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3942239 No.3942239 [Reply] [Original]

How do people survive wageslaving for so many years? I'm only 30 and I legitimately want to kill myself already. It's not even a low paid or particularly difficult job, but it's so god damned soul sucking that I barely feel human anymore. I can't even imagine making it to 35, let alone 65 fucking years of this shit. Please tell me how people are able to cope with any of this.

>> No.3942253

kys faggot

You deserve to be poor

>> No.3942271

Some people have no other choice with a family that depends on them.

>> No.3942312

I have nobody that depends on me and my parents are wealthy, so they don't really have any need for me. Should I just get it over with and kill myself because I'm trying to find even a single thing to live for and I'm coming up with nothing right now...

>> No.3942359
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How do people survive wageslaving for so many years?

A typical sheeple has no options, he/she has kids to feed and a 30 year mortgage

>> No.3942373

Look man, all memes aside, here's the cold, honest truth. Life is fucking hard. Especially if you want excellence, it will be fucking hard.

Do something besides wageslaving to become financially independent and happy. Invest in stock options, crypto, a startup, etc. Start a business on the side. Make new friends that support you.

You are the result of all of your actions in life. Wherever you go, there you are. You can't change the past, but you can change how you go about life in the future. Make the damn most of it and don't waste it on fucking whining and complaining about life all the goddamn time.

Read "Man's search for meaning".

>> No.3942407

I for one am glad that the millenials are rebelling against this servitude nonsense, or at the very least not zoning out in some escapism bubble and pretending it's something else. They are waking up to the fiat scam, loan usury bullshit, and the whole societal approval bullshit.

Scams should be treated as scams, not as one's only path in life. I hope they shut this whole thing down. I hope the boomers burn.

>> No.3942467

I don't mind life being hard and I would gladly work really hard if there was a reason to do so. I just can't stand how there's no purpose to any of this. I feel like I've become some kind of machine.

>> No.3942526

Again, read "Man's search for meaning". This will help clarify meaning for your life.

If you truly believe that nothing you do matters, then what's the point of fucking doing anything? There is none. You might as well lay down and rot.

But if you act as though everything you do matters, and everything you do matters, then suddenly that's a lot more responsibility on you but the payout at the end is worth it.

Do you have any friends? A girlfriend/boyfriend? Family members that you're close to? I've found that meaning is often found in helping others improve and helping them feel better about themselves.

>> No.3942554

Btw, when I say helping others improve I don't mean "helping your boss make more money" or something like that, I mean a genuine relationship.

>> No.3942564

No I don't have any friends, never had a girlfriend (too much of an ugly beta), no siblings, and my family has always been cold and distant. There really isn't any purpose for me to exist.

>> No.3942622

Again, read Frankl's "Man Search For Meaning". It's about his experience in a concentration camp. He had every reason to believe that his life was purposeless and had no meaning.

According to Frankl, meaning can be found through:

- Experiencing reality by interacting authentically with the environment and with others,

- Giving something back to the world through creativity and self-expression, and

- Changing our attitude when faced with a situation or circumstance that we cannot change.

Frankl is credited with coining the term ‘Sunday neurosis’ to refer to the dejection that many people feel at the end of the working week when at last they have the time to realize just how empty and meaningless their life has become. This existential vacuum may open the door on all sorts of excesses and compensations such as neurotic anxiety, avoidance, binge eating, drinking, overworking, and overspending. In the short-term, these excesses and compensations carpet over the existential vacuum, but in the longer term they prevent action from being taken and meaning from being found.

For Frankl, depression results when the gap between what a person is and what he ought to be, or once wished to be, becomes so large that it can no longer be carpeted over. The person’s goals seem far out of reach and he can no longer envisage a future. As in Psalm 41, abyssus abyssum invocat—‘hell brings forth hell’, or, in an alternative translation, ‘the deep calls unto the deep.’

If you have any more questions or comments let me know man. I thought you were doing a meme at first but since you're serious I want to help.

>> No.3942636

Get a hobby to look forward to

>> No.3942653

Here's some relevant quotes from Frankl

1. Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.

2. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

3. But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.

4. In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.

5. The meaning of life is to give life meaning.

6. Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.

7. Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.

8. Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.

9. The point is not what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us.

10. For the world is in a bad state, but everything will become still worse unless each of us does his best.

>> No.3942701

Your purpose is to be reconciled to the Lord God, there is no life outside the living word.

>> No.3942712

Also, Jordan Peterson is a good person to listen to as well. IDK if you already listen to him but it's good stuff.

One of my favorite quotes from Peterson goes something like this:

"There's a reason why hell is viewed as a bottomless pit. It's because no matter how bad things currently are, some stupid son of a bitch like you could make things a lot worse".

>> No.3942776

Drugs, painkillers and benzos mostly. Also smoke pot on your lunch break

>> No.3942786
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escaping wagecuckery is my biggest dream
I'm just 24 and I already see I won't survive this. Life is a fucking madness. How the fuck do normies manage to keep it going like this until they hit 65 or so
I my crypto game doesn't work out the way I'm anticipating it I seriously consider killing myself, gtfo on the other end of the world or something. I feel sick every morning, tired, sleep depraved etc

>> No.3942833

You're born just in time to fight in the incoming race war. Gear up and prepare yourself.

>> No.3942836

Read my replies above.

You don't have to suffer through wagecucking your whole life.

>> No.3942840

Are you really pushing holohoax bullshit here?

>> No.3942849

easy, you're too much of a pussy to do anything else so you just spend your life feeling like shit

>> No.3942899

What other choice do I have? If I quit my job, I'll quickly run out of money, get evicted, become homeless, and probably die of starvation shortly thereafter.

>> No.3942902

Go fuck yourself you imbecile. Real, useful life lessons can be learned from Holocaust survivors.

Holocaust deniers can go neck themselves.

>> No.3942939

fucking kike

>> No.3942941

Too bad it didn't happen.

