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3918830 No.3918830 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good college degrees to make $

>> No.3918846
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MSc in CEO-ing @ Harvard

>> No.3918854

non meme answer = anything to do with computers; software eng, cyber security, etc

>> No.3918866

Don't bother, get a trade.

>> No.3918877

nice try shlomo I'm not working for your company

>> No.3918879
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KEK wills it

>> No.3918899

There is none college is a jewish pyramid scheme designed to entrap you in debt for life

>> No.3918927

>access to some of the highest ranked universities in the world for peanut prices
stay fucking mad amerifats top kek

>> No.3918930
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First you get a trade, Do you own taxes, start your own Company Incorporate. Now you are two people... This is fun, Keep your personal costs low, pay lowest tax personal and business cutting back loss is another way to win. now you sell company., Spend the rest of your days shit shilling on biz,

>> No.3918950


>> No.3918966

No wife.... free pussy is the most expensive pussy. Stick to the pros.

>> No.3918990

This is for those of you aspiring to enter the Finance sector
Bsc in Finance
Business Analytics
Economics and Finance/Mathematics
Economics and Information systems
Banking and Finance
Finance and Business administration
Finance and marketing
Accountancy and Banking
Banking and statistics

Masters in
Financial Engineering

You need to be proficient in coding though (Not simply fluent)
(Python & Java at the bare minimum).
To be considered, you have to at least get a 1st Honour/2nd Upper degree.

If you are planning to enter Goldman Sachs/JP Morgan, you have to intern under them if you want to make the cut (Preferably during your 2nd year through to your 3rd year).

>> No.3919033
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Bro, I'm TELLING you. you do NOT need college to make money. All you need is knowledge. I have a buddy of mine that was SOOO into magnets and electricity when he was a kid. He read through the enyclopedia/wiki and the IEEE - non stop learning and he never spent one single day in college. He got hired by GE as a lead engineer making bank.

Right now you can do the EXACT same thing in any field and I'm going to be honest w you. Coding, do coding. It's fucking SIMPLE once you get it down, you can be a web dev doing mundane easy ass shit for 30-50k a year. You don't even need a degree - dead ass. Just take free lessons online. I learned coding on freecodecamp, I havent even finished it but I'm already working - and i'm working remotely where ever I want whenever I want. It only took me 4 months to get it down. Trust me dude - fuck college, acquire knowledge by any means other than paying for it - because its here freely on the internet.

>> No.3919048

the machines will do most of this, IMO. god bless ya if you have the wits to teach the machines

>> No.3919051

For those not looking towards the Financial sector,
Getting a Bsc in-
Medicine/Pharmaceutical science
Veterinary Science
Data Science and Analytics
Mathematical modelling and research

Masters in
Complexity systems

>> No.3919073

Well, I am currently undertaking Machine Learning as a module. So it is not all bad


>> No.3919074

that just seems like too much time in academia bound to fuck free thought outta you

>> No.3919084
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i could not help it

>> No.3919097


>> No.3919101

Gender studies or women’s studies degree, there is a reason why more and more colleges are offering it now.

>> No.3919105

In Straya, do a paramedic degree - $120,000 a year working 140 days a year.

>> No.3919116

how do you market yourself and what skills do you have?

>> No.3919129
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good thread boisa

>> No.3919131

Just go mechE. Its not hard

>> No.3919142

Just follow your passions and then you can make a career out of anything :))))

>> No.3919148

Java (jist of it) Python (still getting it down), Rubies on rail (jist of it), HTML (easy af), CSS (also easy af). Currently learning C++

Linkedin and a webpage of myself w/ a portfolio of charities I've helped code for, etc.

>> No.3919155
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Even if you suck you don't suck Confidence and keep stacking wins. If you build it they will come

>> No.3919159

All the technicals are what makes you employable lad, let alone valuable in today's workforce.

It is only 2-to-4 years with a whole range of practical application, not a PhD programme.

Social science and meme degrees with too much 'artistic' freedom (European studies/History/Philosophy/Linguistics/Social Science/Sociology/Literature) are literally killing the potential employment opportunities out of the modern youth.

>> No.3919176


>finance sector
>ends up being an insurance agent
top kek

>> No.3919210

Give me work thats open to they sky.... fresh air it all depends on the fella and what part of the wheel you are on. - Now thats a topic

>> No.3919219

OP here
how's engineering and an MBA down the line sound like?
am I gonna be CEOin 800k by my first year with that sick ass shit?

