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3947478 No.3947478 [Reply] [Original]

If you're a neurotic, nervous, anxious, unhappy person, money will not buy you happiness

No matter how high you climb the financial ladder, you will never feel as if you're further from the ground (homelessness) than you were before. In fact, you will simply feel like you have a longer distance to fall. When you're on the ground floor you know where you're at

The higher you climb the more you realize that even if you earned enough money to pay for a thousand of Diogenes' lifetimes, you will still be unsatisfied and feel scared of becoming homeless some day.

>> No.3947492

>If you're a neurotic, nervous, anxious, unhappy person, money will not buy you happiness

most of my issues are money related, so yes it will

>> No.3947516


I call bullshit. My plans are to make about 500k over the next 5-10 years, buy a decent property out in the middle of nowhere and keep my cushy remote job to pay bills and save. Then after another 10 years of wageslaving, retire and farm tea or some shit

>> No.3947541

Negative nancy. I will be chilling. The world will be much bigger.

>> No.3947571

i'd rather have rich people problems than poor people problems

also, all emotional problems are solved with proper radical diets and nutrition

>> No.3947575
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Good luck with that when spics and niggers outpopulate you and come to get their gibs. There is no tomorrow, only a wasteland.

>> No.3947588
File: 226 KB, 1024x683, OnpM9tcEa-MIPggR2E2YKtadqlevbk_IJOPVWLpSpUo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money will not buy you happiness

No, it won't. But it can buy pleasure, and pleasure is next of kin to happiness.

>> No.3947600

So untrue. Maybe it just isn't what you expect, but only a retard would think it isn't better than the ground.

>> No.3947654
File: 5 KB, 267x188, B4B3D4FE-D019-4379-9FA8-55654E27C80F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money does not make you happy

I only ever hear poor people say that

>> No.3947666

>money will not buy you happiness
happiness isn't binary
one can be miserable about lots of things in life
but at least not have to worry about having a clean place to live and good food to eat

>> No.3947667

I want as much fucking money (crypto) as possible man. I don't care much about having fancy things. I just want crypto. I want a good wallet lol

>> No.3947678

Money doesn't make you happy.

t. 6 figure earner

>> No.3947681

hoping to get into crypto to make enough to buy a nice rig
ironically mining has driven up gpu cost to the point where i dont feel good buying one lol

>> No.3947698


Bullshit bro then give me 2 btcs. That would give me tons of happiness.

>> No.3947708
File: 57 KB, 327x137, 1482893672730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>money won't make you happy
>this meme again

I am exactly that person you described and money will definitely help me find higher happiness even with all of those flaws.

>Get minor surgeries to look better for the lulz
>take steroids to get muscular for the lols or pay a ton of money in elite diet plans/gym to look /fit as fug
>Wear nice clothes everywhere/everyday
>travel and eat/drink great food
>pay a psychologist to help you deal with your mental issues.
>fuck gold diggers or hookers. You can also devise more complicated schemes that give you access to willing woman.
>find a stacy and settle down.

Money can make your life infinitely better d00d. Even if you are mentally ill like me

>> No.3947738

>hoping to get into crypto to make enough to buy a nice rig
A nice rig = pleasure. A nice house = pleasure, a nice x = pleasure, name your vice.

>> No.3947752

Honestly, a lot of you anons will dismiss this but he's kinda right. 1 year ago, broke but having fun in life. Today, 6 figures at age 22 but I'm more depressed than ever. Maybe life will get better after I get facial surgery.

>> No.3947844

If I got a couple million then I wouldn't have to go to work at least.

>> No.3947849

literally all my issues are money related, so you fucking bet money will make me happy

>> No.3947988


Lmao whats wrong with your face? You really want to look like a Bog?

>> No.3948066

>If you're a neurotic, nervous, anxious, unhappy person

this is the most accurate thing i have read about myself put into words.

>> No.3948098

It's a lot easier to achieve peace of mind when you know there'll be a roof over your head, that you can pay for doctors bills. More to the point when the physical demands of life are met and you're not preoccupied with survival then you can devote more time to existential thoughts, to self improvement. Can't do that if you're working all day and too tired to even metacongnetise in the evening!

