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3906326 No.3906326 [Reply] [Original]

What was your biggest mistake in crypto trading?

>> No.3906331

Starting too late

>> No.3906342


Being reserved.

>> No.3906370

buying XRP before their "conference"

>> No.3906374

Sold 600 neo at 19, bagheld BAT.

I actually don't have any victories besides buying LTC at 28 but I sold all those

>> No.3906377

Buying Minereum because of the super low supply.

I still have hope.

>> No.3906400
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Making ELIX shill memes

>> No.3906410

Knowing about Bitcoin from the beginning and never even having one whole Bitcoin.

>> No.3906421

lost money in a pump and dump scam

>> No.3906425


>> No.3906429

Not investing in ethereum when it was $4.

>> No.3906430

i guess buying omg at ath

>> No.3906434
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>> No.3906483

Each and every coin I held for the long term (3+ months) have cost me hugely in BTC. From older coins like XRP, GNT, NEM, UBIQ or STRAT, to newer coins like BAT, ADX or PAY, one thing that never changes is holding shitcoins loses you BTC.

>> No.3906490

Buying sia at ath

>> No.3906502

Put almost all my ETH into POSW back in April.

>> No.3906504

sold 100 ans for bcc, wouldve 5xed without this move

Now working the difference off and

>> No.3906505

listening to /biz/

>> No.3906509

Buying monaco the day before 'visa'

>> No.3906512
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>> No.3906519

Didn't buy bitcoins in 2009 even though my internet friends were really into it, saying "if this ever takes off, the government will just ban it and I'll lose all my money."

>> No.3906520

Bought BAT and OMG at ATH.
To be fair those were the first trades I ever made.

>> No.3906543

Digibytes, Litecoin, Obsidian, STORJ, Lumens

Walton, Loopring, Chainlink

>> No.3906550

I bought verge at the ATH. Its down over 50% and wraith protocol didn't do shit for it. Im bag holding until the end of time.

Also I bought whatever the coin was that bittrex delisted and lost 30% on that.

I was in WTC at 2 dollars though.

>> No.3906557
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Invested $1,500 in January.
XRP got me to $9,000.
Cashed out $6,000.
Invested $2,000 until I managed to get it to $67,000.
Cashed out $2,000.
Lost 99% of my profits chasing 100k and now I am left with $140 in my trading account.
Met a beatiful girl thinking I should focus on relationships rather than money and her because I was needy and desperate for some comfort as I was loosing money and then finding out things bout her drove me mad and I lost all my money because of being in the wrong mind state... at the same time.
a month later got into a car accident.
I have often felt like giving up.
Feel very lousy and depressed. Cannot sleep and have constant dreams of these events.

>> No.3906578

knowing about bitcoin in 2013, someone told me they were 600$ - 800$ a pop and since it attached to silk road and i couldn't get a concrete number or place to buy them (besides silk road), i said fuck it. i'm not mad i missed out on it though because getting 1 btc eth was a real pain in the ass back in those days

>> No.3906586

I held RISE and Waves for a year...keep holding.

>> No.3906589

didn't hodl ANS
didn't buy gas when it was low

>> No.3906598

Fuck man. If you are not larping, heavy.
Still, if you made that money once, you can make it back, just be more careful this time.

Also fuck women, they ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

>> No.3906602

I bought BTC on coinbase on 2013. It waan't that hard.

>> No.3906645

The cure for your feelings is time. It will pass and you'll be alright. I'll pray for you.

>> No.3906666


i didn't know coinbase even existed
oh damn, now i am mad.

>> No.3906669


>Had 180 Dollars to spare
>WAnted to diversify my portfolio
>Invested 70 bucks in SALT nearly ATH
>80 bucks in Linkl
>20 bucks in Verge


>> No.3906696

>turning $65,000 into $140
This is really only possible if you're margin trading with extreme leverage

>> No.3906704

not buying in the china dip

>> No.3906705

time will pass, old wounds will heal. plus anon, you cant drive lambo's if your dead

>> No.3906716

Yup. Not quite from beginning for me but since mid 2011 and never getting involved - despite having lots of disposable income - until last month (and I no longer have much disposable income).

2011-2014 I could have put £1k+ into cryptos every month if I'd wanted to. Had less money 2014-2017 but still could have invested a decent amount monthly.

>> No.3906723

trading alts when btc and eth is better.

>> No.3906737



>> No.3906742

Did the factory data reset on my phone but forgot to turn off 2fa on bittrex first.
My first real pink wojak moment.

