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File: 10 KB, 218x251, zen-block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3945901 No.3945901 [Reply] [Original]

Palm Beach Confidential will be selecting ZENCASH (ZEN)!!

Teeka Tiwari had a meeting with Zencash (ZEN) founders a few weeks ago and there is strong rumour its the privacy coin that's going to be mentioned in the upcoming report.


Look at the slide!!!


"ZenCash had an interview with Teeka Tiwardi from The Palm Beach letter"


People at the outreach said he was there to scope out the team. It now makes sense because in the video he said "its got incredible team"

Markcap of ZenCash is $18mill and he probably sees its a good play compared to ZEC with better superior features and without USA government involvement.

ZEC market cap $560mill
ZEN market cap $18mill

>> No.3945935

um excuse me sir but all my link is gone.

>> No.3945946

Zen is pretty good imo. If you want to learn more about the coin, the dev team does a live 30-45 min presentation every other Wednesday about all of the developments for the past two weeks and what's coming up and answer questions. Just check out their blog.

>> No.3945970

totally fake

>> No.3945980

teeka does interviews with loads of coins its not ZenCash idiot.

>> No.3945986

Yeah confirmed they had a meeting. Some of the people in the ZEN telegram are tight lipped about this so it makes it more sus that they are hiding something.

This looks like the real deal!!!!!!!!


>> No.3945988

fuck off with your rumors ALL OF YOU

>> No.3945989

why do we care what normies think all of a sudden?


you think these mongs know anything about crypto or anonymity?

>> No.3945995

I'm thinking it's this or PIVX.

>> No.3946036

The simple fact that it doesn't get shilled on /biz/ at all gives me great hope.

>> No.3946071

Why would it if dev team actually works on the coin instead of shitting on twitter ;) keep saging this thread btw ty

>> No.3946132

guys this is not a drill

>> No.3946157


NAVcoin is a cover-up for the real mooner...

>> No.3946216

watch start: 17min


"I had an hour long interview with Teeka Tiwari yesterday which was just AWESOME"
"I think his values and the values he has and I think are espousing his reader
subscriber base are exactly in line with what we're doing, trying to WORK towards
for your world and you KNOW it was REALLY good as well so he'll be doing it right up
and introducing his community to Zencash"

They will have partnership with STORMX. For those who don't know STORM has 250,000 monthly active users in 187 countries

The adviser board for STORM is CEO founder of Bittrex.

ZenCash is leading the way.

>> No.3946237

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.3946239

Neither does PIVX...

>> No.3946242

Hope this is true, it's what my NV miners are running

>> No.3946263

Let's go!

>> No.3946273

this coin has been dead for months rofl

>> No.3946290

they correctly predicted multiple moon missions

>> No.3946292

seems pretty lively to me right about now

>> No.3946321

Just bought $20. Thanks

>> No.3946460


You need to learn how to transcribe shit.

He said "he'll be doing a WRITE-UP soon".

>> No.3946468

Come on /biz/ don't miss this

>> No.3946492

Its new poop butt

>> No.3946503

By the way, OP, good fucking find.

>> No.3946554

Volume still going up. Good shit

>> No.3946557

Definitely sounds more likely than NAV. Just jumped in myself

>> No.3946566

i'm in for 50 ZEN #poorboi

>> No.3946569

anyone who predicted anything a year ago predicted a moon mission

>> No.3946604


It's not even about that anymore. It's that anything TT highlights, is going to moon from sheer publicity.

>> No.3946609

Mooning hard get in!

>> No.3946620

Ughhh I dunno what to believe!

>> No.3946655


I was thinking PIVX but after watching the video and the guy from ZEN saying that TT will be doing a write-up, I'm going in on this one. Hopefully TT doesn't change his mind...

>> No.3946713

Get in here /biz/

>> No.3946732

This is 100% the coin, I trade for a living and the way ZenCASH telegram is literally refusing to answer questions related to this gives it away.

>> No.3946740

hmm, when should we sell?

>> No.3946749

Wondering the same

>> No.3946769


This is likely one of Teeka's long-term plays if he thinks it will dethrone Monero, but I'm sure it will rip in the short-term if it's the coin.

>> No.3946775

just crushed that sell wall oh lordy

>> No.3946822


Quoting myself because unless the co-founder of ZEN is straight up lying in the video, he literally says "[Teeka Tiwari] will be doing a write-up" on them soon.

Get the fuck in here /biz.

