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File: 21 KB, 600x276, LINK RISING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3928565 No.3928565 [Reply] [Original]

No one is talking about the other major take away from SIBOS

>> No.3928572

I secretly FUD this to get the price lower to fill my buy order

>> No.3928579
File: 81 KB, 1920x1080, DELUDED_LINKIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy buying the sweet dip

>> No.3928607

It's fun to fud and buy cheap link. Are you shitting me it's really 38 cents?! Haha free $$$

>> No.3928635

Kek. Who cares, we're all getting lamos anyway

>> No.3928642

These guys get it.

>> No.3928667

Yep yep I'm closing in on 40k. So for every cent this moves it 400 up or 400 down. Got damn it'll keep you awake

>> No.3928671
File: 1.10 MB, 989x595, pepechainlinkking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak hands can go to fucking hell - they are fucking braindead anyway, no matter you give them facts they tell you "ohhhh 2 man team it will never moon" - yeah bitch i guess that's why you didnt invest in NEO or ETH at cheap prices you fucking matrix stuck cuckfag pricks - dont deserve to be rich

>> No.3928710

Been spamming these names around since I heard about them.

Any other coin would have blasted into the stratosphere just from these names being involved in that coin's demo.
Not Link though.

>> No.3928745

Binance is right now being super manipulated go look at it right now. So amazing

>> No.3928746

LINK would have mooned and stayed in orbit if it wasn't for binance surpressing the price, I don't even want to imagine the gains lost because we're stuck on such a manipulated exchange

>> No.3928772

It's really amazing. The price has defied all logic at this point when looking at crypto historically. Amazing really what one exchange can do

>> No.3928800


>muh binance

Lmao linktards name a single other coin proven to be manipulated that mooned once it hit another exchange

>> No.3928831

Been watching the order book for weeks now. The fake sell walls are everywhere, all the time.
Go look right now.
Go on. Fuck off. Go.

>> No.3928841
File: 35 KB, 600x613, doitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binance go fucking kill yourself

>> No.3928861

The market has spoken.

Welcome to every single fucking coin on the market
Damn newcoiners

>> No.3928865

It's called arbitrage fucknut. You can't manipulate nearly as easily if it's on multiple exchanges. If you put up a sell wall to crash the price on one exchange you have to have enough to do it on ALL exchanges. Otherwise arbitrage bots buy up to where it is on other exchanges.

>> No.3928892


They also highly manipulate their own coin (BNB) and were called out for it back in August.

I fucking loathe Binance.

>> No.3928912

LINK is pretty much only on Binance. All it takes is one sell wall on one exchange to stall the price.

Learn how this works before you open your mouth.

>> No.3928943


>muh BOTS

cry harder linky

>> No.3928955

I know how it works
Youre the one who doesn't
Fake walls exist for every coin on every exchange. You think you're special or something?

>> No.3928957


You linkies are soooo blasted lmao

Emotionally attched to ur investments

>> No.3928986

I manipulated the whole thing myself last week with a 30k sell order. I didn't realize the effect it has but it immediately dropped 5%. That's how easy it is. So ridiculous

>> No.3929015

The fact that 99% of links volume mean whales have a massive impact. You cannot deny this

>> No.3929030

If people wanted to buy it the whales wouldn't matter
But no one wants to buy it. Deal with it.

>> No.3929056

you are fucking blind, litrally only about $30,000,000 traded as we speak as rest are stored in the top 7 wallets, and most of it is binance keeping shit down. this is not bullshit, just look at charts you fucking cuck!

>> No.3929089
File: 100 KB, 162x162, 1508113427337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes up for 5 minutes
>down for the next 12 hours

>> No.3929105

how are they keeping it down?

>> No.3929108

Chain Link really needs to be listed on another exchange to grow to its real value. No amount of shilling/news/hype from even Sergey will help.

It's painful to watch growth after news gets released only to be surpressed immediately by whales.
People will lose hope in this coin if the devs don't do something about it.

