactly the same?

>> No.4012141

Because that's how law works, even if it does not look logical at all.

As it was explained on Slack, the fee is split before distribution and automatically assigned to COSS company/token holders. So basically what's happening is that COSS company revenue is generated AFTER the split, based on their part of it only. This is also why the split fee for token holders is not a dividend, as they are not receiving a part of COSS company revenue.

TL;DR: COSS company revenue comes from 50% of the exchange/POS fee. Token holders get the remaining 50% which is not a part of that revenue.

>> No.4012170

Kucoin can just say the same thing and put 50% in another pot that isnt their revenue and distribute from that. Its nonsense.

>> No.4012197
File: 150 KB, 1116x896, coss_update_102317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COSS devs give regular, almost daily updates in slack. They've had 3 separate updates to the exchange this week alone. Aside from the payout hiccup, they've been hitting their goals regularly since June. And the DAO was taken slow because they had to play footsie with the lawyers to get it all right.

I'm very happy sitting on my COSS stack. This shit is gonna 10x if the exchange starts to get any meaningful volume, which will only take one or two new ICOs being listed. They almost had it with listing Substratum before anyone else but EtherDelta, but then diverted to concentrate on the payout system first.

>> No.4012202

They can - if they implement it on smart contract. It has to be handled without any human interaction.

But because they did not do that already, they're basically fucked as the token was already used in a way that clearly marks it as a security. They'd have to issue a new token now to be 100% sure it won't meet that kind of fate - but I doubt they'll do, they don't seem to care. Of course you also don't have to care, just keep your eyes on what's happening around that exchange.

>> No.4012233

"It has to be handled with human interaction"
Nonsense. What is code/database auditing?

>> No.4012239

Those replys sound pajeet as fuck and not dissimilar to the likes of the signatum team

>> No.4012257


There's no point in continuing this conversation if you obviously know better than lawyers.

Go buy REQ or ODN or whatever the fuck you like then, why even bother asking the question about DAO in the first place.

>> No.4012266

I dont know better. But i do know a lawyer could blow them the fuck out on their shitty dao if it came to it.

>> No.4012271

I don't think this has ever ACTUALLY affected the price of anything but the COSS team works damn fast. Very communicative and actually almost meets their own deadlines.

As opposed to say DNT which is hyper communicative but like basically a bunch of children.

I have faith that the UI changes will happen pretty soon.

>> No.4012272

https://discord.gg/tUZVSCv P&D GROUP which is better because gives you $$

>> No.4012290
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>My dad can beat up your dad.

>> No.4012312

OK, so you know someone who knows better. Same category of discussion for me.

Seriously mate, that's fine - simply don't buy it then. My comments are based on what I read on Slack/official announcements anyway.

Also, comparing COSS to SIGT doesn't make much sense.

>> No.4012327

kek, yeah, exactly what I meant about the category of such discussion

>> No.4012361

Christ, have a bit of backbone and question these issues

>> No.4012376

What issues precisely?

>> No.4012495
File: 99 KB, 639x960, coss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely this.

While you pajeets were screaming "MUH KEKOIN", "COSS IS SCAM" coss was taking LEGAL advice on how to go about their dividend distribution. This is why the payments got delayed in the first place.
This is why COSS is infinitely better than KCS, because COSS fee distribution happens through a DAO.

Kucoin distribution happens manually and terms can change anytime, they could literally announce that they're cutting dividends in half tommorow and there's nothing you cuck holders can do about it.
Not to mention it can(and probably will) get delisted/banned because it operates in the same manner as a security, something which will never happen with COSS because of the DAO.

This isnt even a competition, COSS team has partnerships, is in the EEA and manages to actually take legal advice unlike the chink-ran kucoin.

Yeah the neckbeard "technical analysists" can fap over kucoin's tradingview chart but thats it. Not to mention COSS is still in beta and will be getting an UI update quite soon.

All this together makes COSS literally the BEST INVESTMENT.