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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1219x717, the-pirate-bay-sue-kanye-west-pablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3901352 No.3901352 [Reply] [Original]

>Link wasnt fake news all this time
>Its actually gonna have a bilion dollar marketcap
>All those stupid NEETs are gonna have ridiculous amounts of money

>> No.3901370
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Never doubted LINK.


>> No.3901374

Can you imagine if literally half of biz became filthy rich because of link.
This board would become insane with that amount of cash behind it

>> No.3901391

do you even check blockfolio threads
most of those losers don't even have link or below 10k

>> No.3901399

Link will crash and burn. Digits confirm

>> No.3901413
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>> No.3901422


>> No.3901430

A billion? Imagine where it is gonna be once China gets on board and LINK is on Chinese and Korean exchanges.

Your 6 o clock news will be filled with stories of fat stupid fucks driving cars they have no business driving or owning wrapping around light poles and dying.

>> No.3901434

42K Link here
>Am Biz

>> No.3901436

link is only listed in like 3 exchanges, theyre getting dumped on and they dont even know it

also look at all the moons the link hodlers missed but meh keep on focusing on link

>> No.3901441


I, for one, am looking forward to the day I can get anons to stick sharpies in their poopers.

>> No.3901447

My digits will unconfirm yours

>> No.3901448
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aw yiisssss

>> No.3901465

hard cope nigga

>> No.3901488


Now is not the time to FUD, nolinker

>> No.3901489

Close but no cigar. Link will crash and burn. Digits still confirm

>> No.3901493

I didn't get where I am by gambling on shitcoins that luckily mooned.
Also most of then go down soon after like ODN or ELIX last week.
Buy an undervalued asset, hold, and sell when you think the marketcap is close to what it should.
That's how you make safe and good money and don't lose it on some gambling.

Every second I held Link I could have got a x35 on ethroulette instead.

>> No.3901495

Too late to get in link?

>> No.3901506
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i need $10 to make it

>> No.3901517

You have bad digits. Chainlink will survive with 5.

>> No.3901542
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>> No.3901549

it's never too late under a dollar

>> No.3901554

my 100k linkbro, we'll get there in a year.

>> No.3901576

>they think Link won't crash and burn
>mfw altcoin HODLers get btfo again

>> No.3901603

neets that own lambos they cant drive due to not having a licence let alone driving a car before, gold plated n64s, rooms full of katanas, hookers and blow everywhere that they have no idea what to do with, giant mining rigs that rival chinese setups

honestly this is world id rather live in. rich neets are going to be my favourite meme of the century

>> No.3901615

>tfw I will be able to fund my dream computer game

>> No.3901625
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>> No.3901630


>> No.3901633


>> No.3901641

>they all have their own toilet


>> No.3901647

Most of /biz/ had probably sold because of the fudding at this point lmao

>> No.3901649

enjoy the exit pump =)

>> No.3901652

just woke my portfolio is up 30% boys i never doubted chainlink for a minute

>> No.3901670


Not anymore.

>> No.3901691

i should go to bed, to get up in time for work tomorrow, but i'm gonna crack open a few cold ones, enjoy the memes and probably will skip work.

>> No.3901718

What kind of retard is selling this right now? Holy shit how dumb can you be.

>> No.3901759

calm down, more exchanges are coming soon. way too much manipulation if it's on binance only.

>> No.3901775

A whale.

>> No.3901776

enjoy wagecucking anon

>> No.3901777
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its ogre

>> No.3901782

I bought 10k link at 9250, am I fucked? Looking to hold for a week or 2, will it recover?

>> No.3901789

Link is over, remember buy the rumor sell the news!!!

>> No.3901804

This isn't the kind of news you want to sell.

>> No.3901806

Lots of people are, giving the fluctuations. More and more good news come and yet people dumped from 9400 to 8000 all over again. Just to FOMO in again. They all think they can flip the shit out of it. They will just cry like babies tomorrow.

