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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4002125 No.4002125 [Reply] [Original]

This is the place for discussion about the board itself. Grudges? Comments? Complaints? Post'em here instead of making 9k seperate threads.

>> No.4002200
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There isn't much that goes on here except for ironic shilling and actual shilling and the occasional look at my crypto e-peen gainz. It'd be really nice if there was more substance and utility. This place started as a containment board for crypto spam on /g/ and its sad to see that years later its mostly still just garbage.

Very little discussion, most threads die out with < dozen posts. Virtually no discussion outside of coins (those threads get buried by XXYZZ COIN IS GONNA MOON!!!!!!! almost immediately)

I think its a reflection of the kind of community cryptofags are: Mostly schemers, scammers and spammers.

>> No.4002224


make a separate crypto board.
let the stock and bullion tards stew in their own filth.

>> No.4002243

1) actually enforce begging rules, automatic bans for multiple posts spamming addresses
2) zero-tolerance on multiple threads shilling the same shitcoin. 95% of all the shitlink threads shouldn't have been allowed to exist

that's literally all that needs to be done.

>> No.4002257

I was working on a needy neet guide but stalled at 60% after getting demoralized by the amount of shit round here. Guess I learned a few things along the way though.

>> No.4002278

This is the best board on 4chan and I have nothing to complain about. /biz/ has made me $35k the past year and a half.

>> No.4002317



>> No.4002325

Might be interesting if there was a sticky with some links even

>> No.4002352

i agree

>> No.4002358

No you idiot. /biz/ works best as a hivemind sifting through all the bullshit to find profit. If you separate it out you lose the million monkeys at a keyboard effect. There's so much crypto right now simply because it's the best way to make money.

We need a single /biz/ so tbat the most profitable ideas thrive.

>> No.4002360

This is my favorite board, I've had great conversations and planned psyops with people. Overall a good ol' time.

Takes a bit every time though to get back into the swing around here, not sure whats shill and whats ironic shill/psyops.

>> No.4002364

Add flags so we know who's a pajeet.

>> No.4002368
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These people obviously don't know that crypto is very much business related (investing and speculation) and that cryptocurrency discussion is totally allowed (see: rules)

However, I have noticed there will often be a ton of threads about the same coin, when realistically a general will do. A prime example is Chainlink. Scrolling through the catalog yesterday I found about 5, some of them having only a few replies. Perhaps a Chainlink General would suffice along with perhaps a Pink Wojak-Tier Coins general. That way, the crypto posts that do make it are good.

Let's be honest, without crypto, this board would be shit. It is the heart and soul of the place, and as I actually discussed and learned here --> >>3993109 , /biz/ is probably the best there is, when concerning cryptocurrencies, so getting rid of it would truly be the death of this place.

tl;dr - Crypto posters outnumber the butthurt "BIZ SHOULD BE BUSINESS" fags immensely because that's what the people want. Also, a few more general posts would be good instead of seeing a bunch of the same shit when browsing.

>> No.4002393

1 thread for crypto only. Let's see how funny it will be, every pajeet will be shilling their own bags there.

>> No.4002405

I want country flags. If every poster in a thread is from one place, or the OPs of related threads are from one place, it helps indicate that they’re working together.

And this. You can my words in desu and senpai but can’t turn addresses into something else? Especially when they have a common format. For example an ETH address is distinctly different from a BTC address.

>> No.4002422

This. Pajeet is this board's number 1 enemy.

>> No.4002491

all wallet addresses should be filtered, or changed to hiroshimoots personal wallet address

>> No.4002504

I think we should do this, even just temporarily. It would be hilarious and might have a notable effect on the price of shitcoins

>> No.4002536

It will be pretty funny. We will see bump limit be reached every hour or less if a trending coin. After a while it will calm down and people will stop caring about crypto. It will have the same effect across the internet eventually and /biz/ will be known as the place that killed crypto. Unless some faggot decides to create a cryptochan or something of course.

>> No.4002542

Can you post what you have made?

>> No.4002581

it's a neet emergency guide, some online moneymaking methods and a summary of each, plus some other side hustles. Nothing with great dollar amounts at the moment.

