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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3959241 No.3959241 [Reply] [Original]

All you need to know. Stop getting dumped on.

>> No.3959287

Was bound to happen, not that PBC has become a meme.
4chan ruins anything it touches I swear.

>> No.3959302

it's none of the coins people are posting

don't fall for it

>> No.3959335

Theyre probably acummulating more now thay they realized they have the gift of pumpndump

>> No.3959444

are those space pants

>> No.3959472

It's zencash retard

>> No.3959494
File: 422 KB, 602x465, mysttrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if everyone talks about the information then it's useless. if the information gets leaked here then it's worthless. pajeets ruin everything.

>> No.3959506


Someone saved my future crypto gf Veronica

My dude, if you want more go to

@vernocabielik on IG

>> No.3959514

Id do things to her u wouldn't believe

>> No.3959515

if a bad coin like zencash gets the report than after all the hype dies down it will crash hard

>> No.3959545

Exactly, I don't even expect this anymore.

>> No.3959552


This fucking board has become a scamboard, where few "whales" with their mom's money scam sheep. It's either PnD-shilling or spamming memes.

It used to be a platform where you could find actual conversations and real tips. Fuck it, only check this shit board few times a week nowdays. I have to stop completely using this playground of NEET's and other peasants.

PS. PBC won't mention any crypto at all.

>> No.3959582

Yuck too much plastic surgery. Looks like a cartoon.

>> No.3959599


Its not just this board. This incident didn't even start on this board it first started on Twitter. Then came to here, then to twitter and reddit.

Its not just this board, Twitter/reddit looked absolutely retarded the past few days (even more so). They took this the Nav thing serious. At least most of us here were goofing on it the whole time. Either way, you could have made easy money on Zencash today.

>> No.3959615


who be the bitch

>> No.3959622

Idk, I made lots of money with eth when it was shilled on here and people said It was a shit coin

>> No.3959658


Well, I have to agree that it's just not this board. But this board is still absolute shithole.

>> No.3959664

it is the correct coin though was confirmed with a link to PBC website. Not going to look for you but I am sure you can find it yourself. People where being honest, just cause you dont believe is not their fault.

>> No.3960232

/biz/ in a nutshell, a cutthroat community fooling each others for penny changes.

>> No.3960370
