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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3944289 No.3944289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you have against /pol/?

All we want to do is ensure that Western civilization is saved from all of the challenges against it.

If you don't believe western civilization is being challenged, answer me this:

>in the history of warfare, there has typically always been a defending army. What EXACTLY was the defending army trying to prevent? Why not just surrender? What would happen? Why?

>> No.3944305
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>> No.3944311

nice just bought 100k!

>> No.3944323

Any opinions to share friend?

>> No.3944346

Because you have /b/ tier Project Scientology autism except when other boards call you retarded you assume them all to be libshits

>> No.3944366

Nothing, I came from /pol/. I just like crypto

>> No.3944372

Most people here get it. Libertarians are the originals Crypto creators and adopters. The new fags are cuck beta liberal faggots. They are our guests that we're extracting wealth from.

>> No.3944384

When is the ico?

>> No.3944403

I believe you. I just get a little triggered from the /pol/ hate. Not that it's not deserved, it is. I've stopped going there because the quality of discussion really died after the election.

I just don't know of its coming from shitlib ignorance or from a genuine annoyance of the /b/-ism of the board.

Also I really can't stand that Money Skeleton is sort of liberal.

>> No.3944435

Buy link, OP, or stay poor.

>> No.3944448

I have nothing against pol because the low IQ cucks there are buying my bags and making me rich.

>> No.3944451

>in the history of warfare, there has typically always been a defending army. What EXACTLY was the defending army trying to prevent? Why not just surrender? What would happen? Why?

Death would happen

You wanna know what happens when you dont help people fleeing war? Also death.


>> No.3944469

>All we want to do is ensure that Western civilization is saved from all of the challenges against it.

What if I think that regressive neckbeards spreading hate from their basements do less for Western civilisation that people from all over the world who come here and work their asses off?

>> No.3944475

This, your culture and democracy are being subverted by corporate power but you retards keep voting the economic elites into power

>> No.3944484

>Death would happen
But why?

The invading army is just looking for a better life for their family

>> No.3944498

>muh hate is anything I don't like
>muh all brown people are morally good
I wish you could possibly see how subverted you are.

Citizenship is not a lifting competition

>> No.3944499

'money skeleton' chose to model his smartcontracts language after fucking javascript

it's there to make money, the actual ideas behind it aren't all that great.

>> No.3944506

/pol/ is my home board

>> No.3944508

Why should I care about people from another culture, religion and country fleeing a war caused by an oversees government I also don't care for in order to protect a small nation said oversees government deems important because the diaspora of that country just so happens to own their federal reserve, congress and media?

>> No.3944521

What do this have to do with business and finance?

>> No.3944522

with all due respect, brother, i spent most of my freetime on /pol/ in 2016 and the opportunity cost is that i could've gotten into crypto earlier had i just gone to /biz/. i had no interest in btc, nor did i have an interest in going to /biz/ at the time and that will forever stay a part of my life history.

be that as it may, not everyone on /biz/ is a faggot bluepill cuck. many of us also enjoy the threads over at /pol/.

the problem is that we each feel we can do more to change our individual lives through business/trading than by trying to influence the "greater scheme" of Western decline.

although there are successes, let me ask, what has /pol/ accomplished outside of helping spread memes in favor of Trump? pizzagate was quickly forgotten and no one was brought to justice, no real investigation was brought forth. i guess it helped to spread the whole satanic thing against hillary. the recent vegas shooting false flag, /pol/ investigates but outside of 4chan no one really gives a fuck anymore and the shitlibs already automaticlaly want gun control.

what can we actually do to change the world if we can't even make 2X on a good trade in crypto or stocks or whatever the fuck each person on /biz/ is doing.

if i can't even flip real estate to make enough so that i don't have to work next year, how will i have time and resources to help save Western fucking civilization.

>> No.3944566

Refugees aren't a fucking invading army slaughtering people, retard.

Because people dying is bad? If you're a sociopath that's a you problem.