>> No.3901810
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fucking kek

>> No.3901815

>am I fucked
Why don't you click that 1d button, and have a look at those tops. Please?

>> No.3901839

bitch if you don't hold 50k link don't even reply to my posts!

>> No.3901856

nah, anything under 10k sats is peanuts.

>> No.3901878


>> No.3901971

am i retarded or is 50k link $20,000? where did everyone get all this money from

>> No.3901972

same fucking here man. i will cry tears of joy if link becomes even a third of BTCs worth

>> No.3901980

We're not all pajeets here anon

>> No.3902005

aw shucks, so is it worth putting my chump change into link?

>> No.3902038


Yes. I mean even if you only have $100 you are still gonna make some money off of it.

>> No.3902153

It is kind of cute to see all those weak paper hands throwing the towel before the pump has even really started. "No, I better sell at 8000 sats". LOL

This stupidity is beyond comparison when they cannot even comprehend the possible dimension of this opportunity. In 2 years they will link to these threads and post pink wojacks because they dumped their shit too early. Too stupid to anticipate what it means to have major banks on board. This is like selling Bitcoin at <10$ and Ethereum at <0.10$ only to invest in some shit/memecoins.

The fomo will be gigantic.

>> No.3902156

its not hard to accumulate $20k+ here relatively quick. I started beginning of August with $3k that I was prepared to lose and treat this as a learning experience. I'm upto $44k now after having some luck and learned so much since I started. Being more careful now (was making risky trades early that fortunately worked out for me). I'm about 60% in on LINK at the moment.

>> No.3902190

Im not selling until link has a market cap of 15billion

>> No.3902212

This is what I'm doing. I'm 40€ in on LINK, which won't return me much, but the stuff it does return me will go into the next moon mission. This moon mission isn't to retire me, it's to enable me to go in big time on the next moon missions.

>> No.3902251

This. Just made 1k on XLM today. Perfect timing to accumulate more LINK.

>> No.3902256

Think about how stupid you are for doubting it. All of the signs were there if you did your research, but instead you sat on 4chan.org/biz/ and denied the truth that was right there in front of your eyes.

>> No.3902286

people don't actually sell here because of FUD do they? i almost never sell unless I know I bought near ATH (which I make a point of almost never doing unless it's on a moon mission) and usually just hold everything throughout minor ups and downs. Been doing it that way for 1+ year and never really lost much on any coins

>> No.3902288


This is a good mindset to have, I've been trying to tell my brother this all week, he's a poorfag still in uni and I told him to put $100-$200 on it since it's literally free money.

Yet he blew it off saying these small investments are barely worth it and he couldn't be bothered to make an account and go through all the hassle. His loss.

Invest small to make gains so you can later invest big.

>> No.3902312

$100 into BTC in 2012 would have been totally useless.

That was my mindset when I was his age. Now I have to work and I take any opportunity to escape wageslavery.

>> No.3902314

is it too late to go all in

>> No.3902333

No. It's the perfect time. It's dipping because the conference is happening.

>> No.3902352

Coinbase is taking 72hr to transfer my eth

What coins should I buy then bros? LINK or XLM

>> No.3902356

Just wait for all the guys who are still creating their binance accounts and transfering BTC to it, so they can buy.

>> No.3902357

That's what I did with WTC. $400 in when it was $0.60, made more than 10x that and now I have around $4500 to play with, looking for the next big moon mission to drop it all into.

>> No.3902371

Literally me right now

Wait for me boys

>> No.3902388
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>red-faced selfie proof pictures looking like pic related

>> No.3902396

nice anon

>> No.3902408

LOL 85k

>> No.3902475
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.3902491


>> No.3902503

I could only afford 1k link :( but i'm holding long.

>> No.3902537

go into a coma for 3 years. Wake up richest man everyone you know knows.

>> No.3902616

what app is this?

>> No.3902628


>> No.3902673


>> No.3902704

How do I buy LINK. I just made a Coinbase account but I'm new to /biz/ so I'm like a sheep businessman trying to not get devoured over here.

