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4011474 No.4011474 [Reply] [Original]

Paypals market cap is only 80B, IBM at 150B, VISA at 240 B, all have been providing services for years

why is everybody expecting Stellar, Ripple, and Chinklink,etc to NOT be overvalued since they DONT have functioning platforms and provide NO service?

seriously even EA sports has only 34B in market cap and it has been producing products for YEARS, so why does shitcoin X (ie Request Network) deserve to be launched with 40mil in market cap and be called massively undervalued when it has no product? The funnier part is you're not even purchasing stocks, you're purchasing a a literal token that does not in itself generate revenue nor give you a stake in their profits. You are literally purchasing a corner of a buisiness and claiming you struck gold. Thats like VISA selling out its credit cards to customers and allowing peers to sell them to eachother, do you really think that 2nd hand market will be even CLOSE to the banks annual revenue?

Understand me when I say that this will pop and there will be a correction.

seriously imagine going inside a bank and asking for FOURTY-MILLION dollars to start a fucking business with no product

>> No.4011481

Everyone knows it faggot. We're here to make monies and cash out and buy back when it crashes.

>> No.4011502

it will crash soon, smart money is starting to pour in anon

especially now that the big Bank coins are starting to become popular

>> No.4011509

Forex is larger than all of those combined
Crypto is just a digital 24/7 forex

>> No.4011513

>Paypals market cap is only 80B
Does that include the money they are handling?

>> No.4011523

It's starting to stagnate, and it's reaching a marketcap thats worrying.

But you can still make money before the pop.

>> No.4011549

thats their stock anon, that is realistic valuations of the company

thats like me saying daily volume of bitcoin is realistic of the value of bitcoin
currencies are backed by the banks and government reserves

therefore the utility tokens are NOT comparable to FOREX

Bitcoin right now is the only thing that can compare because it functions like "gold" and "silver", but thats why I did not mention it in the OP, even though silver had a huge crash because it was overvalued after it lost its "use case"

Read Visas annual revene if you guys want a true redpill
>But you can still make money before the pop.
yes but idea that you should just HOLD is what is going to lose people money

I cringe at people saying Request Network's market cap is "okay"

>> No.4011613

Equifax is at 13B and Goldman Sachs is at 94B for a reality check

>> No.4011638


If you think ChainLink doesn't provide a service, you don't know enough about crypto to deserve a discussion.

>> No.4011651


>> No.4011662

a proof of concept is not a service and does not deserve its current valuation

>> No.4011665

Have you crunched the numbers regarding that? There was an anon who did some days ago, in a positive scenario where chainlink was widely adopted it turns out link its not even near worth what it is today.

>> No.4011675


You realise it already works, right? And that its use case is so expansive and platform agnostic that it's current market cap, even on speculation alone, is, if anything, very low.

>> No.4011678

So everything is 1000x higher valued and being a promised startup with 0.001 valuation is overvalued. Sounds legit.

>> No.4011688

Nocoiners gonna nocoin. Enjoy poverty

>> No.4011698

> very low.
see >>4011665
If I have one store vs 100,000 stores would I really deserve .0001 valuation?

take off your FOMO goggles and please be reasonable with valuation
>enjoy poverty
these are the people that give the valuation to your coins

>> No.4011705

Keema of Palm Beach said that Crypto isn't a bubble yet according to his analysis, if it is it would be the smallest bubble ever.

It still has along way to grow.

>> No.4011706

You are thinking too much on bottom lines and book values, which obviously do not apply to bitcoin and crypto in general, because as you said these are not shares, so why apply such logic to them? The value of cryptocurrencies are not derived by EPS, BVs and free cash flows.

>> No.4011730


>some anon crunched the numbers

How? What parameters did they put on ChainLink's adoption by industry? Because literally nobody knows at this point how wide its use will be.

Did they just look in terms of finance and ISO 20022 messaging and bond settlement? What about insurance? Trade?

The reality is that ChainLink provides a easy entry point for ANY Industry that wants to actually use smart contracts with external data.

How the hell can you "crunch the numbers" on that when we literally can't even imagine how broad the use case will show itself to be?

>> No.4011739

> which obviously do not apply to bitcoin and crypto in general, because as you said these are not shares, so why apply such logic to them?
some are securities, some are utility tokens, some are assets, some are just deflationary vehicles etc

its hard to generalize all of such coins

my point with comparing it to market cap is that the valuations of the companies is not worth that much so why would its token supply be worth that much? what revenue does holding that token give its holders past just trading it for more money?