>> No.3946842

This has the most % chance of being the PBC coin and I'm pretty sure it is.

The co-founder literally says in the video - Teeka will be doing a write up on ZenCash.

>> No.3946861

I wimped out and sold at 170000. Don't wanna make the same mistake I did with XLM.

>> No.3946877

Am I too late?

ZEN is up 45% already it will take me an hour to have funds on bittrex

>> No.3946881


Is the video what made you change your mind from your original post? I wasn't convinced until I listened to the actual audio.

>> No.3946891

wait for the dip
This is a long term hodl

>> No.3946898


>> No.3946918
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>> No.3946928

oh no I was just FUDing while funds were transfering so i could buy.

>> No.3946933


This is a 19.2 million dollar market cap coin. That is absolutely nothing. If it's the coin, it's probably going to move at multiples.

Did you see how NAV moved on completely unsubstantiated bullshit? Not to mention, XLM went over 225% at an already pretty high market cap on its news.

This coin very much fits his asymmetric risk/reward qualifier.

>> No.3946940


Well, keep in mind that NAV pumped for similar reasons and is up around %65 today.

>> No.3947001

Still pumping gentlemen

>> No.3947017


Our super-sleuths found the fucking (most probable) coin. I love it.

>> No.3947028

so unfortunate that this is the same day of the bittrex fud where I moved all my funds out

>> No.3947054

Or this is fake and NAV is the actual coin and they're pumping ZEN so everyone dumps NAV.

Or none of this is true and the initial "leak" was fake lol

>> No.3947058

Seriously, this could not be any easier. The founders/staff members are basically GIVING AWAY the hint they will have a write-up. LOOOOL

moon to $16

>> No.3947063


Did you watch the video OP linked to?

>> No.3947064

he said sth like: coming of a high level

doesnt look like zen

>> No.3947090


There are two coins. One is the cover story of this month's issue (which he referenced in his video), which is the coin coming off a high level. The other coin is the privacy coin which may dethrone XMR. They are not likely to be the same coin.

>> No.3947104

Every coin has dropped from a "high level" so that is probably the most irrelevant point.

At the time of the video ZEN had dropped alot, but so had every other coin.

>> No.3947128

oh ok, i just saw the video

>> No.3947130

I believe he said he used zen to settle his mind on the correct coin choice.

>> No.3947143
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Underrated, have a kek

>> No.3947232

has this already pumped or is there still time to buy?

>> No.3947240


Wait for it to dump

>> No.3947245
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>> No.3947260


If it's the actual coin, whether you buy now or in 3 hours is not going to matter.

If you're just looking to ride the pre-(potential) news pump and get out, then yes, wait for it to dump first.

>> No.3947297


Tomorrow morning, EST. Their daily email blasts come in at 6 AM so it's probably around the same time.

>> No.3947300


>> No.3947315

fucking whales

>> No.3947348

>green candles

>> No.3947427

FYI, this is just a whale driving the stock price up in order to dump his stock. They are selling into their buy wall

>> No.3947467

I feel for you man. They still haven't figured it out, despite it linking to bitcoin and the fact that when someone guesses correct they get ignored. Zencash is great but this shitfest ensures it'll flat line till next year. Still its free publicity.

>> No.3947508


It's been bleeding out for a solid 6 months. Also, PBC buys like this are meant to be long-term, with profit taking an intervals throughout, not a pump-and-dump.

>> No.3947523
File: 1 KB, 126x120, ZJB9qsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 steps

it wont stop until another 1 or 2 stairs

>> No.3947545

share your wisdom then if you know haha

>> No.3947568


He's 100% in the dark. The video in OP is the best piece of evidence we've found.

>> No.3947635

>have degrees
>have worked for companies

incredible team

>> No.3947643


>> No.3947665


OP kind of failed on that part. The privacy coin and the coin from Teeka's video are more than likely not the same coin. He never once hinted that they were the same coin. /biz brainlets deduced that part for no reason.

>> No.3947676


>> No.3947682

To help moby dick fill his bags with cash

>> No.3947683

They just fucking gave away the coin in the Zencash video. I just went all in.

>> No.3947739


You're on a ride that has 288BTC of volume, it's going to be bumpy as fuck. Strap the fuck in.

