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3976828 No.3976828 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I need to marry the woman in pic related? How do I accumulate that money and go about acquiring her once I have accumulated enough money?

>> No.3976855

1 million dollar

>> No.3976867

chloroform is inexpensive my friend

>> No.3976941
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Its all pointless fren. She will just leave you for someone with more money or bigger dick

>> No.3976961

Even with tons of money she’d still not marry you if you’re fuck ugly.

>> No.3976970

btw money is nice if your a cuck to pull chicks,

try this method tell every girl that she is sexy and her body makes you horny, girls get turned on if your honest and see them as a object but dont do it in a creeper way

>> No.3976995

this. does this woman look wholesome to you?

marry a 6/10 that will fight to the death for your family.

women are like investing. each dollar you make is a golden slave that works for you, then it has little copper children that grow into adult golden slaves.

invest in a good woman so that you may have a good family and have children that will grow up and be your treasure on this earth.

a woman like your picture is like a madoff investment, looks awesome, but will run off with everything you own.

>> No.3977012

t. pajeet

>> No.3977027

If you are asking this then there is literally a 0% chance she will ever marry you. She's already a successful model and will be a millionaire soon, if she isn't already due to her rich parents. At this point all she (or any girl in a similar position) wants is more social status. Aka a hot boyfriend with a lot of friends who she can show off on social media. If you want to marry hot girls because of (realistically attainable) money, you have to look at girls in 3rd world shitholes. Successful models will not sacrifice their image to date an autist with a few mills.

>> No.3977036

Keep buying at ATH

>> No.3977038
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>> No.3977043

show vagene

>> No.3977087
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0 BTC.

Just be good looking and you'll fuck her at her best (virgin to college) during your sexual overdrive primes.

If you are not good looking kill yourself. You will never enjoy life.

Protip: im a zombie.

>> No.3977121


Getting girls if you're rich is easy as fuck, first you have to show off your money in a subtle way and then you have to go to her and show her your vulnerable side. You can come up with anything but it's better if it is something she can relate to. For example go to her drinking and tell her that you want to stop drinking that it's ruining your life etc. She not only will feel close to you but she will also try to fix you which is something all women want for some reason. And I can assure you it is a done deal by then.

>> No.3977132

This fucking meme. Literally every female in the world is a conniving cutthroat slut. Youre insane if you think, in this day and age any woman will "fight for your family" if anything she will take your children from you and take you away from your family, whether she is a 6/10 or a 10/10

>> No.3977140

This only works if you're trying to marry a poor nobody. Not rich girls like Elizabeth Turner in OP's pic.

>> No.3977164

You're unreasonable if you think that you can apply a personality generalization to 100% of women. Maybe what you said applies to 99% of women, but not 100%. There is a huge difference.

>> No.3977199


It works for every woman it's in their nature, women are very emotional beings.

>> No.3977218
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>go up to woman in bar
>wasted, bud light in hand
>hey baby i-i'm trying to quit drinking pls help me
>she rolls her eyes and walks off
>i-internet said this would work

>> No.3977225

There are tons of women who wouldn't marry Vitalik despite being a genius worth over 100m. Just because they don't care about money enough to endure millions of people making fun of him on instagram.

>> No.3977227

if it makes any difference, my wife is not from the US or a western culture. in her country the tv shows all have strong families and the father is basically the god of the family.

>> No.3977232

How in kek's name is Bud Light related to anything about alcohol?

>> No.3977254


Being a genius worth over 100m isn't showing vulnerability.

>> No.3977276

Oh yeah if Vitalik developed a drinking problem all the spoiled instagram models would be falling head over heals for him.

>> No.3977306


Ok I'm done discussing emotional intelligence with aspergers

>> No.3977335

lmao, russian here. you obviously haven't talked to a russian/slavic girl. we still have the age-old patriarchy system running stronk in all our families where men go to work and women stay home and cook.

>> No.3977338

Alright have fun picking up girls by coming up with fake personal problems for them to solve. I'd rather larp as a chad who never has trouble with anything.

>> No.3977377

this. my wife stays home and raises our son.

>current year
>having a career wife
>wife has "power lunches" with chad boss every day
>divorce after 5 - 10 years
>pay child support for chad bosses kids

>> No.3977861

Wow..Dating guru right here

>> No.3977912

plenty of billionaires tried to get Miranda Kerr when she was single

>> No.3977953

>ever being attracted to a weak crybaby

>> No.3978405
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meanwhile Chad fucked her when she wasn't a pump and dumped sloot

you cant win

>> No.3978690

she has a gorgeous face but no hips or ass
you have my permission to pursue her anon

>> No.3978736


This sounds like the (((Corporate Trainer))) in our office.

She gets paid $80,000 to play on Facebook, run a training class once a month and suck off chad boss.

> Fast Forward a Couple Years

She preggers with Chad's kid... despite having a husband who played college football and 3 kids at home.

>> No.3978908

lmao 6\10 women are just as much of a whore as 10\10 women, they just have less possibilities to realize their chad fantasies because they are higher in supply while the market demand is oriented towards 10\10 women, but make no mistake, as soon as they get the chance they'd cuck you with a chad richer than you. tl;dr: bang the most qt chicks

>> No.3978944

anyway, literally this. if you're an autist loner, your net worth must be literally in the hundreds of millions to date a model like her. few millions will not be enough at all, because 1) as a mildly successful model she'll likely earn as much in 5-6 years 2) she still has the chance to date hot millionaire chads

>> No.3979001

>he's an anti fun huge fag
>but I can tell he's rich
>should I fuck him?
Brb fucking some Chads in the mean time maybe some blacks too get in there my nig

>> No.3979527

>"Chad doesnt always wi-

>> No.3979601

How much is enough? Is checking my blockfolio when she walks into the room and quickly closing it subtle enough?

>> No.3979617

>There are tons of women
Sure, but only because there are 3.5 B women on the planet. The majority would gladly marry him and his 100M no matter how... unconventional he is.

>> No.3979637

If you don't want this then you have to do your part to make slut-shaming cool again. Roasties will do everything in their power to convince as many people as possible that it's completely normal for them to fuck 20+ people while they're just "young and dumb".

>> No.3979661

you just gotta put your dick in her mouth and skullfuck the shit out of her

>> No.3979675

absolutely disgusting

i buy low and sell high, faggots like you get a loan to buy high and then sell low

>> No.3979780

Im not even gay and Id marry money skele.
Those bones man, those bones.

>> No.3979961
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>> No.3980230
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>> No.3980810

Ok, the answer is, enough money where she could literally take half your money and assets and you could still continue to live comfortably and not give a fuck. Although the kids thing would probably still suck.

>> No.3981225

You will never have this girl. Get over it.

>> No.3981607

However much I can tell you one thing, she isn't worth it.

>> No.3981625

>ok rape you next week

>> No.3981812

you dont want to marry a 10 lol. youtube the crazy hot scale and write that shit down lol

>> No.3982141

Don't worry in the future we will have an OP girl in VR for everyone so they can pretend to get marreid to her and also have a Ferrari.