>> No.4011753

If LINK was a stock I'd agree with you, however LINK is a token. Thus you must ask "what is the realistic value of the token"

never mind that 33% of the tokens are locked away to give directly to the big companies any way

>> No.4011761

> what revenue does holding that token give its holders past just trading it for more money?

Why do we need more than that? This is a speculative asset, we are speculating that it will be worth in the future than we paid.

Arguing REQ is overvalued is the same as arguing all of crypto is overvalued, which may be true but that doesn't mean I'm going to sell my crypto. If you don't want to participate in the market don't.

>> No.4011827

No im not arguing all of Crpyto is overvalued, i'm instead posing an argument certain sectors of crypto are overvalued. Specially the ones that function only like a token yet have huge market cap.
>Why do we need more than that? This is a speculative asset, we are speculating that it will be worth in the future than we paid.
excluding Bitcoin, that literally banks on people have more money flowing in than leaving ie a pyramid scheme, thus when money stops flowing in the price will crash

see: DGB

>> No.4011834

Firstly, most coins are not worth billions, the top 2 both have excellent use cases and are innovators which solve real world problems no other tech in the world can.
Its true though that most crypto are literal shitcoins, and most will fail, but those that survive will deserve their multibillion dollar valuation.
The current market cap of crypto is almost $100B, an apt comparison is the global stock market cap, which is 70$ trillion+. I'll start getting scared once crypto reaches a trillion market cap.

>> No.4011855

And netflix has a market cap of 84b and the stock price is going up even when the core business is losing money at an increasing rate. Everything is a bubble

>> No.4011894

>Comparing DGB to BTC
Also money will only stop flowing to BTC if people think a)there is a better alternative i.e. it gets flipped or b) cryptocurrency as a whole fails, otherwise there is natural demand from people wanting to use it as a currency combined with its deflationary nature.

>> No.4011908

11 trillion market cap by feb

check em

>> No.4011968

Jesus no he was fucking retarded. His analysis ran on chainlink's "transaction costs" and he claimed to have known link would "fail" which he equated with the downtrend

>> No.4011989



>> No.4011997

People scoffed when Facebook paid 1 billion for Instagram when the New York Times was worth 750 million. It's about what happens in the future and low and behold Instagram is a worhy investment mcuh like some of these cryptos.

>> No.4012017


It's hard to talk about the "realistic" value of any asset in this space, but here's some things to consider.

The bare minimum value will be the value actually being paid to convert data. The value moving from businesses to node operators will, however, only be a small part of the eventual market cap. That money will only constitute the liquid component of the market, remembering that only a small proportion of tokens will actually be moving at any one time.

So te total market cap will be a lot bigger than the dollar value of tokens being paid to nodes at any given time.

In addition to that, speculators will be exerting a buy pressure on tokens as they anticipate greater adoption at an enterprise level.

Then add to that the buy pressure of node operators thmselves, and it's clear that there will be a number of complementary factors exerting buy pressure on ChainLink tokens.

And in this whole thing, you have to remember what makes ChainLink especially attractive: 1) It can connect any data. It is not industry specific. 2) it does not require business to change their software, meaning an unbelievably low barrier to entry, 3) it is the first mover.

>> No.4012086

You would have said the same thing 3 months back when omisego was sitting at a few cents right? You seem to be just repeating james dimon's words. I put my money into omisego and still hold some.The tech sector called amazon a bubble since 1997. Talking about request network, yes it is undervalued "compared to all the other projects" in crypto. How many of the icos have a proper venture capitalist fund backing them? To remind you, ycombinator also has a share in coinbase since 2012 when you must have been thinking bitcoin would never go over 500$. This gives legitimacy to the team. The have been receiving continuous funding from 2014 for their other project. And in the end most of us here are not putting fortunes into these icos. 99% are not putting in more than a 5k$ into these projects. If in the end all fails you get a lesson and I personally find crypto trading a lot of fun so it was a good experience all in all. On the other side if any of the turns out to be the next paypal, google we would be driving different coloured lambo on every single day of the week, such types of investment are called low risk high rewards investment. Maybe it's too volatile for you but that doesnt mean that everyone is like you

>> No.4012090

>muh bubble

Stay away then faggot no coiner bitch

>> No.4012097

>seriously imagine going inside a bank and asking for FOURTY-MILLION dollars to start a fucking business with no product
I take it you haven't worked in Silicon Valley in the last few decades.

>> No.4012143

You say all this shit like we don't know it.
We all know it's in a bubble, but we need to shill it so we get the most out of it.

