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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 350x350, chainwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3903037 No.3903037 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously... why could this coin NOT reach $100?

I mean, look at ETH, NEO etc.
Sure they're built on creating ICO's, but LINK is built on Oracles. Oracles are rewarded with LINK. In 5 years time, when airports are using Oracles for weather data, when insurance companies are using Oracles for speed readings, when police are using Oracles for forensic application, when cyber security applications are using Oracles for public key encryption, when applications are using Oracles for authentication, when cloud hosting providers are using Oracles for traffic analysis, when retail firms are using Oracles for validating their till balances, when audit firms are using Oracles for invoice validation, when manufacturing firms are using Oracles for product quality control, when freight companies are using Oracles for logistics handling, when GPS providers / Google Earth are using Oracles for positioning data, when global advertising conglomerates are using Oracles for audience demographics, when companies are using Oracles for directorship votes, when banking conglomerates are using Oracles for transaction assurance, when oil titans are using Oracles for contract assurance, when nation states are using Oracles for census data, when governments are using Oracles for voting polls, when armies are using Oracles for command and control verification, when the UN is using Oracles for voting for permanent 5 members, and when Oracles are using Oracles for veracity; does LINK at $100 sound reasonable? If not, does it sound more reasonable than LINK at $2?

What are your thoughts.

>> No.3903064

It will. Will take time

XLM might too. But XRP won't. Look at the market cap.

>> No.3903071

Lets say you collected 32millions$,

lets say you go on your website and click on team and there are only two teenagers in there CTO and CEO...

so they collected 32millions$ but cant hire talents to support the growth of the company and cant communicate about it. 32 FUKIN MILLIONS.

30% of the tokens are for them and their advisors.



>> No.3903079

>Seriously... why could this coin
It's not a coin

>> No.3903080

It's all vaporware, get out now.

>> No.3903089


>> No.3903097

>Seriously... why could this coin NOT reach $100?

Because there's 1 BILLION in circulation. Do some simple arithmetic.

>> No.3903107

a million dollar company that operates in one of the top emerging country on earth and on the number 1 crypto country on earth with products and existing customers and a team of talents and devs?

YEAH ill definitly put money in this rather than chainlink scam noob

>> No.3903110

>1 BILLION in circulation
We've been through this several times already, Pajeet.

>> No.3903116

Did you just missed what happend?

Link will never rech $0.60

>> No.3903118

Will I make it with 400

>> No.3903129


>> No.3903145

We are witnessing the Great Shakeout of non believers, 10,500 satoshis by eod

>> No.3903149
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>> No.3903152

10k by 2019

>> No.3903171

$50,000 per LINK by Q1 2018

it will absorb MasterCard and Visa's marketcaps

>> No.3903179
File: 25 KB, 1620x115, When will you FUCKING people stop talking about the FUCKING market cap you stupid fucking CUNTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of gold will never increase, just look at its market cap.

^^That's you. That's what you sound like.

>> No.3903182

sure. you wont even have a decent wallet by Q1 noob

>> No.3903196

> tfw you saw the enormous pump but couldn't cash out because the library wifi didnt work for my laptop
Guess I'll be holding these bags now

>> No.3903202

please explain to us why they needed to raise 32 MILLIONS$ and what they intent to do with it.

If you invested in this shitcoin and cant answer this question you a retard

>> No.3903210

Whale manipulation

>> No.3903215

This. It will shoot up to $5

>> No.3903224

>you wont even have a decent wallet by Q1 noob
These are the people that FUD LINK.

>> No.3903248

did you check your shitcoin roadmap? oh sorry you dont even have ONE LOOOOOOOL even shit obsidian has one

>> No.3903359

>what they intend to do with it
Hire developers, hire business development officers, hire marketing staff, outsource marketing services, buy an office space, pay for legal services, hire general managers to run the business whilst they focus on business development, add reputation value, pay for their time to do so and provide an amount of cash sufficient to keep a business alive for years to come

Does that answer your question?

>> No.3903386

>velopers, hire business development officers, hire marketing staff, outsource marketing services, buy an office space, pay for legal services, hire general managers to run the business whilst they focus on business development, add reputation value, pay for their time to do so and provide an amount of cash sufficient to keep a business alive for years to come
>Does that answer your question?
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ok so based on their inexistant whitepaper you bet that in ten years they will release something that might solve a problem and not dump all their coins to get short term profit?

Id rather go gamble color in a casino

>> No.3903441

Roadmaps are for incomplete projects.

>> No.3903487

>inexistent whitepaper

Stopped reading there. I've read every word of the whitepaper. Don't fucking invest, find the nearest doorknob and attempt to swallow it you fucking absolute walnut.