>> No.3906750

Buying ARK near the ATH in June and then selling it before the moon mission, resulting in me getting assraped by the china FUD.

>> No.3906754

Leaving coins on the exchange. 10 BTC on Mt. Goxx. Yeah, so...

>> No.3906759


You would have sold way before now. There is no way you would have held on for 8 years throughout all the dips.

>> No.3906768

Buying Link during the ICO when it's now trading below ICO prices.

>> No.3906780

I bought fucking Obsidian. Blackstone, the head developer is pretty egotistical and a retard. I bought ico, but could have invested in other better projects with a more competent team.

>> No.3906817


And this.
Jesus i remember back when i started studying a guy from my High School year.
I was studying enviromental engineering and he into buisness informatics.
Bitcoin was pretty niche and i asked him what he thinks about Bitcoin.
He said the hype was allready over i had the opportunity to farm my own bitcoins.
I calculated i would have made around 2-5 bitcoins per month with my gpu and thought to myself : This shit is cash
After he told my his opinion i thought this shiz isnt worth it.

I will never doubt anything i state ever again

>> No.3906830

Well said Anon, same with me, there was a lot of hype for BTS and look what happened
Hodling is a meme

>> No.3906933

I bought a million Bitbean at 20 sats and sold at 30. It went to 400+ welp.

>> No.3906972
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Buying LINK three days ago. What a mistake

>> No.3907000

If you can take $1500 and turn it into $67000 you can do it again.

>> No.3907045


not selling ETH above 0,11 ethbtc

and gettin free bch

>> No.3907999


You could kill a hooker? Should take your mind off things.

>> No.3908056
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Not hodling my 1000+ monero and 77 eth.

I would have smashed six figures, but I'm currently sitting on a lowly five figures.

>> No.3908191
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I was only a teenager then so I only feel sorta bad about it. I'm 22 now.
>Wow that Bitcoin thing seems cool, sketchy tho
>Back to playing flight simulator and trying to get girls
>inb4 heh kiddo

>> No.3908242

Did you pay your taxes though?

>> No.3908265


>> No.3908281

Buying STRAT at $10

>> No.3908284

Sending .25 btc to the wrong address

>> No.3908346
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I had an opportunity to buy a bunch of bitcoin back in 2013 (back when it was around $15) but it seemed a bit risky to put $1000 of my savings into some weird internet coin.

>> No.3908423

buying 250 dollars worth of lsd with bitcoin in 2011

>> No.3908460

Lurking on biz

>> No.3908623

Bought and spent 1000s of bitcoin when they were worth $5 each. Always spent them as soon as I bought them. When the price rose to $7-8 I spent them quicker because I thought the value was gonna go down and I was afraid to lose my couple hundred bucks. I had 200 at one time and everyday I calculate how much that is and how I could've been retired right now. But instead, I spend countless a day hours trading shitcoins for a .1 btc profit that would've costed me 50 cents back in the day.

>> No.3908645

Thanks buddy

>> No.3908718

You know if you find yourself outdone by failires of these people and feel inadequate about it, there are always options.

You can still win.


>> No.3908759


>> No.3908763


made 7x

was sure it was gonna go up again from 1 sat

no volume

i lost everything

i'm now poor

>> No.3908901


>> No.3909008

Probably not buying in 2011 when I had lots of money. Mt Gox kept closing/opening registration and trading and I just got spooked.

I bought probably 30+ bitcoin over the years but used them with various websites/faucets. So I made 2x-3x+ from operating faucets but if I just held I would have made much more.

Always replace or increase your btc holdings I guess.

>> No.3909034


>> No.3909058

Not buying more ANS

>> No.3909060

>almost sold ODN at ath but somehow didn't because retardation
>not trading related but lost 27 NEO while sending them to a BTC address

>> No.3909131

have 80% of my networth in btc right now. I know its a huge mistake to have all your eggs in one basket but fuck it #gamble

>> No.3909143

Selling 11 Bitcoins that I mined myself with a shitty card at 6 USD each and abandoning crypto completely afterwards.

>> No.3909171
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Pic related. Bought near ATH.

>> No.3909186


>> No.3909207

Selling most of my XMR at $50 for OMG. Two days later the price of xmr goes up to $120....

>> No.3909234
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Sold all my WTC at $1.80 like two days before the moon.

>> No.3909318

your mistake was selling a legitimate coin for a shitcoin, regardless of short term outcomes

>> No.3909381

bought eth at ico (60eur investment, could have had 60000now), sold last year @14$.....i know the pain......