>> No.3947828


Teeka was all about privacy in that video. ZenCash is all about privacy.
He pretty much clearly stated it in this video. Unless Teeka catches it and switches his coin right before the release, I cant see why this one isnt it

>> No.3947864

As much as I love ZenCash it is not groundbreaking.
It solves important shit in an elegant way, has governance and will have spectre BUT
it is not revolutionary. It is a very very very nice and promising product and is a solid long term. So I don't think teeka will recommend it. He has to believe in team basically to recommend it.

>> No.3947867


Did I see a different video? Can you link?

>> No.3947881


>> No.3947926

sell, it's not the promised coin, you all getting dumped on, sell sell sell

>> No.3947930


>> No.3947939

People trying to FUD for cheaper. ZEN livestream specifically says Teeka will introduce Zencash t o his subscribers

>> No.3947952


This is all he said about the privacy coin, so I don't understand why people are trying to combine the ideas.

"We still like Monero. But we've found another privacy coin that we think could eventually unseat Monero. You'll read about it in this month's PBC issue."

>> No.3947955


>> No.3947981


He goes from talking about Stellar to another random coin that reminds him of Antshares. I really don't think it's the same coin, though I do think ZEN is going to be in this month's issue, just not the main coin.

>> No.3948011

zen makes totally sense. good team.

>> No.3948028

lol did nobody figured it out? really?
so obvious its metaverse.

>> No.3948071

the vid was made a week ago before the metaverse pump started.
He said it came from a high price and meta came from $7 and has dumped to $1.
He said like antshares, meta is the same as antshares.
Great team, meta has a 60+ man team.
Solution to important problems, meta has made a very good solution for bussinesses who want to use blockchain without using devs.

>> No.3948090


We're talking about the privacy coin here man.

>> No.3948092

So much chaos...just do your reading. Its moon time

>> No.3948105

the main coin he is talking about and the anon coin are different coins.

>> No.3948112


I've been saying that this entire thread.

>> No.3948124

First real break through...privacy is being introced at federal agencys using zen

>> No.3948134

how are you guys making money off this? my guess is you're buying at 180k and selling at 200k. is that true?

>> No.3948144


Bought at 149k, waiting for the newsletter to come out.

>> No.3948158

Yea blogs are on fire....sounds like zen is the move

>> No.3948161

when will the news be out?

>> No.3948165


Tomorrow. PBC newsletter always come out the 3rd Thursday of every month.

>> No.3948173

25mil marketcap.

Is it reasonable for this to go to 100mil or higher?

>> No.3948185


Is there a time it usually releases?

>> No.3948197

fucking exciting anon

>> No.3948198


P.S. This is a binary event. Make your wager accordingly.

>> No.3948199


Don't suppose you know what time usually? Morning in burger timezones?

>> No.3948206


I don't know. The free daily news blasts come out at 6 AM EST, so I'm assuming the PBC newsletter comes out at the same time.

>> No.3948301


Yes. The coin supply is low as fuck

>> No.3948326

2.3m coins
215k mined per month

>> No.3948332

38 BTC sell wall at .0025. No buy walls.

>> No.3948350


>> No.3948352

Fuckin exciting let's go boyos

>> No.3948367

How the fuck are they going to choose Zencash when the lead dev of verge (xvg) met teeka tiwari IN PERSON

>> No.3948375

prove it with photo.

>> No.3948378


>> No.3948382


Where the fuck do you think the co-founder of ZEN met him? At a gloryhole?

>> No.3948402

bs its zencash

>> No.3948428

Isn't that how partnerships are formed?

>> No.3948464


Truckstop gloryholes and skateboards with stickers on them.

>> No.3948483

Bought 2btc at 200,000
when is it going back there?

>> No.3948487


Tonight if there's another pump. Tomorrow if it's the coin. Not for a long time if it's not.

>> No.3948492

Sorry for your loss.
Sell now or hold, as I said previously it is a great long term hold, eventually price will be 0.01-0.015 BTC. However you got baited on a p'n'd.

>> No.3948500

I can't believe you all fell for this again. Didn't you learn anything after being left with bags of NAV?

>> No.3948524

They come out around noon burger time

>> No.3948529

I'm catching on to you fuckers. Bought in at 184K and sold at 1999K. Gotta get in an out quick with /biz PnD.

>> No.3948540

Regardless of which coin he was referring to, there is no way it will be announced now if it was one of the coins that has been pumped in the last couple of days.

They will lose subscribers if they recommend something that was pumped the night before the release of the newsletter. They write the newsletter for subscribers, not you.

>> No.3948546


This one might actually be the mystery coin. If it is, people are getting paid. If not...


