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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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399860 No.399860 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some stories of people being really bad with money?

>> No.399864

I'm currently holding 500 dollars worth of dogecoin

>> No.399867

>Can I get some stories of people being really bad with money?
The world economy

>> No.399873


>> No.399883
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>I am still holding Darkcoin and enough Namecoin to reserve a .bit domain.

>> No.399884

>My parents in the 80's in the UK
>Mom works at a bank
>Dad is American military
>Bonds offering 8% annual interest is offered by the British Government in a sort of one time deal
>She is only able to convince my dad to buy one
>My dad would rather put his money into savings than invest in anything
>It took ages for her to get him to understand inflation
>He only grudgingly invests in stocks to this day

>Later in the 80's
>Maggie Thatcher is selling off public assets
>Mom, through her job at the bank, has the opportunity to buy some directly
>Can't convince my dad

Honestly the working class tends to defeat themselves with bad financial sense.

>> No.399921


Bitcoin 2011-2013

>> No.399930
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I bought a Windows 95 computer for $3000 in 1995

>> No.399931

>Windows 95
>not OS/2 Warp

>> No.399938


Alan Greenspan w/ the American economy

>> No.399952

This is a story from my close friend, not exactly with money issue but more like bad choice

>be getting close to high school graduation
>ask her what she wants to do
>told me that she wants to go to art school (a pretty expensive one)
>btw she came from a pretty poor family
>knowing that this doesn't sound like a good choice
>try to convinced her to not do that (because I care)
>she got mad and we have an argument
>make fun of me that she will be way more successful than me in future
>we never talk to each other again

6 years later, I got back to state from working at oil rig. I saw her on street begging for money.

Apparently, 6 months after high school she got kicked out from her mom's house. She moved to her boyfriend's house. Knowing that she can't afford to study in art school, she worked two minimum wage job at the same time.

Ironically, two years later they broke up. Not only she doesn't have a place to live anymore, she have so much student loan debt that she can pay it off in 15 years.

>> No.399961

You should have capped it off by getting her to give you a bj. Stories that end in bjs are awesome.

>> No.399962

Should have paid her for a blowie, mate

>> No.399963

she was pretty attractive while we were both at school, but not anymore.

>> No.399972

Now that story is just sad.

>> No.400064

Lottery winners. Here's one bunch:


>> No.400184

this is so true.

so so true.

I've won over 24thousand 4 weeks ago.

I told a few close friends and now these randoms i kinda know are fucking harrassing me to invest in their shitty clothing company.

A few friends I was kinda close with are trying to get me into vemma so that put me off them and kinda pushing me away from them. amd my brothers bugging me constantly to invest in his shitty clothing idea.

But as for the OP. Ive stupidly put another 7500 in the casino and lost it. Doesnt bother me as easy come easy go. Atleast I gave my dad 3000 and mum 1000. they wernt expecting it and were heaps grateful. Given a few homeless people 100 each.

Been to high tier brothels about 9 times. Maybe more. That was pretty expensive. A few big parties. Like spent 2000 one night just buying everyones drinks..

>> No.400187

I was going to say bribe her for sex but 2 anons beat me..

the hive mind is stretching beyond /b/

>> No.400193

lol you fucking retard.

>> No.400211

Expensive parties at high tier brothels are a pretty good way to spend money. At least you get something in return. European I assume?

>> No.400225

>your mom doesn't use her own money from her work to buy them without the need of asking your dad.

all her fault there.

>> No.400231

any retard could make millions on the stock exchange in the 80s, bonds are for pussies.

