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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3983260 No.3983260 [Reply] [Original]

I see two main reasons for the current LINK price:

>1) the price is manipulated on Binance
For instance, see >>3973009

This is easily remedied by adding more exchanges, likely soon

>2) BTC is mooning because of the fork, causing an exodus out of most alts
This is just speculative greed.
In the long run, BTC growing is very good for alts, as the reputation of ALL crypto depends on Bitcoin (all crypto except of course the many "we're like BTC but better/faster!!" coins).

LINK is an altcoin with an actual use case (mainstream smart contracts) that relies on blockchain tech.
It cannot be replaced by Bitcoin (or ETH, etc.), only by a direct rip-off.

>> No.3983270

Fck off fag OP. 2XXX RANGE SOON.


>> No.3983271

You're not saying anything we don't already know, private. Just keep accumulating on the dip.

>> No.3983275

As long as LINK remains on Binance alone, I fully expect it.

>> No.3983300

11k banks rumor : price goes up
news is maybe 5 and swift isn't really interested in blockchain tech : it dumps

also 100 millions marketcap for a whitepaper and 2 ghost devs is way to much

>> No.3983324

And the main reason you left out is: devs not communicating.
But don't worry they'll try harder once it bleeds to zero.

>> No.3983591

>11k banks rumor : price goes up
>news is maybe 5

The news was 5 banks involved in the demo.

The rumor was NEVER 11k banks involved in the demo.

Stop lying.

>also 100 millions marketcap for a whitepaper and 2 ghost devs is way to much
And a working product, and one of the biggest use cases in all of crypto, and one of the very biggest industry exposures in all of crypto, etc. etc.

>> No.3983623

When will Sergey answer the one question everyone asks in slack.

>> No.3983647

Probably when there is confirmation.

>> No.3983662

And what question is that again?

>> No.3983680



>> No.3983683

Jesus, chill the fuck out people...It seems like a lot of investors had ridiculous expectations from SIBOS...If you believe in the project, just hold.

>sir gay needs to make a statement now!! hold my hand pls!!
>m-m-muh bots!!!!

so fucking childish

>> No.3983693

Oh the bots are real.

Manipulating the price on a single exchange is like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.3983714

Because it encourages data to be centralized and kept behind lock and key, or else data will be scraped and offered by the "whale" nodes, getting bigger in the process, and crowding out smaller data offerers, which are necessary for a trustless system. He doesn't seem to have an answer to this gigantic issue.

>> No.3983720


Bots certainly are real, can confirm. Placed a small buy order above market price (first sell price) earlier today, and watched the whole buy/sell order book shift around to dump the price below where I bought in immediately.

>> No.3983725

This is the reason whales are accumulating because they will own oracles

>> No.3983728


>> No.3983747

This. Just watch the sell orders.
>some guy puts 5k LINK sell order
>12k sell order that was above it moves 1 sat below it in split of a second
>another order below that 12k order
>12k order again moves 1 sat below the previous order
And it goes on and on.

>> No.3983764

Dont stain Nick Szabo's name with your disgusting shitcoin shilling.

Degenerate faggot.

>> No.3983785

Idk why you're all being so stupid about it. I'm a big believer in LINK, nothing changed from when I first got in at ICO except there were more competent that I though.

You've been given a guaranteed date by which btc is forking. EVerything is gonna be btc until then, so you know you can play around until the 24th/25th with buying and elling in a downtrend. Like last night I sold at 4450 rebought at 3330, filled over night. Just made 8k link.

It goes to show how much stupid new money is in this now. Like why weren't you selling and buying the dips, that level of mass hype was a clear indicator people wanted bags.

You do realise that EVERYONE here is fudding to buy lower right? You dont actually people come up with the factual, informative fud to troll do you? It's for profit you mong.

Christ. I've been fudding the whole time. Stack went from 52k to 89k now. Easy as pie. lmao hodl hodl

>> No.3983788

This is a very petty technical issue.

>> No.3983797

i'm fully aware it's real, and it was a mistake from the devs to distribute the tokens so early in the game in the first place, but nothing we can do about it right now, except have patience.
the nice thing about this mess is that it shows how obsessed people are with this project, what other reason could people have to put so much effort in price manipulation?

>> No.3983803
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>> No.3983804

It's not at all these are oracles we are talking about. You are letting your emotions get the better of you.

>> No.3983814

>what other reason could people have to put so much effort in price manipulation?
It's not just whales that dumped the price this low, it's the idiot devs who don't realize this is crypto and this hands-off approach is not acceptable.