>> No.3919225

What kind of code do you have in your portfolio? I have. a similar skillset but no portfolio.

>> No.3919247

its your ride anon. Just don't stress live

>> No.3919257

Chemical Engineering

>> No.3919290

I started out doing simple front end coding with HTML CSS and Jquery/Java but I had to be in) an office to do that kind of work (didn't like that. Now I'm mainly working with C#, Java and Python (working remotely), with back end coding you get more freedom.

>> No.3919318

Analytics and such will be taken over by machines, yes. Though managerial positions as well as sales positions (discounting any advert-based analytics positions) will stay, and need to be operated by humans IMO.

>> No.3919321

Misinterpreted your question - HTML CSS Java Jquery PHP Python C#. I've done work with all those languages, some I know better than others - but in the end if you know it well enough that's all you need. Coding = constant learning process. I've realize you will always be a student in this field.

>> No.3919327

I worked Drilling rigs for years, roughneck to Companyman. I loved it. Rounded skills, money, and most of all confidence. Worked with all personality types, Developed NLP and hypnosis in my spare time, valuable for any occupation.

>> No.3919360

Richard Bandler NLP. Chaos Magician

>> No.3919363

>Developed NLP and hypnosis in my spare time, valuable for any occupation.


>> No.3919420

Neuro linguistic Programing

>> No.3919435

EEE, I'm graduating next year in the UK and have a graduate job lined up for 36k £, feels good man

>> No.3919438
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Fuck i love the $boards

>> No.3919488

College pays for itself if you dont major in horse shit anon. He an engineering degree, it will probably pay better than vs if you chose a good field (petroleum and chem are good)

>> No.3919505

Noice ......

>> No.3919539

Mechanical Engineering major here. Graduating this spring having done 0 internships and no job lined up. How fucked am I?

>> No.3919541

Feel like the old bulls,

>> No.3919567

Bruh anyone can make that money, the degree just unlocks the 50k+ zones

>> No.3919569

Internship they don't pay you for thta shit

>> No.3919596
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take a year, Do some grunt labour make some coin. Make some connections then make a safer automobile

>> No.3919651

what about mech engineering do you like, what brought you to it?

>> No.3919684

Fuck. I'm a junior in MechE and I'm dying

>> No.3919697

Anything in humanities

>> No.3919705

I never hear thoughts on Information Systems. What's the deal? Seems like business+IT all in one.

>> No.3919737


>> No.3919755

Im out gents... keep your hammer dry

>> No.3919771

Depends on what country you live in. I'm in Western Canada and you have to work for 4 years as a junior engineer before you get your professional status.

>> No.3919780

>quality university
>outside of america
deluded euros kek
worse than ARKies

>> No.3919798

I fell for the everyone has to go to college meme, then the stem meme, so it brought me to ME. I do enjoy the knowledge, knowing how things work and how I can make them better. It probably helps that I think I'm autistic, so it's not too difficult to understand. I just don't have a clue what I want to do with the degree.

>> No.3919801

enjoy your 20k a year gender studies classes lmfao

>> No.3919809

I was out of a job for 3 months after I graduated but I got one by playing up the small town boy, wrench turning type of vibe.

>> No.3919819

Somebody please help.

>> No.3919828
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>still thinking STEM is a meme


>> No.3919840

You fucked up.

Yes they do idiot, I was making 1800£ per month this summer during mine

>> No.3919841

>Stem is a meme
Is a meme

>> No.3919856

Unemployable kind of fucked up? Are internships a thing post graduation?

>> No.3919867

>implying this isn't preferable to other people taking those classes using tax dollars
europoors shouldn't be allowed on the business board

>> No.3919998

You obviously aren't unemployable, an internship does help a lot though. Depends whether the market is saturated or not where you live.

I would say have extracurricular stuff to make you stand out from the crowd?

>> No.3920033


Imo this. I work eight months out of the year as an oil pipeline inspector in the Midwest and make around $170k. Winters off to travel and trade are really nice.

>> No.3920552
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MY major is security research and analysis; It is and IT based degree with a focus on Security and also theory related to security. Little bit of finance and decision theory sprinkled about here and there. I am also learning about cryptography. Hoping to launch some kind of a career in crypto eventually.

>> No.3921157

none. get into crypto

>> No.3921195

comp sci

>> No.3921622

My dad didn't finish high school and cleared 260K last year. You don't need (((education))) to make money. You just have to be able to run a business.

