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3921689 No.3921689 [Reply] [Original]


Need some advice on war-gaming my accumulation of LINK. FUD aside I know LINK has potential, and I understand the dynamics that are in play with 4chan. But I have made solid gains from the advice on here back in the days of BTC and then Ethereum.

+ Situation:
- I am at 35300 LINK right now and would like to be at an even 50000 LINK.
- If I wait 2 years time by your speculation will 35K LINK be enough for me to make it? Or Should I shoot for the 50K? (I have no debts and own my home on 5 acres of land in the US).

+ Options:
A. Slowly accumulate LINK month by month on current salary and risk it rising in price that makes 50K unobtainable on current salary.

B. Take out a 6k loan @ 2.99% and make monthly payments of about $110 for 60 months. I have about $1800 free money (all expenses covered) at the end of every month.

Thoughts, comments, and suggestions are much appreciated.

>> No.3921724

or just wait till it pumps to .50 again
then buy back at .38

>> No.3921734

None. stick with the amount you already have.

Also keep some ETH because its about to moon

>> No.3921736

The /Biz/ classic

>> No.3921742

who cares if you buy at 30c, 40c, 50c or wahtever. When it is $10 will it really matter than much? I remember when I'd obsessed about buying eth only below $10, and was pissed when I missed a dump. Then I sold for a million dollars and realised it doesn't fucking matter. Just like it doesn't matter when you buy link, I will be selling for tens of millions anyway.

>> No.3921752

Think 35K is enough for a modest retirement?

>> No.3921767

Good point, especially after it takes off. I reason 6k will look like pocket change.

>> No.3921814

If this reaches 50 bucks a pop u've made it brother

>> No.3921824


>> No.3921850

True, perhaps I shouldn't get greedy. That would $1,225,000 after taxes.

Good point humbleanon

>> No.3921868

I love how my great country has no tax on gains from currency exchange ;)

>> No.3921894

You calculated a 30% mang. What Country do you live in? And what's your tax bracket?

>> No.3921909

Math is on our side anon.
Lets work with what we know
>link will have higher mc then ripple
>cash in crypto will double
So if ath of ripple mc will be 20b... for link to surpass that .... u must make it anon

>> No.3921931

Zero tax on crypto atm... great country of slovenia. My tax bracket is commie tier almost 50% otherwise

>> No.3921945

if you pay taxes on crypto ur a cuck. No one in the world has the right to tax crypto. When you want money change to btc and load up some crypto credit card with small payments

>> No.3921990

US - 20% Tax bracket, the 10% to my church.

And absolutely, that makes sense! And what of the chances LINK surpasses $50 a share? And to what estimation?

>> No.3921995

I bought it quite a while ago at .50 and should have sold when it reached .52. I thought it may continue pumping with the conference and all. If I had sold, it would have gave me about a $65 profit. Sad to see it .38 the morning. I could have purchased more. I really think chainlink has potential but the pump and dump is killing it in a way. Binance seems to have more whales than any other exchange.

>> No.3922010
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What do you think link could be worth in the future and why?

T. Holding 1k link

>> No.3922049


My country has 30% tax on all income, crypto included, up until 50.000$, after which the tax DRASTICALLY increases. Also 70% tax on all mined coins

Even if I make it, my fucking retarded government will steal my money away anyways and give it to Ahmed as a "thank you" for only raping 20 women a year

>> No.3922074

>And absolutely, that makes sense! And what of the chances LINK surpasses $50 a share? And to what estimation?
I would jerk off to a picture of Sergey if that happened. Not gay but with the gainz, I'm sure it will be enough to keep me erect

>> No.3922097

Thoughts on option B. $110 extra bucks a monyh on a loan is not bad. Specially if you still have $1690 after that to play with.

Anyone elses thoughts on rather the LINK price will rise to apoint that outpaces his option A of monthly accumulation?

>> No.3922104


>> No.3922107

I'm fairly new to crypto. How exactly is math on our side? Do the whales pumping and dumping help in any way?

>> No.3922125

You probably guessed it. Sweden.

>> No.3922148

you guys are all deluded as fuck holy shit

>> No.3922152

cash out less than 50k a year
there should be some cashing out alternatives in the future for sure

>> No.3922168

I also have 30k and I keep going back and forth about this issue. I think buying more makes sense but accumulate on dips bc it's gonna keep dipping. In fact w 30k I was able to manipulate it myself which is just stupid. I also thought damn if it hits 50 I'm done. Personally I want more though, I think 5-10 mil is a good retirement number esp if you're young. Anything less and you'll have to live modestly. I want to ball. Doubt it'll happen tho, this kinda shit never happens it's basically black swan event. We're better off doing out on ico to make it

>> No.3922176

Agreed, again going back to 6k looking like pocket change after making a million.