>> No.400233

>friend of mine makes 15 per hour
>he just graduates from college
>he recently buys a nice infiniti with a car loan
>"bro, its okay, the monthly payments are like only 400 bucks"
>mfw he makes fun of me for driving a cheap mazda I bought when I was a in high school

>> No.400239

>in College
>guy I know has already taken out student loans to pay for school
>we're in a 2 year study abroad program in Japan
>he starts taking out more student loans...
>and promptly spends them all on an apartment, expensive electronics, airsoft guns, and a huge ass collection of anime, manga, and gundam models
>he comes home at the end of college only to realize just how much debt he's in
>hugely depressed, whines about it on FB all the damn time

He seems to have a decent job now and may or may not be paying off his debt but still, holy shit dude.

>> No.400247


>friend in a shitty no job major
>recently gets in pharmacy school at a different school
>going into graduate studies with over 60k of debt.
>will probably have about 100k once he graduates.
>he'll be making about 90k as a pharmacist in 2 years.
>mfw just graduated with a finance degree, making 60k with about 10k of debt

We live in Canada so things are bit a cheaper and our student interest payments are pretty slack.. but going into the workforce with a large amount of debt must really suck

>> No.400262

How did he manage fucking 60k debt? I switch schools a year and a half in with no transfer credits and I'm only projecting 35k debt once I graduate.

>> No.400269

hence why they are working class in the first place. Their bad money management is the reason why they rely solely on active income derived from labor to pay 100% of their expenses. And to make it even better some of them have no risk tolerance and put their money in "savings" which really just puts it aside to be spent another day on arbitrary consumables or services.

>> No.400309

>Friend wants to get into Vemma
>I tell him only really rich people get something from it
>He doesn't listen
>I tell him he's retarded
>He gets mad and I just decide to leave it there
>He starts acting all Vemma-zombie and shit
>Posting inspirational quotes and expensive cars on Facebook, moking people with actual jobs
>Tfw he spends around $400 bucks on Vemma and got nothing back but average energy drinks
It feels good, /biz/

>> No.400327

that's sad man

>> No.400496

>"I'll help you out, but i want something in return"

>> No.400666


$3500 worth of Bitcoin when my entire net worth is around $14000.

>> No.400680

I know somebody who bought a top of the line ipad instead of replacing the bald tires on his car. His job was doing deliveries. Then one of his tires blew out and he drove on the donut, then it blew out. He couldn't do deliveries, got fired, then went on Facebook and whined about how unlucky he is.

How many people know morons like this?

>> No.400719


Just read through the cryptocurrency thread. Every single post is someone who has no understanding of economics and is throwing away his or his parents' money on the hype of a valueless commodity.

>> No.401870

>apple products
serves him right

>> No.402896

my broke ass brother getting a credit card with some pathetic £200 limit and treating it like free money

>> No.402912

I bought 250 BTC when they were $6-8 to buy /fit/ness on the web. I only had about 6 left when I cashed out at $958. Worse feeling ever. I then spent that $5K on a piece of shit car and PC.

>> No.402913

>Parents, between them, make 6k a year, most of the time government money
> Expect 50% of my paycheck to pay bills otherwise my brother and sister will starve
>Meanwhile, they have just bought 2 more horses, totalling 6
>Cant understand why I want to move somewhere cheaper, claiming money isn't everything and that I hate them

Probably not bad with money, but just lazy "I don't wanna work because muh evil gubberment taxing me"

Still 6 fucking horses and I'm meant to feed my brother and sister, the former who doesn't even have shoes without holes in....i hate my family

>> No.402918

My brother met a girl on some kind of OKCupid shit.

It was an obese black girl.

I was like, "Okay, I'm not gonna judge, go get it I guess."

Turns out the first day they met in person, he bought her AND her family dinner. Then he spent the night at her house with the family there.

I was like, "Okay, that's weird. Bad choices, he will learn."

Turns out, he started to go to Wal-Mart and transfer her money whenever she asked.

To this day, I still don't know how much money he sent her. The fact that he won't admit it says everything.

Keep in mind, at this point, he was working part time for minimum wage and flunked out of community college twice. It's been a month since he quit his job and he already has no money for gas. Not even $50 to his name. He's been sitting in his room playing Pokemon on a 3DS and watching Netflix.