>> No.3943006
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>How the fuck do normies manage to keep it going like this until they hit 65 or so

They arent. Retirement ages get increased constantly because pension crisis looming. In murrica no boomers have saved money enough to retire. And people have actually started dying earlier in the first time in history, obesity, financial problems, opiod epidemic, they dont even make till 65 alive! :P

>> No.3943017
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>tfw you're 23 and have never worked a day in your life
>legitimately on the autism bucks
>three bedroom apartment from social housing
>whole day is spend daytrading and making more BTC

I am gonna make it and blow everything on high class escorts and coke.

>> No.3943065

>three bedroom apartment from social housing
What the fuck? This in particular makes me really angry. Why are you even posting in this thread you absolutely degenerate faggot?

>> No.3943070

Easy, i love my job. Doesnt feel like work, more like hanging out with friends and famous people every day.

It heavily depends on the job. Im sure a lot of workers cant say the same in regards to their situation

>> No.3943107

I'm 26 and feel the same way as OP. Every day, the commute, the job, my co workers, every day revolves around it. It's so tedious. I don't get it either which is why I'm balls deep in crypto.

>> No.3943140
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> Social housing

Please kill yourself you degenerate faggot. You are what's wrong with society and earth as a whole.

>> No.3943223
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I had a similar realization the other day.

I come from a family of immigrants. My dad works like a wage slave, and he busts his ass everyday to get us to finish college and hopefully improve our life situation.

My mother on the other hand is a self-absorbed narcissist, always complaining that we aren't richer (she works part time btw) and why can't we have more nice things by spending money we don't have. She started fucking up with everyone in my house nearly a year ago, and it escalated to the point of threatening to get get a lawyer if we didn't sell the house and gave her half of the money so she could run off and live the "liberated woman" life. Real nigger shit.

I flunked my college semester from the stress. Started working full time in the memest job ever, Mcdonalds. And after months of going through the motions I came to the same conclusion you did.

Nothing in my life matters. I have parents that don't really care about me (now that I dropped out). I got no friends. I am now stuck wage slaving, with very little chance of ever moving up.

And everyday, when I hand some doctor/bizman/professional engineer his fast food, a little bit of me dies inside. When I see the girl's they have by their side, A LOT MORE dies inside.

I will probably never escape this hell, this is as "good" as life gets for me.

I made a little bit of money from LINK (It was heaven or hell, pulled out at 43 cents, original investment was like 200 dollars), and that made me a little happier, but not nearly enough to fix all of my problems (student debt, etc). I remember when my biggest worry was being self conscious or seeming like a loser in school. Nowadays I have gotten used to been alone, talking to myself. And I don't care about my status anymore.

Yeah I should probably kill myself. But not yet. I am a gambler at heart. And as long as I have just a little bit of hope, I will keep playing this game. Maybe my luck will change, right?

>> No.3943227
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>> No.3943239

get a job that feels bearable somewhat. at least then you wont hate yourself everyday. step two: find an alternative means of income whether it be crypto, starting your own business, etc. third step get rid of all debt you have and try to free yourself from that. it is causing stress to more than 70% of this country and people don't even know how much of a burden debt can be. I followed those three steps and feel much better about my short term future. I was struggling a lot early this year with my job and was finding it really hard to stay motivated. You will find a way out. Just keep fucking pushing and gridning.

>> No.3943263

Read The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco.

>> No.3943291

I felt similarly at many points. Fought through it by biting my lip and digging in which worked for a while but I did finally just quit. Let me tell you it feels amazing. I waited to have a small safety net and a plan, but now I'm just going for it. 27 years old no debt, no mortgage. Gonna make shit happen so hard that hopefully one day I'll have my own stable of wage cucks to make monies for me. Wish me luck

>> No.3943304

don't kill yourself man. you can find a way out if you keep at it. don't worry about the women issue. that will come in time. when you have a higher self esteem and more confidence in yourself and your life, the women thing usually solves itself and it somehow sorts itself out. stick to things that interest you and find people who relate to your hobbies. also get serious about what you want to do for a living. figure out what you're good at and get paid for it. the service industry is fucked. get out of there as soon as you can. whether it be food, retail, or being a busboy. that's no way to live your life. the crypto thing seems like its working out. maybe delve into it deeper, figure out strategies on trading, learn how to build your capital little by little. we all gonna make it senpai.

>> No.3943328

i'm quitting soon. just lining a few things up. got my crypto safety net ready to go. if i need to go back and work for a few more years fuck it ill do it. but damn does it feel good to be close to putting in my two weeks.

>> No.3943330

>27 years old
>no debt
>no mortgage

how does that feel senpai? Finally buying your freedom?

I am starting by paying off my student debt, let see how it goes. Doing my best with my measly paycheck. It hurts using my money to pay it off but it will be worthy.

>stable of wage cucks

I kek'd. Good luck

>> No.3943370

I don't find any jobs bearable anymore, because they're all going to involve working on something meaningless that I don't care about. And I already tried crypto earlier this year. Made like 300% gains before losing most of it and my portfolio has just been on a steady decline since then, so I consider it a form of gambling, not a legitimate way to make money. I can't start my own business because I don't know of any product or service I can come up with that could ever be successful, and even if I did I wouldn't have any success because I'm a beta. Being a successful businessman requires you to be an alpha, and that isn't something that can be learned.

>> No.3943442

its all about attitude. it doesn't seem like you want to put in the work. sometimes its all about the mindset you're in that takes you to the places you want to be. not even kidding. you have to see yourself being successful one day in the place you want to be. without that, not really sure what to suggest.

>> No.3943478

I see no realistic path to success for me no matter which way I look at it. If there was, I would absolutely be willing to put in all the hard work it takes to get there.

>> No.3943486

Dude, buy some books, anything you like. Read it at night. Don't join social networks.Do this for a year. Then see the resulsts

>> No.3943501
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i feel you bro

>i bought link
>you can too
>break free from the matrix

>> No.3943542

It feels fucking good. I had student loans as well and only finished paying them off last year, after a lot of sacrifice. I'm glad I prioritized it, though. I would set up auto pay and sllllooowwly increase the amount per month while trying as hard as possible to never decrease it. Just a psychological trick that helped me.

>> No.3943567
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Yeah, I haven't given up completely yet senpai. I have small but solid ambitions.