Anyone else have suggestions? Feeling more and more like taking that Loan.

>> No.3922187

I know that feeling, hopefully we can find some answers among the posts.

>> No.3922194

how will you get 5-10mil with 30k link?

>> No.3922200

Yeah, I will do that (if my current investments arent retarded), but if I cash out more than 17k, I lose my student loans and grants (we pay people 400$ a month to attend uni). This country is just terrible, I wish I was american.

>> No.3922220

Which country?

>> No.3922252

Ya I'm banking on the rest of the investments to hit hard. But will keep accumulating links really

>> No.3922273

Fire up excel and map it out

Option A is take the loan

Option B is month by month

B would be less volatile, as well as give you the option to cut losses if it goes south

A exposed you to more upside gains

Fire up excel and math it out

>> No.3922298

Dude, I live in Sweden and I'm not paying any taxes on my crypto gains. How retarded are you? Why would you pay tax on your crypto gains? Seriously, you think SwedeBank or Nordea understand shit about crypto? Lol And also, I think you are misinformed because I don't think Sweden has any tax laws governing crypto yet. And even if it does, you do realize we can go to Denmark, open up a bank account, and withdraw your crypto gains there tax free, and be done with it, right?

>> No.3922314


Dude, I live in Sweden and I'm not paying any taxes on my crypto gains. How retarded are you? Why would you pay tax on your crypto gains? Seriously, you think SwedeBank or Nordea understand shit about crypto? Lol And also, I think you are misinformed because I don't think Sweden has any tax laws governing crypto yet. And even if it does, you do realize we can go to Denmark, open up a bank account, and withdraw your crypto gains there tax free, and be done with it, right?

>> No.3922331

I only have a 2,000 link but I don't see us going anywhere till Lord Sergey does some marketing and puts link on some of the big exchanges.


>> No.3922365

lets say you withdraw your crypto in Denmark and go back to Sweden with 200k extra.
How would you explain it?

>> No.3922398

If this becomes a thing which is a big if would these big banks start buying a shit ton of link to improve their node station. Like will they just say give me a million link which honestly isn't that mucb money. They don't even have to care about the investment but they can improve node preference and keep other people out. Why won't that happen??

>> No.3922438

Solid answer, the tech is what I believe and I would say OP as well believe in. If this was some clown coin I would say option B would be an absolute NO GO.

>> No.3922446

Leave your bank account open in Denmark. Only sell 1-2 BTC / month to pay for cars, mortgage, food, etc. Use your bank Danish bank card to pay for stuff in Sweden or withdraw SEK from ATM for walking around money.

>> No.3922472


Skatteverket LITERALLY has an entire page for crypto, saying exactly what I stated earlier. If you suddenly gain alot of money in your bank account banks WILL report it under suspicion of illegal activity. People have been arrested for this.

Skatteverket also stated earlier this year that "surprisingly few" are paying taxes for crypto and that they will look into it even more in the future, because they know people, like you, arent paying taxes on it even though you have to.

I even agree with you, you definitely shouldnt pay taxes for bitcoin, but what you're doing, my man, is tax evasion.

>> No.3922477

Also, if you wanted to make a large purchase with cash, like a new car, sell enough BTC and withdraw to your Danish account and buy the car literally anywhere in Europe via bank transfer och kör bilen tillbaka till Sverige.

>> No.3922484

That can work but if they catch you, they will demand taxes for sure and you might even get prosecuted for fraud

>> No.3922509

Skatteverket lmao. First off, I have a SwedeBank account and American bank accounts because I'm from USA. I've lived in Sweden less than a year. Trust me, Skatteverket doesn't scare me the slightest. I'll go to Switzerland or Denmark and keep the money there in a bank account and spend it in Sweden

>> No.3922511

Also, for the record, its also clearly stated in the law that its doesnt matter in the slightest where you get your money from, if you get it from another country or whatever, you must ALWAYS pay taxes for it.

Dont get me wrong, fuck the law, but you're a fucking brainlet calling me retarded for actually wanting to avoid tax evasion prison time is laughable

>> No.3922534

Well, you can do that, I literally just said that it's FUCKING ILLEGAL to do that, and tax evasion is serious prison time. Mayen you'll get caught, maybe not.

>> No.3922550
File: 64 KB, 781x552, 0000000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no crypto tax
It's only great in that regard.
And that's only because we're a backwater shitpond of a country that only passes regulations and considers new tech only if it comes raining down out Europe's bowels. We as a country have no pride, and no guts.
Believe you me, if more of us were getting rich off of crypto they'd quickly mobilize and start enforcing crypto taxes at cash out point.

