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399764 No.399764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Getting a PhD at George Mason University for Austrian economics and attempting to become the next great anarchist scholar
>Interning in DC for a couple years, grabbing an mba, and getting into consulting

What is the wiser decision, /biz/?
Academia or business?

>> No.399767

MBA for the sole fact of one less austrain

seriously, fuck you guys

>> No.399773


>Austrian economics
>leeching off gov't teat

In your case? I'd say suicide.

>> No.399778
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that was one of the big qualms I had with that decision too, but if Peter Leeson can come to terms with working for the state maybe I can too.

Plus all the Senior analysts at the Mises institute have PhDs

>> No.399779

>George Mason University
You can do better than that, I hope.

>> No.399781
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Probably, but the Mercatus Center there is awesome. The place is a bastion for Austrians and free marketeers.

>> No.399793

>The place is a bastion for Austrians and free marketeers

It's a third-string department that's produced basically zero important scholarship and has resorted to gimmicks to stay relevant. The important insights come up with by Austrians were co-opted by mainstream economists in the '40's and the field has yet to produce anything of value since beyond screaming about muh gold! muh inflation! muh currency debasement! for the past four decades and generally be an embarrassment to the field.

Look, there's nothing wrong with wanting to go to a university to study economics from the perspective that the freest market is best. But that university is U of C, which everybody acknowledges to have an excellent research program and to be stuffed to the gills with top-tier economists. GMU is a fucking joke.

>> No.399796

I can see where you're coming from. Is academia still a wise choice if I were to go to U of C?

>> No.399799


>Is academia still a wise choice if I were to go to U of C?

Yes. A PhD in Econ from U of C will get you any academic job you want, plus pretty much any finance job you want (Goldman, JPM, a HF, you name it). It's a golden ticket the way a Stanford degree is to CS or a MIT one is to scientists.

>> No.399801

Thanks LOLz, you're the man.

Any idea about admission statistics?

>> No.399802

>Any idea about admission statistics?

Hard as shit? Probably like 10-20%, idk.

>> No.399821

Search it.
You probably shouldn't do PhD.I an tell you're not cut out for it.

>> No.399829


>shitter version of 4chan filled with people like Noahpinion

Not even once, m80.

>> No.399858

Exactly. He needs to understand what he's getting into

>> No.399866

I'm full blood Korean, does that change your opinion?

>> No.399934

It depends, OP, are you charismatic, beautiful, and fit? Can you control your body language? We don't need anymore unpresentable Austrians. We need new Austrian leaders. We're a headless movement.

The face of American Austrianism was Ron Paul, who bought suits 2x too large and stumbled over his words. We need a new Murray Rothbard. We need a Milton Friedman of the Austrian School, who slapped Keynesian shit with his Type-A alpha personality.

We have enough theorists. We have enough activists. We don't have a face.

>> No.399939


No business will hire an Austrian Economist, they don't have any of the quantitative training that makes a regular Economist valuable to a business.

Academia is your best bet, but George Mason is the only university that hires Austrians since its their gimmick and Austrians don't bring in research dollars, so I hope you like adjunct positions at the local community college.

>> No.399943

I'm charismatic, above average looking, and fit. I'm also reasonably well-connected in the liberty movement for a student.

Wouldn't mind making some rousing speeches in the future on mainstream television.

>> No.399944

And also not actually Korean

>> No.399947

Business. I know enough people in academia who are idiots.

>> No.399950

There are many universities that would hire Austrian economists. It is far from a pariah. This applies both in the U.S. and internationally. The professor of economics at the Stockholm School of Economics, Erik Lakomaa, is an Austrian. The same is true at the Autonomous University of Madrid, with Pedro Schwarz.

>> No.399977
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That's pretty sub-par.

A real measure of your skill would be if you could travel the country, meet with wildly varying demographics of people, and stand your own when presenting to and conversing with them. Your captive audiences include, a black family living on welfare, the elderly on social security, a veteran missing both of his legs, people who were financial professionals and had their lives ruined in 2008, skinheads, illegal immigrants, university-educated marxists, and the list continues. You will be questioned with colloquial wisdom, well-established truisms, and memes that're decades old and provides the deepest foundation for the political beliefs of many in this country.

Television is 5 minutes of talk, 5 minutes of break. Television is preparation. Television is purposefully made lighting and camera angles. Television can be redone and edited. Television can be scripted.

The above can never be any of these things. No break. No preparation to what you'll be facing. No special tricks. No edits. No scripts. No chance to redo. Just you, face-to-face with someone deeply skeptical of your philosophy, in a room of 200+ people that think similarly.

>> No.400216
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>We need a Milton Friedman of the Austrian School, who slapped Keynesian shit with his Type-A alpha personality

So are you literally retarded or just incapable of understanding anything that isn't spoon-fed to you by the von Mises institute?

>I think the Austrian business-cycle theory has done the world a great deal of harm. If you go back to the 1930s, which is a key point, here you had the Austrians sitting in London, Hayek and Lionel Robbins, and saying you just have to let the bottom drop out of the world. You’ve just got to let it cure itself. You can’t do anything about it. You will only make it worse. You have Rothbard saying it was a great mistake not to let the whole banking system collapse. I think by encouraging that kind of do-nothing policy both in Britain and in the United States, they did harm.

>> No.400253

>a degree in austrian economics


>> No.400274


You'll do neither and end up being some "MUH GOLD" faggot working some shitty government job while rallying against that same government.

>> No.400285

UC is way lower than that probably
They're pretty much top ranked for econ outside of a few of the ivy leagues

>> No.400289

>Interning in DC for a couple years, grabbing an mba, and getting into consulting
This is probably the better solution, because honestly you'll likely end up in consulting either way

and unless you wanna dedicate 6 years of your life to a phd, it doesn't make sense

>> No.400301

Your deranged economic theories still won't work, no matter what puppet you elect as your leader.