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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3930348 No.3930348 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how we stack up against each other. Let's not inflate the numbers too bad.

>Equity/Net worth


Software Developer


$70,000 Mortgage

>Equity/Net worth
$10,000 Emergency fund
$18,000 Roth IRA
$10,000 Paid off car
$100,000 Condo (minus 70k mortgage)

Net worth is around 70k.

>> No.3930382
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line cook
zero debt, not even a car note.

>> No.3930403
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45 years young
Sous Chef at Wendy's
150k A year
pic relatred, it s me

>> No.3930435

net worth is around $120k

>> No.3930455

Did you piss your pants there? wtf

>> No.3930456

Management student (year 1)
worked last year at 16k/year
2k cash 20k crypto
10k loan so far ahhhhhh

>> No.3930467


Crypto "Trader" :)
No salary
No debt
Networth: $55k

>> No.3930471

look at the trapazoids on that

>> No.3930474

>another datamining thread

>> No.3930482
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Are people really making a living off crypto? Isn't that essentially gambling?

>> No.3930488

$40k with no benefits
$18000 car loan
$10000 student loan
>Equity/Net worth
$2000 in LINK

>> No.3930503


its gambling except you have the advantage, not the house

also I love gambling cause im a fucking degenerate

>> No.3930504

>$40k with no benefits

That's terrible, friend

>> No.3930518

I get that if you're doing it on the side. That can't be your full time gig though, right?

>> No.3930522


Above average IQ NEET



>Net worth
About 600k in crypto
80k in stocks and other assets
60k car

>> No.3930527


my bag is big enough that I just need to average about $150 a day from day trading in order for it to be a way better use of my time then a job.

>> No.3930538

>600k in crypto


>> No.3930541

all questions - 2

>> No.3930556

Seems volatile as fuck though. What are your plans if the crypto market crashes and burns?

>> No.3930560


Full time civil engineering student part time working for DOT

16ish an hour + 53.5 cents a mile for driving

2.5k bank account
9k in stocks, of that 5k is my IRA
1.7k in Robinhood which I use to daytrade (not very profitable desu but u don't lose much either)
Put 11.5k into crypto starting mid May, it is now worth 20k
5k in peer to peer lending

No debt (parents paying cheap public college, still live at home)

Own a car worth 6k and a motorcycle worth 1k. That's basically it of my net worth

>> No.3930562

Yep, first started trading in Feb last year with 20k. Rode many pumps, could have made way more if I was patient, but whatever.

>> No.3930571

That drives me nuts knowing I'll be busting my ass for the rest of my life trying to make what you've earned in a year. :/

>> No.3930574

26, software, $80k/yr, $95k in crypto, about $60k in assets, $10k left on my car loan, no other debt

That $95k is all LINK btw. Quitting my job when it hits ~$1.50.

>> No.3930580




"Retired" full government pension (injured on duty)

I guess maybe student? Working on grad degree in IT

> Salary


> Savings

Was mid 20k but spent a ton on crypto and mining gear

Also have a 401k, haven't checked it in forever but it has to have 30-40k in it


40k car paid for, free school (master degree paid for by VA)


If I liquidated everything I could easily walk away with 100k I guess

>> No.3930600

How would u compare the hotness of the crypto market now to back when you started? I'm pretty late, got into eth in mid May and didn't buy bitcoin till it was 2500 so I'm pretty mate to the game. Im just wondering if u think the market will continue like this, do you think my meager 20k portfolio will make it to 6 figures in the next few years? I have 35% each btc and eth, the rest are random top shitcoins

>> No.3930619

>student at prestigious school but realized i got scammed
>no salary
>spend all my money on cocaine
>no debt
>$3000 bucks in crypto

how am i doing /biz/?

>> No.3930631

I'm still bullish af.
I think we have at least 14 - 24 months of bullish continuation. Many good coins are in early cycles of price discovery which brings huge volatility

>> No.3930632

>spend all my money on cocaine
>how am i doing /biz/?


>> No.3930638

Ausfag so everything is in dollarydoos

>Information Security Consultant
>$170k (contractor)
>$20k university debt
>>Equity/Net worth
>$8k cash emergency fund (x3 months of expenses)
>$40k superannuation (IRA)
>$10k car
>$20k crypto portfolio
>Net worth is around 60k. I only just started to make mad money contracting. Was on like 70k salary just a few years ago.

>> No.3930650
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At least gambling gets shit COMPED

>> No.3930655

what were you doing at 20?

