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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3937385 No.3937385 [Reply] [Original]

So, how low will it go?

>> No.3937404


>> No.3937416
File: 16 KB, 410x421, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3937420

The only reason ETH pumped so hard is PROOF OF STAKE. That's what drove institutions to invest, they wanted cheap ETH to stake once Casper hits. The same thing happened with OMG, Dash, etc. LINK's service is valuable, but the market cap will only reflect the volume of data queries. There is no reason for institutions to stack shit-tonnes of LINK. In fact banks wont need any LINK on Ethereum because they will be using Hyperledger, and 1/3 of the ICO funds are going towards nodes, so they won't have to buy much on the market. An announcement would certainly pump LINK, but this is NOT the next ETH or even OMG. Reality is hard to swallow, I know, but there won't be institutions pumping millions into LINK. There is simply no reason to own that much.

>> No.3937436

do you think you can suppress the price by posting well known pasta all day long... on 4chan?

>> No.3937443

5000 sat

>> No.3937444
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Why didn't you buy the dip, /biz/?

>> No.3937450

To what it's worth

>> No.3937451

the problem with that pic is that chainlink doesn't work on bitcoin
they didn't even start working on that

>> No.3937494

cause the dip will happen forever on Binance
the bots will literally drive it down to 1 satoshi if it stays on one exchange

>> No.3937555
File: 38 KB, 480x720, voujlcjqfg5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto is dead

>> No.3937563

It's sad how delusional Linkfags are, isn't it? I don't blame them in a way. They're seeing coins moon left and right, and they're forced to miss out due to sheer inability to choose a winner. They're losers. Likely fat so unemployable, ugly so cant get a girlfriend. They've seen so many coins moon, and they had enough. So they assemble in a slack and decide they'll choose the next ICO that comes around, and just write more topics than any other coin in crypto history. They came upon one called ChainLink. The problem? We aren't fucking stupid. We see vaporware, fake news, and blind hype from a mile away. Hell, Vitalik did before any of us, saying their ICO was a piece of shit. Now some of us on /biz/ are old school and have made a lot of money off this and we choose very carefully what coins to invest in, and someone maybe should tell them that we dont decide what moons based on the number of threads that are posted on /biz/. I mean the rest of you have the power of what, 2 cents of price motion? You need to convince us. Unless its the social proof youre after. They know theyre failing and dont have a single convincing argument that whales would believe, so theyre hoping those redditors from ethtrader might see what their big brothers at /biz/ are doing, considering theyve stolen everything theyve ever had from /biz/s culture. Except that sort of hot air needs some convincing concept. Some convincing tech. Something other than muh ripple on ethereum muh fake conference muh swift. Not enough. And thats why theyre going to fail. It was a good attempt but they were about six months late from the DGB era where this shit might have flied. Maybe theyll have better luck on the next coin?

>> No.3937722

give me your source

>> No.3937739

>shill the fuck out of a coin with the same name as another complete failure pump and dump (chaincoin)
>it's still a trash pump and dump

>> No.3937751

Not necessarily true, the price was going steadily upwards the first week or so it was on Binance.

>> No.3937764

It works on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger. With more blockchains coming.

>> No.3937832

yeah but then it got some traction and people took notice and bots wont let it go up anymore

>> No.3937876

I don't know what you guys are talking about im still up 2%

>> No.3937954
File: 16 KB, 342x165, only eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you have no idea of the amount of work they have before any actual use.

>> No.3937992

The demo literally involved Hyperledger.

And there's this from their website:
>ChainLink is secure blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts on various networks to connect with the critical resources they need to become useful for 90% of use cases. We've been creating secure oracles for Bitcoin and Ethereum for over 3 years, connecting smart contracts on various networks to critical external data feeds as triggers, and the many off-chain systems needed to become operational.

>> No.3938029

You can literally create them for BTC and Hyperledger on their website.

