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3916300 No.3916300 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum is past 400k transactions with virtually no pending transactions at all.

Is Byzantium actually working?

>> No.3916304

who gives a shit ethereum is a dead coin

>> No.3916326

>1.5 minutes for 1 gwei
i'm cumming.

so if you get 20 times the value, in terms of fees how much should ether appreciate?

>> No.3916334

Nobody cares about ETH. Its all about XLM and XRP now

>> No.3916341

Deluded. ETH is the most used coin. Its the backbone of crypto

>> No.3916352

Basically ETH is heading to $1000 and the flippening will happen

>> No.3916367

his palms are sweaty
dem ETH bags are heavy

>> No.3916368

never gonna happen

>> No.3916377

on the one hand, if eth moons that hard i'll be shooting thick ropes of cum everywhere because my portfolio is 2/3rds ether. On the other hand, if I start buying btc/eth to rebalance it and the flippening is real, i will be a sad man.

>> No.3916394

This, eth price is pike 16% down in a month, but I'm 50% up in satoshis because eth works and i can move tokens and trade. Btc is for boomers who don't understand crypto.

>> No.3916398

Flippening is pretty much a certainty at this point. Bitcoins market cap is going to transfer rapidly over to ethereum as it becomes increasingly clear to the uneducated sheep that ethereum has made bitcoin obsolete.

Bitcoin is a mess. Ethereum just hard forked like a baus. Look! At the 15 second block time.

>> No.3916408

delusional bagholders from .1+

>> No.3916424

ICOs are colluding to keep the eth price around $300. When it gets above $300 they start selling, when it gets below $300, they stop. I don't believe ETH price is going anywhere soon unfortunately. Maybe flash spikes, but always getting driven back down.

>> No.3916425

Ethereum won't have won until we have block times under 3 seconds.

>> No.3916430

I predict ETH is going to sit there like a lump of shit, and slowly decay against BTC. That's what it's been doing. That's what it's going to keep on doing. Why? Too many people and too much money just waiting for this shit to moon.

>> No.3916439

Show me a coin with as many transactions as ETH and a lower blocktime.

Don’t waste your time there isn’t one. ETH has the most transactions and it has the lowest blocktime. Just wait until POS.

>> No.3916446

ethereum going full POS is just apt for how shitty it is. full piece of shit from then on and everyone will be mining bitcoin gold, and it'll be forgotten as it decays more

>> No.3916448

I mostly agree with you on the technology points. I think there is room for a network with computability guarantees and bitcoin could remain as that network.

However, institutional money that's currently dammed behind regulations is eventually going to end up in bitcoin mostly. That's my thesis for my long term hodl and balancing at 1:2.

>> No.3916458

It doesn't matter what other coins have, because none of them are used in the real world for anything important by anyone without sever autism. The competition isn't other coins, it's Visa, MasterCard, American Express -- those networks. If Ethereum is to succeed, it has to be able to compete at that scale.

>> No.3916459

You’re fucking insane. Have you even looked at the cryptocurrency market? Like 80% of the cryptoassets out there are based on or around ethereum.

Ethereum has the MOST BY FAR developers working on their blockchain. Thousands and thousands of people worldwide writing code for DAPPS.

>> No.3916475

that rubs up against a lot of people's guaranteed bandwidth limits

>> No.3916474

>pajeets selling trash shitcoins with vaporwave technology, no wallets, and nothing to show for literally billions of dollars in investment are what gives ethereum its value

So it's fucked

>> No.3916488

Everybody and their mother is holding ETH right now. And the price is so tightly controlled by whales, I don't think there is any natural movement of the market at all. So it will moon when whales decided to make it moon, but ask yourself this: why would they? They're only going to do it if they will make money, so think about it.

>> No.3916489

Not particularly. Ethereum has already carved out its own niche in the world of finance. Its an incredibly powerful tool already that allows the user to do things completely outside of the scope of the traditional fiat system.

>> No.3916496

name one ethereum ICO trashcoin which is actually working right now and has a product right now

>> No.3916501

I can tell you’re a complete fucking idiot already. Stop replying to my posts

>> No.3916510

Etheroll DICE

>> No.3916530

yeah that went well

>> No.3916537

Yeah fuck you too, buddy.

I like ETH, I'm just saying the market seems pretty jacked at the moment, as far as making $$$ off it.

>> No.3916568

Its +34% today because someone made an Android app for it. One of those developers I mentioned earlier

>> No.3916581

No fuck YOU buddy for making me read your idiotic posts

>> No.3916613

Flippening before July 2018, cap this

>> No.3916645

Ethereum is technologically superior to Bitcoin and that is all that will matter in the end.

>> No.3916678
File: 52 KB, 503x519, 1508105701893 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked some stats
>supply is growing absurdly fast... 13% YOY inflation?????
>transactions are under ath despite the increase in usability
>people are overpaying for gas because apps aren't updated yet
>full node size growth is greater than storage space per dollar growth
so i'm happy that i'll be able to trade shitcoins more profitably but fuck me those are some stupid ass choices

>> No.3916687

are you deluded or what? ETH has been going down in satoshi since june

>> No.3916703

ETH suuuuucks

>> No.3916724
File: 1.66 MB, 220x190, 1506707096188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad 3AfZwwJl.

>> No.3916761

Nice arguments

>> No.3916768

Numbers you pulled out of your ass

Also check out the bitcoin inflation rate

>> No.3916773

Ever heard of erc20?

>> No.3916775

Booooooooo. Hisssssss. ETH is for losers.

>> No.3917001

Stay mad

>> No.3917023

Why the fuck is bitcoin cash mooning?
14% in less than 2 hours
What's going on

>> No.3917031
File: 273 KB, 1800x877, prepare_for_ETH_Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been waiting for this moon.