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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3915258 No.3915258 [Reply] [Original]

Weeks of anticipation leading up to sibos, people called the resulting fomo to be biblical and here we are at t+12h and LITERALLY nothing is happening.

Was that all it was? Not a single reputable website even has an article about it published and this coming from what according to /biz/ is the most important event in world economics on the calendar. Surely someone would have noticed? Or was the restroom door locked?

>> No.3915270

I guess you can say they solved the Urinal Problem. I mean, the Oracle Problem.

>> No.3915274

Seriously /biz/ what should I do with my LINK holdings?

>> No.3915277


I tried to warn you, but you called me a retarded FUDer. So... fuck you.

>> No.3915286

Sell them and buy some rope

>> No.3915303

sell them and go buy metaverse or some other shit coin

then kys when sergey announces their partnerships and we moon well past $1

>> No.3915325


>still trying this hard...

>> No.3915342

We also said the FUD would be biblical, it just went the other way

>> No.3915350

lol im still up 4x faggot. i dont care if anyone sells. take your 0.5 BTC blockfolio and kys

>> No.3915360

>lol im still up 3x faggot
>lol im still up 2x faggot

>> No.3915364


Give me a kiss first.

>> No.3915368


>> No.3915375

I feel like selling my Links right now, but what else should I buy?

>> No.3915385

Wait for friday and buy request on ED

>> No.3915442


>> No.3915445

I had 1 BTC in LINK (now 0.9 BTC), but how is it possible that everything is going smoothly for the team and they had a good proof of concept demo with promising business partnerships, and the most the coin does is pump and instantly dump with price breakdown

>> No.3915495

its only on binance. low volume. it might have been helped if it was on bittrex, polo or bitfinex. atm it is easy to manipulate. also the communication of sergey is not that good.

>> No.3915525
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mercury, quantstamp, leverj, or even fucking ripple

>> No.3915532

Why the fuck is the FUD patrol going so hard today? Are you people STILL trying to get it to go below ICO price? Why don't you actually argue against the coin instead of saying "hahaha poopiecoin lol! bad coin is poop there is a toilet in the building because POOOOOOP it went down 10% sell sell sell"? Paid shills?

>> No.3915537

this ;)

>> No.3915541

a sad attempt

>> No.3915548

Every shitcoin pumps when it got added to trex and polo. After all this 'next eth' hype bad exchange (and binance is not that bad) argument is hilarious

>> No.3915599


>> No.3915623

Yeah wtf happened. I was waiting for a livestream or something but nothing. Just a picture of sirgay standing infront of a bathroom stall reciting his speech to a bewildered SIBOS janitor.

>> No.3915701

Nothing was ever going to "happen" except the demo.

No "big news coming" was promised, no "deeper partnership discussions" were promised.

SIBOS was going to take place, and LINK was going to do the demo in front of the world's financial elite.
The ONLY external crypto dev to receive this honor.
The whole thing was a MASSIVE marketing opportunity for LINK.

If you don't think that's big enough, then it's time for some anti-dissociative break medicine.

>> No.3915720
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Why don't you do what everyone else is doing; dump your load when the sell walls appear and watch them disappear along with your manhood.

>> No.3916789

>according to /biz/
hahahahahahahahahaha you are literally an imbecile inbred piece of meme magic believin’ piece of human imageboard using scum!

>> No.3916816

Oh, and even though no news was expected, news did come after all.

The demo everyone thought was simply going to be between LINK and SWIFT, actually involved a list of major companies participating in Chainlink's smart contract project:

BNP Paribas
Societe Generale

LINK is on an incredible run, literally among the top 5 most promising cryptos in existence.

>> No.3916893

>incredible run
>pricing going sideways

>> No.3916911

That's right my astute little friend. The price has gone sideways.
Despite the incredible run of events for LINK.

Guess what that means.
It means another factor is holding back the price. Like, the fact that it's only on one major exchange, leaving it vulnerable to manipulation.

There's one major conclusion to be drawn from this, can you guess what it is?
You should be able to solve this.

>> No.3916917

People do. You just chose to ignore it and the rest of us moved on.