>pay off my student debt, or at least pay as much as I can until I go back to school.
>build my investment capital: managed to doubled it to 400+ from an initial investment of 200, not bad, hopefully my intuition pays off and I pick other winners like Link
>go see a therapist, and work through my anxiety and lack of self esteem. Not super sure about this one. Since it probably costs money and therapists might want to make you dependent to their service for the rest of your life. we'll see

And definitely find another job like you well pointed out. I have been thinking of shadowing leaders/high achieving men and seeing if I can pick something from that experience. Maybe it motivates me to get back to university with more drive, or maybe I pick up something from seeing how successful people operate. In either case I thank you for the kind words anon ;^)

>> No.3943635
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Economic decline is only starting to accelerate from now on, most people in western world are truly fucked :)

>> No.3943646
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>> No.3943657

You try to not be a wageslave once, fail suffer a lot of stress and realise wage slaving is not as bad.

>> No.3943730

unironically have been thinking of doing this. I kinda think some of the "self-motivation" books are baloney but, books on investing, escaping wagecuckery and wealth building will at the very least keep my positive and on target to achieve my goals.

Anyone picked up good knowledge from self-help books? *assuming you are talking about this genre of literature

>> No.3943753
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>pay off my student debt, or at least pay as much as I can until I go back to school.

>me to get back to university with more drive, o

>> No.3943799

OP, why didn't you get a job that you would want to do, one that interested you for example, or at least one you knew you could put up with for the right money/hours. You are 30, what did you spend your years doing?? What did you expect would happen??

>> No.3943833

>learn a trade part time college classes on the weekend. Work full-time M-F
>Get good at your craft
>move to Western Canada
>make 150k+/year

>> No.3943841


Actually nice posts

>> No.3943847

There is no such job for me. I was ok with wageslaving before because I had hope for the future and thought it maybe got better. But I now know that that's bullshit and this is all life will ever be.

>> No.3943856


I "think" I understand your point (you seemed to have messed up when you were quoting me). Yeah it is a bit of an irony but I do think university has some use specially if you are studying something technical (studying Comp Eng) so although right now I am trying to pay off a good chunk of my debt, I will probably have to finish my degree with SOME amount of debt for the sake of finishing.

>> No.3943865


>> No.3943902

Pretty bullshit senpai.

Any nontard can self learn coding/programming, then become a software engineer eventually hitting 200k within 10 years

>> No.3943924

stop this "programming" meme. Not everybody needs to be a fucking programmer to be successful.

>> No.3943927

I already am a programmer and that's what I've been doing for the past 7 years, but I make nowhere near that much money. It's meaningless soulless work to me.

>> No.3943966

What do you WANT to do?
>inb4 nothing
In which case, there's your problem

Also, in this thread you've said that you don't work because you don't find anything worth the effort and also that if you found something that could make you successful you would work hard at it. What's your metric of success?

>> No.3943989

Fuck you brainwashed sheep

>> No.3944016

>What's your metric of success?
Being able to do something you're good at that you like and you feel contributes positively towards society in some way. Also making enough money doing it to live comfortably. Not a single one of those criteria has been met in any job I've ever had.

>> No.3944037
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Yes, we have much to learn from the horrors of the Bear and Eagle cage

>> No.3944041

drugs, alcohol and ample brainwashing.

Your typical wagecuck is pretty the equivalent to a borg drone - brainless, and obedient, yet constantly tormented by "assimilation" into the workforce

>> No.3944061

this. People who went through the Holocaust deserve to have their voices heard.

>> No.3944112

boomer you have to go back

>> No.3944125

Don't listen to the other guy, "coding" is a fucking meme and even if it can make you a lot of money doesn't mean it will make you feel happy about yourself or successful.

>> No.3944187

Dood, come on. You said your wage isn't bad. So save up, don't spend your money on anything you don't need, and learn to invest. Stocks, options, crypto, and real estate. The latter being incredibly important but always overlooked.

The fact that you're not married and without a girlfriend is OF BENEFIT. Don't for a second believe the myth that some roastie is going to being happiness into your life. You are a free man, with the exception of wagecucking. But like I said, save money and invest. If you play your cards right you could live off a part time job after a few years. Then over time, you'll be able to live off passive income from your rental properties. You are much closer to being free than you might think.

>> No.3944191

I'd also say this: ask yourself if you're chasing your dream, or the dream that other people have for you.

You don't need to impress anybody. Anything can be seen as positively contributing to society, in some way. If you're a fucking cook at Mcdonalds you're helping people get their food.

What you shouldn't do is try to take drugs/alcohol/whatever to try to cure your depressive symptoms. That'll make you dependent on it. The only "drugs" that I might recommend to get out of your state are LSD, ahayuasca, or DMT.

I think the problem with most people is they're too stuck in their own head. So they pound beers on the weekend and indulge in drugs to distract themselves.

>> No.3944225
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>> No.3944234

you're not gonna make it because you're a piece of shit and god will deal with you accordingly

>> No.3944247

Just do it pussy

>> No.3944261

le karma face

>> No.3944368

This. People that got killed over and over again by the masturbation machines and were made into soap and lampposts deserve to have their voices heard. I believe a few of them are still around. New ones pop up every now and then for some reason.

>> No.3944411

>You are a free man
That's funny, freedom feels an awful lot like the inside of a prison cell.

Real estate is something that takes a lifetime to even begin to see any benefits from. I will almost definitely have killed myself before then.

The thing is, this wageslaving and the realities of life have destroyed any dreams I may have once had.

>> No.3944458

Dude, if you're seriously thinking about killing yourself then PLEASE PLEASE take Ahayuasca , LSD, or DMT before you try to commit suicide.

>> No.3944518

The only stupid thing here is thinking you dumb goys deserve anything but slavery to the Jew.

>> No.3944543

Real estate does not take a lifetime by any means. It just takes capital for a down payment and a loan though.

Read into Robert kiyosaki's info on rental properties. Essentially you are getting loans for a property, getting a property manager to take care of it (so you don't have to), repeating.

>> No.3944591

>Jordan Peterson is a good person to listen to as well

If you're a fucking braindead polack, sure. Peterson is to the fields of sociology and philosophy what Dawkins is to theology.

