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File: 82 KB, 661x385, that bounce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3908989 No.3908989 [Reply] [Original]

Price is being heavily manipulated by Binance insiders.

Further dumps to be expected until official announcement is made.

You've been warned.

>> No.3909001

You're not getting my LINK

>> No.3909056

you are not gettink my link you fucking 6 meter kuk nice try

>> No.3909157

Check the spreads for yourselves. Without a doubt, it's going below 5k shortly

>> No.3909164

The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.3909278
File: 13 KB, 224x216, mcfucking kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3909305

It's actually being manipulated downwards with sell walls you fuck head.

>> No.3909336


>> No.3909344

I've been watching the order book like a hawk these past few weeks, and OVERWHELMINGLY the fake pressure has been downward.
That's why the price has been going sideways despite the high volume.
LINK is a pressure cooker itching to explode.
Wait until it hits more exchanges, and watch it fly.

>> No.3909377

Large numbers of btc in the group, 300+ members , pnd discord group, pump this week
Join today

>> No.3909411


>> No.3909498

what does "check the spread" mean, at least in terms of how would I read it and infer its going to 5k? You mean between the highs and lows? Or what? Hoping to learn a bit here.

>> No.3909530

He's talking out of his arse

>> No.3909630

Dumping again

>> No.3909660

We already saw today how big the FOMO is. There was barely a piece of news and suddenly the buy orders were flowing like idiots not able controlling themselves. The FOMO was just too strong. Now wait what happens when the brakes are are gone and the whales decide to let the price increase or if Link gets added to a non chink exchange.

You can bet your asses that even all of the hardcore fudding idiots are FOMOing in so hard we see 250% in 12h.

Today the whales were just testing the water and assessing how much energy the ignition needs in preparation of the real pump. Just behold.

>> No.3909672
File: 24 KB, 268x180, support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it definitely shouldn't be this low. Although the bulk of these comparatively low support levels are being manipulated too. That 20 minute collapse without a proper bounce doesn't instil much confidence in the current price.

>> No.3909698

If they bring in standards chainlink is totally fucked. Their shtick is a 3rd party product that acts as a middleman. Reducing complexity and introducing standards for both the blockchain side and banking side means you can do your own smart contracts.

The internet boom is directly relatable here. Do you want Adobe Dreamweaver (ChainLink) to create your site or do you want one based on W3C standards that will be light weight and perfectly tailored to your company?

>> No.3909761

I don't know any web designer that doesn't just use Dreamweaver

>> No.3909792

something something something 2 stoner kids

>> No.3909832


Nice pasta you have running from two other threads.

>> No.3909835

this, i FUCKING HATE THOSE CHINKS on binance

>> No.3909858
File: 40 KB, 312x606, Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 6.20.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fully agree with OP, bought in for .41 earlier today, and just sold at .41 because I'm tired of Binance shenanigans. Feel like the Binance Link market is totally rigged. Pic is the 24 hour volume for ETH/(blank). Link is on top. And they're essentially the only exchange selling it.

Link is being manipulated and making the Binance chinks a lot of money. And really, why wouldn't they manipulate the Link market? There are absolutely no checks on that kind of behavior when one exchange -- in China no less -- controls the price of a hot token.

>> No.3909894

Hey, this isn't the afghan deal...

>> No.3909921

So just hold. We will be on a serious exchange by the end of the month for sure with this volume.

>> No.3910067
File: 71 KB, 1180x647, rhino-horn_2014_09_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not going to own something with a phony price that pinballs around so a bunch of chinks can buy rhino horn by the tonnage. It's making me go absolutely crazy. Will buy back in as soon as another legitimate exchange is announced.

>> No.3910100

>Wait until it hits more exchanges


>> No.3910123

>There was barely a piece of news


>> No.3910184

You are retarded man, it's a phony price but you would agree that the price is low. It's literally a phony low price, why wait until it gets announced for a new exchange and goes to $1 when you can buy it now for 40 cents?

Just buy it, move it to mew, and forget about it until a new exchange is announced.

>> No.3910289


You think organizations with trillions in assets are just going to announce partnerships overnight? It was a huge deal LINK was able to present to them. Now it's just the waiting game if anything comes of it.

>> No.3910300


The fake pressure is downward and Link has been losing a lot of value as of late, at least in part because Binance decided to play mahjong with the price. It seems just as likely to fall further than appreciate. I will buy it at their artificially low price as soon as I hear even a rumor about a new exchange.

>> No.3910409

nice conspiracy theory, the fact is CL has a fucking insane richlist, 1000 people have 100k + coins. its not the gooks its the retards youve all been shilling to thinking theyre day traders.

>> No.3910521

What about Macromedia Dreamweaver?

>> No.3910743

I don't know why people call it "fake" pressure. It's just ICO buyers dumping for 4x profits; most coins that had ICOs take a long time to moon because there are so many people still selling.

>> No.3910894


I can confirm, I have just over 100k and am not selling before 3.50

You subhuman daytraders make it hard though

>> No.3910971

Dude, I have no idea what I posted.