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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1059x786, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3949633 No.3949633 [Reply] [Original]

So we choose coinparator.com domain, not centralizedcoins.com, which most of you hated. Here it is.


We created this, because we couldn't find anything, that would fit our demands:

> accesible at any device in browser (not an app)
> fully anonymous (not linked to email, IP or device)
> was primary showing value of portfolio, rather than current rates
> easy to use

> MFW not considering this advertisement, because there are no ads, it's free, it's related to /biz/ interests

>> No.3949641
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>> No.3949644

what's your angle, you profiting somehow

how are you fucking me

>> No.3949650
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>> No.3949665

what has /biz/ done to us?

>> No.3949672


> no ads
> no affiliate
> no subscription plan
> not asking for private keys

we developed it for our needs, that's how we get value back, by using it ourselfs

making it available to public is just an extra step, that doesn't hurt us

>> No.3949685


Open sourcing it?

>> No.3949687

Looks great! Have an updoot!

>> No.3949698

this is my Bitcoin address with 3.8BTC


if you can tell me at least 1 way how can we fuck you over by this site, you will get 0.8BTC

>> No.3949701

I like things like these because I can treat them like a demo trading account. Not many of those offered for crypto.

>> No.3949708
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>> No.3949745

Well, basically it's a PHP parser of current prices on one side and SQL database with owned coins on another side. There's not much to open source. Few scripts.

And you would anyway need your own server with PHP, MySQL and CRON, that would run 24/7. For such a simple application.

Really no reasson why you would need your own live version... .

>> No.3949804
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>> No.3949809


Would've liked to contribute or fork desu. But if it's PHP then hell no... not to diminish your work but I'm not touching PHP with a 10 ft pole.

Would be super keen to do something similar in node, but other projects have me too bogged down to start something fresh.

Anyway, it looks awesome, thanks for putting it out there :)

>> No.3949829



>> No.3949873
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this is ONLY info, that we store about accounts and coins connected to portfolio

> no IP address
> no email
> no device
> no cookies

>> No.3949876
File: 158 KB, 861x779, 1506744688600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could be collecting the data, parceling your users into demographic categories, and selling it. The entire purpose of cryptocurrencies is to keep our wealth out of the hands of the powers that be; the more potential there is for big banks and big finance to "figure out" crypto users, the easier it will be for us to be targeted by insidious and specific advertising.
Hell, you could just be mining our data through browser as we visit the site anyways. You never said that wasn't happening.

G-gib .8 BTC please?

>> No.3949885

yep, it's PHP

>> No.3949891

Literally what?

>> No.3949901


Please tell me those passwords aren't plain text.

Will be interested to see how well that scales, too. Hint: It won't

>> No.3949911


better download Blockfolio, connect it with your android device, connect it with your google account in android device, connect it with your IP address, connect it with your gmail address

because coinparator.com could be collecting demographic data

better reveal your whole identity with apps like Blockfolio, than risking coinparator.com collecting "demographic data"

>> No.3949928

at this moment pass and user is hashed by MD5

>> No.3949932

why you have to bully me like that senpai
wouldn't you guys pay a fortune in hosting fees if this takes off?

>> No.3950032

I calculated, that every user will take in database 0.4MB/year TOP

so even with like 10 000 active users it's 4GB per year

it's running on my server, which has a lot of available/unused performance, so it's basically free

"we" means ME and one random guy, who I met on the internet 2 years ago, through crypto

>> No.3950071

>its completely free
>its anonymous too
this motherfucking Jew will probably be mining Monero coins using your laptop when you open up his website

>> No.3950082
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forgot pic related

>> No.3950092

it would be illegal

domain is registered in real name, server is registered in real name, all services were paid by credit card/bank transfer

that would be a really stupid scam

>> No.3950108

So basically, a Blockfolio website?

>> No.3950121
File: 403 KB, 240x184, Van_explode[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give me the .8 BTC. you could hack my laptop so it explodes when I log in. I saw the hacker known as 4chan do that on FOX

>> No.3950140

What's the list of news website you display?

>> No.3950143
File: 51 KB, 1200x650, examples-of-click-to-accept-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not illegal. You just have to get the goys to click on one of this and you're golden Mr. Suma

>> No.3950157

sometimes things are just done for free

like free distros of linux, how are they getting paid? how is it a scam? it's just free, same goes with all open source software or music/work released under free license

although I understand, that "crypto + free = scam", red flag!

maybe i should put some banner at the top of the page, so people think, that I'm getting rich by displaying ads

>> No.3950168
File: 109 KB, 900x598, SwaminarayanTemple04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barely intelligible English
>Pretends to be my friend

Who could be behind this post...

>> No.3950187
File: 34 KB, 532x298, news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i basically googled "cryptocurrency news" and used first 10 results

so far it works good

>> No.3950206

well, you can send us corrected translation to the contact at the bottom of page, instead of starting another cute girls with girly penis threads or crying on r9k

>> No.3950229

Blockfolio is more like watching current rates

coinparator.com is more like watching current value of a whole portfolio

>> No.3950234

well, you didn't have to click on any accept button, did you?

so no hidden terms of service

>> No.3950276
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>> No.3950364
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hmmm.Well props to you OP, you have done the world a good service. Have a free QT

>> No.3950368
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It better be.

>> No.3950414

What does it matter you retarded fuck?

>> No.3950420
File: 68 KB, 612x541, Its_A_Trap_100511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have to go, see you.

>> No.3950457

You mean you aren’t already getting 15 new shitcoins advertised to you daily on normiebook?

>> No.3950630

cuck lmao

>> No.3950649

Give me an option to make a stacked graph
that's all I want from a portfolio tracker

>> No.3950657
File: 51 KB, 640x640, ti-89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I a cuck? I dont trust this czech hacker providing seemingly free services

>> No.3950920

oh god please no, use an algorithm meant for hashing passwords. md5 is only barely above storing pws in plaintext.

>> No.3951282

MD5 is efficient and quick

let's take a worst case scenario - somebody will hack into server, can full access database and even manage "decrypt" MD5 user/pass by bruteforce comparison

he will get random strings, that were generated by server and he will be able to delete portoflios through browser - which he would be able to do anyway, as he has access to SQL already

there is no reasson for any advanced encryption/hashing of user/pass

>> No.3951590

stacked graph, that's the problem...

in that case 1 user wouldn't take 0,4MB per year, but about 10 MB - 50 MB per year + equal multiplier of computing power

in that scenario you can't run this service for free/without ads like it is