>> No.4012726

makes zero sense. bitcoin could grow unlimited because it is just a currency. the more the demand the higher the price. it is not like it needs a business to do .... such bullshit. classical biz

>> No.4012904

>no functioning platform & no service provision

Why would you post shit that you can easily verify to be false?

Chainlink network v1.0 has been finished for a few months now, it was used among others in the proof of concept for SWIFT.

And the service it will provide is MAINSTREAM FUCKING SMART CONTRACTS.

Holy shit.

>> No.4013155

>a proof of concept is not a service and does not deserve its current valuation
... says the cuck about one of the very rare ICOs that had a working (but as of yet unreleased) product at ICO.

The double standard here is pretty amazing.

>> No.4013202

>Thus you must ask "what is the realistic value of the token"
You tell me.

If/when smart contracts actually do hit mainstream, and Chainlink is the premier provider, at what level would you value the 1 billion-capped token that feeds the backbone of this smart contract solution?

Knowing that banks collectively make BILLIONS of API calls per day, and those are only part of what Chainlink nodes will/could be processing in the future, with a few cents worth of LINK for each of those calls/transactions?

>> No.4013216

well see he started his argument about shitcoins but then used bitcoins huge marketcap as a talking point.

dont waste your time trying to explain this to people.

>> No.4013267

You can't compare bitcoin to paypal.
Whats paypal? A payment processing platform.
Whats bitcoin ? A payment processing platform and a currency/store of value.

You don't send a dollar using dollar, but you send a bitcoin using bitcoin. Thats why its so valuable.

>> No.4013289

Completely agree it will collapse, entire market is a giant circus; from the clowns that make start ups asking for 50MM (lol) to the chink exchange bots insider trading, to pnd groups etc. There is no way this doesn't crash

>> No.4013313

And here's the very basic flaw in your reasoning:

Comparing Bitcoin (a currency with a built-in payment system and so much more) to currency payment systems (VISA, Paypal) and even regular companies.

Here's a number for you:
USD market cap: 10+ trillion

Now realize that bitcoin/crypto is a global currency.

>> No.4013316

>I'm going to be one of the lucky few who gets out at the right time

Smart plan

>> No.4013332

comparing a shitcoin to the king

>> No.4013353

Lol you would be surprised how many anons call you autistic when you tell them it's in a bubble

>> No.4013390

Banks won't use link they will create their own oracles

>> No.4013415

That would make zero sense.

Only reason smart contracts have become feasible is because Bitcoin came along.
With bitcoin, hundreds of thousands of independent parties (nodes) own a copy of all proofs ever generated, making bitcoin effectively "trustless".

Banks using their own oracles means they're using centralized oracles, which completely defeats the purpose of the trustless blockchain.

>> No.4013435


Interesting post, thanks.

Which coins are undervalued and a good investment in your opinion then?

>> No.4013447
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so you are saying 100k per BTC is not possible? I think you are trying to spread fear

sell now and you will be on the verge of suicide years later

>> No.4013564


1) People said business would just use their own proprietary smart contract software when Ethereum was launched

2) ChainLink isn't restricted to banks. It can be used by any industry at all. There aren't going to be 5000 different oracle services for all of those industries when you just need one. A decentralised oracle platform with first mover advantage.

Yes, maybe some very large organisations will go in house, but when even BNP Paribas tier organisations are giving data to ChainLink you've got to feel pretty good about the future.

>> No.4013643

this level of delusion

>> No.4013752

I'm talking specifically about banks, other businesses I agree

>> No.4013916

I would add Ripple the third one to it too
while Litecoin has practical uses and is fast!

>> No.4013977

Wait, why does it matter about real world applications of a crypto currency?
I am not following the news because I am interested in the technology or application of, I am interested in making money. There is a value, whether it is overvalued or undervalued isnt the question. It has a price that periodically dips and pumps, to which, I buy low and sell high in order to build riches.

I couldn't give a shit about a blockchain outside of how that effects the money I make.

>> No.4014005

The Ripple will serve them well!!

>> No.4014020


Not since a few years ago, and their shit was centralized too so no dice.

>> No.4014046

There's a massive difference between stock/equity and currencies. If SmartContract.com was publically listed it would probably be borderline penny stock.

>> No.4014113

so you feel educated .....
no need to swear

>> No.4014118


>> No.4014205

Enjoy the read through that forum discussion on Ripple!

>> No.4014249

What forum discussion?

