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3961693 No.3961693 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a dude living on disability and I need help. If IRS or SSA or whatever finds out I have over $2000 in assets (aside from things they consider mandatory like a refrigerator and car), they can take away my monthly checks which total out to about $750 per month, that seems to be how SSI and SSA checks work. I might even be charged retroactively for what they've given me, I don't really know what the punishments would be.

My rent is $800 and moving out is not something I can do right now for personal reasons. I live pretty cheaply although I have to pay for ubers and healthy food more than I'd like to due to reasons. My parents and my Gofundme account have been covering for the rest for now.

Here's what the IRS doesn't know (and hopefully won't know unless I have spyware on my computer or wiretaps or something): I actually have about $7000 in cash hidden, about $2000 on paypal, and maybe $1000ish in silver. My primary bank account has $1000 in it. I have no idea if my primary bank account is being monitored or if they can see my paypal, I'm assuming paypal is safe since I've had +$2000 in it for over a year now.

I've been wanting to invest in something to grow my money for ages, and I hate just letting it sit there since it's depreciating from inflation. I've wanted to do mutual funds, but I think they qualify stocks as an asset, and I believe places like Wealthfront and Betterment report numbers to the IRS since they would be sending me 1099 forms. I've given a very small amount of though to investing in crypto but it seems really hard to get into, especially for me since I need to keep my information safe from the government's hands to keep receiving checks.

I want to work eventually, but in my current physical condition I'm not fit for it.

I feel like this stuff is really over my head honestly, and I don't know if anyone here is actually smart or if everyone here is just a shitposter, but I am in need of some help and/or advice.

>> No.3962062

you're so fucking dumb that I actually don't want to help you at all.

>> No.3962205

>I have no idea if my primary bank account is being monitored

It is. My family is in a similar situation due to medicare disability requirements.

>I'm assuming paypal is safe since I've had +$2000 in it for over a year now

If you haven't linked your SSN, it's probably fine.

>I've wanted to do mutual funds


>I've given a very small amount of though to investing in crypto but it seems really hard to get into, especially for me since I need to keep my information safe from the government's hands to keep receiving checks.

High risk customers like you would need to go through localbitcoins. Most don't report their transactions and a reputable seller may be able to deal in cash. You don't seem keen on the idea though.

>I feel like this stuff is really over my head honestly

Disability tries to give you a buffer so that you're not a complete leech on your family. When they think you're not a leech, they'll take it away, hence the $2k asset maximum.

The easiest way to defraud the government in this scenario would be to trust your assets to your family and ask that they give you access to them via cash. Financial gifts under $14k/yr don't need to be reported.

If you do not have a family which you can entrust your assets to, hard assets like gold or silver are the next easiest way to store value, although they're not very liquid. Small hard asset purchases (<10k) aren't something which the gov tries to track, so it relies on the honor system and would only really prompt an investigation during liquidation or if you broadcasted to the world that you own $7000 in cash. Although you won't see the returns of crypto, they're pretty much guaranteed to stay valuable even through the impending stock market crash.

>> No.3962227

Buy btc

>> No.3962296
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You fucked up

>> No.3962301
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>> No.3962317
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>he thinks this is a fbi matter
kek youre an absolute retard and probably a friendless lonely loser as well

>> No.3962335

>Here's what the IRS doesn't know (and hopefully won't know unless I have spyware on my computer or wiretaps or something):

Reported, enjoy prison dude.

>> No.3962338




>> No.3962355

Reported to the IRS.

>> No.3962357

dont listen to these black hearted greasy white kids. Fuckers probably couldn't dig a hole in sand. worthless pieces of shit.

Check out localbitcoin.com. Also research the cryptocurrency MONERO. You'll be set.

>> No.3962363



>> No.3962372


Or you could just stop leeching off the rest of us tax citizens when you clearly don't need to.

Seriously, people like you are the reason I'll never see a dime of social security money when I retire.

Work hard, pay roughly 30% every year in taxes, while OP sits and home and steals my money and then whines that he might get caught.

Go fuck yourself dude.

>> No.3962376

ur a meanie

thanks anon, I'll look into some of this stuff


it's just a prank bro, chill out

>> No.3962384

**Tax paying citizens

>> No.3962385
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>> No.3962395

You should start by not posting sensitive information on a public forum and learning to speak in hypotheticals.

>> No.3962534
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You can assume they can see anything in possession in any financial service company including banks and Paypal. That said, it's unlikely they will ever investigate unless you start making transactions over $10k with any institution, which will algorithmically put you on the map in terms of their interest.

I sympathize with your situation because it is fundamentally fucked up that a society forces you to work, especially when, even for average people, the logistics depending on your situation can be complicated or impossible.

It probably feels like a sword of damocles over you, but I wouldn't worry about. Focus on the things that matter and the things you can improve in your life, its all any of us can, anyway.

>> No.3962610


in all honesty, hes only taking pennies, its the corporate welfare that is leeching from your money

>> No.3962625
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>I'm a dude living on disability and I need help. If IRS or SSA or whatever finds out I have over $2000 in assets

Also, to be honest, its not really difficult to realize you have less than $2000 in assets.

Using accounting logic, consider the concept of depreciation. Your PC drops in value by half every year, roughly. Mine is 10 years old. That makes it worth:

$1049 (new)

1049/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2= $1.02.

Unless you have gold plated collectibles, I'd say you probably have less than $2000 in "unnecessary" assets.

>> No.3962730
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>Seriously, people like you are the reason I'll never see a dime of social security money when I retire.

>Work hard, pay roughly 30% every year in taxes,

Even if everybody worked (100% workforce participation) there is no guarantee.

I hope you listen and understand what I'm about to say: you will only survive the future if we institute a universal basic income. If that was a constitutional right, we could afford to pay people cash instead of an army of agents rummaging around in someone's sock drawers. That cost would be far cheaper than the whole mess of welfare programs from food stamps to social security to disability insurance- and probably take care of a lot of non-citizen drain on the economy- corporate welfare and subsidies.

A universal basic income fixes what is wrong with economic and social aspects of the welfare system. Combine all benefits to a simple cash payment would remove the distortion the welfare state debacle has created. Its the system that is the leech- the people in it aren't served by it either.

>> No.3963219
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>The easiest way to defraud the government in this scenario
hold it right there....
hahaha, shouldve contacted IRS
lolz how to take a screenshot
internet explorer

>> No.3963254
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