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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4009944 No.4009944 [Reply] [Original]

richfag here (over $75m)

28 years old


>> No.4009960

How did you get to that point? Which were the best investments?

>> No.4009961

Are you rich? How old are you? What's your net worth?

>> No.4009988


newfag here

18 years old

are you fucking gay

>> No.4009990

started out working at mcdonalds in high school, made a plan to save 25% of my wages and put it into stock options. did some big trades and made my first million by the time i was 15. needless to say i was mr popular at my school. i think i fucked something like 60 girls that summer. kept doing trading and have made smart choices through the years to get where i am now.

>> No.4010009

hah no im not gay. but to give my advice i would say stop hating on people like me just because we're rich and maybe do something to provide value to the world. your excuses will bring you nowhere.

>> No.4010011

>stock options
>25% of minimum wage
so you basically won the lottery?

>> No.4010023

Worst LARP ever...

>> No.4010036

i didn't just make smart investments i also did other things. did some consulting on the side for some businesses, reached out to them on the web. took off from there and when i risked over 30% of my worth is where things really exploded.

>> No.4010038

I don’t hate you because you’re rich. I hate you because you’re a larping fuckwad :)

>> No.4010043

keep hating on those who are richer/more successful than you i guarantee you will stay poor. you are only putting others down to satisfy your ego.

>> No.4010059

not gonna respond to your bait

guys i dont have to do this ama. i am providing a service if you dont want to learn from people better than you then at least quit with the hate remarks.

>> No.4010061

What was the process in getting laid?
How did you do it?

>> No.4010064

>consulting for businesses at 15

>> No.4010072


Don't be vague, anon. What big moves did you make, and when, so we can confirm you're telling the truth.

>> No.4010073

I started my own business when I was 14. My net worth is $83 million. Prove me wrong

>> No.4010074

how u do viral marketing

>> No.4010076

do you buy yacht
how much do you pay and what is the size, new yacht or second hand

>> No.4010080

Fucking pleb.

I had 5 million dollars and fucked 500 girls before I was even 13.

>> No.4010084

Nobody is gonna pay for consulting from a 14 year old. What are you gonna tell them? That one time you almost kissed Jenny on the cheek?

>> No.4010090

Mommy was out walking the streets at night, so no one was home to read you stories. So you started making up your own, in your head. I get it. Kind of sad, but I get it.

>> No.4010099

rolled up to the parking lot in my brand new s class. one thing led to another and then word spread about how well endowed i was (not just wealth but also hate to say it but genital size is important though it was only discovered once i got attention from money). it also helped that i bought a flat that i hosted parties at all the time (no one else in high school had this).

>> No.4010108

Dammit. Fell for the bait. I hate you, OP.

>> No.4010113

i consulted on web related businesses, they do not know how old you are online :)

>> No.4010116

Op how to actually get rich?

>> No.4010139

you have to think big. forgot about putting in your $200 into a ico that you might make 2x but more than likely will lose it all. you have to instead think of building your empire. bill gates did not get rich sweeping floors. the number one thing i can advise you is to not spend your money on useless things. not to brag but i wasted probably tens of millions on stupid things (used to fly to vegas almost every weekend and have 10-20 escorts in one penthouse was very expensive and did not actually satisfy me.)

>> No.4010155

So you never messed with crypto at all OP? Also how's Vegas? That's like the spot all rich people have to go to at one point

>> No.4010164

Unless you consult for hackers, nobody will hire you without knowing who the fuck you are.

>> No.4010165


>> No.4010176
File: 206 KB, 784x776, desu138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread desu senpai desu desu hahahaha very nice thread xD

>> No.4010184

ha.. Gates bought microsoft, a shitty os back then for 50k, same as investing in a shitcoin

>> No.4010187

i did buy about 500 bitcoins a few months ago but i made most of my fortune through business investments, real estate, and intelligent stock options. had some crazy times in vegas but you will learn quick that everyone there only cares about money. even though i've fucked hundreds of top end models and escorts im currently dating a girl who is 11/10 and does not care about how much money i have. the trick is to take them on a date to burger king and not let them know how much you have. when she was still laughing at my jokes weeks later with no idea about how much was in my bank account is when i knew she was for me.

>> No.4010198

i know you are larping, but bill gates' parents were already rich, with contacts that helped lil' bill. he bought DOS from a retard for like 500k of his parents' money and sold the licence to IBM for every pc they retailed

at least use a better example
>inb4 faceberg
same story basically

>> No.4010208


Name some of your most successful trades and what date you made them, so we can confirm.

