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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4008052 No.4008052 [Reply] [Original]

I yolo'd on Dentacoin

>> No.4008079
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>> No.4008087
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>Google Dentacoin
>look at first search result
>>The first blockchain solition for the glabal dental industry.
OP you dun fucked up

>> No.4008191



>> No.4008233

mfw dentacoin is the first blockchain solition for the glabal dental industry.

>> No.4008244

why are you laughing. it's perfectly normal to have a couple typos in your site's description. it shows you don't give a fuck about words and you're all about them numbers and computer programming.

i want blocckchain solitions

>> No.4008250

Are you are dentist rofl.>>4008052
Deluded Dentist, prepare for some serious dentine erosion

>> No.4008261

How you pronounce it with that suction tool in your mouth during a cleaning. Checks out. Glabal gental inguskree.

>> No.4008266
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You better have a splint made because bruxism incoming

>> No.4008338


You can laugh all you want until I lose 200 usd eyyy. Will update in a month lmao

>> No.4008364

I put $50 into dentacoin for the giggles. It'll either moon or crash to the ground in flames.

PnD groups will target this one hard

>> No.4008473

sadly I made money on this coin .... still holding bags ... but ones that are paid for ...

>> No.4009663

Honestly it looks like a cool project.
May give you a profit if you wait it out for a year or so.

>> No.4009688

I'm a second year dental student. Should I solely accept Dentacoin at my practice in a couple years?

>> No.4009718
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>> No.4009737

Fucking yes.

>> No.4009747

Why the heck are there so many dental students on this board.

>Dental student checking in

>> No.4009764

dentists are the jews of healthcare so its no surprise they're here

>> No.4009766

> Yer gotta clean that hooker's mouth b4 putting that dick in

>> No.4009795

(((We))) like money

>> No.4009799
File: 179 KB, 785x408, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically they're going to have an application where you can answer dental hygiene questions and earn Dentacoins that then you can use to pay for your dental treatment?

There's also the part where you as a customer are supposed to fulfill your part of the contract but there's no way to prove that you brush your teeth three times a day, so insurance companies are probably unlikely to adopt this.

This seems to me like a good business idea (to have a centralized database of medical professionals and reviews) but they just heard about this new thing called the blockchain and eth tokens so they decided to give it a COOL MODERN TWIST by having a fucking ICO that was absolutely unnecesary

>> No.4009812

Next time this hits 1 sat i'm dropping 1k in