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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3992889 No.3992889 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3992903

Thats it
Sold my bags

>> No.3992908

reddit cunts complaining about the layout of other sites
how fucking rich

>> No.3992911

They sound like innocent children, so cute.

>> No.3992920
File: 425 KB, 1059x1952, MCO_baggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nowhere as bad as mco holders

>> No.3992922

i wonder if they saw my Netorare thread lmao

>> No.3992926

I literally don't understand plebbit at all.
Also, 4chan isn't a secret club anymore, but they somehow still think we're dankweb.

>> No.3992927

This layout is fucking amazing, what are they talking about

>> No.3992960


the dumbass says to say away from omg and icos lmao

>> No.3992975

>Feels like a website tha was made in 1995
So, what's wrong about that? Or normies need shiny animations, faggots UI and shit like those to write their bullshit?

>> No.3992980

they probably haven't discovered the catalog

>> No.3993006

It's not Material Design™®© so they get triggered by it. Funny enough, Faggit's design is way worse.

>> No.3993015

>reddit complaining about website design
holy fuck

>> No.3993040

The layout is only amazing if you're autistic or living in the early 2000's.

>> No.3993042

thank you

>> No.3993043

4chan + Tomorrow is god-tier.

>> No.3993049

go back

>> No.3993080

any of you faggots ever go on voat? It was basically an alt right clone of reddit of the ellen pao fiasco.

dunno how active it is now but it could be a good shilling ground in the future


>> No.3993134

Not even a le reddit fag. Been here for years but have the common sense to notice the website could use some quality of life updates.

>> No.3993149

extensions give you those qol improvements

>> No.3993193
File: 33 KB, 567x449, 1507992444167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark forum

>> No.3993474

Good, keep the normies away.

>> No.3993606

4chan is one of the only anonymous sites without a point system. It's heaven. Everyone's post carries equal weight and you cant force it up or down for more or less people to see it. Brainlettors love feeling security of similar ideas.

>> No.3993617

ya and i can call you a faggot and you cant do shit

>> No.3993642

I am a faggot.

>> No.3993656
File: 99 KB, 749x750, 1508629603648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK, faggot.

>> No.3993672
File: 175 KB, 1280x1280, linkorwagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3993686

is this real? no fucking way. 4chans layout is so much better and easier to understand than the reddit cancer. When a comment gets too many replies that are also chained with replies it makes it so fucking irritating to figure out what a reply is replying to.

>> No.3993700

fuck these faggots 4chan's layout is patrician-tier
dumping link now

>> No.3994006

LINK is our coin. They were the ones that rejected it initially as le 4chins pump and dump.

>> No.3994143

They're basically the crypto version of boomers.

The flow of information is as follows:

Developers + VC investors --> Bitcoin talk users --> 4chan + whale and pump and dump groups --> reddit --> youtube / twitter

As a result they end up buying out bags for 10-20x times the price lmao.

>> No.3994211


Yeah but it makes it easier to circlejerk and upboat the same dead jokes every single time, and that's all those retards really want.