>> No.3948548

Lol you guys bought in high when I bought in at 135k thanks to a guys telegram signal

>> No.3948562

Teeka met with all of them. So what? They can even be in newsletter as comparison.
But zen will not be the one they endorse. So many hints in this thread alone. Use your brain

>> No.3948581

What hints?

>> No.3948592

Mystery could fit it is is new coin and security in 1. But he clearly talk abou 2 coins. Mystery is far from product still...

>> No.3948605

Imagine how /biz/ would react if they recommended all in on LINK with projected profits to ETH levels

>> No.3948635


Please elaborate...

>> No.3948640

By the time you hear about it, it's too late. I don't want to lose 30% like I did with that shitcoin lumens

>> No.3948682

>Teeka met with all of them


>> No.3948697

2 hints:

>> No.3948713

Bitcoin and Ethereum

>> No.3948981

zencash is the one 1000%

>> No.3948993


I think we're going down further right now but yeah it's gotta be the one.

>> No.3949060

It better be because i got stuck bag holding this shitcoin. From a coin perspective I actually like NAV better but i'm not a palm beach guru so what do I know

>> No.3949083


>> No.3949133

Stay diluted LOL

>> No.3950100

Retards it’s already selected zcoin and gived buy signal yesterday!do u even do research of some kind? Go look at zcoin twitter and read pbc all past articles mentioned zcoin ALL not to mention yesterday’s buy signal

>> No.3950148


>> No.3950165
File: 78 KB, 249x250, 1508106443938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know which Teeka picked but not telling

>> No.3950183

beyond this post explaining to you that we understand what you are doing you get no more attention. Have a nice day.

>> No.3950200

Be poor then

>> No.3950286

Wheres any mention of PBC on zcoin twitter??

>> No.3950307

>implying his insiders didnt buy a bunch of random privacy coins before his hint was released, knowing the hype gains would eclipse the gains from the actual coin that he decided on
if you guys are still speculating on these coins at these prices, stop. just stop

whichever one gets called will hardly move, and all the others will dump hard

you are playing the lottery here, and the odds are against you

>> No.3950318

Yeah like GAS didn't pump last month. You're nuts. Crypto is all about hype. The one they name will pump 100%

>> No.3950325

Are u idiot? Pbc twitter? Really?

Go read ZCOIN twitter and if u can’t see why it’s chosen one before leakages happens u are a retards who should kys and not dilute /biz/ anymore

>> No.3950348

I indeed did can comfirm ,was divided between pivx,verge and zcoin
If not new website,eth mixer rumours,masternodes in november and that beautiful chart I would have chosen pivx but zcoin was a better call

>> No.3950357

Yes I found it all the way back in august, LOL you stupid idiot scum. You think after they mentioned to buy zcoin up to $20 back in fucking august that that is what TT was talking about to dump half of monero for??? A coin he already mentioned to buy months back??? Fucking moron. Just quit no one will be stupid enough to buy your pathetic zcoin bags. LMAO go on zcoin website and look at that pathetic team. Looks like a mishmash of freelancer developers from all over asia and eastern europe. Yeah that's some impressive team right there. LMAO KYS

>> No.3950370

The eternal brahmin strikes again

>> No.3950407

They mentioned stelaris also before pump ,gas to. Zcoin will get masternodes in november and eth mixer if u don’t realize what is it you should kys.Anon who read this and do research know where to put their money

>> No.3950438

lol, its definitely not this coin but BIZ has managed to pump it by 40% just on pure speculation.

There are more people with spending power on here than I thought.

>> No.3950447

Yup keep ignoring the keynote video of zencash specifically mentioning a write up due from PBC back 3 weeks ago (timeline matches) and keep ignoring that weak ass dev team of zcoin that TT said was an impressive team. Enjoy those heavy bags

>> No.3950452

lol yeah biz was right the first time with this one. It is quite clearly NAV.

When was zencoins 'run up' for example? Nav had a clear run up, zen started out trading high and dropped hard, that is not a run up.

>> No.3950465

this, weak hands selling NAV

>> No.3950473

When is the newsletter released? Not long now right?

>> No.3950478

Yup every clown denying zencash keep ignoring the video that specifically mentions a write up from PBC is due and that video being 3 weeks ago.......keep ignoring that while we all buy zencash you clowns buy the top 3 hours after they announce its zencash. LMAO

>> No.3950497

Tradesatoshi looks like a promising exchange, why dont trow a few bots in there?