At any rate I'd rather be crying and having an existential crises in my own lambo than a 10 year old Honda Civic

Only idiots make the conflation that happiness is proportional to happiness, money is just the key to unlock happiness.

For example, if I had decent money I could move out of my parents house, be inside of a more happening social scene, I would be able to afford clothes that look good and are good on the touch.

Money will lead to my happiness. Prove me wrong asshole!

>> No.3948100

It's not plastic surgery I need, I need jaw surgery. Google Dr Raffaini before and afters. Maxilla needs moving and jaw needs rotating. I'm a severe case so I'm expecting the effect to be drastic.

>> No.3948145

>Only idiots make the conflation that happiness is proportional to happiness, money is just the key to unlock happiness.
Whoa I bollocks'd that up.
I meant to say that only morons conflate the more money you have with the happier you are, firstly happiness goes in flux, and secondly your capacity for happiness is sort of a dependent variable on your relative wealth.

The more money you have the EASIER it is to be happy.

But most people like easy metrics that stick in the mind and don't try and understand the systemic/mechanations for why one thing influences another and thus create dichotomies
>Money = happiness
>Money=/= happiness

>> No.3948249

Very wise biz post. Can this be? I agree that the more you have, the more you worry about losing it. For me my only goal is a small home in the country. Not going to happen. I am now a seasoned loser. I know that everything here is lies. I got lucky once with ant shares and it gave me false hope. Have now lost all gains on shitcoins. Will never buy an alt coin again. Fuck you biz. Except op who is wise old man

>> No.3948365

OP here, please make sure to stay in crypto.

...Just use common sense though and go with the real deal, Bitcoin (BTC). No shitcoins, no altcoins

Don't let shills turn you against it. Crypto IS the future of the world economy. Just not these shitcoins.

>> No.3948497

Money isn't the end goal anon, self improvemet it is
You need and must have money to live the correct life

>> No.3948550
File: 310 KB, 1242x2208, MW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't risk it all to shit coins, if you had just bought decent coins (good sized market cap) there would be much less risk of it going down substantially. Sure the profits aren't as good but at least you're over 60% certain it wont crash.

Personally I've both lost and profited from alt coins, although I'm currently at a bit of a loss due to the upcoming fork, but I'm almost certain after the fork the strong alt coins will flourish if you bought within the last week or so due to the major hit they've recently taken.

>> No.3949321

my main problem is never getting any pussy.

with money, i can make sure that i will never go a year without getting my dick wet atleast once.

>> No.3950109

>all emotional problems are solved with proper radical diets and nutrition

>I read some shit on the internet and think I know everything now

You are a fucking pseud

>> No.3950185

happiness is an illusion that money can definitely buy

>> No.3950255

pleasure is the high way to depression, or better said, the kind of things most people derive pleasure from.

just look at the pleasure seeking people when they hit 40 or 50. they look barely human, more like depressive amorphous blobs.

compare them to those who constantly torture themselves with exercise and rigid eating regiments and new obstacles to overcome.

>> No.3950275

You don't have to have a "rigid eating regimen" to eat well :/

Is just eating a fucking vegetable once in a while really what passes for extreme in America?

Moderation in everything lol, but yea on the whole you're right

>> No.3950303

>torture themselves with exercise

lmao how fat are you?

>> No.3950336

>just look at the pleasure seeking people when they hit 40 or 50. they look barely human, more like depressive amorphous blobs.
Iggy Pop. David Bowie. Jimmy Page. Robert Plant... uhhhh... Warren Beatty. Anthony Kiedis. I could go on. are proof that you're full of shit.

They all did obscene amounts of sex and drugs and looked great when they were 40. You're full of shit.

In fact if you look at the workaholics: Irving J. Thalberg (aka the band who ruined the movie industry). Napoleon. Alexander the Great. Reiner Werner Fassbinder. Frank Zappa. all died young, and in the case of Zappa and Thalberg were to my knowledge straight-edged!

>> No.3950403

>Moderation in everything
absolutely! I was just trying to paint a picture. If it wasn't for the bodily component, I'd just say 'happiness is constant accomplishment or the strife for that', but yeah, being fit or health is a big part of it.