>> No.3983826

dude, let it go. It's over.

>> No.3983852

Nick Szabo invented smart contracts, but they remained a theory until the blockchain came along.
Because the blockchain is decentralized (hundreds of thousands of versions of all proofs ever), it is trustless enough to allow for smart contracts.

However, you need something to translate external data for use in the blockchain.
The solution is oracles.

BUTTT they need to be decentralized too, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the decentralized blockchain.

And this is what Chainlink does.


>> No.3983864

Bullshit. This is easily remedied by a number of solutions, like a simple change to the token staking system.

>> No.3983875

>fork is the 25th
>not the real one the 18th november
You don't know shit about what's happening and you give advice to others.

>> No.3983876

>it was a mistake from the devs to distribute the tokens so early in the game
Christ man, they had a finished product at ICO. This is "later in the game" than 99% of ICOs.

>> No.3983885

People are holding btc for gold as well you fucking pleb. Christ. Bring me back to biz 20014

>> No.3983887

>yeah now holders with a few millions link have too much power on their node we'll make 50% of their holding useless
Just imagine the market.

>> No.3983901

If the oracle network prioritizes you based on how much link you hold what change could you make that would matter? Whales can transf data faster on bigger machines, whales will earn more reputation than you, whales can even offer their service for a price below yours and eat a loss to push you out.

>> No.3983902

And 3 weeks later there's an even bigger fork, it might get a pump for 10 days max but it'll drop just the same soon enough.

>> No.3983911

The point is precisely to have a free market of nodes competing.
Any arguments you have are "muh monopolization" arguments that apply to any free market.

>> No.3983921

Now is the time to buy.

I hope it drops to 2000 soon.

>> No.3983932

yes...but even if you're able to play a royal flush, you still have to actually show your hand.
they allowed it to be traded on only one, shady exchange and let it play out, that's not a smart move. either go full marketing mode, get it listed on as many exchanges as you can, or don't. don't half-ass it.

>> No.3983941

It's a shit solution and you have no argument, staking doesn't work for oracles because the top 5 wallets will own oracles. I rather have centralized oracles than this garbage

>> No.3983948

>they allowed it to be traded on only one, shady exchange and let it play out, that's not a smart move.
I completley agree.
But I will give them slack for the fact that SIBOS was coming up. But they better get on it.

>> No.3983958

Monopolys are outlawed or heavily regulated for a reason idiot and a centralized solution to the oracle problem isn't a solution.

>> No.3983968

You and I have no idea how this will play out or be fixed once it's out in the wild.

>Monopolys are outlawed or heavily regulated for a reason
Again, refer to any discussion about monopolies.
You, anon, do not have the answer.

>a centralized solution to the oracle problem isn't a solution.
Hence Chainlink.

>> No.3983998

Chain link advocates for centralization with the problem I just explained to you, you dense fucking ape. It does the exact opposite of what it is trying to solve by making a giant mess of things and Sergey doesn't have an answer after 10years. Enjoy bag holding your shit coin

>> No.3984025

did you seriously keep a copy of my comment from days ago?

>> No.3984028

>muh whales
kys OP
fucking retards honestly just end it, all of you deluded link monkeys

below ico is where this useless shitcoin belongs
as mentioned before: kys

>> No.3984032

it's a fair concern, if there is no way to solve that then the project is utterly fucked, hence I refuse to believe they don't have a solution for it.

i guess it's something like this:
>nodes holding a shitload of LINK get prioritzed, BUT there will always be a multitude of other nodes, randomly chosen, that also process the data.
>the nodes that try to falsify data, or are simply shit, will always be a minority, and therefore their input is rejected
>node gets flagged, penalized, banned whatever

pretty simple

>> No.3984044

>Chain link advocates for centralization
Direct quote from their website: "The ChainLink Network is a decentralized network of ChainLink Nodes".

If you can actually predict what is going to happen, you could save many companies billions in trial costs.

>> No.3984052

The manipulation is very real.
Go watch the order book right now.
Been going on for weeks.

>> No.3984066

holy shit you have down syndrome
its a free market


>> No.3984076

>i have no idea what market manipulation is

Protip: in traditional finance it puts you in big boy prison.

>> No.3984083

bullet to your head

>> No.3984097

don't respond to this low effort fud, there is no reason someone acts this retarded if they aren't interested in a project.

