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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 477x604, airswap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3908996 No.3908996 [Reply] [Original]

After you get rich on Airswap tomorrow, girls will be on theirs knees begging for your Airswap-laden seed.

Michael Novogratz is now on the board of advisors, this is about to blow the fuck up.

>> No.3909040

Easiest 3x i've ever bought into

Also releasing their exchange tomorrow, do NOT miss this one guys

>> No.3909043

shhhh don't tell them our secrets anon, let them buy Ripple.

>> No.3909054


Wew lad. Airswap to cumswap.

The ultimate decentralised exchange!

When tokens on ED?

>> No.3909073

no one cares about pajeetswap

decentralized exchange coin no. 234234 will dump and Request will pump

>> No.3909099

>tfw people were so worried about muh LINK they didn't get on the AIRSWAP whitelist

stay poor linkies

>> No.3909119
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10/17 10:10am EST

AST tokens, be ready early to get in on this moon mission brother.

>> No.3909181

Im buying some when it hits ED this shit will easily 5x i missed the kyc

>> No.3909261

You can buy them on Airswap's DEX when it launches Tomorow. So you don't have to deal with EtherDelta's cancer.

>> No.3909311

It's amazing that these guys will be launching their exchange in a day while it's going to be at least a year before we see anything from Kyber.

>> No.3909324


Yeah all the new DEX that are up and running... oh wait.

Hit me up with an OTC, p2p contact tmrw on Airswaps LIVE EXCHANGE and I'll sell you some of my coins for 5x if you get on your knees like the semen demon in the OP.

>> No.3909372

I will buy a decent amount if it starts trading at no more than 2x ico, if it's more I will pass
Doesn't help that by the time I get back from wagecuckery it's gonna be probably a few hours into trading

>> No.3909429

Could work in your favor. Usually first day of trading a coin will fomo moon quickly and then dip before shooting up again. Maybe you'll be home in time for a dip.

>> No.3909441


With how big this is gonna be, getting in at 2x is almost as good as getting on the whitelist. I hope you make it back from your wagecuckery in time so you never have to go back.

>> No.3909468

yea, funny thing is, wagecuckery actually saved me couple times from pannic selling kek

>> No.3909600

I think I will pass on this and go with Request. I don't want to sell a lot of Link so I only picked one.

Also isn't Leverj the most promising of all the DEX coming out in the future?

>> No.3909610

>I think I will pass on this and go with Request

why not both?

>> No.3909617

Do you have any fucking idea who Novogratz is?

This is THE dex to have. You will make a grave mistake if you don't accumulate..

>> No.3909624

I don't want to sell a lot of my Link so I had to pick one, and I think Leverj will do a lot better when it launches next month.

>> No.3909642
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Why worry about the future when Airswap is here NOW.

You do want a girl doing this for you, don't you? Or are you some kinda anal avenger?

>> No.3909650

Yeah this is going below ICO pretty much right away. Shit concept and shit execution. There's also no marketing buzz that could MAYBE remedy this clusterfuck

>> No.3909656

So what makes this better than leverj it seems a decentralized exchange that offers leveraged trading would be more successful than one that doesn't, so why is airswap better?

>> No.3909659

/biz/ doesn't care about tokens with a working product

>> No.3909691
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Michael Novogratz will easily ensure airswap at least x5 tomorrow, while biz faggots are too busy with their stupid chainlink kek

>> No.3909704
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>Prevents front-running that is rampant in order books
>Makes women assume this position for you

Idk bro, you can just pick one but personally I'm looking forward to all four.

>> No.3909711

what was the ICO price per token?

>> No.3909721


>> No.3909774
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>> No.3909783

LeverJ has a bunch of Pajeets on their team.

AirSwap has one of the most successful crypto traders of all time backing it.

Does it really matter which product has what features? Imagine if Vitalik endorsed a turd, it would still 5x.

>> No.3909785
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3300 AST = 1 ETH

>> No.3909820


Check that, 3300 AST = 3.3 ETH

>> No.3909922

What is the symbol for AIRSWAP? and how much was ICO price?