>> No.3950481
File: 17 KB, 220x335, 220px-Iggy_Pop_-_pinkpop87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to my body dysmorphia too fat.

iggy pop never looked great, and aside look at him and tell me he doesn't work out. I can't comment on the other fags you listed, because frankly I don't care about musicians. I'm sure they too didn't live a 'elvis life', despite their occasional excesses.

and while we're at it: why the fuck did you even mentioned alexander the great? he dies of illness after a night of drinking.
zappa died of cancer after a life of chain smoking, I don't know about Napoleon, but I bet he died on an island .. .

anyway, you're full of shit yourself - and even worse, you're shit's most likely holding you back.

>> No.3950515

>tell me he doesn't work out.
We're not talking about working out, you said that pleasure seeking people look barely human when they hit 40.

I just gave you a raft of people that disproved that.

>he dies of illness after a night of drinking.
Sure, and having a punctured lung and being constantly at war since he was 18 had nothing to do with making him susceptible to illness....
not exactly my idea of hedonistic partying

>zappa died of cancer after a life of chain smoking,
Didn't drink. Didn't do drugs. Didn't over eat. Was a workaholic.
Again, not pleasure seeker

>I don't know about Napoleon, but I bet he died on an island .. .
Loss stress environment... but he was so worn out from sleepless nights pouring over strategies, writing correspondence, and again: war. That he popped his cloggs early.

>and even worse, you're shit's most likely holding you back.
That would offend me if it wasn't so vague as to not actually communicate any home truth or insult of any kind.

>> No.3950536

i know money will make me happy because all of my stress and worry comes from lack of financial security and hatred of wagecucking.

I like living essentially like a NEET, but I'm educated and competent and no one but myself to depend on so I have to work fulltime to live like an adult. I can't fucking stand it.

I'm not saying I would stop taking care of myself but I just want total freedom - to wake up when I want, to do whatever hobbies I want, to spend (or waste) my time however I want.

I don't even need much, maybe $750k-1M max and I'll go live a super average, lowkey lifestyle without any luxury but have the freedom to just chill 24/7 without answering to anyone ever again.

>> No.3950692

>I just gave you a raft of people that disproved that.

no, you very much did not. The gist of my statement was that you have to expose yourself to hardship to become or stay human. Matter of fact, workaholics, like Iggy pop, do exactly that.
(though, to make it clear, the hard shit does not only include your work, but also working out)

the fact that they have or had vices doesn't change that, because they still stay examples of people who did not only seek out pleasure.

your attempt at constructing anecdotal evidence failed.

>not exactly my idea of hedonistic partying

also not your everyday person. he's known for being exceptionally exceptional, but if you really like to say that being a fat loser protects you against tropical diseases, go for it.

>Again, not pleasure seeker

sure, also a sex-o-holic and a chain smoker.

> Napoleon

how about you go for everyday people for once. maybe look at how the fat ones are living and compare them to the not so fat ones. maybe then you see my point.

>so vague

it's so vague because I don't know you and whether you're a junkie sitting at home trying to downplay his own problems, or just some one who beliefs he found a logical flaw in my statement. I truly hope the latter.

>> No.3950784

You're probably right but nothing makes me happier than waking up on a morning and realizing "oh yeah, I can do whatever I want today".

For me, money is about buying the time and freedom to do whatever I want, and that certainly makes me happy.

>> No.3950807

Kek you fucking moron, I've seen it for myself and others, go back to /sci/ you fucking allopathic quack.

>> No.3950832

i'm not gonna touch your other points but you listed some well known heroin junkies and heroin pickles people. as in it preserves them (at least their faces)

it's weird and counter intuitive but trust me i seent it first hand. if they can handle their shit and they survive they wind up looking more "youthful" in old age. i encourage you to google it

>> No.3950847

What you are talking about is called coping mechanism.

>> No.3950856

ahhh fuck i linked the wrong post. ehhh whatever, you get the idea

a lil piece of heroin trivia for the normies

>> No.3950867
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unironically: fascinating. I'm going to google it. Any theories on why that might be?

>> No.3950901

Napoleon died after years of captivity, you retard.