And if you're from the US or another world power, your country is most likely what is causing the problem.

>> No.3944624

Do you understand the point of the OP question?

What happens to an invaded people? Their institutions get taken over, their culture gets eradicated, their birth rate plummets, they become second class citizens, and many wind up intermarrying and dying as a cognizable people.

>affirmative action, diversity quotas, political correctness, anti-white (((media))), constant pro refugee shilling, no moral justification for having borders, white birthrate destroyed, culture dying
It literally doesn't matter whether this is done with guns or friendly sounding OR.

The result is the same.

>> No.3944634


>> No.3944639

I dont have a problem with nationalism but supremacist? Get fucking real brainlets

>> No.3944643

>Because people dying is bad? If you're a sociopath that's a you problem.
You have it all wrong. Those people dying is NOT a me problem. It's their problem. Like I said, my country had nothing to do with this giant shit show but is still getting overrun with savages that feel no connection to it's values or people and are just here to suck up resources. For all of history humans have battled each other over land and resources and now we are just going to give it away because we think we're above all that? News flash: we're not. It is this exact arrogance that will be the downfall of western civilization and superiority (which has been a HUGE blessing to humanity, mind you).

Where do you live faggot? I bet it's some cozy all white neighborhood. Either that or you're a shitskin trying to get into our beautiful European countries yourself.

>> No.3944719

they're not doing it to be nice

>> No.3944858

There’s no threat to the west. Pol are just racists.

>> No.3944866

Are you jewish?

>> No.3944927

Yes. Lol. But that’s beside the point.

>> No.3944940

who's the threat to the west, jews? don't jews and muslims hate eachother?

why would 'secret society jews' support mass migration of muslims? wouldn't they just want them to perish?

>> No.3944952

>that’s beside the point
Try again, shlomo

>> No.3944976

Nobody likes shitskins.

But the goyim are actual competitors to the Jews. They hate them both. Jews only like themselves, and even then only on occassion.

>> No.3945016

You’d be less hateful if you weren’t an outcast failure. Blame your genetics, not minorities.

>> No.3945050

From/pol/, we are here fren.

>> No.3945071

With all due respect "Pepe" became viral in mainstream media all over the world. And they rightly or wrongly associated Pepe with the Trump campaign. That was unbelieveable. It's hard to pinpoint pol's influence on elections but I wouldn't underestimate it.

>> No.3945073

Typical shaming tactics. I didn't believe you, at first.

>> No.3945080
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You won't stay in your containment board.

I go to /v/....I see /pol/ posting, I go to /s/ I see ..../pol/, I go to /wsg/ and I see fucking /pol/ memes.

Go shit up reddit and leave us alone!


>> No.3945099


Wait I thought we were supposed to attribute white success to their skin color "privilege" and act like the system is stacked against us black peoples cuz our skin

>> No.3945154

There is nothing you faggots can do against the all powerful oligarchies.

/biz/ at least tries to get rich to get out of the poorfag oppression.

Protip: America isn't worth fighting for.

>> No.3945155
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>> No.3945398

>all we want to do is ensure blag blah blah
By shit posting on 4chan and being cringe lord autists in public waving around meme flags and shouting "based black dude!"?

You aren't doing fucking anything. At all.
You're just as degenerate as the people you think you are fighting

>> No.3945433

actually we elected a president, and its reddit that shouts about based black men

>> No.3945437

If you worry what the sheeple think, you won't survive what's coming. Let the liberals die. Do not help them when they suffer. Let the cucks suffer the consequences of their actions.