He may be a good clinical psychologist but whenever he opens his cock-trap outside of his limited area of specialisation he transforms into an angsty lulzcow. The fact that he thinks postmodernism is some sort of ((cultural-marxist)) conspiracy to undermine Western society by analyzing what people do with their cocks is fucking grade-A comedy.

Peterson isn't insightful, he's just a a bitter old cunt who panders to menchildren and niceguys.

>> No.3944732
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>> No.3944752
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You're experiencing alienation friend. Watch this:


Now reassess whether you want to kill yourself, or do something useful like liquidate the class and dismantle the social structures which bring about the conditions that make you feel the way you do.

Don't do it. But at the very least, take a few of the porky cunts with you if you decide to do it.

>> No.3944756

Does It work if you are a woman?

>> No.3944829

>Bla bla roasties

Enjoy dying alone and loveless. Being in a healthy relationship is very fullfilling. Love for my boyfriend is one of the things that keeps me alive

>> No.3944909

>The leech of the relationship is happy

>> No.3944958

Leech? I am giving the same i am recieving. Also, my boyfriend is likely to think the same. We are both wageslaves. Relationships help you to at least feel less alone.

>> No.3945015
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Life is suffering until you decide that it isn't.

I've been a rich man, I've been a poor man, I've been extremely happy and extremely depressed with no correlation to my finances. It's all about your state of mind. Now, your state of mind can be a difficult thing to change but you can always change your situation. If you hate your job then find another one. Do hard labor if you have to. At least then you'll be getting exercise, which can make a big difference mentally, and doing work that won't make you feel like a robot. Hard labor pays pretty well too. Or you can just up and leave, go live on a communal farm. Go do gay porn, do whatever. The point is that you feel stuck but you only feel that way. You can leave whenever you want.

And don't work towards nothing. Cut your spendings, live simply, save that money until it's enough to do something with. Maybe you use it for a down payment on a gas station/ convenience store, maybe you buy ATM's or vending machines, maybe you trade crypto, maybe you buy a Lamborghini. The whole point is, always have a goal. Even if it will take years to achieve, you have to be working towards something. Otherwise, you really are working for nothing.

>> No.3945043

Spoken like a someone who teaches guitar lessons and just bought $400 of VOO

>> No.3945115

Buddy, I'm going to give you the best advice right now. Sell what ever the fuck you own and go travelling. You'll figure shit out about yourself that is worth more than any crypto or wageslave paycheck that you can get. Yes i know it sounds cheesy but it's true as FUCK. Go out, meet people, enjoy your life, and then figure out the rest while doing what is best for you: LIVING. SO quit that shit and get a move on, 30 is young as fuck so hop to it. GLHF

>> No.3945156

Save up and go to an ayahuasca retreat in Iquitos, Peru. It might change the way you think and help you find a purpose in life.

>> No.3945179
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>> No.3945210

Memes-aside, I unironically am going all in on crypto. If this doesn't work out I will kill myself before I turn 30. It's my last hope to be free from wage slavery.

>> No.3945301

>Waste all your money and eventually force yourself into wagekeking/suicide
good advice

>> No.3945313

Truth does not fear investigation.

>> No.3945656

Since quitting college (no debt though, it was in europe) I tried to have a full time job with 40 hours, where I was in front of a PC all day long and could even slack off a lot playing .io games.
It turned out to be quite the disaster for me, since waking up early and being trapped in some place for over 8 hours a day was very monotone. Its not like home where you can do literally nothing in your free time, there are certain things you have to keep tabs on to not appear like the lazy pos you are.
It always surprised me how people could enjoy their work.

Well, I quit that 40 hour Job anyway. One day I asked for 30 hours, but they were too small to facilitate it for my position. I quit with no job prospect and looked for a 30 hour one. A month later I had my current job with 30 hours and the same pay.

The crux is, that even 30 hours a week feels quite taxing. It never seems to be the fact that some co-workers are annoying or the work is unfair or something in that direction. The issue seems to be work in itself, the fact that you are selling a large part of your time and robbing yourself of experiences you wish to explore.

The problem seems to be that without any capital to live off from you cant just pursue many different things. Or at least you cant experience them with a lucid mind, considering you gain a level of exhaustion from hours of "work". So the goal is first to build up capital and then take the risk, quit and pursue something, while still having to think about the money. So in the end it always comes down to money, if you want to liberate people you need to make money something to use on luxuries, a bonus objective.

>> No.3945821

Boomers save in their (((401k))) until they are too old to use it and die. With no children it passes to the government, funding gibs for the parasitic underclass.

>> No.3945839

This whole wagecuck culture seems to numb people down a lot, I can feel the effects already and I am only in this stuff for a year now.. You become somewhat numb, push away work and get into a certain rhythm, your free time is spend sleeping off the dread or escaping to mundane things. The ambition to try something new is declining as well, perhaps you associate working on something with work itself.

To win the wagecuck game it seems you need to change jobs frequently, promise companies the moon and then simply drop the ball after a month and wait for them to notice. On the other Hand you need to actively preserve your state of mind and fight the dread from work, even if it hurts. I think that if you get used to the 9 to 5 lifestyle you are beyond hope and will live through life in a daze.

So to those who are stuck in a position where they need to sell their time to survive, you got 3 options:
- cheat the system and slack off as much as you can (I am currently doing the bare minimum while browsing biz all day and elaborate on things I have done which took mere minutes). They will find out eventually, so treat this like a pump and dump strategy, where you will pull the trigger and quit for another job to do the same.
- let yourself become a drone and dort fight the feeling of dread. Maybe you can still be happy that way
- Be ready to die for your decision and make risky business decisions. aka. "All in crypro or kms in 3 years". You need to have the conviction to follow through with your move though.

Maybe these lose information help you to escape your daze. I am currently planing to exit my current job and see how far my 10 btc + alts can take me. It will somewhat depend on how crypto develops, a buffer of 5 years would make risking my life for a life without work feel to be ok.

>> No.3945852

quit your job, i did, life got way better.

>> No.3945883

You were supposed to buy bitcoin when it was "fake internet money going nowhere"

You were too dumb so now you're stuck buying scamcoins and slaving away.