>> No.3984101

It's one of the millions of things to be looked at.
If you read the whitepaper, there's a reputation system in place for instance based on ratings of past performance so it's not just a matter of stacking LINK to gain priority.

>> No.3984156


>> No.3984160

yeah, well, it's a system that needs to be foolproof, but it doesn't seem difficult to implement at all, i really don't get the panic about this. there's so many options. it all feels like well constructed, perfectly timed, mindfuck fud.

>> No.3984246

> youtuber
pick one lol

>> No.3984262

>"I hate ICOs because they want money before they have a product"
... he says about one of the few ICOs that actually had a product at ICO.
What a retard.

>> No.3984278

All the elements are there, the whitepaper is a beast.

Of course, once the network gets released in the wild it's going to be a learning experience.
This is very normal.

>> No.3984300



>> No.3984328

lmao this.

Yes, the whales are concerning themselves with some one month old, one exchange coin with all the btc events happening.

How are people so attached this coin? You buy low, you sell high, you leave, and buy back when its lower. If it doesnt get lower move on. You miss moonshots everyday but dgaf because you're not emotionally attached to them like LINK.

Protip for deluded LINK bagholders: Go buy some TAAS, and sell before the dividend date, as price will rise coming up to it. Why? Because people actually want it and there's a fucking demand.

Also lol at LINk whales having 6 millin LINK.

"Decentralized oracle distribution b-bro.."

>> No.3984351

That's a lot of shit you just typed for someone who claims not to care about LINK.

>> No.3984370


>> No.3984374

>proof of concept was a success
>swift and other parties still interested (!)

might be a long hold, but i'm comfy. let the forkers fork, let the panic sellers sell, let the fudders fud, i know what i invested in.

>> No.3984386

Stop shilling your dumb video.

It shits on ICOs for wanting money before they have a product, while Chainlink is one of the very few ICOs that did have its product ready at ICO.

Chainlink is about 4 years in the making.

Fuck off.

>> No.3984400

More just fed up with link wojak threads following the month of link shills.

You do you sweetie. Hop on over to reddit and hodl and hug each other and preach how it'll be worth it in 2020 when it goes to 30c lmao

>> No.3984406
File: 61 KB, 306x306, pepe dissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know much about smartcontracts, oracles, icos, and ripple, but let me talk about them in detail for 25 minutes

what a fag

>> No.3984414

>You do you sweetie.
So what are you doing here?

>> No.3984459

Fudding to buy more link obviously lmao jk

>> No.3984465

>nodes holding a shitload of LINK get prioritzed, BUT there will always be a multitude of other nodes, randomly chosen, that also process the data.
>the nodes that try to falsify data, or are simply shit, will always be a minority, and therefore their input is rejected
>node gets flagged, penalized, banned whatever
Well you'll be happy to know that all three of these things have been true since the whitepaper was published, if anyone bothers to read those things. The entire fucking point of ChainLink is to get an aggregate of several nodes data. You select and weight the nodes by whatever criteria YOU want, since you may provide your own reputation and aggregation contracts. Nodes that deviate too far from the consensus are rejected and lose their stake. Nodes that are found to have engaged in an outright attack against the system through collusion or some other attack to cause several nodes to provide falsified data will be marked as such by the Certification Service. It's important to note that a node cannot be outright banned. There is no central authority with the ability to do so. Realistically just about everyone's reputation contracts will exclude nodes marked as fraudulent, or they will be weighted lightly in the aggregation contract. Finally, if you as an end user are concerned about centralization from this hypothetical whale accumulation, you have many options available to you, such as:
Requesting more nodes to ensure nobody can fuck with the consensus. (the obvious answer most people will go for)
Excluding specific nodes you personally don't trust because they're too big or whatever.
Scaling the stake by the size of the node (i.e. a node with 100 transactions staking 100 LINK will be weighted 10x heavier than one with 10,000 transactions staking 1,000 LINK)

There's always going to be demand for more nodes. Users want a diversification of nodes and a diversification of sources those nodes scrape data from. ChainLink's protocol provides both.

>> No.3984467

This nigger coin is rape my ass everyday.
My ass hurts anon.
After doing reasearch i realis its a shitcoin with no future.
I wake up with my ass hurting and assrape starts again.
My ass cant take it much longer.

>> No.3984511

>"I don't care about LINK but lemme write a novella about it anyway"
>"You do you, but lemme get all up in your shit"

I unironically believe you're only fudding to buy more link.

