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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3930786 No.3930786 [Reply] [Original]

every day until it moons.

i'm not fuckin around here

>> No.3930792

plz moon i need to dump this shitcoin

>> No.3930836

It'll moon. Dumpers can't dump forever.

>> No.3930983

Every day, multiple threads all hours with a monotonous push of low grade memes. The commotion and cross fire in the slack channel will draw the attention of additional PnD groups and pajeets to setup various competing campaigns. We will reach a point of no return where where casual threads regarding life goals end with arguments over ODN . This board will die before we fail make up the difference even at the expense of all future opportunity. Another mission? We will not negotiate. I want the satoshi gains to specifically clear under an ODN/BTC sell order.