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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 192x192, Слой-2-3fa4832e8b634309b210799f14d98f9c910d26125c45b6f22e6d178fa2977a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3963584 No.3963584 [Reply] [Original]

working product, versatile use-cases, stellar partnerships or potential partnerships, definitely a legit product that's not a scam coin, good team with poor communication... NO FUCKING MOON

you have to understand that crypto is a weird fucking world, that operates according to its scam logic. legit companies like factom and link, if they don't build hype, don't stand a cahnce. look at factom now. do you want to be holding link and achieving the same results?

it may not be fair. but it's reality. scam coins will eat your lunch, no matter how brilliant the idea or useful the real working product is.

oh yeah, i fucking hate you all for convincing me to go all-in on LINK earlier. i'm so fucking pissed right now.

>> No.3963606

There is a key difference. The factom token doesn't have a value proposition or incentive to increase the price.

Link has both.

>> No.3963612

Neck urself before you FUD your own bags again, faggot.

>> No.3963639

it's not FUD, it's the truth. i'm out soon

>> No.3963668

I will buy your bags right now at 2x market value. I'm not kidding. You will kill yourself when this shit goes 100x and you're left behind.

>> No.3963680

I own link but even you are retarded.
Definitely will avoid you in your lambo.

>> No.3963699


13B marketcap


>> No.3963705

Best time to buy is when the FUD is strongest.

>> No.3963732
File: 66 KB, 960x461, Sergynegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll double down, I will buy ANY FUDders bags in this thread, for the next half hour, at 2.5x market value. Not fucking kidding.

>> No.3963830
File: 64 KB, 996x682, 1478787713684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No takers? That's what I thought.

>> No.3963838

wait, youll let me flip you this at 80c?

>> No.3963842

Okay, I'll sell my 150k at 2x market value how do we do this?

>> No.3963851

ikr, dumb af ill take that bet if it wasn't so fucking stupid. that would 2.5x my stack easily

>> No.3963859

Sure, thats a great way to increase my stack

>> No.3963861

Post your address so I can see them 150k.

>> No.3963862

My bags are really fucking heavy, I'll take you up on that. I've got 12,400 bags that I'd really like to unload before the weekend because I'm very confident this will keep going down for the foreseeable future. In exchange I won't FUD LINK on /biz/ anymore and won't bring the price down from selling my admittedly small stack.

I'll round current market price down to 5.5k sats. I'll put the tiny wall on Binance at 0.0001375. I'll post proof in this thread if you buy it and never mention LINK again.

>> No.3963882
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 4chanlogin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is you, faggot

>> No.3963885

Im adding 14200k to the wall

Thanks anon!!
More link!!!!’

>> No.3963891

i have hands of folded steel and FUD has no effect except making me want to buy more

>> No.3963901

How about you keep FUDding, and I nut down your throat when I make a cool 3Milli by EOY.

>> No.3963903

Hold up dude I'm waiting for my eth to move to binance
You'll buy 10k link from me?

>> No.3963907
File: 53 KB, 720x1280, BA301AD4-2C61-43A2-BF28-FEB5ED7F3F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3963921

I know right? Keen AF on 25k link
>t. 10k linklet

>> No.3963923

I love you man. Holy fuck I love life rn.

>> No.3963924

I'm up for it, wait let me get my adresses

>> No.3963932

in all honesty the price going down has me really wanting to buy more

>> No.3963934

Yep. Let me know when it's over on the 'Nance.
This deal is for non-believers only. I want them out of my coin.

>> No.3963953

I have 8256 links on binance right now, how do we do this?

>> No.3963959

Why would a holder fud their own sheeeeitttt? Unless you’re trying to suppress the price, OP is a fucking idiot. Please buy his link on binance at .00013750

>> No.3963966

What's to stop someone from selling bags to you at double the price and just buying back their original position then keeping the difference?

>> No.3963967

Lmao still no bites, the true market sentiment is revealed eh

hmu if you wanna help a 4k linklet double his bags doe

>> No.3963971
File: 133 KB, 1280x851, mcdeehold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

all my links gone



>> No.3963973

how do i sell my linkbags to you

>> No.3963975

Waiting til all the glasshsnds respond then I'll post my email for 1 on 1 deals.
Nothing. But I still hope to remove a few non-believers.

>> No.3963985

what does that even mean

>> No.3963995

Hey are you in the US? Cali?
Can i just suck your dink for some link?

>> No.3963999

i've got 2.4k link and i want out

>> No.3964001

ok im down, I have 33,000

>> No.3964004

If I could afford more I would have bought it by now

>> No.3964005

Drive up to Washington and we can work something out. My address so you fags know im legit: 0x842b1e545ec9986aef79de4017dd5c5065d85bff

>> No.3964018

why dont we just do this on the exchange? i'll put up a sell order for my 8000 bags at 2.5x the price and you buy it. is that possible?

>> No.3964046

listed 2.4k at 0.00014162, buy it or stop larping

>> No.3964054

Just copped it.

>> No.3964058


>> No.3964065

Here's my email, for 1 on 1 deals:

>> No.3964074

epic, truly epic

>> No.3964077

You need a hobby, anon

>> No.3964085

haha the funny thing about hits is that if we had chainlink we could write a API contract about this and execute it w trust

>> No.3964093

This nigga has the idea.

>> No.3964139


That's such a tiny amount of money on global scale for something that can provide immense cost savings to practically any business. And I tell you. That is all managers are thinking about 24/7 in this day and age

>> No.3964152

Link is one of the first coins I've truly believed in. It's sad to watch it bleed out right now, but I have faith it will rise once again.

>> No.3964390

Your gonna be pleasantly surprised in the next few years

>> No.3964520

probably 25 cents tomorrow and 20 by this weekend with alot of people dropping out who will leave the community. Im here you're all here bc we are invested. If we get turned off our attention will focus elsewhere. That'll be the end of chainlink, it could all be over by next week.

>> No.3964537

I set a bunch of orders right around 30 cents but never thought they would get filled. now I'm setting them lower, probably between 20-25 cents this weekend.

>> No.3964654

It's possible on EtherDelta.