>> No.3984539
File: 150 KB, 918x1301, MOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest and the worst investment so far
I usually lose 20% on shitcoins, but this is beyond insane, only Bitcoin keeps me afloat
I'll hodl it because I really don't care, but this piece of shit also changed my view on slavic apes, fuck 'em all

>> No.3984547

>"I bought at ATH and it's not my fault!!"

>> No.3984566

Of course it's my fault, retard
I just needed to vent a little bit

>> No.3984577

Well you did project.

>> No.3984584

how? slavic folx aren't exactly good people

>> No.3984582


>> No.3984610

The lying shits still have SWIFT on their webpage. Lying cunts.
The connection with Cornell is fucking shit, one of their baboon advisers is employed at Cornell. Lying cunts.

>> No.3984616

OP, I appreciate your effort, but could yo please make a graph out of LINK wallet stats?
A generic histogram, density dist would be nice

>> No.3984688
File: 47 KB, 399x400, 1507115280380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3984830

Hi plebbit

>> No.3984861


>> No.3984923

>said I'd sell when the FUD ended
>the FUD ended while I was at uni and fomo-ing
>I missed my chance to sell

>> No.3984930

There will be countless more opportunities.

>> No.3984976

Wait, so link has nothing to do with swift?

>> No.3985001

They do but it's not set in stone yet.
They're still "in conversations with SWIFT and other large institutions" is the latest update from 2 days ago.

>> No.3985013

Link was the only external crypto dev to do a PoC for SWIFT and present it at SIBOS.
They are very much in a business relationship.

>> No.3985214

shutup idiot. SWIFT have announced they not going to have anything to do with blockchains for the near future.

Im down 40% and thats about $8k, once it gets near -50% im out. Should stick to ICO with Jews behind them.

Fucking shit slav CEO cunt.
This company has one developer and he is also the CEO.

>> No.3985222

>SWIFT have announced they not going to have anything to do with blockchains for the near future.

Lmao, ok I'm down for some fun.

Please post your source please.

>> No.3985316

Since you're not going to provide your source, let me do it for you:
Your source is this: https://www.gtreview.com/news/global/swift-finds-blockchain-has-potential-but-will-not-commit-yet/

The article is all about SWIFT's nostro-vostro project, which is part of SWIFT's GPI project. Chainlink never had anything AT ALL to do with either of these projects.


Chainlink's demo for instance was all about smart securities/bonds and ISO-compliant messaging (which is SWIFT's core activity).


(And btw, SWIFT may be expressing doubt about using the blockchain for these nostro-vostro and GPI projects, but they are almost 100% guaranteed to use blockchain anyway.
You see, GPI takes a full day to process cross-border payments, while blockchain solutions (e.g. Ripple, IBM's use of Lumens) are almost instantly processed.

They're just shit-talking the blockchain for now to keep from driving people towards shit like Ripple or Lumens; but they will undoubtedly use blockchain solutions themselves, at which point they will praise the blockchain to high heavens.)

>> No.3985522

Stop holding bags. Just dump it and then set buy orders for around 20c.

There won't be LINK on any more exchanges before the fork, so it'll keep falling until after that.


>> No.3985535

>There won't be LINK on any more exchanges before the fork

>> No.3985551

If I do just that, the price will shoot up. That's the way it works.

>> No.3985578


The fork is in 4 days. That's the source. If you honestly believe it's getting listed anywhere else(let alone a non-shit exchange) before that then I'm truly sorry for you anon.

Just wait and see.

Market-wise, no-one gives a shit about alts right now anyway.

>> No.3985589


That's literally the opposite of true.

>> No.3985641

>If I do just that, the price will shoot up. That's the way it works.

This. I have the Anti-Midas touch.

>> No.3985688

I know, but I'll probably fuck it up by not buying again at the proper time or some shit.

>> No.3985753


Don't get superstitious man... That's emotional trading and is dangerous.

I understand the long position on on LINK, if you believe in its fundamentals, but you don't have to be a bag holder.

Either try and recoup against USD by dumping and rebuying, or HODL but don't look at it until January - at least make the most of the easy option ;)

>> No.3985804

Nah I'm not superstitious, just aware of my bad trading skills.
I think I might as well hold, don't know how much lower can LINK go but it seems it's pretty far down already (again, I might be reading this wrong lol).

>> No.3986093

buy low, sell high...that's it, it's a skill i still have to master myself. selling this far in a downtrend isn't something i prefer to do, unless the near future looks bleak (no possible upcoming developments, now new exchanges, etc.).