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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3919406 No.3919406 [Reply] [Original]

App release is tomorrow niggers. Get your asses strapped in for blast off.

>> No.3919436

time to sell I guess

>> No.3919739

Might want to hold off just a bit longer.

>> No.3919745

Last chance to get in boys

>> No.3919811


>> No.3919855

If it hits 3k sats. Ill be a very happy lad. Lets go boys!

>> No.3919872

Do you trade on coinexchange or HitBTC?

>> No.3919897

i smell a curry and cumin combination

>> No.3919903

Coinexchange, volume is far far greater there.

>> No.3919919

this coin will have biggest gains this week, im in

>> No.3919944

Please tell me how this is going to challenge Spotify? This idea offers absolutely nothing and would require an entire industry to shift from well established vessels. Proof of bubble.

>> No.3919953

22 hours app release and the price is not priced in at all so 1.5k to 2k is easy about to brake the resistance line in the next hour or so

>> No.3919969

Thought so, thanks!

>> No.3919975

Yeah I agree

>> No.3920047

Holding 1.4 million VOISE. My body is ready.

>> No.3920109

Dont care what the fuck it does so long as i get money off it

>> No.3920144

Goddamn bruh, I thought I was ballin with 200k.

>> No.3920153

>tfw it doesn't launch yet because of FLIK and ALIS madness

Fuuuaaaark can't wait for my x5

>> No.3920160
File: 181 KB, 659x609, currycoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3920208

Hello Opus FUDs.

>> No.3920256

So what's going on with all the shilling here? Why is this gonna moon?

>> No.3920290

because your friendly neighborhood P&D is going to gang rape this like they did Elix. It's their chosen one.

>> No.3920321

Thought so. Still, could we still ride the pump or is it over?

>> No.3920336

App release tomorrow. The app is going to allow any person who makes music to sell their work via the app and keep 100% of the profits. Also comes with a wallet normies can use to buy and sell crypto or purchase with fiat.

>> No.3920361

No, hasn't even begun yet. The volume is starting to accumulate, price has been creeping up over the last 24 hours. Expect blast off within the next 12 - 24 hours. App release is tomorrow morning.

>> No.3920364

Nobody is going to use this shit nigga. Just ride the p&d, don't be left holding curried bags

>> No.3920376

Im not sure how i feel about the, if you use fiat with the app there is an added fee

>> No.3920384

Do you see the pump? I don't see a pump yet. But what I see rising volume and buy support as well as fuckton of Indians and Vietnamese drunken from FLIK and ALIS. They will fomo so hard we will reach Andromeda

>> No.3920392


Might throw a btc at it just for fun. Exit point around what? 1k sats?

>> No.3920401

im going in seems to be good one, no big wave yet, tomorrow will be booom

>> No.3920433

1.5k to 2k alot of money is going in around 600 sats they wont sell until 2k sats

>> No.3920447

Plan on cashing out near peak and then buying back in with profits once price stabilizes after the pump. I see some genuine potential in this over time so I don't mind planting a seed and forgetting about it for a year or two. I've done it with many other coins. Ride the pump, sell before dump, plant seeds after the dust settles.

Well nothing is a 100% free, when you use fiat I am sure a small fee will be tacked on like exchanges do. But it is very normie friendly, plus it allows every wanna ghetto rapper or average Joe garage band the ability to get world wide exposure without the need of a record label.

>> No.3920520

2k seems too much. 1.5k is, I would say, around a solid exit without risking too much.

>> No.3920562

Tier your sells, best way to hedge while being a bit daring.

>> No.3920570

When are we going to get an actual pump? It seems stuck at 600 sats

>> No.3920579

Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing

>> No.3920581

except I want it to dump so fuck you

>> No.3920602

We are 24 hours from release, just have a bit of patience, the volume is building.

>> No.3920626

rising incredibly lol

>> No.3920706
File: 267 KB, 808x805, 1508202682882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put bid in for coin
>amount of BTC on bid makes other jump my bid and causes a run on sale walls

>> No.3920774

The time to buy was during the dip.

>> No.3920806

fuck off dump your coins now

>> No.3920808

I got in at 350 sats, now I have weak hands to sell D:

>> No.3920823


>> No.3920830

I was telling everyone for days. But to be fair the Flik moon was really distracting for people.

>> No.3920839

I bought at 473 and im not selling till 1500. it will reach it easily. ATH is about 1000

>> No.3920841

sell it this coin sucks the alpha probably won't even actually come out

>> No.3920853

You do that now and by tomorrow you're gonna be kicking yourself in the ass real hard.

>> No.3920869

sell coin is shitcoin dump to 300

>> No.3920887

your mother is shit, fucking fudder, stay poor forever

>> No.3920894

sell coin alpha sucks i just got a preview version it puts pajeet porn on your desktop

>> No.3920949


okay I load my iron hands

>> No.3920963

shitcoin dump !

all the way to 90 sat, get fucked bagholders

>> No.3921004

Dude no one wants Opus, yea I know who you are you ain't slick. Just fuck off or put your pride aside for a moment and buy some Voise, make some profit and buy more of your precious Opus.

>> No.3921026

voice just dumped to nobid go look

>> No.3921060
File: 135 KB, 1300x960, educated-farmer-working-on-laptop-computer-in-bullock-cart-village-FG24KR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sirs pls dump shitcoin and buy REQUEST coin dear sirs and be a very very rich man like me!

>> No.3921068

No, no it didn't.

>> No.3921097

it literally just did go look harder

>> No.3921139

it won't release an app lmao you fucking retards, check their wp, check their slav telegram rofl

this will fucking CRASH

>> No.3921144

it will be night of the Voise, Koreans will wake up and start buying it on HitBtc is really low wolumen HUGE GAINS

>> No.3921193

>Implying I'm not watching it

Again I say, no it didn't.

>> No.3921225

Last Price 0.00000001
24h Volume 122.14301458
Bid 0.00000001
Ask 0.00000002
24h High 0.00000640
24h Low 0.00000000


>> No.3921229

typical fud, image of poor person

>> No.3921241

Feel free to read this and feel like an idiot. It is a release of an actual functioning app that artist can start making money with.


>> No.3921267

Looks like Opus.

>> No.3921270
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1507566278802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please guys.Post autism face with half head. Please!!!!! I need it!

>> No.3922038

and coinexchange is down just as it's dipping


>> No.3922115


>> No.3922262

why is some moron suppressing the price with 1.4 btc at 570 sats?

>> No.3922294

They missed their chance to accumulate

>> No.3922516 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 2708x1272, Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 10.34.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.3922596
File: 174 KB, 2708x1272, Screen_Shot_2017-10-17_at_10_34_35_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.3922611


>> No.3922668

some still think the app is not getting released.

>> No.3922676

Lol, it's dropping already.
What a moon mission, guys.

>> No.3922684

I warned you faggots

>> No.3922735

just one last sale

>> No.3922851

loading last it is last call