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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4004372 No.4004372 [Reply] [Original]

Telegram groups all around are discussing bringing the price down for a better entry point mid rally. If you see the buy/sell charts on bittrex, you will see a moving sell wall that started moving closer to 59k sats and has now begun being pushed further back towards 80k sats.

Buy volume is going back up. This is preparing for a rally to $5, and many telegram groups are dumping this to get in cheap one final time before that happens.

Take my advice
>buy it sub 62k sats
>set a sell order for 80k says (if you are conservative) or 95k sats (if you want higher risk/reward)

This is your last chance before some serious FOMO. Groups are hoping the red candles will scare holders into selling early. Don't miss out, biz.

>> No.4004415

Already jumped from 58k sats to 62k sats in the few seconds I've posted this.

Last chance.

>> No.4004420

Plz buy my bags

>> No.4004427

i put in a buy order for 45k

>> No.4004472


What was your entry point? Believe me, HOLD. Set a sell for >70k.

>> No.4004482


That dip will probably happen, but not before $5. I do not have the risk appetite for it, so I will probably sell sooner.

>> No.4004522

64k already. I wouldn't get in post 68k, just to be safe. If you can get in before that, do it. If not, wait for the next dip, probably around 90k.

>> No.4004549

This is in all likelyhood going to keep dropping it seems down to around 60k at least from there idk

>> No.4004616

Yep that dip already happened. Went to 55k but now back at 62-63k. There is some resistance here of course from those who bought in post 70 and are now FUD selling, but it is eating through ask orders.

Another dip is in order, but the rally is just recovering and catching steam. There is some serious buy pressure right now on bittrex charts, which was non existent an hour ago.

>> No.4004682

I'm tied up in XLM atm but it's up... should I go go to BTC and all in on the VTC in another 30 minutes? I'm feeling confident at around 60k this is mega value

>> No.4004737

I am seeing some resistance right now. You might wanna wait and see if this is going to go slightly down first, which seems like a possibility. Looks like we may see 59 again before going back up.

If you want to be safe, I would suggest waiting now. That is if you want to get a slightly better deal. I've been in since 32.7k so it's all the same for me. I still think 60k is pretty great value and this def has another run, especially considering the buy/sell charts coupled with the chatter in various groups.

Depends on your risk appetite.

>> No.4004760

I feel the same way... Kinda just hard to see this going up to regrettable levels with the forks still looming.

>> No.4004761


nvm it ate through the resistance, going back up

>> No.4004854

Good time to buy lads?

>> No.4004862

To those following this thread, I DO NOT recommend buying in post 68k, at least till the next dip. Anything below 60 was fantastic value, anything below 68 will still be great value. Currently at 64.5k

>> No.4004947

66.5k lads. Be careful now.

>> No.4004973
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what the fuck is even going on right now

>> No.4005065

Basically the chatter was a bulk selloff was happening once it hit 80k sats, which would be a chance to accumulate profits as well as create an opportunity for a cheaper entry point. I was skeptic all myself but things seem to be happening eerily punctually, and the idea was to buy back in and continue pushing towards 100k+ once a cheaper entry point would arrive (a-la-50k, which only ended up reaching 55k before buyers for excited and ended up buying early).

It's weird with these group signals, because unless enough people follow them, they fail. In this case, it seems to be on point.

I anticipate minor resistance to at least 80k, even though the target being discussed seems to be 100. But 80 should be relatively smooth sailing IMO, but DYOR and take what I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.4005117
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>> No.4005159

w/e mate, I've made over 3x on this rally so who gives a shit.

>> No.4005182

I've been out of the crypto loop for a few weeks now. I bought a ton of VTC at .00026 btc on a whim and I am ecstatic, but I don't understand. Why is it going up like this?

>> No.4005203

Short answer: it's a good coin which was resisting the alt drop pretty well, which coupled with some FOMO ended up going on a massive rally. At this stage, people are buying in because people are buying in.

It is still a pretty good coin with great fundamentals, definitely overbought right now and due for a huge correction once the rally is done.

>> No.4005308

Shut your dirty mouth, this is a GOOD COIN. Worth buying up to $15, I'd say it gets there December or January of next year. Been doing a lot of research today.

>> No.4006168

Trust this guy. He's been doing a lot of research today.

>> No.4006199

54k rn

>> No.4006234

>Been doing a lot of research today
I trust you. It sounds like you've been doing a lot of research today. Trusting you saves me time and brainpower. I don't have time and mental space to do research. Thanks bud. Just went all in.

>> No.4006274

>tfw got in at $2

this shit better get to 50 bucks some day.

>> No.4006306


Looks like supports forming around 60k. Think well get another chance to 79k before the nights over

>> No.4006360

How can support be forming at 60k when we've already fallen right through that? I think you don't know what support is on a chart.

>> No.4006531

"Buy my bags"

>> No.4006617


This really isn't a pump and dump coin. If you can bear leaving some money in it for a month or two and not chasing green candles, you will make a substantial percentage. It's an old and active community and most of the people in this thread found out about it from biz for the first time or on bittrex biggest gainers.

>> No.4006642

this. All I did was buy more today intending to sell at 70k. Then it came and went and...fuck it. I'll hold till the halvening, probably even longer than that.

>> No.4006655

Tfw you bought in a week ago
Feels good making my easy 100x

>> No.4007114

Looks like second wave is coming. Get in before 8k

>> No.4007173

You mean this continuation of a low volume sine wave? Don't get in until pump is confirmed.

>> No.4007471

you are late guys

>> No.4007530

about to break 6

>> No.4007560
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What does it tell u?

>> No.4007568

one green candle at the bottom of declining volume trend no thanks

>> No.4007649

I think we are taking off

>> No.4007678

baka ppl, its gonna hit 80-90 sat by tonight

>> No.4007709

as I'm looking a giant red candle

>> No.4007739

Regardless of pump or dump its still a great HODL. Give it a month and this shit will be at 10.

>> No.4007772

might swap bags if this reaches 40-45k

>> No.4007824


>only FOMO buys into giant green dick candles

>> No.4007843


Noob here! How do I join Telegram groups?

I have the app but I haven't been invited anywhere good yet. I'm on Bittrex, and Binance

>> No.4007877
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Sorry for double post, but I am a new trader with currency on both Bittrex and Binance.

I'm a friendly dude and definitely plan to continue depositing more and more money into this.. If anybody out there is able to help me out, I am @konflict on Telegram..

Have a great one guys

>> No.4007881



just click on the link with your web browser (no you wont lose your link)

>> No.4008911

Glad I didn't take your advise ya impatient bish

>> No.4008980

Screenshot this post and look back in December


>> No.4009097

Definitely wasn't trying to put you guys at a loss, I was pretty clear about the fact that getting in post 68k says wouldn't be advisable just in case this thing falls apart. In any case, crypto USA difficult to predict game.

I would still recommend holding on to your bags in case you guys have any. This one is not PnD.

>> No.4009424

strong support at 51k. It's up to you what to do, don't fucking blame others

>> No.4010045
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newfag here

if I were to buy this, should I be swapping from LTC?

MFW about to not be a no coiner