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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3926548 No.3926548 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3926586
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>> No.3926589
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>> No.3926598

it is over all in on king from now

>> No.3926621

Inflation went up 50%.

>> No.3926662

lol did the faggot run out of money whats the new coin called ETH? what is the new name of the coin that just forked

>> No.3926687

Yes, ETH is the name of that new coin. ETH2.

>> No.3926729

ITT. People that don't know jack shit about crypto.

>> No.3926783

So, I want to get into crypto, especifically Ethereum. I plan on feeding my wallet monthly. Is MetaMask a safe way to have a wallet? If I want to keep it for years, will I have to buy a hardware wallet? I'm really new to this stuff.

>> No.3926806

enlighten us fagmaster

>> No.3926814
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It's okay, some big news coming out of China when those chinks wake up

>> No.3926841

Just leave your coins on the exchange like a true Chad

>> No.3926846

what? was there really a contentious hardfork? where do i buy the new eth classic to dump it 2 days later????

>> No.3926866

myetherwallet. definitely the best option! also remember when going to the website to unlock your wallet never click on links - always write the url.

>> No.3926905


Eidoo is worth checking out, comfy as fuck wallet with many features in development

t. Bag holder