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3992972 No.3992972 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit you have to see this:


Max Keiser clowning Peter Schill aka the boomerman aka "don't buy Bitcoin" since it was $20.

When he does an impersonation of a man struggling to carry a ton of gold screaming "I WANT TO BE FREE, LET ME IN IN YOUR COUNTRY". Peter trying to act calm and collected.

Dumb boomers on the comment section think Peter won. kek.

>> No.3993022

Boomers should have admitted defeat once Keiser joined the crypto train, he was against bitcoin for years before realizing the error of his ways. Instead they'll hold to "muh tulips" despite the innumerable differences.

>> No.3993106
File: 245 KB, 1510x2002, ppkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out at 34:00

Peter says "we'll see in a couple of weeks when it goes down".

BTC crosses $6000.

Fucking LOL at boomers.

>> No.3993153
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cringed out of existence. I'm all-in gold now

>> No.3993177
File: 26 KB, 300x250, pppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new to Max or just a boomer

>> No.3993218

You know what really pisses me off about these muh tulips boomer fucks? Their fucking lame ass cop-out that they can keep using forever.
"I don't care how high it trades, hundreds of thousands even millions but it will come crashing down one day."
Two years from now they'll still say the same shit when it's 10x.

>> No.3993225

holy fucking KEK
this is how I imagine linkies when they are shilling their coin

>> No.3993253

wtf i hate bitcoin now.

>> No.3993605


around 7:00 peter goldshill actually predicts / theorizes about atomic swaps and acts as if it's a bad thing lmao. Wait until he hears about how 2018 is going to be the year of decentralized exchanges.

>> No.3993616

Peter is right that tommorrow enough people could decide that another crypto is better than btc. Such fickle fashion and the unknown possibility for more innovative coins means a flippening is inevitable.

Peter doesn't have the telecom experience to understand network value. A flippening probably won't happen until after crypto networks are more common than 'cash', but that time horizon is a blink to Peter's philosophy.

Force or fashion cannot change the elemental nature of gold. No crypto elementally is the software representation of cryptographic procedure.

>> No.3993628

Max Keiser is a fucking kike that was instrumental to the MTGOX collapse when he was given millions of Quarkcoin and shilled the fuck out of it when he was still relevant and didn't disclose he was one of the creators and unloaded bags on his viewers.

>> No.3993702

Coiners don't realize that crypto is a technology, and just like any other technology that mankind as ever created it will eventually die and get replaced...
Because we are humans and that is what we do, we invent shit and replace it with better shit.

Would you invest your retirement money in a technology stock ? fuck no.

>> No.3993763

around 17:38 he says it's more risky investing in btc now versus 7 yrs ago. The example he uses to illustrate goes like this "well 7 years ago you could have invested $50 and if it all went to nothing you didn't lose much know, but if you invested 1 million $ today that's a lot more to risk"

The absolute madman

>> No.3993778

wtf? tech stocks are the best performing assets in the stock world and traditional companies are completely remodeling themselves and revamping their images to be perceived as tech companies

>> No.3993841

Facebook, Google, Apple etc... all these companies will eventually die and so will bitcoin and blockchain technology.

>> No.3994951

Eventually we all die even the universe. Bitcoin could live for years, decades or more

>> No.3995086

The average currency also survives for approximately 100-300 years.

The US Dollar is approaching 300 years as a currency, and 100 years as the world's reserve currency. The average life span of a world reserve currency is approximately 90 years. 2017-1945=72 years, meaning we will likely see a new reserve currency in our lifetime (i.e. before 2050); the likelihood of it being BTC isn't particularly good, but the likelihood of it being some form of crypto-enabled currency is fairly strong.

It will be interesting to see if the next world currency is owned by a state government, or is generally accepted by financial leaders due to its utility and convenience. I'm betting on the latter, because if the currency is generally accepted by the finance community, they "own" it, in a sense, and it isn't tied to the success of its ruling nation in the same way that traditional fiat has been.