>> No.3938051

yes regular oracles
there's not chainlink oracles for now except some tests on their private chain
the demo didn't involve chainlink, something similar yes but not using nodes or anything

>> No.3938066

Sorry LINKie but Crypto, and especially unproven ICOs, are only as valuable as people are will to pay for it.

>> No.3938072

The demo literally used Chainlink and it's in the fucking slides. Are you actually going to try to pretend it didn't use Chainlink?

>> No.3938074

I'm going to get so swole hodling this

>> No.3938076

Well the network was only very recently finished as v1.0.
Naturally a ton of development still needs to take place.

>> No.3938086

>only as valuable as people are will to pay for it
This applies to literally everything.

>> No.3938095

it's in the slides because the final idea is to use it
there's no way to use chainlink now, it's just a token, the network needed isn't even functional

when they say "steve is working on the network" it means he's still coding it

>> No.3938105

31 cents is the lowest I think

A good buying Opportunity if you have fiat or tether

>> No.3938152

v1.0 of the network is functional though.

The demo involved actual use of the network. It was a demo, not just a presentation.

>> No.3938157

The node network is functional but not deployed. They completed 1.0 and the demo used it. They set up nodes with five banks and used it.

I have all the evidence. You are just saying nuh-uh and bullshitting. Just because V1 is complete doesn't mean they aren't making improvements.

>> No.3938189

The sibos conference revealed the stuttering potheads behind this pump and dump scam.

>> No.3938238

Sure, but Crypto has less intrinsic value than toilet paper. My point is, if ChainLink were so undervalued, there wouldn't be a 1:6 buy/sell ratio and dropping. The demand isn't as high as LINK shills want it to be

>> No.3938248

Sounds like bartering is your thing.

Go make a "barter general" and fuck off.

>> No.3938274

i took this a request for the ark pasta

>> No.3938283

I think it's low enough for selling. I recommend buying back at 2x current prices.

>> No.3938343

Compelling argument.

Like I said in numerous threads prior, see you faggots @ 5k:^)

>> No.3938347

I’m not quite satisfied yet, going to wait until sub .30 to sell.

>> No.3938454
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Its all fucking over bros. I can't believe its all coming down crashing like this.

all the memes, all the love. Gone. I bought more LINK at .43 after the rise to 50 cents, I thought the moon was imminent. Now I'm a fucking bag holder.

I'm gonna do it bros. I'm gonna fucking kill myself. Post your LINK address and a short summary on why you deserve my fucking bags.

>> No.3938547

Nobody said this was going to come easy. Nothing worthwhile does.

You want pain? Try getting 20k LINK stolen from you after weeks of anticipation, research, excitement at getting into the ICO, ...

This is nothing. One more exchange and the pressure cooker explodes into space.

>> No.3938579

because dubs


>> No.3938591


I will use my LINK gains to build a statue in your honor

>> No.3938649

>still good portion of his stack to work and potentially succeed with
>wanna kill myself
this is why you wont make it

>> No.3938655

Binance literally manipulating the price, I'm buying more

>> No.3938657
File: 99 KB, 750x750, 1502112741388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy request token on friday. this is the next moon

>> No.3938661
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>> No.3938719

well, im new to crypto and poor, so this would be an important leg up. i don't wanna miss anymore, and if i have some coins, i can at least start somewhere.


>> No.3938770



>> No.3938994


I'll dump it in your honor

>> No.3939147

lol, y'all ain't margin trading your Link???
Went from 3k to 10k in this dip, and will probably keep buying the lows and selling the highs to get as much as possible.
Stay poor, friends

>> No.3939440

that's not margin trading brainlet

>> No.3939549
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> tfw you sold most of your link at profit during a pump and now just holding free tokens with house money and dont give a fuck where the price goes so you FUD it constantly for the lulz to the retards who are all-in

>> No.3939648


oh, wait...

>> No.3939765
File: 68 KB, 604x516, 1504915947654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop flushing