>> No.4010218

nice. gl mate ;-)

>> No.4010220

Nice triple doubles. I'm an aspiring musician trying to finish my first album and am about to do a gofundme. Wanna help an anon out? I've funded it out of pocket up til now but any struggling with the cost of mixing and mastering.

>> No.4010221

how many people have rich parents but did not make it like bill gates? exactly. i am just showing you guys that you don't have to come from a wealthy family or get into a specific school to make it like i did. use my example as an inspiration that you can create value and become successful like me.

>> No.4010231

haha nice music is no joke but i would say the key thing you need to learn is sales. from selling real estate to marketing it is the number one thing to invest in, yourself. also this works well with women too, you can sell yourself to get on a date with that hot chick you are wanting. it's all about sales :-)

>> No.4010233
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So when I make it like you how do I get a good girl, not just some girl that's planning the long con to (ab)use the legal system to rob me? Is the important question is how to not be a magnet that attracts a bad girl?
Would it be better to hide my money like that dude on reddit(pic), or try some other strategy?

>> No.4010238

hahahahaha. shit larp faggot.

Let's say you started with $5000. If you made 30% a year and reinvested all of your earnings into your portfolio, you wouldn't even be close to 75m in 13 years. Are you a better investor than Renaissance? The private firm that only hires the world's top mathematicians and quantum physicists? They only get 20-30% a year, and that's GOOD. The average return on stock trading per year is 5-8%

I'm not writing this for OP, because obviously he is a lying faggot and not even good at it (hurrr durr 20-30 whores in my penthouse in vegas. Not even dan bilzerian does that you faggot, no one does. you'd be laughed at), rather I'm writing this for the other anons so they don't feel bad.

>> No.4010254

I'm not trying to get rich, I just wanna make art and get by. For me it's not about money. I just want to pay my bills doing something I love.

>> No.4010255

believe me after fucking hundreds if not thousands of hot chicks wanting money you develop a sense for this shit. also you need to always protect yourself this is why even though i fully trust my current 11/10 girlfriend i am not married and have a team of lawyers that created legal paper work if anything goes down.

>> No.4010278

thanks, you're a good guy. this was a shitty LARP OP, you're giving very vague and ambiguous answers. if you really wanna prove us all wrong, pot your savings in your bank account

>> No.4010279

i didnt just invest idiot, learn reading comprehension. i made smart business moves and consultations. you can believe what you want but it is you small minded shitters that i 100% guarantee will not get anywhere because you lack the work ethic. i bet you never worked a hard fucking day in your life. what i do takes some hard work and is not easy. there is no replacement for putting in the effort which i know you will never do and why you will always be poor. for anyone else who dreams and thinks big there is no limits do you think there are over 5000 billionaires by accident? :-)

>> No.4010281
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>the trick is to take them on a date to burger king and not let them know how much you have. when she was still laughing at my jokes weeks later with no idea about how much was in my bank account is when i knew she was for me.
Nice integer. So this means that this is the best strategy? Is there any point which you do tell your girl you're loaded?
The girl in that pic seemed to think that guy was a loser so she broke up with him but when she learned he was loaded she basically turned into a alpha widow (pic).

>> No.4010291

Prove it, send me some BTC and I'll post a screencap


>> No.4010296

Well here's my btc address if you want to help me finish this album.


Worth a try I guess.

>> No.4010301

god damn this is a poor larp

>> No.4010304

I see a lot of people doubting its possible but I know a guy that made about the same, somewhere around $70mil, by highly overleveraging commodity options in the 90s during the bull market when commodities where a one way ticket to the moon.

>> No.4010332

>muh reading comprehension
>muh smart business moves
>muh "consultations"
>muh work ethic
>muh big dreams

lol. you sound pathetic. I know your mom's boyfriend either beats or molests you after railing your mom's anus, but things will get better.

I make $6000 an hour consulting. Trust me, companies definitely know who you are and wouldn't hire some high school faggot. There is no way you can learn the skills necessary to consult on any high level simply by browsing the web, trades have secrets and they are well protected, this goes for consulting particularly.

>> No.4010340

its obvious from this chicks writing that she is a dumb dumb, first flag right there. my girlfriend and i both come from middle class backgrounds so we are not into the super fancy things even though i can afford it. plus i doubt she would be able to find anyone with as large a penis as mine and you wont get that in a divorce :-)

>> No.4010377

i doubt you even do or know anything. you have no skills and probably have not worked as hard as i have even when i was in jr high. i spent years doing coding on my celeron computer. this was in the early internet days where businesses were making literally billions online.