>> No.3950562

couple of hours I guess noones answering lol

>> No.3950585

It's not BIZ,

Other groups get together to pump a coin and then they spam biz to have someone to dump on
How do you not know that already?

>> No.3950613

BUY on rumor
SELL on news

>> No.3950617

All the intelligent people know it is NAV

It was specified that the coin was a privacy coin.


>> No.3950632

Erm zencash is a privacy coin? kek

>> No.3950641

I do think it is NAV however

>> No.3950698

then stop being a cunt and tell us why you think that?

>> No.3950712

Who gives a fuck about what this teeka thinks or does. You are all being fooled, this is a ponzi thread. Enjoy buying high on a rumor /biz/ circlejerk pump and dump, and the rumors aren't even good.

>> No.3950722


coin is currently ranked 97-100 on CMC
its been around since 2014. 61,908,284 NAV coins circulating
was $1.55 in sept/7 now its 63c
nav coin - 39mill cap - $0.630269 (-3.30%) this morning
1500 members on telegram

~ "reminds me of ant shares" (this is when ant/neo was trading at 92c then mooned to $40+
~ "really small" (market cap of NAV is around 39mill this morning, the same as when Ant/NEO shares were trading at 92c)
~ "coming off a high level" (it was trading at 1.55 -- 2 weeks ago, then it droped to 65c
~ "not really well known" (nobody knows about their double blockchain design which has better privacy features than Monero... coin is ranked 100 on CMC!)
~ "its got incredible team" (goto http://www.navcoin.org/ and look at the bottom. Huge team!)
~ "solving a huge huge series of very important problems" (He's talking about polymorph where you can exchange 25 different coins from
Watch this video and LISTEN to what he says.

teeka-tiwari on video (http://players.brightcove.net/5102072647001/BJxYHdft0_default/index.html?videoId=5605994087001)) said: (watch from 11.40min)

He clearly says:
your wallet without using an exchange)
~ "its a very cool ide"a (NAV is completely ground breaking. All the other coins like VERGE, ZCOIN, AEON are just lame forks)
~ "the solution to the problems that they found are excellent" (Again, he's talking about the double blockchain which allows transactions to be hidden)

"We still like Monero. But we've found another privacy coin that we think could eventually unseat Monero. You'll read about it in this motnhs PBC issue."

>> No.3950738

Thanks for the copy pasta.
Dont you think all these things can be said about Zencash?

>> No.3950753

>39mill cap
54M indeed, looks like Zen has the most hype for now but lets see

>> No.3950778

just buy high already you retard

>> No.3950783

What huge series of very important problems does zencash solve?

What high level has ZEN come from? (No, dumping on release does not count)

How is ZEN like antshares? Does it allow the building of dapps like ANS and NAV do?

How is zencash a very cool idea? How does it differ from other privacy coins in this respect?

NAV absolutely nails every one of these points.

>> No.3950805

He's talking about WTC in the vid

Then it could be either XVG, NAV or Zencash in his email you fools. In the video he doesnt say privacy

>> No.3950809

its dipped like 20% in the last 12 hours retard.
why the fuck are you so stupid?

>> No.3950819

They have the idea of secure nodes which means real end to end privacy unlike the other privacy coins
Also they have secure messaging functionality coupled with each transaction

>> No.3950842

3 important points......

First, PBC will mention more than just 1 coin in their publication. The privacy coin and the "reminds me of ANS...." coin. The privacy coin is Zencash and NOT nav.

Second, when he said that it reminds him of ANS he meant the buying price and opportunity growth NOT the actual use-case of the token. If that was the case then ETP would be a lock. NAV has nothing in common with ANS. So what if you can build Dapps? How many other coins have that ability? Tons! You think that's what made ANS unique?

Lastly, you keep ignoring the video from the Zencash livestream dated September 27th that specifically says that PBC will write about them in their next publication.

LOL, how can you pretend to ignore such an obvious proof such as that and continue to spout your nonsense about NAV is baffling.

>> No.3950844

Secure messaging... HOW REVOLUTIONARY.
Better privacy... WHAT A GAME CHANGER

fuck off

>> No.3950848

Yes Exactly. The video has nothing to do with the privacy coin. The video is about either ETP or WTC most likely though its hard to guess.

However the privacy coin that he told his members to dump half their XMR shares into is 100% zencash.

>> No.3950858

Damn you're stupid.