>> No.3929109

Welp. Keep buying er up

>> No.3929142


they buy low and sell high. weak hands buy high and sell low. binance has major holdings in link, dont you think? its the only major exchange with good volume, they wont let the price go up

>> No.3929152

I don't understand why they want the price kept down
do they need to acquire that much? don't they want gains?

>> No.3929158

Fucking delusional

>> No.3929170

by "binance" do you mean the whales using binance or binance itself is abusing the market with the links they have from fees?

>> No.3929172

It's going to moon eventually. The more they hold the higher the gains. They won't be able to manipulate SHIT when other exchanges get in on it.

Chinks are greedy not stupid. They will do this until they can't anymore.

>> No.3929194

Who gives a shit if people lose hope in the coin, they're going to FOMO in when the banks adopt it anyway and the price shoots up to a couple dollars

>> No.3929245

It's just bad rep for smartcontract's token, its off putting for new investors...if the team didn't care about hyping the value of their coin till completion they should have just left it on ED. Binance is cancer.

>> No.3929291

Heard it's going on Bittrex soon. Thank me later

>> No.3929356


>> No.3929376

Kek they don't announce beforehand who they are listing so no, you won't get proof

>> No.3929385

Haha I'm just playing. It's so easy though.

>> No.3929460

Lol we can dream. ChainLink's team are just to damn autistic when it comes to marketing.

>> No.3929532

Can someone actually tell Rory and Sergey that getting in another exchange is easy as filling forms?

Its easy as fuck and would improve their PR if its available in more exchanges.

>> No.3929544
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1506480078527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3929568

>Can someone actually tell Rory and Sergey that getting in another exchange is easy as filling forms?
Sorry, no can do, friendo. Busy preparing for SIBOS 2018

>> No.3929600

Hahahaha. Sibos 2018 is right around the corner. This time we expect 20 people in attendance - love RORY

>> No.3929623

Btw here it goes again, 68k 22k and 27k order just out in on binance

>> No.3929641

>major banks
never even heard of these literally whos

>> No.3929649

Surprise surprise none of the big orders getting filled. Haha it's such bull crap. Is this the chinks?

>> No.3929666

Sergey said that he's wearing a pair of gumboots at SIBOS 2018 in case people accidentally piss on his shoes while giving his presentation. It's foresight like that convinced to invest in this coin.

>> No.3929699

Everytime the price tries to climb up a massive sell wall appears and kills the growth instantly...then magically disappear after a few minutes.

Newfags get shook and sell...Binance accumulation is something else

>> No.3929752

Look at the depth chart haha. They are working OT to keep it how it is. It will breakthrough eventually. Preferably w a different exchange

>> No.3929799

I wouldn't hold my breath, it only took Sergey nearly ONE MONTH to give us an update since his last post. The team desperately needs to hire more staff.

>> No.3929814

this price seems starnge that because its all part of the plan acmulte and hold and you wil be rich good sir

>> No.3929825

76k order on the buy side! Haha no chance it gets filled. Fucking chinks are fucking w us on binance

>> No.3929828

I work at Fidelity, were are already testing a few oracles, but they are provided as part of our Microsoft solutions. Microsoft calls them cryptlets and they plug into our various legacy and blockchain testnets. The really cool thing is, not only do they solve the oracle problem, but we don't need some shitty token to run them. Cryplets are just part of our our msft system, not even an extra cost. Are you people really invested in Link? Oh my god.

>> No.3929834

I'm thinking of dumping my bags at breakeven. I'm sick of missing out of other opportunities while this piece of shit hovers between 6k and 7k.

It might do something. But probably not this year. Perhaps not even by mid next year.

>> No.3929851

Chinks are using their Ramen No Jutsu on us

>> No.3929860

Don't go chasing pumps

>> No.3929869

what are the chances of something like bitfinex picking this nibba up?