>> No.3930681

Going to college and starting my career. I was doing help desk/IT work at 20, then moved into programming. Now I'm a developer at a bretty good company

>> No.3930708

I am also starting my career - finance (either IB, trading, maybe advisory services if I fuck up my interviews).

>> No.3930711


Fuck, $40K for a mind numbing job like accounting?

Why not just go sell cars or something, you can easily make $70K.

>> No.3930724

well good luck bro, hope you don't blow (heh) all your money on coke

>> No.3930727


get a real job, I just graduated with a business degree.

>> No.3930756

In your experience, do most coins pump hard once and then die away forever like DGB seems to do? Or do most shitcoins run in cycle? Do you think its worthwhile to hold ultra heavy -80% bags that I have such as stratis or DGB buying near the top because I was inexperienced, or should I just cut my losses into the next small spike each has?

>> No.3930766


Depends on the region. I don't have a CPA but I make almost double he does and im 5 years younger. I also have about 150k in equity.

Maybe that anon is retarded?

>> No.3930846

>I don't have a CPA but I make almost double he does and im 5 years younger.
Big four? If not I'd reee except that I totally believe you.

>Maybe that anon is retarded?
No, just shy and unlikable.

>> No.3930863
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>No, just shy and unlikable.

Ah, an Zipperhead.

It makes sense.

>> No.3930882

It really depends on how useful the coin is perceived to be for future use. I have not been following those projects so have no idea where they're at in development or anything.
80% down is catastrophic, I don't think it could go lower so just hold those and slowly buy into some other promising looking coin! Don't ever chase hype and pumps.
If you do buy into a pump and it drops more than 15% just take the loss next time

>> No.3930914

jacking off 7 days a week
NO salary
NO savings
2,000$ debt
NO Equity
Negative Net Worth

3rd world aspiring entrepreneur who self learns tech startup industry, have local wealthy network/friends, plays poker, and used to do network marketing/MLM and sell and recruit people, pretty good at it. I can intro you filipino thotties too if 'ya like
help /biz/

>> No.3930929

thank you mommy and daddy :)

>> No.3930962


Formerly teacher, now Cryptotrader


Some UK student debt but not

>Equity/Net worth
I was lucky to be someone who found their old bitcoin wallets from the old days, I had 200 of them.

I cashed out half when we hit $2k (yeah yeah I know) And put it all into a vanguard, which is now worth about $450k. I have 100btc I just hold and 100 I have traded up to 180 with some icos and moon missions, quite conservatively. I live with my parents still and I am trying to find out the best way to cash out more. In the UK so its capital gains, I have already used up to the £45k tax threshold.

>> No.3931002

fucked up I meant 400

>> No.3931016

Yes and no. Parents did help out with school a lot,but I also worked full time every summer since I was 16 as a lifeguard. So I did make a lot of money.

>> No.3931018

lord and savior janoy
iced out lord

>> No.3931028

age: 26
occupation: chemistry phd student
salary: 25k tax-free stipend plus a bit here and there from teaching, small income from crypto stays invested
debt: paid off all my undergrad already
nw: fluctuates by 20% per day hahaha but like 10k-ish

>> No.3931058

where do you use your $450k now anon?
I feel miserable af 'bout my situation seeing all your $alary, $avings and Net, anons.

>> No.3931063
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>tech support for online software company
>10 btc in shitcoins

>> No.3931078

most people in crypto aren't completely fucked if crypto literally went to 0, they either have some "rainy day" money or other investments/assets/savings outside of crypto

I've been living off crypto for like 1.5 years, no "real job". If shit ever goes to hell I have enough money in the bank to live for more than a year and will just find a job, but better to take the chance and see how things work out.

>> No.3931118

I just did what the vanguard advisor told me, its growing quite nicely, I don’t know what to do with my future that’s the only problem.

Probably go to language school in Korea or Japan to fuck some girls

>> No.3931223

is it in a bank? or invested in a financial services company? how about here in the Philippines, you can angel invest on budding startups for a smidgen of your wealth, or even start a small pub, lure and fuggg elite qt filipinas.

My mom and bro lives in Chiba Japan, haven't been there, want to fuggg qt Nipons too.

>> No.3931227

I hope you're nice to your parents.

>> No.3931269

>elite qt filipinas.


Also I hate hot humid weather so no way

>> No.3931285

Me and my Mum cook and eat lunch together, its cosy

>> No.3931289

tour them around

>> No.3931293

What's the best city to live in for a software dev? I make 65k a year right now when I should be making 120. God I'm such a fucking cuck.

>> No.3931318

well yeah, it's pretty hot in here.
You don't find Filipinas attractive?