>> No.3903629

>their inexistant whitepaper
That meme is from a few months ago, friend. You have to stay up to date if you want to FUD.

>> No.3903705

>few months ago, friend. You have to stay up to d
go look at a real wallpaper and compare it to your 2page gay paper done in 2hours

>> No.3903827

who the fuck needs a dedicated wallet,jesus. you faggots need a specially tailored faggot suit for every one of your little faggot coins.
Just store it in metamask.

>> No.3903841

it's around 36 pages

>> No.3903932

peer reviewed boyo

>> No.3903977

how would they dump million of coins without crashing the market? do you even math bro

>> No.3904214

It's literally the best whitepaper I've read in this shitcoin market

>> No.3904342

They will ise the tech sithout oayingthe price
Why do you thinm any kf those scenarios would want to pay everytime they need "an oracle"

Let's do this:
If any of you can explain to me what the "oracle problem" is I'll buy 250k worth of link

>> No.3904363

To the whales keeping this down, I hope your children burn in a vicious fire.

>> No.3904367
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>> No.3904378

They are not doing it intentionally. They are just dumb and following emotions like most plebs here.

>> No.3904419



holy shit, people still talk about that shitcoin? how's the road down to $6 treating you? By year end you'll have a lower marketcap than walton lmao

>> No.3904560
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>What is parity?

>> No.3904586
File: 84 KB, 385x580, LINKLINK.:)).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally got one of my primary concerns about LINK tokens cleared up.
>What makes smartcontract.com not just make an independent oracle API and tokens for another blockchain if etherum should lose its position as the market leader? So we would be left bagholding worthless ERC20 LINK tokens while smartcontract.com still flourishes with the same concept and tech on a new platform.
Pic related for answer, the Oracles will be able to communicate with other blockchains, who will be forced to swap into LINK tokens for the data.

>> No.3904675
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Yes they are, and I sincerely hope nothing but pain and misery to their families.

Can't catch a fucking break ever with these parasites. Fuck them and their children. All the news is positive and they still hold it back.

>> No.3904699

Why are they holding it back tho?

>> No.3904714

buy back in at a cheaper price probably

>> No.3904717


They post on here sometimes and laugh at us. They're vermin.

>> No.3904781
File: 82 KB, 917x720, smartcontract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conference is starting now folks

>> No.3904825

Time zones. It's been over for several hours.

>> No.3904828
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Do you enjoy trying to push 45 cents and seeing it go back down and go back up and go back down?

Thanks for your money.

>> No.3904836

oh shit

>> No.3904872

Keep building that negative karma asshole. You're going to get burned eventually.

>> No.3904913

What negative karma? This is a zero sum game, any gains you make will be off the back of some poor sod.

>> No.3904936

Depends when they got in. You are just holding back a moon for no fucking reason. Let it fly you piece of shit. We all stand to gain.

>> No.3904984
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I'll give you one reason, it would allow me to retire and it's not gonna fucking happen since I'm cursed into wagecucking till I die
sorry I spoiled the Link potential for you guys

>> No.3904991

This, it also has the potential to fly higher than the shit 10 cent gains up and down

>> No.3905006

Seriously, ChainLink is bigger than everyone thinks, even still, even after SIBOS, the next big conference, you name it. Companies WANT to take advantage of smart contracts. They've been wanting this for years.
Freaking out because there's no news from Sergey is ridiculous. He's doing EXACTLY what he needs to be doing right now: putting his product in front of companies that are interested in utilizing smart contracts. The average crypto-investor (that's us, like it or not) is not his targeted audience, and honestly, hyping up a coin would probably look shady to the companies that he is interested in bringing on-board to the ChainLink network.
So don't expect a ton of news. Don't expect any hype from the team. But don't assume that's a bad thing, because in reality, it's going to help the long-term growth of ChainLink.

>> No.3905030

It makes me tons of money until someone tries to buy out what I am playing with, then I still have a massive stack and everyone wins.

Until then feeding on weak hands and having people buy at ATH is more profitable

>> No.3905093

Higher range means more interest from other whales, which means the volatility will increase over time. You are only holding yourself back from making more on a wider range at higher levels. You wont make much from these weak hands and tiny volume.

>> No.3905243

A success of LINK would also raise the value of ETH as only crypto to use to pay for contracts?
Could a success of LINK also make eth raise above BTC?

>> No.3905530

in the long term success of Link will boost the entire crypto market up. It's gonna cause the adoption that everyone is awaiting

>> No.3905692

That is reassuring. Then again it's coming from a PR

>> No.3906514
File: 11 KB, 415x354, images-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complexity, competition and adoption The code is simple as fuck, a team of 5 of google's less experienced programmers could learn blockchain and develop a better chainlink for less than 1% of link's marketcap. It's why the skele said it was overvalued in the first place, the idea is indeed great but the code is retardedly simple.