>> No.4010414

Hey, I'm the OP of >>4007480
which is the thread you're copying.

I just want you to know that this thread is a pathetic attempt to piggyback off of my thread.

>> No.4010427


Cool larp.

>> No.4010437

jealous much? you made only $15m and you're 33? i spent your entire net worth in vegas and still have over 5x more than you and am 5 years younger :-)

>> No.4010452

I've been laughing at this whole fucking thread. I haven't had this much entertainment in a while.

Everybody's a critic, I guess.

>> No.4010502

what a shitty fucking larp

do you faggots have any motivation anymore

>> No.4010511
File: 8 KB, 248x250, 1506974029249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i doubt you even do or know anything.
well you're a poopoo face

>> No.4010527

>not gonna respond to your bait
>immediately responds

Ok. Do a transaction from one of your bank accounts to another, sign it with /biz/ or KYS ASAP moron

>> No.4010563

that reddit woman dodged a bullet. stingy bfs make stingy husbands make stingy fathers. sounds more like a man with mental problems than someone playing clever and hiding his power level until the time is right.

>> No.4010569


you're too vague and don't write like someone who's as successful and wealthy as you claim. comes across like LARPing by someone that has no actual knowledge on anything.

I'm guessing your actual net worth is under $1950

>> No.4010572

theres so many people with just insane amounts of dollars these days, does anyone even keep track of how much of this worthless shit there is flying around? a dollar should probably be worth about 1% of what we give it credit for today if anyone bothered to do the math.

>> No.4010575

I'm 5 and i spent 33 times your net wroth in legos alone. can i have a piggy back ride?

>> No.4010693

you can keep telling yourself that im not as rich as i am to make yourself feel better i guess but the reality is i have worked hard and have become very successful and wealthy. naturally you will have your jealous people but thats how i know that you are poor.

>> No.4010701

yeah to be honest $75m isn't really that much i have friends with 10x that and its not really that big of a deal anymore. the dollar does not stretch as far as it used to. these days to be really considers wealthy you need at least in the billion+ range even many rap artists are in this category. i hope to be there as well within the next 10 years.

>> No.4010723

goddamn, that made me laugh out loud in a very quiet office xD

>> No.4010970


What is your opinion on Forex trading?
My weeks on it are inconsistent.

>> No.4011121

i have a buddy that has made shitloads off forex. something like $50m in one year.

>> No.4011147

Did you make it with crypto? If so what do you think omg price will be mid 2018?

>> No.4011154
File: 70 KB, 1242x754, IMG_4708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me OP change my life


>> No.4011183
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We actually went quite far until the first retarded begging faggot appeared.

>> No.4011186

Why are you wasting your time on a Mongolian yoghurt knitting board?

>> No.4011216


Fucking Neets KEK

>> No.4011253

OP I started mowing lawns at 10 and was a part time caddie
cashed 10k every summer and another 10k shoveling driveways
I paid more in taxes in 1 year then you'll ever earn in your entire lifetime
Yeah I went to vegas, MGM bows to me, $1000 sushi COMPED
yeah 100 million in highschool might sound like a lot but when you grow up you learn that everyone doesn't work at taco bell
breeding models and movie stars is easy and a daily thing, I've banged more 11/10 women than harvy weinstein
bitcoin? I know satoshi but I won't tell plebs like you what the master plan is
I'm 22 and own several international banks
made it big when I bet against the market when I was 13 in the 2008 collapse
your parents summer home? I own it now.
AMA while I cut up my coke while my dick is being sucked

>> No.4011320

no rap artists worth over a billion. i bet your real net worth is about $500.

>> No.4011340

dr dre?

>> No.4011876

Do you know how long they were trading before it became profitable? Do they use a particular strategy?

>> No.4012929

they started reading threads on /biz/ and within minutes they were making money

>> No.4013152

Richfag here, 76m worth 27 years old AMA

>> No.4013857

know what i was doing when i was 15? i ran a fortune 500 company and i whooped my own ass

>> No.4014613

People falling for this poor bait, if you have a mill post proof before LARPing

>> No.4014663

Nice ama bro hows it going?

>> No.4014674

fuck off pajeet

>> No.4014757

Why do ppl fake being rich on here? Its so bizarre.

>> No.4016000

To have a sense of something that will never happen. I do this on /x/ all the time, pretending I'm a spooky ghost.

>> No.4016039


Please donate to poor fag