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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3913311 No.3913311 [Reply] [Original]

Any /biz/ tier games out there?

>> No.3913320

Stardew Valley

>> No.3913345
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You could be a millionaire like Stephen Paddock if you play this game right

>> No.3913363

>tfw poorfag even in stardew valley
>tfw can't get a 2d wife

>> No.3913369

day trading crypto

>> No.3913385

I'm going to make one. Will post it on biz when I'm done.

>> No.3913404
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I wanna play!

>> No.3913419

Sold girl town
Start your own business, train your employees, and move up the corporate ladder.

>> No.3913420
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>> No.3913433

This and FX. Adrenaline out the ass

>> No.3913435


PUBG gives you an idea of how likely your chosen crypto is to succeed, and how quickly things can go wrong.

>> No.3913468
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someone say /biz/ tier video games?

>> No.3913487

Yeah it's called "the market", fun fact you can earn irl prizes, you should check it out.

>> No.3913498
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pic related is about the most accurate a game has been so far

>> No.3913517

I love caplab except the endgame always boils down to you and the AI just buying all the land across earth and making your own cities basically and it becomes incredibly tedious

>> No.3913519
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ALL IN concordes

>> No.3913590
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Stop being poor.

>> No.3913601

That's patrician taste

>> No.3913604
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The real answer

Honorable mention: Stellaris

>> No.3913611
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Yeah but to be fair, you could probably also end up a millionaire if you played his other favorite game right too.

>> No.3913617

Old school runescape
Any mmo with an economy

>> No.3913630
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>Large corporations pay mercs to bully and grief you, just to force you to log off
>Underhanded market manipulation. Buy out small sellers then jacking up prices in busy trade regions
>The average player always pays for the overpriced item, ruining competitiveness
>Buying cargo goods high, and selling cargo low

Ah, the free market.

I left it to play with cryptos, though.

>> No.3913637


Auction house whaling in WoW lmao

>> No.3913639

Anyone play poker online? I havent played in like 5+ years and only played on fulltilt back in the day.

Where do people play nowadays?

>> No.3913968
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>> No.3913982

Tropico was always fun. They are up to 5 now.

>> No.3913996


>> No.3914009

Do you like kinetic visual novels on Steam? Check out World End Economica. Penned by the same guy who wrote Spice and Wolf. It's about an autist who day trades.

>> No.3914218
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"Resources exist to be consumed."

>> No.3914237

shit this must be the first poster from /v/ not to come here and go REEEEEEEEEEEE STOP BUYING OUR VIDEO CARDS REEEEEEEE MINERFAGS

>> No.3914277

Eve online

>> No.3914286

The English translation is total dogshit though.

>> No.3914357

Daytrading is a game in itself

Who needs the vidya when you've got CHARTZ & PROFITZ

>> No.3914360

I'm glad someone gets it