>> No.3931349
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>pro poker player
>depends on how much time I put in. I average about 100k a year
>~70k usd + ~300k in crypto
>still owe 10k for student loans lool
>~360k from aforementioned stuff, + my car is maybe worth 5k. 365k final answer

>> No.3931351


Breh I make $60k in a low cost of living city (first job out of college)

Don't sweat it, at least we don't have to slave for 80 hours a week and sit in traffic for another 20 to go home to a $3000 a month shit box in San Fran

>> No.3931381

Lel. That's true. I put in 8 hours a day no more no less. And no weekends.

>> No.3931443

Age 28

Yoga instructor

Salary 27k

No debt

1 car & 1 motorcycle value 8k

6.5k in crypto

1k in savings

Net worth?

>> No.3931447


you're making 50$ an hr?
isn't onshore US, west EU, AU the highest paying ones in soft dev?
Well I red dev shops charge about 100-250$ per hour on clients, or maybe that's a freelance type of charge?

Are you supposed to get paid 100-150/hr these days as a soft dev in these places?

>> No.3931473


Started with 1000 four months ago, while day trading, and literally learning from scratch.
Could have been way better, especially since just buying BTC and holding would have resulted in a better return, but it could have been WAY worse. No amount of reading can prepare you for the emotions involved, you need to train with the real thing again and again until you can control your reaction to the emotions ( can't control the emotions directly, fucking limbic system ).
Right now i'm doing nothing and waiting 15 days to see if my model is correct ( correct for the last three days so far ), if it's ok i will start seriously.
I hope to be a millionnaire by 2020, i need it badly to escape my subhumanising country.

>> No.3931515

Get out of my country, whitey

>> No.3931520

I love playing poker too, but I start to lose when I exceed 5hrs of playing, or when I make 'loose' plays in my first hour, any tips?

Does your '100k/annual' average include tournament winnings? or pure cash games?

Is playing poker regularly and day trading a good mix for you as per your time management?

>> No.3931532

Flip here

>> No.3931564

which country is this?

>> No.3931601



Oil Pipeline Welding Inspector




>Equity/Net worth
Crypto - $140k
Properties - roughly $2,000,000
Stocks - $110k
IRA - $151k

>> No.3931647

>0k debt
>Net worth is savings

help me /biz/, it's becoming too late and it's frightening

>> No.3931681
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I play online poker primarily, so I keep my sessions shorter than 2-3hrs. Games are very competitive now and I need to be sure I'm at the top of my game. Sounds like you are playing live poker though so longer sessions are going to be necessary. Just make sure to take some breaks. Most casinos allow you to take up to an hour break at a time, so just take some time after playing a few hours to walk around, grab a coffee or whatever, maybe a bite to eat and return to the table refreshed

If you want to be taking poker seriously you need to reading/consuming up-to-date strategy information. checks out runitonce dot com. I haven't read any poker books in a while most anything that isnt published my Two Plus Two publishing is garbage

I'd say 80% of my poker volume lifetime has been at online NLHE cash games, but the 100k figure includes some tournament scores I've made.

I don't daytrade crypto, buy and hodl imo

>> No.3931694

14,000 USD
>Equity/Net worth

>> No.3931713

>In terms of realized gains this year? About 200k
>No debt
> Net worth about $6,300,000

>> No.3932095

I haven't consumed a single book, blogpost, or thread about Poker, started playing casually in 2010. Just enhanced my game playing live over these years, thanks for sharing this site.

I actually just started reading about cryptocurrency and trading yesterday, although I've been familiar with these for the past years, just not really paying attention to it, nor the traditional stock market.

more keen on building tech startup, but hasnt pan out.

>> No.3932104

you angel invest?

>> No.3932280





Health Inspector


75,000 + Healthy Benefits




$400,000 (315 house, 40k student loans, 50k cars, 15k other)

>>Equity/Net worth

About $1.3 million so I'd say well over half a million

>> No.3932306

almost 30 NEET with lower 5 fig savings from previous IT work, and no debt.
I'm spending all day studying trading and learning as much as I can because I hope to one day be able to start a successful trading business, but I haven't actually started trading yet.

>> No.3932360




Med. Chem. PhD student







>Net Worth


>> No.3932489

>business student

im not sure exactly how much i have but, my mother is a broker and has been putting money in me name since i was a toddler
the last time i looked it was like $675,000 or something like that (but thats not including physical assets and my investment portfolio)
its how ive been paying for a car and college and rent and food and shit

>> No.3932507





10k 3 months a year





>Net Worth


30k crypto

how am i stacking up biz