>> No.3945452

You didn't elect shit
Most of you rthedonald faggots legally can't even vote, underage shits
Also trump didn't win the popular vote so "the power of memes" doesn't really apply if the majority of the population voted against him

>> No.3945454

why is this thread still up

sage and report folks

>> No.3945474

I unironically want to murder /pol/acks. I meet one, I will not hesitate to confront him physically. All that sick, sick shit I've seen posted on here and all the propagandizing spread throughout the internet creating young fascists is probably among THE most disgusting destructive things in the world right now. You are hurting people, you are ridiculing people's struggles and making them a joke. I saw someone vandalize an anarchist poster today downtown and write /pol/ over it. I wish I took a picture, but man. It made my blood boil that these people are in my city in real life spreading this bullshit website to the public. They're lurking out there in REAL FUCKING LIFE and we don't know who they are, but they're spreading their toxic shit. These people need a good fucking kick in the head. They need a taste of their own medicine. Hanging in the street isn't fucking good enough for a fascist, they need more. I fucking detest and spit on all of you, I hope you know that. You are worth less than shit on shoes to me, you don't even qualify as human because you are so inhuman with your callousness and hateful rhetoric. You have no empathy, no emotion, you don't care about the consequences, you just have a desire to anger people. You're fucking worthless and beyond redemption. I want to see you all in cold fucking blood on the side of the road fucking face stomped with your guts and eyes spilling over onto the pavement. I want to hang you with your fucking intestines and make your parents watch. I want you to see your sister and mothers raped by the minorites you hate so much while you wriggle in pain gasping for your last breath. You are human scum and the world won't miss you.

>> No.3945481

You're allowed one meta thread about the board.

None are up right now. This is it.

>> No.3945492
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lmao youre still salty you fucking loser

>> No.3945532

>popular vote
>proven massive voter fraud from the dems

>> No.3945533

Not even American and if I were I would reserve my right to not vote for either of those fucking puppets
Youre a blind fucking fool my man. Playing media orchestrated political superbowl, where only two teams can compete for the grand prize.
And you think you're "enlightened"... fucking pathetic dude. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.3945550

>says all that
>it's the other people who have no empathy
>deciding everything based on perceived empathy

>> No.3945551

lmao kill yourself you pathethetic piece of shit
im not american either, if you think donald was a sanctioned candidate you are an absolute brainlet

>> No.3945573

>the yuropoor is mad

>> No.3945578

>gets into office
>bankers, wall st scum, ex federal reserve buddies all put into senate
Kys. He's a puppet for the war profiteers.

>> No.3945593

>>bankers, wall st scum, ex federal reserve buddies all put into senate
kek you dont even understand how congress works

>> No.3945603


>> No.3945637

the dude you are arguing with is a yuropoor. his wife has unshaven armpits and he believes islam is a religion of peace

>> No.3945667

Vehemently opposed to Islam and I think europe needs to sleep in the bed it's made
Keep trying ass blasted americuck
Literally 58% white top fucking kek

>> No.3945681

The similarities between /biz/ and /pol/ are strong because both have fallen for the biggest misdirection of our time and blame Jews and blacks for everything. Let me give you a little tip. You are wrong. They are what Americans like to callel patsies.

>> No.3945694

i voted trump. im not thrilled with everything going on in the US, but trump getting elected is a huge step in the right direction

>> No.3945696
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>I think europe needs to sleep in the bed it's made
what a fucking cuckold you are

the islamist hordes need to be repatriated as soon as possible. i bet youre a german cuckold

>> No.3945773

pol in a nutshell:

1) low iq

2) whole thought process revolves around emotions, and their lives are driven by fear (jews, blacks, and women are trying to destroy them, common theme in EVERY thread on pol)

3) Women destroyed the low iq poltard at an early age through rejection. The unintelligent babbling man baby takes out his rage on a anime board surrounded by nothing but other manbabies. This is why pol is looked at as an echo chamber, there is no voice from any opposite side. If someone disagrees, they are instantly labeled a nigger, jew, or dyke. Poltards are unable to argue or debate rationally.

4) blame jews and blacks. Low IQ poltards are unable to look inward and realize that THEY are socially awkward failures at life, so they blame outside sources. Every thread on pol is a cry for help here, the poltard is so awkward and simple.