Pro-tip:. There's still massive gains to be had in Bitcoin. Altcoins were and always will be scams

>> No.3945973

You find a job that is close to home and has a good amount of federal holidays and pto days

>> No.3945985
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After you turn 40 you just snap and begin to worship "the company"

It's creepy af

>> No.3946381

The only true kindness in life is to inflict meanness upon others.

>> No.3946406

surelly nothing is worse than simply not existing

>> No.3946407

i know a guy like that... he's currently going down with a sinking ship

>> No.3946515
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I just hit the one year mark at my current job and I can't do it anymore.

ive become extremely depressed and i cant make it through a single day without having to go to the bathroom and cry for no reason

how am i expected to care about anything work related when work kills you from the inside?

people say "do it for the money" but what good is money when its only used to pay for survival? and what good is survival when youre only kept alive so you can continue working and making the pigs money?

i need to get the fuck out of here

my only hope is crypto, but ive become increasingly worried recently that i wont make it

is working remote comfy? are there any remote jobs i could apply my crypto knowledge to? customer support for an exchange or something?

please tell me link is gonna moon. i need validation at the very least so i dont kms

>> No.3946565

no remote is so much worse.

>> No.3946593

Are you me?

>> No.3946598

whats your job, bucko. at least provide that minimal detail, bud.

>> No.3946640
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why? have you done it? what did you do?

technical support for a marketing company. so i deal with marketing people that dont know how to use computer's egos all day

>> No.3946676

Anon, I'm looking for a guidance and I think you can point me in the right direction. Can I reach out to you through email? I hate talking on public forums.

>> No.3946686

damn that's rough, marketing people are cunts.

hope this helps: last i checked, coinbase was looking to hire someone for customer support, and it's a remote position too. i saw some other crypto related companies looking for something similar. look it up..

>> No.3946741

Yeah and they are all free if you go to the russian genesis library. Free PDF's of nearly every textbook you could actually want to read.

>> No.3946799
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thanks anon. I just wish it wasnt a 3 month contract, thats kinda BS.

Risk analyst actually sounds interesting though

>> No.3946841

>How do people survive wageslaving for so many years?
Some don't.

>> No.3946851

Do you guys have a long commute to work?
If you are commuting more than a hour all up each day you should honestly just stop working, kill yourself or move closer. It will destroy your soul more than wageslaving. No amount of podcasts and books will make it worthwhile.
I was commuting to the city each day and I couldn't take it anymore. Found a slightly less "prestigious" job closer to home and took a slight pay cut but it was worth it. My quality of life improved vastly and I might have even saved money in the long run due to less travelling expenses and quality of life improvement etc

>> No.3946854

Surgery + roids.

>> No.3946885

I disagree. I used to travel 2 hours a day by bus to college, learned to do course work on the bus and actually form a decent method of revision on a platform not so easy to do. Helps if you're interested in what you studying though.

>> No.3946888
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Another cool thing with bitcoin is government will not get shit when I die.

if my 21 BTC dont make me rich in 2025 I will kill myself.

>> No.3946966
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>In which case, there's your problem
It's not a problem for chads getting instagram money.

If you are not good looking or rich to cope life is a scam.

21 btc make me rich or i kill everyone

>> No.3946975

Sure. Just know if you spam or troll me I will block you.


>> No.3947011

My goal is to buy a 500,000$ crib once BTC is worth 50k$ each

then rent the shit i will inherit

the rest goes to hookers and lambo and hair transplant

>> No.3947138

What the fuck has happened on my 4chan?
I miss the good old times where women on the internet were just a meme.

>> No.3947159


I had 20 btc a few months ago, now I have less than 4. Yet another reason to want to kill myself. I thought ccrypto could be my one chance to escape from wageslavery yet I fucked it all up only a few months in and now I'm back to pretty much exactly where I started.

>> No.3947202

Emailed you. Forgot a header, I'm an idiot. Thanks anon.

>> No.3947214

Don't fall for larps

>> No.3947237

Color me surprised that a woman thinks a man gets the same benefit out of a relationship as she does.

Here's a news flash, women get far more out of a relationship than men. I hope for your sake you are in a relationship, because women are pathetic roasties when they aren't in one. They need someone to leech off of.

>> No.3947331

>thing to live for
Never understood this meme.
Life is the thing to live for.
Not-existing sucks compared to existing.
You live in the most interesting human era, and as time advances, and population and technological level rises, it'll become more and more interesting.

I can't comprehend how you can be tired of life as a short-lived meatbag, even as a million yearsold cyborg.
You people have no business becoming immortals, i bet you faggots will literally start galactic wars because you're "bored" or "want to find meaning" or some other shit.
You're a threat to my eternal future, and i will find you and give you the death you seem crave.

>> No.3947357

Why the fuck are you going all in when you don't know how it fucking works ?
Shit, why didn't you just HODL with like 19 of those BTC and used 1 to day trade and get a feel of what is going on ?
I bet you used leverage, too. Scum. Filth. Subhuman.

>> No.3947383

>Not-existing sucks compared to existing.
How, when life is literally nothing but suffering for me? What I can't believe is how anybody could seriously wish for immortality.

>> No.3947406
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Which is why we need heavier misogyny here to keep these roasties out. Once this place is flooded with roasties, it will become ledit-tier shithole.

Just look at what just happened. Many of us are trying to give this guy legitimate advice to his problems - advice that can only come from a man. And here comes a roastie to inject her opinion because - don't you know - roasties give better advice to men than other men can. Apparently.

>waaaajhhh can't you see how valuable roasties are in a relationship waaaahhhh

>> No.3947422

No, I had made a lot of profit from a few altcoins but then I decided to hold them instead of selling at their peak.

>> No.3947938
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>allways thinks about the weekends - but never does anything different on them

>> No.3948231

as long as they can't buy their way in with lewd pictures like they did with reddit everything's fine.

>> No.3948337


I was starting to get into what you were saying, then you posted this...

>> No.3948453


Is this girl an elf? Or a demon?