>> No.4002590

The thread you posted is pretty spot on, somehow we ended up in a timeline where this Tanzanian turnip farming board is at the forefront of discussion on revolutionary crypto technology. Reddit and BT are unbearable.
Holy shit that would be priceless.

>> No.4002779

>great conversations and planned psyops with people.
Sounds interesting. Can you please post the archived thread/s?
I'd really appreciate it.
You can find them on warosu.org

>> No.4002788

gib results pls

>> No.4002841

There are plenty of neets in emergency here who'd find it extremely useful anyway.

>> No.4002862

Showing you the psyops would just make the psyops not work on you anymore silly goyem. Stay around and you might just get to plan a few yourself. we have big things planned for the crypto community as a whole, big marketing spin that'll get normies handing us bags.

>> No.4002984

It would be separate thread

>> No.4003168

But we're not the general population here. We're 4chan neets who have nothing better to do than to discuss ways to improve an imageboard.
Exposing it here would be nothing compared to the oriinal thread, which exposed it to everyone browsing /biz/ at the time.

>> No.4003187

What words are you certainly going to post in it?
Just so we're sure to find it (either in the catalog or in the archive).

>> No.4003205

You ever hear of an outreach program?
Have you ever been a part of a sockpuppet psyops operation?
I think you underestimate the power of the NEET life.

>> No.4003225

We need a Crypto General board. Kind of like Video Games General. However threads should be pruned quicker, due to the rapidly changing nature of crypto.

That way we can still have crypto discussions on /biz/, but more how it applies to business. Alternatively don't change the rules of /biz/ at all and just see how things roll with a new board up.

>> No.4003236

It will have "needy" and "neet" in it somewhere

>> No.4003260


>> No.4003269

Moving all ICO and begging threads there would neuter a lots of the shills and proverbial pajeets

>> No.4003276

Make it a rule that all alt bitcoins are not allowed to be posted so tards will stop losing money and falling for scams. Of the 500+ altcoins, there's like 10 popular ones, why would you spend money in any of the other ones that are completely unknown, like LINK? Some guy from LINK's marketing company puts out fresh LINK meme images to entice /biz/ tards to buy LINK, "Oh look at this quirky image with the LINK symbol on it! Buy LINK!" and they fall for it like an idiot falling for a Nigerian email scam.

>> No.4003283
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/biz/ has terrible shilling and shitposting, but it made me turn a considerable profit, so im okay with it

i like the board as it is now, its comfy and only the newfags cant see through the pajeet shilling, so its good

>> No.4003326

Alright, if you feel that the few people in this thread knowing about your plan will foil it, I understand.
Will try to cath any future ones.

>> No.4003346

Noted. Thank you very much in advance.

>> No.4003398

Is it really that surprising? The same Kazakhstanian husbandry enthusiast emporium put a president in office.

>> No.4003414


>> No.4003444

Americans are pajeets

>> No.4003454

We need country flags, the board should be pink and plz ban jews and shitskins. thnx and sieg heil

>> No.4003470

I just assume that poor beggars are from yurop.
>caliphate of the eternally poor

>> No.4003523

What we need is fewer busybodies trying to mess with the board it’s fine exactly the way it is now.

>> No.4003849

At this point I think that this board should become something like
>/coin/ - cryptocurrency
And a new board should be created as
>/biz/ - business, finance, and neetbux
or something like that

>> No.4004010

can we have one thread per coin please? retards spamming about their pet coin is ruining this board

>> No.4004082

this please

>> No.4004244


All the shilling threads for pump and dumps. We also need a sticky warning people about them maybe.


At least then we could not be responsible for funding these people so there is a better chance they stop at least on here.

>> No.4004260


This too.

>> No.4004288

Flags on /biz/ make sense, when people talk finance/business it is most of them time relative to their country. When people talk tax, again its relative to their country. Flags on biz

>> No.4004306

There is no reason for flags on /biz/.
> most of them time relative to their country.
demonstratively false

>> No.4004569
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I decided to swing by this board on a whim and this is the impression I get immediately. I'm a Business major so I thought it would be interesting to see what the Business board talks about, and holy shit it's fucking nothing but Crytocurrency shitposting.

>> No.4004723

On weekdays we have Robinhood stock threads and that's the only reprive we get.

>the kind of community cryptofags are: Mostly schemers, scammers and spammers.