There. I said it. I hate this government.
Women are hot though.

>> No.3922574

...Anonymous (ID: 7kEEhDpn)
10/17/17(Tue)12:58:09 No.3922398
If this becomes a thing which is a big if would these big banks start buying a shit ton of link to improve their node station. Like will they just say give me a million link which honestly isn't that mucb money. They don't even have to care about the investment but they can improve node preference and keep other people out. Why won't that happen??

>> No.3922583

Render unto Cesar what is Cesar's - don't get jailed because of greed.

>> No.3922609

Prison time? Tax evasion? How much in gains have you made? You can plan your exit and choose the best place to take your crypto gains. I'm not withdrawing or selling any BTC right now so I literally have no taxes to pay on crypto. I work full time. Also, I can withdrawal crypto gains in USA without Uncle Sam caring let alone Skatteverket even knowing about it because I have American Bank cards I can use in Sweden

And sorry for calling you retarded, you're not. But you are being cuck to Skatteverket

>> No.3922633

Cesar did nothing to help me get where I am. In fact, 'Cesar' even threw a couple logs at my feet while I was climbing that fucking hill he so proudly sits atop of.

>> No.3922667

Never take a loan
If you wont make it with 35k you wont make it with 50k,and the other way around

>> No.3922689

This dude right here is correct.

>> No.3922694

I'm not cashing out till I find a way to do so without being in danger of being persecuted for not reporting my income stream.

>> No.3922937

Why not? Not being confrontational but is it because in the event LINK doesn't take off your screwed?

>> No.3923029

Don't invest with money that you can't afford to lose. Say link crashes for some reason like Sergey is revealed to be a stuttering pothead or dies in a car crash and it drops down to nothing. How are you going to repay that loan? You going to go to the bank and try to pay them with your worthless bags?

>> No.3923137

Good point. But imagine if it pays off. Guess you gotta take risk to make money no?

>> No.3923247

Yes please take out a loan to invest it in magic internet coins.
People like you deserve to be homeless

>> No.3923319

I just don't understand why this is flopping so hard. Nothing but good news comes from SIBOS with unexpected relationships with Sony, Fidelity, BNP Paribas, etc. They have a good use case and working demo; it's not vaporware. There was no real run-up before the conference so you can't say it was overhyped. If news was baked in, why is the price DROPPING 15% instead of trading sideways? Logically I do not understand why it's performing so shit.

>> No.3923387

It's on an EtherDelta and Binance. One is garbage and the other is a chink exchange. It's not going anywhere significant until it's on more exchanges.

>> No.3923404

Whales keeping the price down or the rumors of binance manipulating it are true. Who the fuck knows, I'm as puzzled as you are.

>> No.3923406

didnt u see sibos? take out 2 loans and buy more cause i was super impressed by that basement conference

>> No.3923545

Has to be this. Big plyer wallet accumulation is steady, volume is high.

Shit exchanges - even Bittrex, a better exchange, crashed a fuckload of coins the other week to shake out weak hands. Couple threads on it here.

Thats said, hopefully they'll be an announcement post SIBOS which will help guide next steps.

>> No.3923637


Solid advice, made up my mind. Going to hold strong and slowly accumulate.

>> No.3923669

sell your link dude its already overpriced

>> No.3923679


>all time low

pick one...

>> No.3923701

Whales are starting already starting to buy. It's botwall against botwall at Binance LINK/BTC atm.

>> No.3923741

Nordmannbro here same problem 28% tax. Im going to take up some study abroad program in a country with 0% tax and cash og out while being on state sponsored vacation to belgium or maybe Slovenia

>> No.3923835

>My country has 30% tax on all income, crypto included, up until 50.000$, after which the tax DRASTICALLY increases. Also 70% tax on all mined coins
Va? Vilken skatt är det som ökar och när ökar den exakt???

>> No.3923899

why not just move to another country, sell your coins, move back a couple of months later

that cant possibly be illegal can it?

>> No.3924098

The moment you bring your money from another country back into USA or Canada you'll get taxed to high heavens

>> No.3924229

True, and the IRS Gangsters have special a "Task Force" for those who try and cash out the minimum $9,500 per fiscal year.

Trust me if you can think it up, it's been tried already...

>> No.3924469 [DELETED] 

440+ members, large btc amount
PnD discord server


Join us today

>> No.3924548
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>> No.3924683

Were hoping $250 plus kiddo

>> No.3924742

Snakk engelsk i engelskmannens tråd din fittehore morrapuler.

>> No.3924825

so what is your exit strategy guys?