5) Low IQ poltards FEAR black men because they are able to conquer the same women that neglected and rejected them at an earlier age. Look at gif, the black threads are dominated by pol goers. Look at pol itself, every thread has some element of cuck discussion in it. So sad.

you can already see it in these threads, placing the blame on something else. Pay close attention and you will see.


Typical low IQ poltards

>> No.3945795

>whole thought process revolves around emotions
>your post
literal projection

>> No.3945864

Forgot to add that /pol/ literally gets down on their knees and starts to suck any figure's cock if they do something they agree with and call them epic and redpilled. It happens with these sub 4000 sub MAGA hat wearing women advertising their patreon on youtube and even autists like Pewdiepie who has been looking for new audiences to tap into

>> No.3945868

Youre probably too fucking stupid to realize but the general population isn't going to do what they need to do until it's too late
Then it will be a long road to recovery

Thats how it works. Read some fucking history cunt

>> No.3945889

Dont forget they worship photos of random black dudes who happen to be trump supporters
Muh based black dude pls fuck my wife xD

>> No.3945892

>muh shaming
It's old

>> No.3945910

If you ever visited /pol/ you'd know that's very false

>> No.3945923

>im a victim of circumstance waahhh wahhh moommyyyy!
lol whatever you say cuckold

>> No.3945924
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is this pasta

>> No.3945932

Nice rant, try to memorize it, I want to hear your impotent rage in person one day before I put a bullet in your head, you fucking subhuman degenerate.

>> No.3945966
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>> No.3945978
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>What do you have against /pol/

Nothing. It's the best board on this website. The globalist kikes will be going after /pol/ and this site in general after dailystormer.

>> No.3946100

LOL,.... the delusion

>> No.3946113

i agree, the shaming of anyone who tries to have a conversation with them is sad, old, and pathetic

>> No.3946159


You hypocritical cunts don't deserve any respect.

>> No.3946188

LOL, someone sniffed out the kike.

Get exposed scholomo.

>> No.3946621


I think /biz/ is actually worst than /pol/. The lies told here cost people thousands.

>> No.3946810

Name 1 thing /pol/ is wrong about

>> No.3946814

the only people here who lose anything are idiot poltards, they think too much with their emotions

>> No.3946820

/pol/ is satire. it's very telling when someone takes it seriously because that means that all the "joos 'n jigaboos" talk strikes an uncomfortable nerve.
if /pol/ makes you angry, you are probably a shitty person.

>> No.3946828
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I have been ripped as fuck since I was a teenager and I would pulverize you.

>> No.3946843

YOU are the redditor here.

>> No.3946853


/pol/ is us and we are /pol/

>> No.3946860

the power of an echo chamber

>> No.3946868

Literally every single conspiracy thread

>> No.3946879

You retards take issues like immigration and religious integration that are legitimate problems and turned them into this "alt right nazi etc" agenda that nobody can raise now without being branded a racist Nazi.

>> No.3946887

hello boomertard

>> No.3946905


>muh not hating shitskins means you support MUH WHYTE GENOCIDE
>muh all brown people are subhuman garbage and need to be gassed

>I wish you could possibly see how subverted you are!

>> No.3946954

racist idiots. dumb people are my 'niggers' . and Pol are all neckbeard neet losers who have not nor will ever see hardships , combat, a pay cheque , I woman naked etc etc...

>> No.3946973
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Europoor detected.

>> No.3946974
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>racist idiots. dumb people are my 'niggers' . and Pol are all neckbeard neet losers who have not nor will ever see hardships , combat, a pay cheque , I woman naked etc etc...

>> No.3947023
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>me polcuck
>me so smart!

>> No.3947044
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Image is false, try again.

>> No.3947055


pizzagate, yes they're wrong.
but on white genocide, /pol/ is correct.

>> No.3947146

I'm talking the actual conspiracy threads

>> No.3947305

lmao even his ID almost spells out "oy vey"

>> No.3947337

antisemitism is a good sign of low iq and too much resentment

>> No.3947404
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>> No.3947522
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People die everyday. How come you're not out there saving them anon?