>> No.3909471

Not buying BTC back in 2013, when I used to browse the deep web, Using a HYIP and getting raped, and trusting that Bitfinex wouldnt fuck me.

>> No.3909491


>> No.3909574

Not selling my NEO at $50

>> No.3909649

not buying btc at $10 because too lazy to finish account verification/wait 3 days or whatever the fuck

>> No.3909673
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>Start crypto trading a year and a half ago with 1 btc ($400)
>make some money shorting eth ($9)
> get rid of eth and blow my money on shitcoins and lose everything
>quit crypto until a few weeks ago and see that eth is $330 now

>> No.3909674
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Hey! I made that pic last night. Glad to see another tender!

>> No.3909689

hodling PAY

>> No.3909705


falling for the link meme

>> No.3909717

hindsight is useless tbqh, you cant alter the past, so why bother thinking about it

if i mooned, you regret not going al in, if it dumped, you regret ever buying into it

but my biggest mistake was panic selling my eth stash when it dipped in july, only to buy back in higher, lost around 50-60 ethers during this

basically sold at 130$, bought back in at 170$ and 230$

>> No.3909724

>Start trading crypto
>Turns out I suck at it
>Lose 0.4 BTC
>Fuck this shit.jpg
>Buy 0.5 BTC to make up losses
>put it in bitpetite.
>So far so good.

>> No.3909727

I deeply appreciate your effort, anon. If this is any consolation for your own bags, know that your shared pain and creative expression lifts a small portion of the LBC bags weight from my soul.

>> No.3909734
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>not getting in early enough (first heard about it when that guy bought 2 pizzas with 10k btc)
>not buying when it hit 1$
>not buying when it hit $100

>> No.3909749

>having less than 21 BTC

>> No.3909756

Falling to the HODL meme

>> No.3909807

It is a meme for the most part. Only hodl coins you believe in.

>> No.3909809

TNT, STX, CFI, selling OMG at $1.5

>> No.3909826
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>tfw you and I were in the same position, but I took 2k of my personal savings and dropped it into BTC..

Then held through the great 2014 crash despite losses. Then held through a 2 year bear market.

Almost gave up, almost tossed away 2 BTC chasing pussy, but it didn't work out.

>tfw I'm not even 30 yet and have over 100k in savings after starting with 3k of investment money when I was 18.

>tfw I want to join the 21 club.

>> No.3909853

Not buying REQ at ico

>> No.3909878

>lesson learnt?

>> No.3909884

Not buying more DGB at >100 sat

>> No.3909910
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Much as people here will give you shit, people like you are the reason BTC actually has and holds value.

If no one ever spent it, no one would ever want it. The fact that we can spend it is why it's valuable.

I think you for your sacrifice.

>> No.3910015

Going into alts, I went from 60 bitcoin to 44 by investing into all manner of shitcoins and altcoins. Some of them will undoubtedly pay off, I have a good feeling about bitdice for example, but I regret putting bitcoin into ethereum like a dog. Almost as much as I regret buying blockcat.

>> No.3910096

Made some errors during my first week and I was too attached to the coins I purchased, I did a good analysis of short term gains but I should have sold right there and I didn't.

>> No.3910160
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I only bought 1 at $55 but it was my first actually scamcoin where the dev literally just ran away with all the money so I was really pissed off; then he has the audacity to open additional scams that people are actually still buying into. If I even meet Daniel M. Harrison in the street, I think I'm going to lock him in a basement and make him wish he could ever feel anything but pain ever again.

There was that and this website called https://www.cryptosdice.com/ that was very highly rated on coinpayments that bitbean's website referred me to, which I really just fucking hate bitbean now for, that advertised itself as a dice game website that took many cryptos, so I deposited all my bitbean in there and doubled them and was fucking excited as all hell since it was my first time gambling but even if it may have been legit at one point, it doesn't let you fucking withdrawal anything anymore.

>> No.3910231

I've been through tens btc, never saw them as a realistic investment other than for buying drugs and now I'm looking at getting in when there 5k. A guy at work bought 50k worth and flipped them a month later for 70k+.

>> No.3910285

Biggest mistake was not finding this group earlier. Lots of helpful people.

>> No.3910335

Yep. Same.

>> No.3910360

fuck that scam and fuck biz

>> No.3910400

went all in on Stellar, Sold at a 10K loss a couple days ago... Had I of held I would have had over 100k...

>> No.3910427