>> No.3909961


>> No.3909983

and now where can i buy this

>> No.3910008
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0.001 (3300 AST = 3.3 ETH)

It's already up on EtherDelta and will be available to trade on Airswap's exchange.

>> No.3910017

It will unlock at 10:10:10 EST October 17th. The first place will always be on EtherDelta.


>> No.3910081

so its already up?

>> No.3910107

coins are always up on ED before they're even tradeable. you can go set a buy order on ED right now but you'd have to wait until tomorrow for someone to sell you some.

>> No.3910152

Does Airswap support BTC or is it just Eth tokens?

>> No.3910237


It's listed on ED, you can get buy orders ready now. The AST token unlocks tomorrow at 10:10am EST.


I'm sure they'll support BTC transactions on their exchange, but it will just be ETH on ED as always.

>> No.3910404

Some of my Leverj red flags:

>minimum ico contribution
>bought views for YouTube videos (some have 400 000 views with only 20 likes/dislikes)
>comments disabled on YouTube videos
>pajeets everywhere, including CEO

>> No.3910431


The name AIRSWAP is literally mocking everyone who jumps on board as you're literally swapping cash for air. Don't fall for it.

>> No.3910440

Interesting about the bought views, I didn't notice that. Thanks.

>> No.3910446
File: 79 KB, 736x905, semendemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let's not forget 0x went 10x and Kyber went 7x WITHOUT working products. Airswap is ready for use.

>> No.3910448

Tbf airswap is a simpler, slower and leas liquid option.

>> No.3910478

And Kyber is releasing a beta on Q1

>> No.3910502
File: 90 KB, 600x769, semendemoness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh cool. It'll be interesting to see how Kyber does 3 months from now after Airswap has already gone 10x and is the #1 DEX.

>> No.3910531

Which exchange will it hit tomorrow?

>> No.3910537

Airswap doesn't make sense for a lot of people. This will probably be used by darkpools and other large traders but it doesn't really make sense for many other people.

>> No.3910651

etherdelta :^)

>> No.3910655

It has massive industry adoption and partnerships wym??

>> No.3910659

my gf always spits :(

>> No.3910749

Always trust the anime chan...will scoop up more on ED as soon as it hits.

>> No.3910902

Picolo Research has ONLY given THREE solid BUYS so far. Guess which ones....?

> 0x
> ChainLink

> Airswap

Do you see the goddamn pattern? I rest my case

>> No.3910922

>le tongue pic

Why did whores start using this facial expression all the time to take pictures? Before it was the duckface in myspace, now we have this. The "cum on my face stranger" look. The "i'm practicing my moneyshot technique" face. Is this a symbol of how depraved our society has become, like yoga pants becoming something you wear in public?

>> No.3910935
File: 452 KB, 500x617, 1507244470955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon you bought Airswap right? Of course you can walk me home!

>> No.3910974

anyone that thinks sluts are ever going to be dropping coin names is fucking retarded

>> No.3911077

>Buy AirSwap tomorrow
>Stay broke forever

Choose one and choose wisely. It's crazy how some people want to be poor. You're being handed a 5x coin on a silver platter and some will still try and talk shit lol. AirSwap is early retirement plant.

>> No.3911146

Picolo Research only gave THREE solid BUYS so far, out of hundreds of ICOs.

Guess which fucking ones?

> 0x
> ChainLink
> AirSwap

It's a fucking moon mission, alright.

>> No.3911345

Do you know the link to the airswap exhcange? I don't want to be on etherdelta

>> No.3911718

There can never be enough "cum on my face" pics. I especially love when you can see down their throat and have a good downblouse view.

>> No.3911733

yes, go buy leverj with their pajeet team

>> No.3911736

gonna enjoy seeing airswap flop after seeing this thread, lol

>> No.3911764

lmao. airswap is one of the few tokens that actually have media coverage. google "airswap bloomberg/cnbc" fuck your fud, you can buy at 2x at least