>> No.3948549

Memes about NEET and crypto aside, there is a reason 99% of the planet either works at the office of raise kids at home: they do what they can to live. Nobody can survive without money, and almost nobody appears to have talent, ingenuity and drive to make something out of their lives.

The only lucky ones are those who inherit properties that give them passive income, that's it. NEETs are a waste of oxygen who don't enjoy life in the slightest, no matter how much they try to convince others on /biz/. And the current crypto fad is just another financial buzz that destroy more people than it helps.

>> No.3948676

this hit me hard too

>> No.3948780

here is my tips

>workout at lunch
this shit will change how you see your whole work day.

>go out every night

go out to friends/bars/clubs. learn to goto clubs/bars alone and meet lots of people. I'm fucking aspie as fuck so learning this was such a huge fucking turning point in my life. I'm wide awake on those nights at 4am on how fucking amazing it is. don't drink

hate your job? apply constantly. maybe hire a recruiter

>> No.3948853

>selling LINK

>> No.3948963

The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky

To overcome the anxieties and depressions of contemporary life, individuals must become independent of the social environment to the degree that they no longer respond exclusively in terms of its rewards and punishments. To achieve such autonomy, a person has to learn to provide rewards to herself. He has to develop the ability to find enjoyment and purpose regardless of external circumstances.

>> No.3948972

i know that feel

>> No.3949018

Drink the liquid jew all the time

>> No.3949454
File: 10 KB, 794x78, 1485525616173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to die having done something big for society? To be a big name? Look at the things that are yet to come, bio-tech is still in its early stages so if you're interested you could try inventing the world's first bionic athletic limbs. Or maybe work on the blueprints to build a network to upload one's consciousness towards. It's virtually a given that 20-25 years from now that kind of stuff will go viral so you can try being ahead of the game by getting to it now.

What if you don't care about that or any type of work? Then find a purpose and chase it without regrets. In other words, have fun in life. Travel the world with a camera and go on hikes around appealing landmarks. Maybe you're seeking a thrill, so try something like skydiving or whatever only a madman would attempt. It's possible that you could find the woman of your dreams if you expose yourself to the world this way. If you don't even care about that, try getting philosophical and study a new language or embrace a religion to help guide you towards peace for when your time finally does come to an end.

I could go on, but all of this is up to you. Bitching about life won't solve anything, so find something to do and have fun trying to attempt it.

>> No.3949467

I've never read this but I always recommend people read Brave New World to get a sense at why living a meaningful life is necessary if they're feeling down. Of course, if you're depressed then psychiatric help is probably the first option one should go with

>> No.3949566

Do gay porn. Buy a gas station. Got it.

>> No.3949631


>> No.3949679


Sage advice

>> No.3949820

can someone help me with a real advice of how make money?
>im 22
>no money
>studying college in México

>> No.3950510
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>tfw 23
>tfw working 300h a month doing maximum overtime
>the only purpose is to become a neet

>> No.3950732

t. Schlomo Schekelberg

>> No.3950851


>> No.3950887

I'm doing the same thing. Just getting AS MUCH capital as I possibly can.

>> No.3950890

Get in the narco business pussy

>> No.3951046

Step 1: Get capital
Already seems like you fail by default so don't even try.

>> No.3951093

Great book man. Don't worry half these people are such fucking delinquents to ever pick up a book.

>> No.3951109
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I am so cucked by mortgage
I am so cucked by a family bussines

>> No.3951179

Just bee urself, tb h.

But let me give you fags a tip. Find a wagecuck job that doesnt tire you out and offers you time for self improvement. Examples:
Parking or building security, hotel lobby night shifts. Then use the time to study or write or code or trade. You will get paid while improving yourself. Through perseverance, you will become very good at somerhing you are interested in. Dont forget to set a feasible but high longterm goal for yourself. Join foruns/boards with likeminded ppl. Stop browsing shit boards like pol or b.
Eat healthy and lift. Keep at it. For a non-retard male, this is the way.

>> No.3951310

Christ. Almost thought you had a good head on your shoulders for a second there. You just ruined all the advice you gave and you are a perfect reminder of how absolutely fucked we are and how pointless all of this is

>> No.3951323

look at this jewish bullshit

>> No.3951372
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I'm 42. I'm a wagecuck for Citigroup IT department. In reality I don't have a shitty job and it pays OK'ish. My family has two houses (mortgages) and stand to inherit another 3 houses (already bought) soonish. Should be able to retire in about 10 years and just live of the rental income.

I always have tenants paying one of my mortgages for me and the mortgage I pay for the house I live in is an investment for myself and my children. Very soon all that will be disposable income for me. I'm pretty good with my hands so I'll also consider selling, buying, renovating as a hobby then selling on again.

Buy property, lads. It's a long road but a sound investment in many ways.

>> No.3951450

check out the wallstreetplayboys blog OP

>> No.3951554

Should start hardcore wage cuckin around May next year. Will be 25. Welding atleast 50 hours a week at 16 dollars an hour. Hopefully I can make some nice investments to start my own business.

>> No.3951634

>he's just a a bitter old cunt
>your entire post

projection much?

>> No.3951650
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>new age feel good crap

>> No.3951661


people get used to their chains. after a while théy come to depend n them

>> No.3951695
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>no debt, no car, no pets, no kid, no gf
>small apt in the city
>easy 9 to 5 right next to apt
>215k in bank

If you can sail past the sirens in your twenties life becomes incredibly easy.

>> No.3951712


You dont need a fucking book. Go to work, be frugal, invest savings. Stop worrying about shortcuts.

>> No.3951781

Economic decline? I look at is as new opportunity and possible gibsmedats. It's all about perspective ;)

>> No.3951880

well played. same age and i dicked around a bit in my early 20's before i saw the light but i'm right behind you.

small condo and no kids or debts or car payments, decent savings and investments, and a 9-5 jorb within biking distance. it's a soul crushing experience some days but international vacations every 6 months to cheap destinations keep me from killing myself

>> No.3951882

still sucks unless you are good looking

you need 10 million to compensante not being good looiking

>> No.3951905

whats stopping you from becoming NEET like most of us trading shitcoins

>> No.3951915


would you rather be good looking and short, or tall and not good looking?