>> No.3950916

no fucking clue. users with a big daily dose tend to get like a "heroin face" or "heroin frown" though where their cheeks sag and they develop a resting bitch face. it's like a really minor bells palsy

maybe the ultimate relaxation of the facial muscles for years on end decreases the propagation of wrinkles or keeps the skin more supple somehow? idk. talking out of my ass here

>> No.3950935
File: 56 KB, 540x498, heroin-eastliverpool2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy thoughts keep you young lol just make sure you don't get in too deep with those happy thoughts, you might just fade off into them kek

>> No.3950955

and there are theories that he might have been slowly poisoned to death during his second exile at saint helena

also he wasn't short for his time and region. it was very successful propaganda

>> No.3950974

i'm glad he was wearing his seat belt like a responsible motorist! safety first gents

>> No.3950984

>The gist of my statement was that you have to expose yourself to hardship to become or stay human.
Your gist and the manner through which you expressed it show a wide chasm

> Matter of fact, workaholics, like Iggy pop, do exactly that.
So in other words pleasure isn't the destructive force you said

>your attempt at constructing anecdotal evidence failed.
You on the other hand have provided NO evidence but provided anecdotal refutations with no more or less validity

>but if you really like to say that being a fat loser protects you against tropical diseases, go for
I'm underweight. Project elsehwere

>sure, also a sex-o-holic and a chain smoker.
Unless you contract a STD where is there any evidence that sex causes you to lower your life span?

I'll give you the chain smoker thing, but that's not really a hedonist thing since it's not a sensuous pleasure

>how about you go for everyday people for once
Sound like your clutching at straws, but I'll bite. Several reasons
1. because I don't want to be a normal person
2. because I admit they are sailient exemplars - I'm going to go for the stuff I can observe, I am aware this is a lot like the story of the man looking for his keys near the lamppost - but unlike him we don't know where to START looking least you want to provide some statistic, long form, high number studies
3. because without backing up what you say with statistics there is no reason to believe these salient exemplars aren't accurate crossections
>maybe look at how the fat ones are living and compare them to the not so fat ones. maybe then you see my point.
Why the fat ones? There's more forms of pleasure than caloric intake, but the first one that comes to mind is Orson Welles and he died in his 80's and was a notorious pleasure seeker

>just some one who beliefs he found a logical flaw in my statement. I truly hope the latter.
Certainly the latter. I intend on working myself to death

>> No.3951013

A junkie doesn't go to shit because of drugs, the drug use is a symptom. They go to shit because they are weak and have no sense of purpose in life.
Other anons already named a list of dudes who did more drugs than most beggars on the street will ever see and still lived full and productive lives. Also think of top traders on wall street doing tons of cocaine but still ending up making loads of money.
OP is somewhat right, you cam be fucked by your genes, but you can still set goals. Create purpose in your life, even if it is a delusion.
At the very least, make sure your offspring has it better than you and has a better culture than you, upscale your genetical line.

>> No.3951028
File: 37 KB, 480x320, facial-bones-110105-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I just had a quick glance at what google says, and it doesn't seem to support your theory, but well, you have to account for heroin-lifestyle, so I'm not dismissing your claims for now.

by the way, the main mechanism for severe facial 'wrinkling' is facial bone atrophy (also loss of fat and to a lesser degree muscle mass, but that advances bone atrophy so ...)
pic related, it shows how due to lesser bone mass you're skull 'deforms' and leaves you with a happy babushka face.

>> No.3951064

Money = freedom.
If I have enough passive income I can be free to never go outside or have to deal with people. I'm actually perfectly happy to stay inside, on my computer, watching movies, reading, etc. And I can always talk to my online friends. Only depressing thing is having to wageslave. My ideal is to have just enough money to afford a small apartment with some money leftover to buy the few things I want.

>> No.3951159

>pleasure isn't the destructive force you said
in my extremist opinion I'd say it is, since at least to some of the people you mentioned their vices were their down fall. but since we're in polite society, let's stick with moderation, ok?

> provided NO evidence
you're right, I give you that, but unless you're trying to argue against the deterministic nature of the universe, I hope you accept my initial statement as self-evident. (after all: you let yourself go, you'll look like it).

