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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3943103 No.3943103 [Reply] [Original]

>confirmed by Rory that it doesn't come to new exchanges for strange reasons
>conference was huge fail
>SWIFT removed everything about Sergey and LINK from their website
>Price still freefalling

fuck we ain't gonna make it, I already sold my 60k stack earlier today.

>> No.3943158

just bought 100k

>> No.3943160

The price is only lower than usual because of the bitcoin drop. The current price has not been unusual for chainlink. But I do think chainlink might soon get sold en mass, after which it becomes a high risk long term hold. So, I'd sell it the first moment you can get a small profit if I were you.

>> No.3943206
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>> No.3943222

Yes link is dead, pls sell all your link now and never talk about it again.that would be great thanks.

>> No.3943229

No clue why people are holding this shitcoin. It's still being shilled like crazy after it literally bombed after conference. Ripple died as well. Only XLM has made and kept decent gains.

>> No.3943247

does anyone actually fall for this low-tier FUD?

/biz/ is now shit-tier

>> No.3943255

Ya its done. Turns out it really was just a meme coin. Lost half my stack and got kicked out of my apartment because I forgot to pay rent after buying LINK. Now I'm homeless.

>> No.3943272

lmao they're getting listed on kraken. SEC raped trex, polo is pajeet bot market.

Like you've literally been told by sergey himself that banks will be implementing chainlink. SWIFT will be implementing chainlink. They just became a member of the EEA. Wow, all those companies. Must be nice to aprtnered with them and have access to info and verify it off yoru oracle.

But yeah. Let's go buy potcoin and RDD

>> No.3943277

I don't know where all these people come from. These slide threads are becoming a pain.

>> No.3943281
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What the fuck is with crypto traders and muh conferences? I have never seen a good reaction to one, "Wow, amazing conference! Let's buy even more! Yay!" It's always, "Oh shit, that conference was totes gay and boring, let's not only dump all of our bags but do it in a systematic way that causes the overall price of the coin the gradually lose more and more value over a 48 hour period and then forget the coin ever existed. Stupid conference!"

Fuck you people. Fuck conferences. Fuck whales. Fuck dumps. Fuck your notions that conferences will potentially "expose a coin to the normies and the price will rise due to massive demand!" Buy your Mayweather Tweet coins then. You'll get rich according to your own philosophy.

>> No.3943287

Bullshit FUDDING...

>> No.3943297

>lmao they're getting listed on kraken

just like EOS :^)

>> No.3943301

>Friday comes
>Listed on Kraken

>> No.3943317

Let's say I don't own a single Satoshi

What exactly do I need to do to buy LINK

What do I need to download/sign up for

>> No.3943336

eBay or Craigslist

>> No.3943384

go to bitcoin ATM
put in card
transfer bitcoin to your bank account
transfer bitcoin from your bank account to
transfer from coinbase to kraken
set up an ethereum wallet
transfer money from kraken to wallet
in wallet you can exchange bitoin for ethereum
download metamask
transfer ethereum from wallet to metamask
transfer ethereum from metamask to etherdelta
find a person who wants to swap tokens with you
swap with name ETH to name LINK

>> No.3943386


Buy ETH (coinbase or whatever) then trade on EtherDelta

>> No.3943403


Sticky this plz

>> No.3943423

this is fucking retarded you are a piece of shit

>> No.3943435

>bitcoin goes up
>alts go to shit

according to you:
>The price is only lower than usual because of the bitcoin drop
>bitcoin drops, link drops below hell

lol interesting logic there

>> No.3943437

Ok and how long do you think this will take

Some website I went to said it would take 5-6 days to connect my bank.. think it was coinbase

>> No.3943453

Buy it on binance

>> No.3943474

stop replying to retards you retard

>> No.3943497

Also, Microsoft has entered oracle market with their version called "cryptlets", great solution, no shitty token required, part of banking MSP services already in place. LINK is done.

>> No.3943518

proof or stfu

>> No.3943525

Dumb question, but why doesn't the demand for LINK go up if it's harder to obtain?

I mean you can't just get it on any exchange, but it's not so hard to obtain that no one can obtain it, because it's actually quite easy to make a binance account.

>> No.3943532

conferences as a rule are gay and boring. if your company sends you to one then you are probably among their smartest individuals and already a hotshot. so when you see these dumbasses presenting dumbass shit at the conference you just yawn, check your phone, and wonder what is for lunch

>> No.3943547
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I mean it's almost like... It's almost like... people don't want to buy it

>> No.3943570

The conference was huge you retards.

Chainlink was the only external crypto dev to be invited by SWIFT to do development for them and they got to showcase it in front of the world's financial elite at SIBOS.

And just hours before the demo started, news came that massive entities like Sony, AXA, BNP Paribas, ... were DIRECTLY involved in the demo.

AND the most significant lide presented there (showing the transaction schematic from external data to smart contract to bond to ISO-certified messaging) showe Chainlink logos at every junction.


>> No.3943586

>the most significant lide

>> No.3943608


>> No.3943611



>> No.3943617


>Only XLM has made and kept decent gains.

It's cratering at 600 sats. Mostly bagholders keeping it afloat. What the fuck?

>> No.3943626

Swift listens to a good plausible implementation that has no: patent, solid product and token overlayer use to have a shitcoin marketcap

Do you see the big picture? They will NEVER buy link coins, they will at most implement the said idea by their own team and thats it-

>> No.3943633

Because 1. No one fucking knows about it 2. Those who do, laugh at this shit

>> No.3943634

The masses are still ignorant and need to be spoonfed hype.

>> No.3944160


no patents? wtf do you know?

>> No.3944439

I assumed this was the case but then why is it not mooning?

Do people just not know about it yet?

>> No.3944497

It's only on Binance and only /biz/ seems to realize it exists despite it being at Sibos. It's kind of crazy really.

OMG would have exploded if they were doing a presentation at Sibos and working with Swift and other large financial institutions for implementation.

>> No.3944585

Did people at any point FUD btc or eth to the point link is getting FUDed?

>> No.3944597
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>we live rent free in your head

>> No.3944640

no man people never FUD btc
never happens

>> No.3944707

i mean im pretty redpilled on it; went all in. Have like 26k link, about to buy like 10k more. Might trade with some of my stack to try to get at least 50K LINK.

I'm assuming its because they do like no marketing whatsoever and they have no online community except for people shilling on /biz/.

Then again, i dont really understand the technology too well so it all might be a meme....but i don't think so.

>> No.3944919
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>Psh, nuthin personnel kid

>> No.3945279

who bought the LINK on the 15-16 is fucking retard.

>> No.3945350

pls sell, i need one last dip

>> No.3945413

>sold all my LINK today
>still believe in LINK
>gonna 2x at least on ETP quickly
>gonna buy bags off weakhands and have more LINK than before.

>> No.3946508

Guys why are you stressing about predicting the market? Just join a signal group and let them give you the stats and updates: https://discord.gg/yvHZuyP

>> No.3946556


Nobody will every buy Ethereum they will just program their own smart contracts.

Nobody will ever buy Bitcoin they will just program their own blockchain based store of value.

>> No.3947271

Literally all you have to do

>> No.3947449

Uhh no patent mentioning Link.