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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3916543 No.3916543 [Reply] [Original]

ARK is a trainwreck. Falling in SATS by the second. Lead dev was recently just spotted taking acid.

>> No.3916594

without even trying to fud, ark is a genuine shitcoin. 5% in a year at best, but -25% eoy most likely

>> No.3916609

What?? This seems like the most promising shitcoin in a while. Definitely BTFO Link or whatever else is being shilled around here.

>> No.3916633

Can you explain why? I don’t know too much about this coin so I’m genuinely curious

>> No.3916662

The "crypto for your grandma", seems to be intended to create a mass-adoption of blockchain technology through deployable simplicity. The ARK blockchain could be considered slim with 8 second blocktimes, at 200 tx per second. The idea of a scalable lightweight mainchain, seems to be achievable through the ARK platform of communicating blockchains via the usage of smartbridges. This is perhaps why it's sometimes mentioned that the ARK mainchain is to be similar to "TCP/IP". A smartbridge(ARK's "vendor field"), looks to be the basis for our Ark Ecosystem, which is used to communicate chunks of data from different blockchains (our mainchain & sidechains). If we were to extrapolate the aesthetic and functional appeal of the ARK wallet, we might be able to fairly assume that ARK's deployable sidechains could have a similar appeal. To my understanding, the ARK deployable sidechains will allow you to tailor the DPoS system to your liking, with TX allowing us to relay communication of events between mainchain and sidechain. As ARK is still a young project, not all blockchains currently include this vendor field, which is where ACES comes in. The ACES route is used to communicate to blockchains, w/o the vendor field, using a "trusted marketplace"(albeit centralized).

>> No.3916734

Ark is still in stealth phase grab it before you're paying all your bills with it in 10 years.

>> No.3916745
File: 743 KB, 1242x1869, 7C988ABD-7142-43DE-AD03-DA2471FE425B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense and I guess the reason it’s so undervalued right now is because it’s such a young project and it’s not currently available on all blockchains. Thanks m8

>> No.3916747

>The ACES route is used to communicate to blockchains, w/o the vendor field

Doesn't it use an encoded listener? Seems brilliant

>> No.3916749

21 days till next big announcement.

Mobile wallet in 1-2weeks.

Core-Update soon.

Get in now or stay poor forever.

>> No.3916760
File: 76 KB, 431x407, 7AF1EEE5-7BF8-48A5-9760-A506784F103E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulating now, thx

>> No.3916766


It's a pretty comfy coin, hope you join us.

>> No.3917002

What's the progress with the biz_private delegate? Looks like the devs lowered the entry amount and raised the payout but they still have only 50k ark out of like 1,3m needed.

Is it even realistic for them to get that many? I want the faucet to work properly but it's not possible until they sort out the whale delegate shit.

>> No.3917026

how many threads are you gonna make faggot?

>> No.3917042

you know who else took acid? Steve Jobs

>> No.3917054
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>> No.3917236

and many many more software devs

Taking LSD / microdosing it has become standard in silicon valley, I'm surprised that /biz/ isn't aware of this.

>> No.3917251

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.3917256

DUDE............ eat this drug with me............. comeon man............ just do it................................... *breathes through teeth* PHHHHEEEEEWWWWW.............. that was a truly epic spliff of acid right there dude

>> No.3917294

All famous/important people are junkies.

Ark truly is the future of shitcoins.