>> No.3952059

tall and not good looking

but i have a bit of a bias considering i am already ugly and short

>> No.3952083

Become a maritime officer, only work half of the year and paid very well

>> No.3952300

>maritime officer,
Is that through the Army or the Navy?
Are you sure they work only 6 months a year?

>> No.3952764
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>Always thinks about the weekends, but never does anything different on them

>> No.3953818

>If you can sail past the sirens in your twenties life becomes incredibly easy.
What are you talking about? I’ve never had a girlfriend and that hasn’t made life any easier. And what city do you live in, because where I’m from you need to literally be a millionaire to even think about being able to live in the city.

>> No.3954050


So edgy, so stupid.

>> No.3954115

Literally this. Suicide pact anon...

>> No.3954143



>> No.3954164

>Relationships help you to at least feel less alone.

Women, I swear...

>> No.3954169


Get a better job. One that you actually enjoy and are passionate about. Start your own business. If you can't because you need the money then that is your fault for taking on too much debt and living beyond your means. Downsize to accommodate.


Invest wisely.

>> No.3954175

How am I supposed to do any of those things without money? I don't see myself ever having enough money to be able to travel in my life.

>> No.3954210

I agree, crypto has made my life worth living!

>> No.3954213


Sell up all your assets, consolidate or pay off your debts. Downsize if needed. Start your own business or find better jobs that you actually enjoy that are based on your passions. Enjoy life. You are the only person who holds the key to your happiness, only you can change things. No excuses. If you have kids then that's your own fault for having them before you were settled in a life that made you happy. Not the end of the world, just downsize more to accommodate.

Then invest assets wisely in your business or whatever you chose to do. Put it all on red at a roulette table if you want, it is up to you.

Relationships do not make you happy, you make you happy. Then if you have an abundance of happiness you can make others happy.

>> No.3954243

>Cut your spendings, live simply, save that money until it's enough to do something with.

This pretty much, then invest wisely in something. People living beyond their means and being forced to work a dead-end job they hate is what makes life unbearable. In the west, we have a choice not to do that. If people chose not to it is usually because they make excuses.

>> No.3954286


Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves. Stop living beyond your means and make every penny count. Downsize. Go without luxury goods and nice things. Making money takes many years unless you are lucky. Invest in your future or if not yours then your kids future. Life is about hard work and sacrifice. Or getting lucky or being born rich but that's unlikely.

>> No.3954412

I don't live beyond my means. The basic cost of living in any metropolitan area in the US (including suburbs) is extremely expensive and my job pays just barely enough to cover it. I don't even have any debt, but I can't imagine how I would ever be able to save any significant amount of money. And even if it was possible, what's the point of living in constant misery every single day until you're 60 just for some small chance that you might have enough money to live comfortably when you're a decrepit old man? I don't plan to ever have a wife or kids either. How can anybody live this way for 40+ fucking years and not be driven totally insane by it?

>> No.3954482

>How can anybody live this way for 40+ fucking years and not be driven totally insane by it?

This is why normies waste all their money at bars and shit.

>> No.3954503

>coke and high class escorts
that will only satisfy up to a point, say 1 month than you will be in the same situation as OP

>> No.3954638

You know the livestock need to be let out of the cage every once and a while. keeps em healthy and productive

>> No.3955118


There are three types of people in this world: 1) those who are unaffected by existential thoughts; 2) those who are affected but has no solution for it; 3) those who are affected and has a solution for it.

Type 2 suffers the most; religion is simply another form of solution - an escape/substitute from the unanswerable questions.

>> No.3955121

>The basic cost of living in any metropolitan area in the US (including suburbs) is extremely expensive

Move to a cheaper area or state and get a different job. Be innovative. Working for a corporation in a city rarely makes you rich. Certainly not without 40 years effort, sacrifice, and not having time off for kids and family first.

You are basically living in an area that is too expensive and for rich people and working the equivalent of a minimum wage job for a corporation.

Making money is not as simple as getting an education and working your profession.

How many times have you applied for better paid jobs in the same field in the past few years? re-negotiated your contract? Looked for promotion opportunities? If you aren't doing all that day then just get out now and move to a smaller and cheaper area and do something else. If nothing else it will be less stressful and you will be happier.

At the end of the day, you need to save save save and invest in a business or wisely in a commodity. That means years of living off Tuna if you don't have the capital to start with or want to get out a loan (not advisable without a sound business plan). You need to sacrifice and work hard to make it in this world if you want to retire before you are 50. Shit happens.

If you can't provide this for yourself then start saving for your kids so they can start their life journey with more benefits. Because a good degree often doesn't cut it unless you actually learn a NEEDED skill or trade. Most degrees even law, dentistry etc are a dime a dozen and you'll end up in a shitty office job barely scraping by. Let alone all the other bullshit ones.
then collage is mostly for developing life skills etc.

Life is what you make of it, but it takes time, hard work and sacrifice. Stop making excuses as to why you are stuck in a rut of your own making and stop looking for get rich quick schemes as they rarely work. Only do crypto/stocks with funds you can afford to lose.

>> No.3955148


Aye, the existence of a deity matters not to the reality of your own circumstances and what you need to do to become successful in the world. 'God will provide' or believing in fate is a cop-out. You make your own god damn luck in life.

>> No.3955424
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>> No.3955431


Hey OP,

Read the whole thread and I have a feeling that you haven't addressed a fundamental issue that some of us are lucky enough to overcome - truly understanding ourselves, so much that we know precisely what we want and why we want it.

This may sound like some stupid shit that kids say, but I truly believe that half of the battle is to know who we are. Like you said it's easy to work hard if we think it's important for us. In fact, working hard towards something we believe in makes us feel alive.

The challenge may sound simple but it has been quite difficult for me. The past 2 years has been full of pretty intense depressive cycles just because I couldn't figure it out.

TL;DR: I think the reason for your diatisfaction in work stems from the fact that you're not working for something you "believe" in (or something that's not fun for you). Work can definitely be fun and makes you feel alive but you have to figure out exactly who you are, what you want and why you want it. This is something only you can overcome yourself and nobody can help you - we're all suffering from the same problem; religions are built on this sorrow.

