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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3999590 No.3999590 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't this board have flags? We need to know who the pajeets are.

>> No.3999595


OP is clearly a pajeet.
and a faggot

>> No.3999613

Go back to /pol/ you racist /pol/tard. This is no board for racism.

>> No.3999621


if you have a brown id you are a pajeet

>> No.3999627

Everyone is racist you fucking stupid sack of shit. I bet you're a nigger too.

>> No.3999662


pajeets detected

>> No.3999684

you sound like a well rounded individual

>> No.3999694

I wouldn't go that far

>> No.3999697


ok there preet pajeet poodharttha

>> No.3999704
File: 24 KB, 540x360, ModeratleySuccessfulIndianMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India, the only country that gets more offended than Turkey when an anonymous person chastises their country online

>> No.3999707

We get 1 thread per board to disscuss the state of the board and what can be done to improve it

I agree flags should be added to this board

>> No.3999713

Because this board doesn't need flags. it's stupid. It'll distract from the content.

>> No.3999716

Fuck off reeeeee don't tell me this place is infected by /pol/ too

>> No.3999718

Off yourself faggot.

>> No.3999735

/pol/ infestation is ruining this board

>> No.3999737


Why sir are you thinking this kind of thing? Actually Indian people are very beneficial for having success in many different areas of finance and particularly IT. Once you can accept systematically and fundamentally the Indian people into your heart, you will see a world full of wonder and bringing light to your family.

>> No.3999751


>hordes of pajeet spammers inundate the board with their shilling and drown out all meaningful discussion


>> No.3999759

You stink like curry pee pee poo poo in the street Pajeet

>> No.3999760


>> No.3999773

Unionically agree.

>> No.3999890

>someone points out nonwhite countries are shit