>> No.4014251

Banks won't allow a decentralized oracle handle their data, if they use link they would need to control all the nodes making it a centralized oracle which link won't allow. Banks need an oracle app not a decentralized oracle.

>> No.4014268

Bitcoin will become the largest bubble of all time, but we've still got a lot to go from here.

>> No.4014305

Explain to me the following

Why do people around here associate the total money of certain businesses with coins that are barely related to it?

For example...lets assume the banks move 100 trillions dollars a year, why would the oracle making possible those movements be worth those 100 trillions? Shouldnt we link Chainlink to the money the current oracles charge for the service and not the amount of money they move?

Lets say ATMs are a 100 billion business. Would that mean if you make ATM screens or buttons your business is now worth 100 billion?

How much money is Chainlink actually worth? How much do oracles charge right now?

>> No.4014319

people are retarded and always look for an easy answer

retarded scam crypto """""""""""currency""""""""""" is that

>> No.4014341

Tell me, do banks use open APIs?

>> No.4014353

I am sorry here it is

>> No.4014379

>ctrl+f "smart": 0 results
>ctrl+f "oracle": 0 results

>> No.4014397

bitcoin is a fly on an elephants ass compared to the 2007 mortgage CDO bubble

western finance was on the precipice of going under, probably a week or two away

>> No.4014442

>currencies are backed by the banks and government reserves

This is meaningless since there is no trust in these institutions.

>> No.4014454

There are literally hundreds of no name companies in the Bay Area that receive 40+ million dollars in VC investments.

>> No.4014464

Because currencies are valued differently than service based companies.

Consider the market cap of gold is higher than a non-profit service, which said service has more functional value than gold but is worth less

>> No.4014471

Come on, I replied almost immediately.

Answer my question.

>> No.4015528 [DELETED] 


>> No.4015655

which is why I said excluding bitcoin, which I don't feel like is a bubble as it's currently digital gold and has a great usecase

the bubble moreso concerns the sans-bitcoin market where there is sometimes a significant mismatch in worth to value in many cases
However there is significant trust in these institutions' practices which keep currencies afloat
>but as of yet unreleased

>> No.4015685
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Forex is literally trading money and is ALL MONEY, no shit its bigger

>> No.4015773

Read this


Money has no place in a digital economy where we can trade actual assets and will die off.

>> No.4015851


I just think people need to ask themselves "how much money is token X going to bring me past just money flowing in"

because money cannot just keep flowing in if there's no money to be made past the "hype". Yes some of it functions as a currency

however, read up on what makes a currency valuable and you'll be skeptic of some of these market caps too
>And the service it will provide is MAINSTREAM FUCKING SMART CONTRACTS.
Chainlink network =/= LINK

i"m talking about the tokens in itself if they're worth that
that's dumb money too, same with snapchat
I have no current suggestions past bitcoin

if you want to make money by "holding" a "coin" for 6+ months ask yourself "how is it useful", "where will the demand for the token come from", "does it have a use case?", "does it have a product", "how will they manage the token economy?", "how competent are the developers?", "is the whitepaper well read?", etc

otherwise if you want to make money in crypto short term? I would just follow the hype and sell off at highs

example: XLM, DGB, LINK in that if you rode the hype and sold you would be much better off than you are now

>inb4 muh XLM IBM
look at the chart BEFORE IBM deal you'd still be bagholding

>> No.4015971

Do you even know what market cap means you fucking retard?

This is the worst comparison I've seen. Am I getting baited?

>> No.4016037

>>but as of yet unreleased
Version v1.0 has only been ready for a few months, it was used for the SWIFT PoC.

But hey, you go ahead and wait until the network actually comes online.
Better yet, wait until it gains mainstream usage.
That's the only way to be sure it's not a scam, right anon? That's where the smart money comes in, YOUR money ;^)

>> No.4016075

again anon, ask yourself "where will the value of the token come from" because a token is not a company stock
>Better yet, wait until it gains mainstream usage.
if someone rode the Link hype train they'd be 3x better off than a current bag holder

>> No.4016097

>ask yourself "where will the value of the token come from"

I already told you, see >>4013202

>> No.4016153

If smart money is just starting to enter, then no, it isn't about to crash. It's when the average person starts to enter en masse.

>> No.4016195


You're looking at it backwards, big money isn't flowing to crypto because there's money to be made, money is running away from fiat because there's where the big correction is coming. I mean it isn't in crypto where economic cycles have been continuously suppressed for decades, do you really believe the FED can suppress economic cycles forever?