>There's no guarantee, before or after sibos, that ChainLink will be the best, cheapest option when the time does come for oracles to be useful

Fucking deluded linkies

>> No.3906544

because its fucking garbage lol just look at how hard it tanked after your "conference", went from 9k to 6k yet people are happy about a dead cat bounce back to 7k, linkies are so sad holy shit i shed a tear for you sad fags

>> No.3906590

Why would anyone actually use Chainlink if it was so expensive?

>> No.3906595

I have 70 link, will I make it fellow goyim ?

>> No.3906606

because it won't be when you're paying node operators fractions of a LINK token fool

>> No.3906619

Finally somebody sane here. Also wtf do you believe big companies will actually buy your shitcoins for 100x instead of making their own? Are you unironically retarded, linklets?

>> No.3906621

>The price of gold will never increase

The price of gold isn't increasing despite the supply side tapering.

>> No.3906623

Because 18 decimals.

>> No.3906642

What the fuck is happening is it going to 0 or moon

>> No.3906656
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>> No.3906687

Still no news on the presentation today? They need to hire a secretary or something. Must have gotten enough money for that from the ICO.

>> No.3906692

Is it more likely people will be actually able to hold LINK for another 2 years, or will they dump it for the next flavor of the month?

>> No.3906693
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>> No.3906700
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My God you are retarded

>> No.3906714

NAH much closer to the moon few BIGGER Whales accumulate and we head for the alpha centauri 2-10$

>> No.3906732

>wtf do you believe big companies will actually buy your shitcoins for 100x instead of making their own?
would you answer this please?

>> No.3906735

Do NEO next.

>> No.3906769
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Not for now

>> No.3906802

Do you even know what the purpose of an oracle is?

>> No.3906806

18 decimal places, and also if they were to create their own decentralized oracle network they would still have to pay fees, thats how decentralized networks are incentivized. I swear most of you faggots on this board just got into crypto this summer

>> No.3906837

compare the use of DGB and Link mate

>> No.3906864

your gonna need at least 5k to kinda of make it . but it's okay i only have a hundred shares so i know your pain

>> No.3906897

I know. I'm jelly with all the people who have 20k :/

>> No.3907117

ETH will be pushed hard by its Dapp, it's a pendulum, right now it's dragged down but once you will begin to see the applications then the flippening willl happen.

>> No.3907129
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they think Sergey has spent the last 3-4 years without figuring out the most basic principles,
lmao at those retards thinking they jut outsmarted everyone

>> No.3907148

so in short, us newbies who got into crypto trading not too long (a week) ago , have about a couple years to catch on to the whales before BTC is 9 - 10k, Eth is 2 - 3k, LTC is 500 - 1k, and is LINK is double what LTC is now.

am i in the ballpark with those guestimations?

>> No.3907650

Yeah, but they can avoid buying it from you and create the private blockchain network within banks. And this is what they basically will do.

>> No.3908218
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The absolute state of this board

>> No.3908282
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>LTC is 500 - 1k

>> No.3908311

Do you actually believe banks won't be able to set up oracles for themselves?

>> No.3908329

*by themselves

>> No.3908344

They wont be buying LINK off node operators though will they? And if they have a private blockchain between banks, so what? In order for it to receive external data, they would need an oracle, which is why they want to use chain link. Jesus Christ. Read the fucking whitepaper

>> No.3908375

They are doing exactly this, but bankers aren't techies, so they are getting techies to do it for them, aka Sergey + Steve

>> No.3908573

Okay, now, before you shout MUH ORACLE one more time, think about this:

The Oracles send data from sources. These external sources are -often- institutions, such as SWIFT and Standard and Poors. There are other less-institutionalized examples of oracles, but I would expect that on a volume basis, the majority of the use of oracles are transmitting data from within financial institutions.

This isn't a situation like OMG where your fundamental customers are everyday people. This is a situation where the oracles are sending data from within an entity. Now, the transmission of the data and the execution of the transmission should be decentralized, great.

But why wouldn't a consortium of banks or financial reporting agencies simply decide to create their own oracle network rather than involve some kid?

These institutions are already facing looming obsolescence.

Why would they outsource the very reporting of the only thing that makes them relevant - some quasi-trust factor to deliver accurate financial information.

There's no reason these institutions wouldn't create an Oracle-Ripple and use it to maintain some relevance in the blockchain era.