Even if you choose to get a degree, (I'm studying Civil Engineering at a top 5 engineering school for almost free), you won't make any real money unless you start a business. I'm starting a builder-architect firm w/ my father. Given our access to capital and clients & contacts from the current business, we should clear 250-300K+ the first year easily.

A wagecuck would need to work his whole life to have a shot of earning 200K+ annually and I'll be there in 2-3 years.

>> No.3922133

My dad didn’t even finish high school and started a pizza restaurant. A good can earn you 500k take home salary. I’m running one and make 150k. I just bought a house. Studying electricity on the side just in case business fails.

>> No.3922173

how do you start and run a business?
quick rundown?

>> No.3922236

what do you think you're going to do when you get a shitty STEM degree?
You'll work like a slave to make 35k a year.
Do a trade, and you can have some freedom.

>> No.3922250

this is half-baked and dumb.

>> No.3922317

your lucky your boomer dad was born first.
You wouldn't be making shit.
Also, your business is going to fail, there's not enough construction and too much competition in the markets to win off that. Good luck, faggot.

>> No.3922402
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>Engineering. Especially electrical
>IT. Especially decentralized computing, statistical calc
>Mathematics, Especially econometrics if you want to go into the financial world

Skills to learn that are always handy
>Electronics engineering, learn it in your free time C programming gives you an edge
>Welding TIG/MAG welding is a nice skill and can make you a good amount of $ while in college, did it myself.
>Technical drawing, This includes CAD 3D but also pen on paper. Gives insight into the design process.

All in all. Remember that College ISN'T for a degree. You actually WANT to learn skills that you are going to use in practice. Try to get as much out of your education as possible. You're paying for it.

This is usually what divides successful people from failures. A lot of people just do the bare minimum to get a degree. These people fail in life. If you use your education as a genuine platform to hone your own skills and combine it with entrepreneurship you'll get on top.

>> No.3922473

>a fucking trade is better than an engineering degree which is the degree most commonly held by billionaires
nigger get out

>> No.3922504

Hey, could you tell me more about your business?

Like what are healthy figures to expect on a monthly basis?

>> No.3922523

Start here: http://www.newsbtc.com/2017/10/11/hyperledger-blockchain-training-program-launch-late-october/

"The course is titled “Blockchain for Business: An Introduction to Hyperledger“. It will start on October 25 2017 and be offered at edX.org – Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s joint, not-for-profit learning platform.

Whilst taking and completing the course is entirely free, students can opt to purchase a verified certification for the cost of $99 when they’ve finish their training."

Hurry, it starts October 25th. After getting your certification google blockchain jobs. Get the degrees, certifications and take the specific courses that will allow you to compete for those jobs. Volunteer and take internships that will give you experience while you complete you degree.

>> No.3922592

Senior here. We're gonna make it brah.

>> No.3922813

>Its not hard
Lying is a sin.


>> No.3922891

This is terrible advice. 90% of small businesses fail and no bank will give a 20 year old a loan to start a business in 2017 anyways. If it wasn't for your daddy being a rich boomer you would have nothing.

>> No.3922892

Have a tasty pizza and sell it
You want to gross 30k a month to break even. Anything over that is profit.

>> No.3922910

Depends on your skills and how you communicate during your interviews. A freind of mine got a job right of college as an EE working for Lockheed Martin

>> No.3922953

*right out of

Also forgot to mention he had no previous internships

>> No.3923184

You dun goofed bro, might as well kys now unless you're an elite interviewer.

>> No.3924438 [DELETED] 

440+ members ,large btc amount
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Join today!

>> No.3924557

>What are some good college degrees to make $

Look at what employment rates, median income etc. is for various majors 5, 10, 15, 20 years out.

Also - oil exploration related degrees make money now. Is that going to be paying money in 20-25 years? Probably not. By that time it will probably be cheaper to install solar panels and wind turbines then to drill for oil and transport it thousands of miles.

Also, if CS pays very well, but you really love EE, and both have decent employment/pay - then go for EE. A happy EE major will tend to make more than an unhappy CS major.

Of course it has a limit, if you love dancing or painting or playing the violin, that won't hack it. People will probably pay you more to do their taxes for them then to watch you dance.

>> No.3924627

EE or ME with focus on offshore construction or Tunnel-/mining construction.

Or basically any other eng degree if you live in Germany