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File: 65 KB, 900x565, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3917405 No.3917405 [Reply] [Original]

Guys i fucked up. I made my ark wallet a few days ago and wrote down the passphrase but my pc has a shitty ethernet port which disconnected as I confirmed it, so I decided to import my account using the passphrase I wrote and it worked. I decided to withdraw it to stake and it queued me to enter in my passphrase and it's wrong. I've tried misspelling it, missing words, nothing works. Is there anything I can do or did i just lose like 2 months of pay? fuck my fucking life.

>> No.3917418

By withdraw, I mean from bittrex. Not just to stake but also due to the bittrex FUD that's been spreading lately

>> No.3917435

Its fucking bullshit, im in my account yet I can't do shit with my recently moved coins. Honestly fuck my life

>> No.3917492
File: 97 KB, 583x1024, arklets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking your thread causee I need to be convinced to use ARK

I wanted to buy ark but then I saw Pic related.

Now this infograph looks good. But it's written in fucking JS / NODEJS

I mean...

how can this ever be top of the game performant if it's fucking javaSCRIPT.


>> No.3917553

Don't talk shit about Pajeetcode.

>> No.3917558

this pic if outdated and is getting more outdated every day
buy ark or hate yourself in 1.5 weeks

>> No.3917561

Pls no hijack, is there anyone who could help? Is there anything I can do? I know what my seed was *meant* to be and im signed into it on the wallet if thats anything.

>> No.3917574

post your seed and we help you finding the missing/misspelled words anon

>> No.3917582
File: 1.17 MB, 500x281, 1503873391230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3917593
File: 2.07 MB, 602x5561, BITCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls I need to go aboard the ark and I really can't do it without some biz tard shilling me into it right now.


>> No.3917598

Hello anon

Im confused.

Do you mean you dont have the 12 word seed to open your wallet / send a transaction in Ark?

Or you have lost your password for bittrex?

>> No.3917617


Why do you need a passphrase to withdraw from Bittrex? I'm not sure I understand the problem. YOU HAVENT YET WITHDRAWN FROM Bittrex to your ark wallet, right? Can't you just create a new ark wallet and get a new passphrase, and withdraw to that instead?

>> No.3917654
File: 73 KB, 970x546, 1505733148932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>core update soon( 10x faster transmission, less TX fees)
>mobile wallet in 1-2 weeks
>big announcement in 21 days

The picture you posted is outdated go to ark.io for actual Infos and buy now!

>> No.3917662

Hey all, I figured it out. I had forgotten the last word in my seed, I'm so fucking relieved holy shit.
What I had did was withdrawn from bittrex to a wallet with the wrong passphrase but I got it now.

>> No.3917671

if you have something that is very similar to your 12 word seed for the ark wallet, then you need some kind of software that will help you brute force each of the words on the list.
> First of all check the spelling carefully of each words on your list. Could you have transcribed it incorrectly?
> Did you write capitals as it should all be lower case?
> are you mistaking an i for an l etc
> I would literally start making a list in a text editor by hand with all the possibilities hereand try them all.
> If there are lots of possible things you mistyped, then programs exist that can help you automate this process if you want to try and bruteforce your key according to certain parameters - but requires some level of knowledge such as john the ripper.
> next time you could consider using a paper wallet, which has recently been released.

if its bittrex related issue
> you should be able to get that sorted by going through the support desk. Check your emails to make sure you havent had any weird unrecognised logins, and your browsing history so you know you went to the correct bittrex site.

>> No.3917676

Thank you so much for your help and everyone else in the thread. Thankfully i figured it out >>3917662

>> No.3917680


>> No.3917692


bit easier anon

>> No.3917698

10 ark for the fastest:

basic exotic project patch segment sorry enter entry trigger hello chest rapid

>> No.3917841


>> No.3917843

good shit aye donate here

>> No.3917868

just sold this shitcoin after just seeing this thread. feels good releasing those bags

>> No.3917892

it's empty lmao

>> No.3917925

guess you weren't the fastest

>> No.3917931

it has no transaction history. it was always empty.

>> No.3918044
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1505930047355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not selling at 200k next week

>> No.3918118

LOL that's funny. This could happen with btc or any other coin, I'm just retarded clearly.

>> No.3918198

>I fucked up
>I made my ark wallet
you sure did