That coin will likely be ETP or WTC. The privacy coin to replace XMR is zencash you fool!

>> No.3950879

secure messaging is revolutionary and in fact it does not exist in the world currently.

>> No.3950895

you are right, it is a great coin, lots of work still to be done but its very likely the coin that palm beach are talking about.

>> No.3950940

Makes sense for me, this is what I understand from the video also.

>> No.3950952

What about facebook messenger?

>> No.3950978

dude... IF people like you are making money in crypto with your level of knowledge I am very happy. We all going to be millionaires.

>> No.3951043

this. I personally am sure however that ETP is fucking trash, so that leaves us with WTC.

Who knows tho

>> No.3951131

is there something that's gone totally under the radar? something that mixes all of bitcoin, ethereum, and link? feels like a storm is coming.

>> No.3951172

Yeah WTC is ETH big

>> No.3951228
File: 62 KB, 520x368, 13051701_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow me to send you to a better place

>> No.3951263

lol, Zencash is a shitty alternative to monero. Worse in everyway.
NAV will revolutionise privacy coins. watch the video dick.

>> No.3951270

we all know this is something else. wtc is going to be a major player but whatever this is it's 3rd generation.

>> No.3951345

anyone? is there some bitcoin, ethereum, link hybrid out there at the $100,000+ mark?

>> No.3951438

Has nothing to with ZEN being better than NAV has to do with the video that specifically notes that PBC will do a write up on ZEN and NOT NAV you moron idiot. No one cares that NAV is better or not.

>> No.3951496
File: 2.98 MB, 3264x2347, IMG_6051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this from my whale friend, PBC october report!

>> No.3951502

video says nothing about the privacy coin you fool. That one will be a ETP or WTC. Only the email references privacy coin

>> No.3951515

what the hell are you on about

>> No.3951536

Is this real?

>> No.3951548

You dumb fuck I was clearly talking about the talk by Zencash that mentions PBC listing soon.

>> No.3951581

no of course not its dated 21st. its dated two days in the future.

>> No.3951606

This made me drop a grand well played

>> No.3951646

its a good fake, i almost fell for it as well.

>> No.3951724

actually this would make alot of sense. I just bought .5 btc worth, lets hope for the best~

>> No.3951734

Made a cool 0.02 btc off that fake

>> No.3951865

haha shit - is there anything in the $10 million+ marketcap range that mixes the characteristics of the 3rd gen coins?

>> No.3951941

When will the picks be revealed? I need to go to sleep

>> No.3951956

in 1 hour

>> No.3951983

in 1 hour

>> No.3951999

Okay, where will it be released. It's not for free right?

>> No.3952056

you will have to know someone who is a member...

>> No.3952076

it costs $3k for 6 months of subscription

>> No.3952177


>> No.3952742

shouldn't it be out by now? it's not ZEN is it

>> No.3952785


>> No.3952837

its already starting LOL

>> No.3952848

did report come out?

>> No.3952849


Just noobs panicking. No news is out one way or the other

>> No.3952851


>> No.3952860

Nah, the report came out obviously. The newfags are still hooked like fish.

>> No.3952880

Fuck me it was VERT, wtf are they thinking?


>> No.3952899

how do you know?

>> No.3952910

he doesn't, he's just trying to dump his bag

>> No.3952923


>> No.3952938

Yes, I can see that, so what. Have you seen the report? If so pix or didn't happen. Could be, but it's just speculation, and it's already dropping

>> No.3952945

not enough volume to be a PBC pump... gtfo

>> No.3952970

It is not out yet. Don't believe anything you read here.

>> No.3952991

Shouldn't it been out by now?

>> No.3953393

I put one BTC of my stack of three into this. Jesus take the wheel.

Does anyone have the document of the PBC tease? It's on my laptop and I'm at work but I wanna stress-reread it.

>> No.3954319

so do we buy or not

>> No.3954373

most of us are questioning if/when to dump dependent on PBC.

>> No.3954592

Lol the fucking panic buys, even worse than NAV

>> No.3954630

Already too late to buy, fuck you all

>> No.3954666

What date was the video posted at? Need to know so I can likely guess the right coin they're talking about

>> No.3954835


>> No.3954897

Fuck off

>> No.3954977


>> No.3955147
File: 46 KB, 630x405, 8567319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad, Pranjeet

>> No.3955167

So which coin is?

>> No.3955301

Holy shit... it’s Bitcoin!

>> No.3955587