The idea that some kid with some code is going to come in and throw a toll booth that 4channers own on top of SWIFT communication protocols is the greatest example of delusion I have seen on this board yet.

(enjoy your bags)

>> No.3908703

>muh they could just make their own oracle
>muh supercomputes on each city

>> No.3908719

the issue is the manipulation from having it just on Edelta and on Binnace. Just wait motherfuckers. Once more exchanges are adopted, this. shit. is. mooning. hard. its literally the only thing holding it back right now

>> No.3908725

what are patents?

>> No.3908758

>But why wouldn't a consortium of banks or financial reporting agencies simply decide to create their own oracle network rather than involve some kid?

“Hey guys lets spend a bunch of time and money developing a cost savings solution that has already been developed”

Yeah that’ll go over well

>> No.3908783

>there's an enormous value add of totally decentralizing the execution of data that comes from a centralized source anyway, so let's let some random kid render our communications obsolete instead of creating our own inter-institutional network a la Ripple where it's quasi centralized in some murky way but people largely don't care because they're relying on us for data anyway
Do you even think about the mechanics of things you invest in

>> No.3908809

>hey guys let's buy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of this coin to perform the communications that is a central part of our business
>instead of hiring 10 coders, making something new, and giving ourselves 50% of the coins

>> No.3908859

>Do you even think about the mechanics of things you invest in
Yes, I have read the whitepaper twice.
>so let's let some random kid render our communications obsolete
Fake news, the reason they like ChainLink is because they don't have to upgrade any of their systems because ChainLink is compatible with them.
>instead of creating our own inter-institutional network a la Ripple
Which would make their systems obsolete.
Now, kindly kill yourself

>> No.3908888

Right, these major institutions cant create a network that runs on their own fucking protocols.........

>but Sergey can!


>> No.3908935

you can't seem to see that a public blockchain is better than a private one

they cant just create something like Ethereum quicker than Ethereum can spawn something to render them obsolete

>> No.3908958

also if they tried to make something like chainlink, they would get sued quite easily, you utter fucking moron

>> No.3909007

When you're dealing with an oligopolized market like oracle based data reporting, you're sort of forced to care what the oligopoly thinks about it.

Public blockchains are great for services akin to utilities (OMG).

Private blockchains will have to work for quasi-privatized services.

I'm not making an argument about suitability or efficiency. It's a real world fact. This service won't be given away by entrenched parties.

>> No.3909032

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.3909033

Yes Chainlink are the only 2 guys who can code an oracle so this is going to be HUUUGE. No, 50 other orgs are not currently coding oracles too, No, Microsoft have not made their own oracles called cryptlets that are superior. You are right, 2 guys with an oracle token will take over the world and make you rich. oh TIL oracles can be opensource and free to use with no transaction fees or tokens required, but you're going to be rich.

>> No.3909052

Ethereum, Hyperledger both can be used privately

what are you trying to say though

>> No.3909088

>He doesn't even know what patents are

>> No.3909109

They don't have any

>> No.3909179

I'm literally a fucking attorney.

Tell me how intellectual property litigation works. How much differentiation do you need

>> No.3909189
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stop please i just want to be rich ahhh. This coin has to moon /biz/ promised me lambos and moon rides, surely it will break 47 cents even though it struggled to for the past 2 weeks and sibos was supposed to be the big event.

>> No.3909193


>> No.3909209

You're literally a fucking LARPer

>> No.3909212

As someone who's worked for a major financial institution you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. It takes months, if not years, for a new in-house project proposal to even begin moving.

>> No.3909304

>guys anyone can make a bitcoin

>> No.3909417


>Why would it this when uhh it could be that, or like.. not be that.. like there's more than just that so that means that this one won't uhh be that

holy shit just stop this fud is fucking embarrassing at this point, you aren't getting in any lower, fuck off

>> No.3909567

How have these digits not been checked ?! The absolute new state of this board.

>> No.3909583

>Post a comment literally saying nothing
>calls other people FUDers

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3909605

I'm making fun of the fuders literally saying nothing. Just mentioning that other oracles exist is not a fucking argument

>> No.3909628

>But why wouldn't a consortium of banks or financial reporting agencies simply decide to create their own oracle network rather than involve some kid?

How will the banks interacting with this network ever know that the data validated on that oracle network is pure? The entire point of bringing in a third party is to keep people from fudging data and fucking each other over.

>> No.3909629
File: 153 KB, 900x450, SuuW2w6gNQZWKLqypzgfDd1H1tcNe7wlfL0CHr-s-xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons... banks would rather pay millions for support for deprecated ass XP, then upgrade their damn ATMs to something pajeet-proof...

you greatly overestimate bank mgmt

Link to the fn moon