>> No.3902709

yeah man i started with 500 bought neo at like $6, sold around $43 since then i havent really hit another decent moon though

>> No.3902755

just do your research, don't mindlessly follow what people tell you, they don't have your best interests in mind. I did my own research, found a couple prospective altcoins that were really cheap, and threw my full $3k into them. I had some luck, my research paid off, and within a few days my $3k was $8k just like that. I did that again with 2 more altcoins, one kind of stagnated, the other went up about 2.5x and I sold, now my $8k was around ~$12.5k, on and on. Couple weeks ago I put $5k into ELIX when it was 1000 sat and I sold around 6500 sat for 6.5x on my $5k upto ~$32k, that was my big one so far.

You just do shit like that, have a little luck, do your homework and up it goes. Of course for everyone who has some luck, someone else has to have no luck - I could have just as easily gotten demolished by putting $5k into something and having it drop by 50% in value before I cut my losses. Some big gambles at times.

>> No.3902764

buy eth or bitcoin. go to binance, and buy it

>> No.3902773

Coinbase only offers BTC, ETH, and litecoin.

You need to go on Binance to buy chainlink.

>> No.3902780

You can start with $100.

>> No.3902808

Shit. Now I have a lousy empty ghost account. Well I do appreciate the help though anons.

>> No.3902921

bought in at 8400
sold at 7100

>> No.3902923

Indeed Binance Trust this site mate

>> No.3902974


>> No.3903013

buy high sell low

>> No.3903017

This board would lose more money than anyone in history if that happened.

>> No.3903028

Great job.

>> No.3903035

This really makes me want nuclear war
You are so stupid

>> No.3903047
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that my friends is how you loose 2 grand in 1 hour

i thought 8400 was the end of the "correction"

i was wrong

>> No.3903059

"Hi wolves, I am new sheep pls don eat"

>> No.3903065



>> No.3903077


A billion market cap will only mean it will be $1.

>> No.3903111
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Who else ready to quit wagecucking?

>> No.3903117

You only lose if you instantly sell at a loss. Don't buy something like this if you're not prepared to hold it for some weeks. You can never predict the bottom accurately, but you can predict it to go up at a certain point.

>> No.3903121

Hey, it can work.

>> No.3903126

I've accepted defeat on this one as well time to hodl

>> No.3903131

No nigger, it's 'circulating supply x price', so it will be a bit less that $3

>> No.3903139

oh look, lots of buy pressure out of nowhere after i sold


also, what's the best way to kill myself? jumping from building or electrocution

>> No.3903150


>> No.3903158

You only lose when you sell. CLICK ON THE 1D BUTTON YOU FUDDING FUCK.

>> No.3903159
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Fucking first grade math, shitcunt, do you know it?

0.43$ is 0.15b market. Now you can try to guess again how much the price is when it is 1b market cap.

>> No.3903169

fuck you and your dubs

>> No.3903181

what part of 0.40c floor do you niggers not understand

>> No.3903200
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ready to be NEET innawoods with my lambo collection

>> No.3903206

So anon, what did you learn about whale games today?

>> No.3903212

Want to buy chain link so i made an account on bittrex but the can't verify me? Why am i forced to do an enhanced verification which is very invasive?

>> No.3903221

it has been below 40 cents many times

i just lost two bets back to back
1. That 8400 was the bottom
2. That it would keep going down from 7100

Nothing. I can't tell if people are "selling the news" or just fucking with me.

>> No.3903239

Chain link doesn't hace many whales.

>> No.3903244

Daytraders really are smarter.

>> No.3903253

They need to thoroughly check your IQ

>> No.3903267

how many shares of link does it take to quit wagecucking?

>> No.3903273

Yeah it's my fault for trying to daytrade i guess. I'm not practiced at it. I'm okay at macro-level shit, but these heavily manipulated micro games... I'm out of my depth.

