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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3963242 No.3963242 [Reply] [Original]

friendly reminder that this board is actively used as fertile grounds for pumpers & dumpers and that more often than not, you are the marks.
the current state of this board is almost exactly the same in purpose as a traditional boiler room. you have been warned. there are a lot of new friends around recently, so this is important information to be aware of. sure, you can use the cycle to your gain - shit, I have - but it's playing with fire and most people will not succeed by the very nature of it, unless they manage to get an influx of second generation fools. look carefully at the entire price history of what you are buying. be careful to note that charts on coinmarketcap only start when they are listed on coinmarketcap, and can have important omissions from before listing.
start doing your own research and stop listening to other people's opinions on what you should do with your funds.

>> No.3963282
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>> No.3963320
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get ready

>> No.3963414

yeh... if you pay a bit of attention, and don't get too greedy it's easy to profit off other peoples pnds

>> No.3963440

good post brother
what are your thoughts on link?

>> No.3963441

friends only :(

>> No.3963445

thank you anon but it seems like i'll have to learn the hard way.

>> No.3963470

/biz/ cycles through a new set of coins to push every 2-3 weeks. Once people stop discussing a coin, its dead in the water

>> No.3963549
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monitoring this bread cuz its sound advice and something that tripped me up when i first started browsing here not too long ago

what if soros shills are here, oh no

>> No.3963593

Everything here is a lie. If you try to be honest you will be raped.

>> No.3963658

thats the thing about 4chan, there's now and then honest good information (not just biz, pol as example) but sometime you dont know what to believe.

so what do? ppl here say monitor the subreddits, IRC, read white papers, look at the historical coinmarketcap data, not much else u can do?

>> No.3963843

the pump and dump cycle is completely different from genuine healthy growth coming from non-speculative demand (this helps ether stay up as some nonvital production systems already run on the EVM). a coin can have a genuine value proposition, whether it is holding x of them to run a node to collect fees, or holding to receive receive a revenue share.
dead in the water is typically the best time to buy if they do any of the above. do your own research, find the system that you know will work, and put your money behind it. this can trip you up though, for example lots of people figured AMP would be a lot more developed by this time, but it has been mostly a disappointment. It's at an almost 2 year BTC low at this point, so maybe a good time to check it out. i do not hold any. their current scheme uses it as a token that rewards people for attention economy stuff, so i see it mostly as something that would just be dumped to be divested into more promising things if it ever spikes. this is also the important part with proof of stake-it is a balance between inflation rate, the adoption rate, and how willing people are to divest into other things when it takes a price jump that determines their value. low inflation currencies are less likely to see divestment when they shoot up.

link is a can of worms, and relates to what i am replying to the other poster about. as far as I know you do not need to have any link to run the node, so the value is speculative based on adoption and demand for the service, and there are some other things regarding the economics of it that i am unsure of personally. it's not a particularly bad buy but i'd wait until the hype simmers down a bit to catch it somewhere between 10-25 cents. someone will undoubtedly reply to this telling me that i'll miss the moon mission, but that's ok, i've already made it by my standards. i just hate the current state of this board. i want us to have a more healthy market. nothing against link.

>> No.3963986

also a single party or group that has one of these stake currencies cornered may agree with eachother to not sell, starting a dilemma where they have to trust one another and it also (should) create a reason not to buy if you see cornered stake currencies, check the respective rich list. this has kept me away from stratis on the enormous slide down, although the distribution is looking a lot better than it was at the top. the problem with rich lists, though, is that they can also deceive, as the richest individuals often spread out their wealth between many nodes/wallets. some proof of stake schemes give an advantage to this strategy, likely oversights in outdated stake models, or coins where the community has become complacent with a lopsided distribution.

>> No.3964150
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another recurring pattern i see is this:
>btc dips 1%
>influencer tosses BTC into altcoin where the fiat pairing is steady enough that the ratio should pop up slightly
>whales start shilling on places like this, twitter, reddit
>creates a mania feedback loop where people across multiple exchanges all over the world buy to keep up with the highest price across any of them. who needs arbitrage bots?
>bagholders are born
not every price movement is someone acting in that pairing. people frequently disregard the fiat pairings and how volatile bitcoin itself is.