> Project elsehwere
didn't project. not on you, not on anyone. but hey, since we're at underweight: implying kek.

>sex causes you to lower your life span?
I hope not. but the point is that he still sought out pleasure, despite not being deviant otherwise.

as to smoking: I know of at least one way in which it certainly isn't pure pleasure seeking, but you're completely off if you believe smoking isn't a pleasure seeking behaviour. It is. but unless you're willing to go into brain chemistry, let's leave it at drug -> pleasure.

>Sound like your clutching at straws

no, I'm not. I'm just asking you to stop comparing apples to oranges.

> because I don't want to be a normal person
you're a child.

> statistics

you really needs statistics to see that your vices lead to your down fall? do you believe over eating and not moving aren't unrelated to obesity? do you think smokers look like shit for no reason what so ever? or lazy people are just lazy and there's nothing they can do?
c'mon, there are things that are self evident.
looking like the life you're living is one of them.

>There's more forms of pleasure than caloric intake

of course, they're just a very visible example. or do you want to discuss the correlation between weak facial muscles, soft food and an elongated face and a tendency to mouth breathing? (because I'm not terribly sure on that one, though it sounds compelling)

... comment to long ...

>> No.3951168


or maybe you'd like to discuss super centenarians and why they seem invincible to the effects of smoking and alcoholism? hint most likely a better than normal redox ability.

but in the end they stay exceptions, but within the range of their exceptionalism, they still adhere to the laws of nature.

>Certainly the latter. I intend on working myself to death

that's nice to hear. godspeed!

>> No.3951219


>> No.3951260

though, I just gave it another thought, and I think the problem is better described as avoidance of hardship / or hard work ... though, I think this usually goes hand in hand with pleasure seeking, as seen in studies about delayed gratification in children and their later life outcome.

>> No.3951267

The joke is on you. I don't want to be happy, I just want enough money and power to make other people miserable.

>> No.3951281

napoleon was poisoned (murdered)

>> No.3951289

yeah who knows. it's impossible to do any sort of reliable study because like you said, it's a lifestyle. no one only does heroin. they typically do a plethora of whatever drugs are available in conjunction with it or they do other drugs while trying to kick the habit or have long term cycles of alternating their sedative abuse and stimulant abuse. it's chaos with them

i can only speak from experience that heroin seems to slow the appearance of aging in the face while meth sends aging into overdrive. maybe it's not the drug at all but something correlated like hydration or sleep patterns idk

>> No.3951391



thank you! not sure how it relates to the overall discussion but history is important to get right. lots of people on this board want to go on endlessly about charts and crypto TA (which is short short short term history) and they don't have a firm foundation of any long term history

the names of people/nations/companies and the technologies change but the power dynamics and strategies to advance do not change. ever.

>> No.3951431

anyway, thank you for the hint. I'll be certainly looking a little deeper into it when I find some free time.

>power dynamics and strategies to advance do not change. ever.

smart words, also true.

Sorry, I have to leave now. Was fun talking to you. Good luck with Karoshi.

>> No.3951487

I am a psychologist and I can confirm.
I can fix anyone neurotic, nervous, anxious, unhappy if they pay me enough.

>> No.3951714

>psychologists thinking they actually 'fix' people like if they were machines

This is why you are hated. You are just professional bullshiters and legal scammers

>> No.3951784


>if they pay me enough

pretty sure it was a joke m8... i laughed at it pretty hard anyway

>> No.3951965

What is this bullshit. If I had money;
-move out and live alone, finally have silence and peace of mind
-no need to work=more time to meditate/hobbies, i could maybe lecture about peace and kindness to students or heck maybe travel around the world and write a book about a certain aspect in life because fuck it youre set financially
-ultimate peace of mind because you are financially stable, there is no better feeling in the long term.

>> No.3952176

Surgeries would trap you even more in your insecurity and fear of aging.
Diet and gym would make your life hell.
Gold diggers and hookers are usually BPD shit people who will damage you emotionally and give you thousands of strains of viruses your immune system will fight for the rest of your life.
Stacy will only marry you for your money, never love you, slowly poison you and stab you in the back as soon as she can.

Money would make you like the same shit it already is.