I feel like we didn't even make it yet and those fuckers are already sticking their dirty hands out for our money
I mean 20% tax i maybe bearable but shit like 50 or 70% is just pure madness and I would rather burn my money than give it to the filthy government

>> No.3924830
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SonI have to buy BTC so I can exchange it for LINK? Isn't it a bad time to buy BTC?

I dont want to wait too long for the prices to go down

>> No.3924938

I have one question.
How fast are we expecting this to go up?
I couldn't and can't invest a lot, and wanted to use LINK not to make it, but to have fuel for the next moon mission.
Is LINK a long hold, thus useless for that?

Also my hands are getting tired of holding those heavy bags, and are getting weaker.
Please give me strength.

>> No.3926087
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, 1487876794844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

56 LINK here. Should I stick some more from this week's paycheck in? I barely have enough to feed myself and don't want to lose everything, but I also don't want to be stuck here forever.

I'm considering doubling down on LINK but I'm scared.

>> No.3926129

Bro go buy some groceries or pay your rent. If you can't afford to lose $30 you shouldn't be gambling in crypto.

>> No.3926141

I can afford the little above my living costs, but not much more. Should I

>> No.3926154

*Should I throw anything beyond life expenses into LINK?

>> No.3926169

Matthew 25:28 Then the master said, “Now your money will be taken away and given to the servant with ten thousand coins! 29 Everyone who has something will be given more, and they will have more than enough. But everything will be taken from those who don’t have anything.

>> No.3926202

>Matthew 25:28

Good point. I guess I'll try to hit 100 LINK by the end of this week.

>> No.3926208

You are playing a dangerous game if you are spending the very last of your cash reserves on Crypto. But it could work out. If you buy LINK be aware you may have to hold for a while.

>> No.3926251


If I don't play dangerous, I'll be a wageslave for the rest of my life. I have time on my side since I'm still a young adult, so holding isn't bad.

>> No.3926339

We just need to get rid of progessive tax brackets and privatize shit, other then that it's good. Also, our gummit doesn't even know what crypto is and i love that fact, here a shitton of people got rich of it and tax gestapo doesn't even register anything because it's filled as gainz from currency exchange which is not subjected to state theft of tax as they call it

>> No.3926372

>soldier on left dumbly walking into soldier on right's line of fire
>soldier on right certainly looks like he's taken a knee and is pulling security on his quarter of the circle
>maybe what the "artist" intended was that the soldier on the right be pointing his rifle at the head of the prone king
>is the king alive or dead
>if the king is alive, the soldier on the left should be doing overwatch from behind the prone king while the soldier on the left e.p.w.'s prone king
>easy to assume they are on different teams because the king is white but the soldiers are black
>maybe these guys have seen past the racism and are on the same side, and the king is receiving medical attention from some of the soldiers while the other soldiers pull security overwatching the perimeter

>> No.3926382

they can tax me if they want, but only if i cash out....or they can be paid in link the fuckers and only if I profited and gained link at some point

>> No.3926763

Bumpity bump

>> No.3926953

Why do you like being deluded? Why not strive to be realistic?

Chainlink @ $5 is literally lottery ticket.

$2 hopefully.

$1 should be soon?

My opinion.

>> No.3927062

So i just got fone hoing over the historical price for Ethereum. It took 3 years and 2 months for ETH to jump from $2.83 to $315. ATH was $415.

With the tech behind LINK, and the similar beggining as ETH, wouldn't it be logical to conclude it will follow this same trend?

>> No.3927088

what you dont understand is how quickly money flowing into this space.... 3 months now is like 1 year 1 year ago... money can find its way into projects very quick. it wont take that long you'll see anon.

>> No.3927194


I do not believe that Link is destined to that kind of outrageous marketcap. Like I said, if it jumps 10 times from the current price of $0.5 - you can consider yourself a lottery winner.

It's not healthy to put your hopes in "what if Chainlink absorbs BTC, ETH and XRP marketplace all at once, we will all buy houses overnight". It's just corny.

>> No.3927313

I feel both of these view points, but one cannot help but see what has happened with other crypto's and not think it can happen again.

This is like getting into BTC at $500 and ETH at $3 -

>> No.3927353


lottery winner ?

lol flik jumps 10x in 2 days

>> No.3928117

Imagine $300 by Q1 2019

>> No.3928182

gotta wait til after the hard fork probably

>> No.3928225

what market cap do you see chainlink at in a year?

>> No.3928226

It doesn't have to absorb them. It's projected that trillions will enter the crypto space in 2019.

200 Billion isn't a lot when BTC is at a trillion market cap.

>> No.3928893

Truth yo

>> No.3929721

One can't hard fork LINK can they?

>> No.3930309

Is Link a meme at this point? Honestly I see so many threads about it but all this shitcoin does is drop. Am I just out of the loop here?