>> No.3955449

Did you even read my post? I don't want to retire at 50, because that means another 20 years of pure suffering until then. And that isn't just hyperbole, every single fucking day is absolutely soul draining, without exception. I also don't ever want to have kids, so none of these things you mention are actual goals for me. Explain to me how any of that is preferable to suicide and just ending all the suffering right now? You're basically telling me I have to live through 20+ years of prison just to MAYBE have a shot at being happy one day when I'm really old and can't do much anymore. I don't see how you can expect any human being to willfully accept that when suicide is a viable option.

>> No.3955510

You're right, I don't really want to be anything anymore. I think I did when I was younger, but those dreams are gone after nearly a decade of this wageslaving. Like I said in the first post, I barely even feel human anymore. I feel like some kind of machine that has no real purpose to exist.

>> No.3955597


It is not suffering if you enjoy what you do and feel you are working towards something.

Also, see: >>3955431

They make some very good points. As is usually at the root of being unhappy with things is the lack of knowing yourself. The true inner you. We follow rules set out for us from birth, education is worse, you have to jump through hoops to progress never being allowed to be yourself. I myself was on Anti-Depressants for many years and suffered a nervous breakdown. Firstly with Drs advice I came off the pills, got myself fit and healthy, worked on my diet etc and exercise routine. I had to shut out much of the advice of the world and rediscover everything about the real me. I then rebuilt my life from the ground up. from a simple thing like brushing my teeth and built up from there until I was tackling bigger problems, but this time all with a new sense of self instead of doing things the way I had been told they should be done by others.

I am me and you are you. Not all of anything anybody least alone myself will apply entirely but some may help. It is up to you to pick and chose what you take from the advice being given based on who you are as an individual.

You do not HAVE to do anything. You can quit and start again. It is only uncertainty and the fear of failure that stops you probably. It is an excuse to not try. You reap what you sow. It is up to you to change things for the better if that is what you want, otherwise just stick with what is easy. Sometimes thinking long term and taking risks is hard.

You sound like you need to learn to love yourself. You say you don't want kids and until you can love yourself, don't. I thought that at your age too kids wise.

go for a walk or something. drink plenty of water and sort your diet out for starters, then worry about other things, sort things you are not happy with one day and one step at a time. But first, you need to discover exactly what it is you do want.

>> No.3955803
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>> No.3956081

Well I feel like I don't even have an identity anymore.

>> No.3956254

Churn credit card signup bonuses. That said, if you pay any interest, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.3956401


Remember that unstoppable or illogical optimism about life when we were young? I try everything I can to not lose it or life becomes hell. I admire babies in that everything is naturally fun to them, they enjoy life and never takes stuff too seriously.

Jesus was right in that adults should be like kids - kids lack the wisdom and knowledge adults have to make a difference, but sometimes adults lose the optimism or DGAF-ness they had as a child to care to make a difference.

What you're experiencing is something that a lot of people are struggling with and it is futile to ask for advices lol all we can do is give you a virtual wojak hug

>> No.3956511


Then get one. I don't even enjoy half the shit I do but at the end of the day knowing I have been productive and improved my future in some way gives me satisfaction. The rest fo the time I get to enjoy knowing I have been working towards my future. The fact I spend too much of it jerking off online is immaterial. Because I know I have set the groundwork for a better future, So even mundane things in my free time feel like a reward. Let alone the times I get to go and enjoy a hobby or socialize. You have it in yourself to know whats right for you, you just have to stop letting other people and the world, in general, tell you what to do. I realize the irony of that seeming as a lot of people have been doing just that lol.

It is only advice, it is up to you to decide if you will run with it or not. Love yourself before you love others and fuck what everybody else thinks you should do with your life, as long as you harm nobody why does it matter. Try new things, turn your life upside down if you have to, but find what works for you. Watching some youtube fitness and business videos helped me to be honest. I got to see a small part of peoples lives and what they did and then picked and chose what I thought I would like from that and gave it a go, kept it if I liked it and discarded it if I didn't. It is all about finding that balance and what makes you happy and what doesn't while also balancing your work life with your personal life. You don't need to be rich to be happy - that might happen in time if you naturally find a niche that fits you and you are successful at it. If you never attain wealth then oh well, as long as you can provide yourself with what your body needs and you are are happy-. You just need to get comfy in your own skin and in your own life.

>> No.3956542


Kids are ignorant. Being happy because you ignore reality is foolish and not as easy as being happy while accepting reality.

>> No.3956676

I have no idea. I'm working for the family business and get paid with equity on top of my 80K salary, I will control 55% of the company within the next 4 years, which should be 300k+/yr if things go as they are right now.

If I was wagecucking for 50-80K a year like my peers right now, I'd probably want to kill myself.

>> No.3956735

>If I was wagecucking for 50-80K a year like my peers right now, I'd probably want to kill myself.

I'm wagecucking for $40k and if it wasn't for crypto I'd have already done it.

>> No.3956809

I would probably have killed myself already if I didn't know my father was balls rich and orphaned me to hang me out to dry until the day my cock rocks out.

>> No.3956838

Know that feel bro.

The only thing keeping me alive is my parents money, which I will inherit someday. But this makes me also kind of sad.
Dad was a 9-5 research economist at the IMF and got a very nice package when he left. He has about 1Mio EUR in Assets and retired with a 90k EUR annual pentions plan at 60.
Now he travelles the world and visits historical trains.

I also study econ&b.a. - i hate my fellow students who want to go into IB or Consulting and do their circle jerking in finance and consulting clubs at uni.

I enjoy fucking psych/soc/lit girls and taking drugs with their male fellows.

But the real life? I work part time in a bank where my dad used to work. Colleagues are nice but the people I connect with say they only work for their salary and not for pleasure.

>> No.3956853

I probably would have already killed myself if I didn't know my father was balls rich and is hanging me out to dry until my cock rocks.

>> No.3956945

Have you thought about going for the high score? I believe you have to top 58 points, but that's accessible if you own a car or a large firearm(s). I believe in you anon, make yourself imprinted in history.

>> No.3957452
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