>> No.3903291


Use binance

No need to use shady bittrex

>> No.3903330

I bought at 7100 and sold at ATH at 9400 sats. feels amazing

>> No.3903347

is there any way to get better at day trading like you senpai, other than practice?

do i need to study meme lines or something?

>> No.3903366
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What can i expect with my mere 13k Link

>> No.3903392

Is binance trustworthy?

>> No.3903405

honestly man, I bought LINK at .15, sold at .42
then went back in at .39, it dipped to around .35, I held for about 1.5 weeks, followed the news like a hawk, and literally stared at the charts during today's pump. And executed my sell when the charts were going at their peak.

So to get better, I would say you really gotta just pay attention to EVERYTHING. Social Media chatter, tweets from traders, news from outlets like coindesk.com, and finally the charts.

>> No.3903407

It is chinks but yes.

>> No.3903416

It's chinese, but as far as I know yes. It has a 2 BTC daily withdrawal limit without giving them your passport photo.

>> No.3903428

I also rode the XLM rocket today because I'm a euro fag, so I was getting up for work when the IBM news broke, and jumped in on Buttrex.

I had two moon missions in one day and made thousands of dollarydoos worth of BTC today.

we are all going to make it buddy

>> No.3903532

are there any tips or guides on how to be a well versed day trader. i'm so tired of this wagecuck lifestyle

>> No.3903572



>> No.3903578

sell high buy low
understand that your probably not gonna sell at the top and bottom and capitalize on any kind of gains

>> No.3903673

Look at that 14 btc wall

this shit is going to go back down

>> No.3903715

Don't FOMO just cos you see a moon mission shilled. DYOR. Some blatant PnDs are worth riding so long as you get in fairly early and don't get so greedy you stay in until the dump happens. Channel a certain amount of your profits into safe holding coins like BTC and ETH and leave them there so you've always got that to fall back in if you do happen to get sucked into a disastrous PnD and are left with big losses/bags.

>> No.3903731

>Total Supply
>1,000,000,000 LINK


>> No.3903760

this this this

I want to have passive income and make major gains from crypto. Then ride off into the sunset for life.

>> No.3903770

Hello again! I see you still have no idea what you're talking about!

>> No.3903784

I bet you hold ripple

>> No.3903823

This. I've "learned from" that mistake too many times and I still get tempted pretty often.

>> No.3903897
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use Etherdelta

>> No.3903925
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>> No.3903926

holding 1100 link bought for 9280

idk how to feel?

>> No.3903953


>> No.3903976


>> No.3904051

if you're a long term hodler you should be fine in the long run. you might have to hold those bags for a while though

>> No.3904109

How do I even into coin exchange?

>> No.3904292
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>Lambos with lifted suspension and off-road monster tires


>> No.3904344


>> No.3904404

Who else is holding till their arms have held for so long that they no longer exist because im dead here

>> No.3904418

As an 8400 linklet I am so excited for my fellow linkies to get lambos

>> No.3904508

"Again, the kingdom of lambo is like unto LINK tokens hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field."

>> No.3904616

Whats stopping someone from buying 1 LINK for 1 BTC?

>> No.3904630

Common sense

>> No.3904690

but if you're mega rich why would common sense even matter?

>> No.3904768

You've never been to etherdelta

>> No.3904988

>just a week or two

>> No.3905471

>see dip when it was at ~8500 sat, see price is dropping
>place at 8100
>change idea but too lazy to get up and turn pc on again, reassure myself is not going to go that low
>wake up with price at 7900 and falling and order fulfilled
And that's how I became a deluded linkie.
I seriously hope you guys are right

>> No.3905489

because you want to stay megarich and not finish under a bridge after one too many stupid decisions

>> No.3905630

but it's just 1 BTC
to a rich man that's nothing

>> No.3905701

What was the news at SIBOS? This is slowly going up and I still haven't bought and missed the initial moon and LINK has been floating between .40-.45 for 2-3 weeks now.. Still don't know what I should do..

>> No.3905804

where do you find new coins to invest in?
do you just hang out on exchanges?

>> No.3906952

Designed whales board