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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3974617 No.3974617 [Reply] [Original]

I just sold all my BTC and got into altcoins due to the extremely low price. Now I need to wait and don't know what to do. I already jerked off to my 4k gains due to BTC multiple times.
Gaming is currently not appealing, I have no friends and live in a basement (I actually bought myself a basement only to live in, not living at parents (dead anyways)). Don't feel suicidal, atleast not anymore. Made some good profits through cryptoinvestments.

I have 10k to spend on shit (exclusive cryptomoney). With cryptomoney I have around 19k. I'm open for getting shilled btw., yet won't buy every shitcoin you're telling me to buy.

>> No.3974638

Buy an 8 ball of coke on the deep web

>> No.3974645
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Get into ark.

>> No.3974649


>> No.3974672

Fly out to me and I'll take you out on the town.

>> No.3974687

Funny thing already bought into ark
Thought about hookers, dunno really.
My neighbourhood don't have any, need to go with train to zurich to get some. Don't wanna leave house.
Sure buddy, when you live somewhere in europe I could.

>> No.3974740

everything on LINK

>> No.3974748

what’s the current alternative after alpha bay and hansa went „down"

>> No.3974762

come to germany, I’ll invite you. I live next to the Netherlands in a big city.

>> No.3974771

already in, diversified 6k on OMG, NEO, LINK, ARK, IOTA. Still have 3k to put into other crypts.

>> No.3974782

Next week I have sch

>> No.3974784

Send me .01 BTC and I'll point you towards the next big coin

>> No.3974795


>> No.3974813

Nächste Woche habe ich frei.
Ich könnte echt einen Flug nach Deutschland buchen. Hab ja eh nix zu tun.

>> No.3974821

wo biste denn gerade? Österreich?

>> No.3974833

Schweiz, Zürich

>> No.3974844

fancy schweiz. schieb mal ne mail rüber und dann könnenwa darüber kommunzieren.

>> No.3974858


>> No.3974881

be a billionaire get XBL

>> No.3975246

Lel Deutsch einzige Dominante Sprache hier nach Englisch.

>> No.3975268

hubii network

once it hits an exchange it's going to blow

>> No.3975283

ehy fresse ihr nazi husos

>> No.3975292


>> No.3975307

Why would you not buy XRP?

>> No.3975494

Du unterstützt die Linkspartei :(

>> No.3975523


I doubt this thing is ever going to be worth anything. Keep me in the loop on any HBT PnD's doe /biz/. I'd love to flip mine and at least break even on that shit :\

>> No.3975535


Antifa an die Wand

>> No.3975700


ALIS. Great Jap company, really new. Doing stuff with crypto transactions over social media. Looks pretty legit long term.

>> No.3975713

